Whats the hardest part of wvsw? (for you)
Knowing that no matter how easy the fix is, the Dev’s will find a way to over complicate it and completely drop the ball leaving us with some kind of abomination that nobody had asked for.
Finding someone that’s actually worth fighting while roaming. The whole point of roaming for me is to find other roamers, and have a fun duel with them. Or jump on groups of disorganized zerglings and slaughter them solo. There’s plenty of zergling still to kill, but way less roamers now. 99% of people are condi, and I don’t count condi players as true roamers. Regardless of whether i can kill them or not, its not fun fighting that crap. The majority of them are terrible players and are carried by dire gear that lets them just facetank my full burst and random dodge and keyboard turn, while i have to play perfectly to kill them because they effortlessly do insane damage from passive procs.
I’m one of those people who will run from fights, but only if i engage then find out my opponent is condi scum. Not wasting my time on something I dont find enjoyable to fight. So perhaps some of you people that dislike runners should stop playing cheese builds if you want people to stay and fight you? No one enjoys fighting condi mesmers and we’re under no obligation to stay and fight your carry build and satisfy your ego.
Being a scout/defender of a tower or keep for 1-1/2 years, being told to get into teamspeak to inform comm about enemy movements, numbers, and location….and then finding out your muted and NOT allowed to share this information because your not part of the comm’s guild. For 1-1/2 years.
I laughed when No White Swords Wintersday showed up. Forced those same guilds to mandate time’s/hours/locations of their own player base to do the job I used to do. And they still can’t do it right.
Watching the new so called “scouts” give ANY information about enemy movement/numbers/locations…if at all, until it’s far to late.
Best quote scene from WvW in teamspeak.
“That was a T3 TOWER, why wasn’t I told there was enemy there!” ~ JQ Unnamed Comm in teamspeak.
“We had someone in the tower who posted in chat the enemy forces and how many and % of the gate….” ~ Comm’s guildy in teamspeak.
“Why he not speak up in TS!” ~ Comm in teamspeak.
“BECAUSE YOU HAVE ME ON MUTE IN TEAMSPEAK YOU DUMB (Very nasty language on my part)!” ~ My response in map chat.
I was always good at shutting down conversation in Teamspeak in any type of forum. And that shut everyone up for about 10 minutes.
It’s no good to have a SCOUT in teamspeak, if you do not give PERMISSIONS for that individual to speak. It does you no good to have your Guildies be able to talk in teamspeak, and those members of WvW guilds only be able to speak…if those same guilds and members are NOT the scouts in your towers or keeps. A lot of your best scouts are not in your main WvW guilds or in your guild specifically.
So if you have a scout…change the PERMISSIONS in order for them to actually be able to SPEAK UP to give you the info.
You knuckle dragging…..
Battles of 10 vs 50.
Chef Seattle (1854)
Getting to the next set of bags before it’s too late.
Maguuma – Predatory Instinct [HUNT]
Everything since HoT.
I’m tempted to say putting up with the “join teamspeak” spam/judgment, but really the hardest part for me is the quality of my internet connection that turns every enemy into a mesmer.
Definding towers and keeps that are easy to take advantage of bugs.
Defending a structure alone
Nothing as long as i adapt my gameplay to the situation, and my attitude to the present players.
For me the real difficulty in an MMO is when you need strong Resilience capacity in case of a defeat…Something you finaly don’t really need in Gw2.
I’m also playing an other MMO called Eve on line. If you want a high level of challenge, difficulty and big adrenaline discharges play it. To give you an idea When you are killed you lose all your equipment which can be partially looted…
To be honnest I play Gw2 to relax: to lose a fight has limited consequences….
In Eve you can lose lots of your assets at a personnal level or big sources of wealth at a guild level when you lose the control of a territory and/or a war…In that kind of game resilience is mandatory and not always easy to organise at a collective level.
(edited by Anvil.9230)
Roaming stinks, same boring insert xyz builds. Zero diversity and 99% of players run. I think I’d say these are the core issues:
*Condi damage buff, 10 condi’s applied per sec if you weld a staff or any other weapon.
*Hit like mac trucks and have 50000000 toughness with resistance for 3 hours if you hit player, leap across the map from keep to keep in 2.3 seconds for bonus damage.
*+500% boon duration with chance on critical to increase power by 200 with superspeed and burning damage duration increase 55% when skill is clicked.
*Aoe torment inflicted if you look in players general direction for 10 seconds, condi damage is increased if you play human female who is skinny.
Class issues:
*If warrior played, take no damage for eternity, berserker mode granted if moving.
*Rev, while clicking 1 skill increase critical chance by 300% if on wvw map. EOTM will result in a 5% decrease.
*Mesmer, condition damage is increased while playing.
*Guard, lay traps every 3 seconds if taller than 5 ft. If ausran, a passive trait is granted that increases cuteness.
*Thief, evade is granted when walking/standing/afking.
*Ranger, passive trait allows rooting on bow string contact, When firing arrows gain “titanium armor piercing” damage.
*Engi, stealth is granted permanently upon achieving level 2.
*Ele, while wielding a staff, cause internal combustion of any arrow carts within a 2 mile radius. (Meteor shower optional)
That about covers it.
Roaming stinks, same boring insert xyz builds. Zero diversity and 99% of players run. I think I’d say these are the core issues:
*Condi damage buff, 10 condi’s applied per sec if you weld a staff or any other weapon.
*Hit like mac trucks and have 50000000 toughness with resistance for 3 hours if you hit player, leap across the map from keep to keep in 2.3 seconds for bonus damage.
*+500% boon duration with chance on critical to increase power by 200 with superspeed and burning damage duration increase 55% when skill is clicked.
*Aoe torment inflicted if you look in players general direction for 10 seconds, condi damage is increased if you play human female who is skinny.Class issues:
*If warrior played, take no damage for eternity, berserker mode granted if moving.
*Rev, while clicking 1 skill increase critical chance by 300% if on wvw map. EOTM will result in a 5% decrease.
*Mesmer, condition damage is increased while playing.
*Guard, lay traps every 3 seconds if taller than 5 ft. If ausran, a passive trait is granted that increases cuteness.
*Thief, evade is granted when walking/standing/afking.
*Ranger, passive trait allows rooting on bow string contact, When firing arrows gain “titanium armor piercing” damage.
*Engi, stealth is granted permanently upon achieving level 2.
*Ele, while wielding a staff, cause internal combustion of any arrow carts within a 2 mile radius. (Meteor shower optional)*Necro…………?……..?…………..
That about covers it.
Necro, for 10sec on entering combat, when you attack target hit everything else on screen too. Die when well & mark rotation is complete.
Watching the devs do the absolute opposite of what we need while pandering utterly to PvE