Whats this new build?

Whats this new build?

in WvW

Posted by: Kreaven.3172


And with no warning… least that I saw.

Commander Ravana Mace[CERN] – 80 Ranger
~Tarnished Coast since the beginning

Whats this new build?

in WvW

Posted by: muhconstitution.4052


Seriously, can the updates start being applied at noon or 10 AM EST on US servers?

How many of these threads need to be made before Anet changes it?

Whats this new build?

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Seriously, can the updates start being applied at noon or 10 AM EST on US servers?

How many of these threads need to be made before Anet changes it?

Why so it can only interrupt the European primetime?

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Whats this new build?

in WvW

Posted by: Kreaven.3172


Seriously, can the updates start being applied at noon or 10 AM EST on US servers?

How many of these threads need to be made before Anet changes it?

Why so it can only interrupt the European primetime?

actually they should be updated a different times. When ever the respective down times are, is when the update should occur. Now there are things as emergency maintenance, which I understand. But you gotta admit, these random updates are really annoying.

Commander Ravana Mace[CERN] – 80 Ranger
~Tarnished Coast since the beginning

Whats this new build?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


You lost out on 2 mins of wvw. Get over it.

Whats this new build?

in WvW

Posted by: Guild Wars Fan.3249

Guild Wars Fan.3249

surely ANet has stats that tell them when the lowest active population is and can use that to make better decisions about when to schedule updates? Perhaps they already do

There is always going to be someone inconvenienced by any outage. I don’t really care if its me…as long as its not 30minutes after wvw reset at wvw peak times!!!!

Whats this new build?

in WvW

Posted by: muhconstitution.4052


Seriously, can the updates start being applied at noon or 10 AM EST on US servers?

How many of these threads need to be made before Anet changes it?

Why so it can only interrupt the European primetime?

You should try reading my post, specifically the last three words of my first question.


Whats this new build?

in WvW

Posted by: HtFde.3856


You lost out on 2 mins of wvw. Get over it.

You’re not fully aware of the consequences, I gather …

(a) Usually after those resets you’ll find a lot of placed siege weapons gone … how would you like it to have 2 – 5 gold removed from your account after an update?

(b) All keep defense is gone and (hopefully) a few siege engines still live. So if the battle was for the two towers east and west of the ruins (in borderlands) the attacking force can be MUCH faster at the gates than the defenders – allowing the attackers to use what siege engines remained to bash in the doors and to slaughter the incoming defenders when they try to get back into their keeps.

Only two minutes you say …

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

Whats this new build?

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Yea a few weeks ago they did a new build an hour into the server reset. We lost 5 golems that night as well as trebs. Then 2 days later they did another new build and we lost another 3 golems. to lose 8 golems all because of new builds is insane. Lets not forget all the seige we had in keeps/towers etc etc. They really need to give ppl a heads up. A 30sec. warning is not good enough

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Whats this new build?

in WvW

Posted by: Syn.3459


You lost out on 2 mins of wvw. Get over it.

You’re not fully aware of the consequences, I gather …

(a) Usually after those resets you’ll find a lot of placed siege weapons gone … how would you like it to have 2 – 5 gold removed from your account after an update?

2-5 gold? unless you placed at least 8 trebs or anything of the sort then you’re losing 2 gold but you think you’re losing 5, how on earth did you come up with that sum of money anyway? if you were talking about EVERYONE then it may come up to 5g but even that sum is pushing it unless you’re in prime time and the maps full