When League achivements come out

When League achivements come out

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Im just gonig to say this now, there will be a ton of QQ when the WvW achivements come out, remember the kite in the Eb jp? or the map completion req. for the wvw maps? imagine that QQ but on a much larger scale, ranging from anet “forcing” players to do wvw for their achivements to complaints about Quees and not being able to do achivements cuz people keep killing them.

The WvW forums will be a messy place for awhile

When League achivements come out

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Or they won’t care about them just like people who don’t pvp don’t care about pvp achievements. People complained about the stuff in the puzzle because it was part of a pve meta achievement, not because they wanted every achievement in game.

When League achivements come out

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

I think it’ll depend on where they categorize these Achievements. If they’re put under WvW, I doubt PvEers will care at all. But if they’re prominently displayed like the Living Story achievements and give a cosmetic reward that PvEers can use (like the kites), we could see droves of PvE players in WvW.

I will enjoy tasting their tears of QQ as their achievement completion compulsion force them to come into WvW only to be instantly killed by my OP stacks of Guard Leech.

Seriously though, it may be a good thing for lower tier servers — perhaps some PvE players will be converted to WvW players.

(edited by Lord Kuru.3685)