Whats the changes to stability?

Whats the changes to stability?

in WvW

Posted by: erKo.9586


Hey. Yes I notice with my guardian that there is some changes to the stability but i havent figure out WHAT is the change? less time stability on the spells or what is it? im flying around like a balloon in fights and i dont like it.

[WvW] Thanks Anet for listening to your players during 2016.
Far Shiverpeaks – EU – Since release.

Whats the changes to stability?

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


They effectively killed stability a few months back. Most players now completely opt out of stability for stun breaker skills.

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Whats the changes to stability?

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Stability was changed so that it gives stacks now, and everytime you get cc’ed you lose a stack. Unfortunately the “geniuses” didn’t bother to do anything about balancing the insane amount of cc’s in this game, just nerfed stability, buffed condi damage, buffed all damage actually. And gave birth to the current pirate ship meta gg anet, going the lazy route everytime.

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Whats the changes to stability?

in WvW

Posted by: erKo.9586


So I use stand your ground and F3 for stability, instead of before they would give like 6-9 sec stability it gives me 2 stacks that some guy with CC can just remove? wtf whats the point with stability then?

[WvW] Thanks Anet for listening to your players during 2016.
Far Shiverpeaks – EU – Since release.

Whats the changes to stability?

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


Explains it better than I can: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability

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Whats the changes to stability?

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

So I use stand your ground and F3 for stability, instead of before they would give like 6-9 sec stability it gives me 2 stacks that some guy with CC can just remove? wtf whats the point with stability then?

Yep, in big fights its almost useless because it gets stripped almost instantly. For skills that give stability, there is a number by the stability icon, that shows you how much stacks the skill gives you.

In all honesty they screwed up badly because they decided to make balance changes around pvp 5v5 gamemode and that has been their method for awhile now, so wvw always gets screwed over no matter what. If they actually had put any thought into balancing cc’s vs stability, the change wouldnt have been so bad, but heck asking anet to balance something, your better off winning the lottery.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Whats the changes to stability?

in WvW

Posted by: Dano.5298


So I use stand your ground and F3 for stability, instead of before they would give like 6-9 sec stability it gives me 2 stacks that some guy with CC can just remove? wtf whats the point with stability then?

Hey this guy gets it! C’mon old stab or stab buffs! We just gotta believe.

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Whats the changes to stability?

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


They need to revert the changes to stability. That or increase the duration of which they last for plus maybe add a few stacks in there considering it’s WvW where you’re up against MORE than just 5 players cough pvp-catered cough.

I’m just really sick of jumping into the fray with my lowly and only source of stability on my guardian “Stand Your Ground” and it’s instantly gone. We need more sources of it and a longer duration at that, too.

Whats the changes to stability?

in WvW

Posted by: Peterson.8345


would like to see stab reverted to the old way with no stacks in WvW ONLY… leave it the way it is (stacks) for PvP and PvE…

it would not change much, only making melee classes a bit more viable… and with incoming changes to boon corruption for necro, I’d say we’ll much more boon corruption, which will decimate stability even further, as now it would be easier to strip it (on top of obvious way to get rid of it = CC spam)…

honestly though, I was thinking about it for a while now and I don’t see how it can do any harm… maybe stance war would be hard to CC but you don’t see many of those around anyways… and if he wanted to go for Defense trait line, he would have to sacrifice other trait lines, so I think that works out… and same applies for other classes…

and this change would actually make traits like Foot in the Grave (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Foot_in_the_Grave) or Rock Solid (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rock_Solid) at least a bit more powerful, since right now they are completely useless…

ideas folks?

Whats the changes to stability?

in WvW

Posted by: Peterson.8345


just wanted to add that I am aware of the fact that this would change the way ppl fight in, for example, smaller scale combat (roaming etc) … it would be much more difficult to CC ppl, but I think its ok, mostly due to the fact that there are still random CCs around (most notably in the new map) which can kitten you up…

it would most likely lead to a bit different playstyle/meta than in pvp, but what the heck, wvw and pvp are different anyways, at least we will have diversity…

Whats the changes to stability?

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


It was changed because the old Stability was a cast and forget type of boon. You could not CC someone until the Stability ran out or it was removed (which not many classes can do) which made it similar to Diamond Skin in it’s current state. Once up, there’s nothing you can do but wait it out.

I think the Stability change was a good one but unfortunately it’s very bad for large scale. Small scale, great, zerg v zerg, terrible. There are so many ways to apply CC in this game that I think there should have been some kind of diminishing return on how quickly you can remove a Stability stack instead of just being able to peel through the entire stack in a second.

Don’t get me wrong, I hate the pirate ship meta as much as everyone else, I just think that for smaller scale, the Stability change was a good choice. It just gets way out of hand in large scale because you’d need like 40 stacks to be able to frontline for more than 10seconds.

And while we’re on the subject of CC – I absolutely hate ANet’s obsession with it. There are so many skills, and so many mobs that CC, it just seems like a cheap way to make the game “difficult.” You can’t possibly dodge the amount of CC certain mobs can apply so I fail to see how it requires some kind of skill to avoid it. Either you take it and get destroyed or you burn dodges and stability and for a short frame of time go totally offensive before going back to getting chain-CC’d. Example: Ogre veterans that you need to kill to capture a generator in certain parts of EOTM. They CC with every single attack. Or the Mushroom Kings in Maguuma. They can pull, knockdown, knockback, launch and cripple… That’s ONE enemy.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
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Whats the changes to stability?

in WvW

Posted by: Peterson.8345


yeah, would be more than happy to see internal cd on stab stack removal… right now its way too easy to burn through one’s stab stacks by just spamming CC…

people tend to forget that there are other means of stopping enemy group => conditions, aoe damage etc… buffing stability would not do any harm in wvw right now, would perhaps make people think a bit more when placing aoes and use immobilizes and chills and stuff

people complained about mindless hammer trains but now its just mindless (preferably ranged) CC spam…