Whats with Gandara

Whats with Gandara

in WvW

Posted by: Slagheap.9350


Can hardly seem to muster a zerg at weekends or in primetime and the majority of the commanders are now so inexperienced they become a hindrance or a shepherd of walking lootbags. It wasn’t like this a month or two ago. Anyone any ideas?

Whats with Gandara

in WvW

Posted by: Notsoperky.4291


The defenders of the faith will tell you it’s because of holidays/taking a break/off week/you logged on at a quiet time/we guild and server are full and active/ insert excuse 400 here.

The experienced ones had enough. Maybe they will buy the expansion which replaces one map with a new one after 3 years, or maybe they will come back for a while to check it out.

Whats with Gandara

in WvW

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


I had to leave gandara due to lag, moved to an American server. A bud of mine there tells me people are just sorta bored right now so don’t log in, and after the whole debacle with the WvW golem event people were just super discouraged. He also mentioned that some of the higher up guilds are trying to bomb the server rankings so they can get more interesting fights on lower tier servers.

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Whats with Gandara

in WvW

Posted by: gitflap.9031


We’ve never been the best at defending…dolly escorts, sieging, scouting…all the unrewarding but necessary stuff that keeps home borderland and, to a lesser extent, EB scores ticking over. The golem week seems to have diluted our patchy defensive instincts even further. Seems to be guilds on our home border who’re only there for teh fights, harking back to the dark days of early 2014 when we dropped to last place in Silver league and got pumped by the likes of Fort Ranik.

We don’t have enough pug commanders therefore there is too much of a burden placed on those brave souls who do step up. And being a good guild comm does not always translate to being a good pug comm.

We never really got borderhopping. Proper borderhopping is invaluable when things get tough.

It feels like we’re tanking too, which, if true, would be very sad.

Having said that, I can barely bring myself to log in these days. I’ve done the whole kittening thing where it’s you at inner garri agaist 40 while everyone else is fighting in the open field right outside. And I’ve done, to death, the kittening thing where you siege up the north, get the upgrades, do the escorts, and no kitten comes to defend when it gets attacked. Not to mention the thing where you ask EB for help and get indifference or even abuse. But see when we try, even if there’s 8 omegas and 60 enemies, fail or prevail, to defend our garrison…these are the times that stick with me the most and make me want to come back again. Running around EB in a zerg can be fun for a while, but keeping rapacious kittens from getting their filthy paws on your Border is where WvW really shines. And this is the part ANet totaly neglected, nerfed and diluted with virtualy every new build. And kitten me…when it works, it’s still so much kitten fun. I just don’t have the patience these days to hang around IN CASE it’s fun.

Course, we might just be having a bad week. Look at SFR for kittensake. If so, I take it all back. Probably.

(edited by gitflap.9031)

Whats with Gandara

in WvW

Posted by: Yeti.6320


I dont understand why’s everyone still whining about the golem event after such a long time. Sheet’s been done, deal with it. Lifes not over. Discouraged because of a dumb event? Simply shows how much patience ur “good” players have.

Whats with Gandara

in WvW

Posted by: Sich.7103


I need 3 weeks before I come back from the golem event…. And even now I play less than before… This event was so big kitten, the way the dev just ignore us…. How they manage to make this event without patching all the bugs…. There is a real issue with how anet handle the wvw community, and this event was just the worse thing they can have done…

Whats with Gandara

in WvW

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


I dont understand why’s everyone still whining about the golem event after such a long time. Sheet’s been done, deal with it. Lifes not over. Discouraged because of a dumb event? Simply shows how much patience ur “good” players have.

Well the golem event was just the straw that broke the Camel’s back. You also have the fact WvW has been sort of stagnant and not received very many updates at all really. And while they are coming, they might come too late as people will probably already have left WvW. and most WvW fights nowadays are pretty boring because of the stability changes, creating the pirate ship meta we know today. And these are just thing s I’ve noticed and heard, I’m primarily a PvE player, so there is probably more.

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Whats with Gandara

in WvW

Posted by: Torolan.5816


We’ve never been the best at defending…dolly escorts, sieging, scouting…all the unrewarding but necessary stuff that keeps home borderland and, to a lesser extent, EB scores ticking over. The golem week seems to have diluted our patchy defensive instincts even further. Seems to be guilds on our home border who’re only there for teh fights, harking back to the dark days of early 2014 when we dropped to last place in Silver league and got pumped by the likes of Fort Ranik.

I would like to say that Miller is still lurking there and waiting for you, but you probably would not recognize the likes of Miller, Ranik Dzagonur, Arborfstone or RoF these days, we are alle mere shadows compared to the time Gandara was also in that region

Whats with Gandara

in WvW

Posted by: Joshhh.2076


Admittedly, people have been taking holidays, but that’s hardly the only cause of a number shortage. Maybe burnout, stagnation, lag has caused people to leave the game, maybe Gandara has plenty of fairweathers who refuse to play unless someone hands them their lootbags on a plate, maybe both, maybe neither. You’d have to ask the people who don’t play.

What I would say, OP, is don’t be so quick to criticise commanders. It’s a two-way street between commanders and players and, while some may be better than others, even the best commanders are reliant on the people who follow them, to actually follow, to listen, pay attention, drop skills when they should, and not do anything idiotic. Without that, a commander can’t do kitten. That applies to all servers, not just Gandara, but it’s something to consider for anyone who wonders why commanders may not want to tag up.

In the end though, WvW is a numbers game. If you don’t have numbers, your stuff gets capped. If your stuff always gets capped, fewer people try to defend, and fewer people log on. Then you have fewer numbers, and the cycle repeats.
