Whats up with siege being available on TP

Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: murdergore.8139


You can now get siege cheaper on TP then in WVW siege master there are servers now with full armies of gollums. It makes wvw unplayable at best especially of you are on a lower tier server. Why in the heck did ANET think that is a good idea!!! I played WVW everyday no anet has totally sucked the fun of that unless you are in the top tiers your towers and keeps will be forever farmed. You can’t keep anything upgraded .Next it will be the zergs of gollums vs gollums is the way to go? Are purposely driving people away from WVW, Get a clue fix it. That is all

Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


Canno keep anything upgraded = easiser to take woth less people. On low tiers we lack people so this is actually good.

And because on low tiers aren’t as much people as on high ones. We dont get so many loot bags=not so many BoH=buy siege with gold.
Now it is just cheaper.

So I invite this change.

Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: Paavotar.3971


Before one could buy siege in TP I was fine if enemy dropped 4 omegas and 8 alphas on a keep and take it. I knew they had used a ton of gold to take the keep and something like that didn’t really happen too often because of the price tag on them.

But now, that golems go for 12s – 20s per one, it makes this meta a too common tactic. Now I keep seeing omega waves after omega waves on our Keeps. Destroying 8 omegas and 16 alphas is pretty regular evening now.

I liked it before when golems were more rare and keep sieges could take hours and hours. Now people seem to just throw golems on the keep so long that it falls or they get bored.

I don’t have anything against golems themselves, but I liked it more when they were not as common as rams and people actually planned golem rushes carefully, not just spam them.

Edit: One way to handle this could be that supply is not movable from border to border. This way you have to build the golems in the border with the supply from the border. Just so you can’t build golems near spawn with the supply of home border Garrison or Crossroads. This way it wouldn’t be as common tactic as defenders have a slight chance to spot the incoming rush and it would take far more time to set up multiple omegas and alphas.

A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

(edited by Paavotar.3971)

Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: Clockradio.3257


Edit: One way to handle this could be that supply is not movable from border to border. This way you have to build the golems in the border with the supply from the border. Just so you can’t build golems near spawn with the supply of home border Garrison or Crossroads. This way it wouldn’t be as common tactic as defenders have a slight chance to spot the incoming rush and it would take far more time to set up multiple omegas and alphas.

This would irritate pretty much every Oceanic/Sea wvw’er out there. Not to mention it would be extremely annoying to lose supply like that.

However, I’m not even going to disagree that it would stop most golem rushes. In that respect, it would be great.

Clockradio | [TSYM] | Sanctum of Rall

Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: Paavotar.3971


Edit: One way to handle this could be that supply is not movable from border to border. This way you have to build the golems in the border with the supply from the border. Just so you can’t build golems near spawn with the supply of home border Garrison or Crossroads. This way it wouldn’t be as common tactic as defenders have a slight chance to spot the incoming rush and it would take far more time to set up multiple omegas and alphas.

This would irritate pretty much every Oceanic/Sea wvw’er out there. Not to mention it would be extremely annoying to lose supply like that.

However, I’m not even going to disagree that it would stop most golem rushes. In that respect, it would be great.

Well one way could be that supply was border bound. That way if you had supplies when you left the border you would have them when you returned. This way you wouldn’t lose your supplies, if you just happened to go to another border for 10-15 minutes. This would be probally hard to implement, but it’s just an idea :P

And yea, I agree on the irritating part if it was to disappear for good.

A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


The massive surge in golem usage is due to all those badges we got in our achievement chests plus the golems being available on TP for a fraction of the cost. I’m seeing far too many Omega Golem rushes now and it’s really starting to make things boring. Golems need rebalancing to take into account how much easier they are to obtain after the last patch.


Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: Clockradio.3257


The only part about current golem rushes that is bad right now is that a group of 40-50 can flash build 6-7 alphas at the gate. If they’re building these golems at a keep or spawn and walking them to their target, you just need scouts, or better scouts. They move so slow its almost neglectful for at least one person to not see them and report them in map chat.

Clockradio | [TSYM] | Sanctum of Rall

Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


I say remove the golems and add 50% damage to rams.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: Paavotar.3971


Scouts and scouting is a lot more rare in lower tier where the golem rushes are actually a problem. Borders might have only 10 active defenders at some time, even close to Prime so a scout or two who are running south camps need to be lucky if they are to spot a golems being chain portaled straight to Hills gate, for example.

Also, they can have scouts as well scouting for scouts. You know, like countering the counter treb with treb

A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: Clockradio.3257


Scouts and scouting is a lot more rare in lower tier where the golem rushes are actually a problem. Borders might have only 10 active defenders at some time, even close to Prime so a scout or two who are running south camps need to be lucky if they are to spot a golems being chain portaled straight to Hills gate, for example.

Also, they can have scouts as well scouting for scouts. You know, like countering the counter treb with treb

Sorry, I should have clarified. I meant open field scouts, like roaming and actively looking for zergs, havoc squads, or anything that can flip a tower/keep. Thieves can do this wonderfully. However I do understand that it’s much more rare to have someone willing to do this in lower tiers.

Clockradio | [TSYM] | Sanctum of Rall

Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


I say remove the golems and add 50% damage to rams.

I say reduce golem damage by 50% and keep the low cost forever (for vendors as well).

Siege golems remain by far the most fun type of siege. Not because of their damage, but because its the only mobile siege in the game. Everything else is static and boring.

Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


If you don’t like golem rushes, restrict your opponents supply by making sure you retain camps/use the supply in them/degrade their defences so they use up supplies in keeps etc.

With siege being so cheap now one person can keep a camp permanently drained so when it is flipped the enemy gets 0 supply.

The problem is that a lot of people don’t consider camps a priority or even dolyaks and hence the enemy builds up huge piles of supplies- at which time golem rushes become possible.

Personally I love golem rushes as they add some fun to WvW- and that’s either defending against them or rolling with one, the tactics and different.

Of course it helps if you have some people willing to drop and build some defences too and some scouts and people willing to spend some time doing things that are boring instead of running with the nearest zerg or soloing others on their thief.

With the number of thiefs being played it’s amazing that any dolyaks are on a map ever- but then thiefs are mainly there to snipe people not prevent the enemy from receiving supplies…

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: Paavotar.3971


Don’t worry man, I do my fair share of border patrol, scouting and building defenses in keeps. The key problem here is that the price has dropped drastically so that it doesn’t really cost anything anymore and supply can be carried from another border where you can keep draining supplies as much as you want. And keeping eye on all the exits in border isn’t very practical either. You would basically need 6 guys actively watchin as golem can be builded in 10 seconds anyways.

I don’t see it very practical to keep flipping enemy border camps just so I can prevent them from doing golems or anything. And in home border I tend to keep my eyes and ears open. If I get a chance to arrive into a camp before enemy zerg I drain it with upgrade and place a supply trap to further cripple the potential of the zerg.

And in my tier, theres always that quiet moment when Keeps get their supply builded up / upgraded to full. So almost all the three sides have almost fully upgraded keeps in their border with full supplies before prime time.

Edit: Oh and I do like Golem tactics as well, they can bring a nice spice into siege, were you defending or attacking, but the constant stream of golems isn’t very fun to be honest.

A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I love that siege is now on the TP. I also love Golems!Turnover makes the game interesting….

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.