When are you going to lock server transfers?

When are you going to lock server transfers?

in WvW

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Everyone is taking advantage of the 24hr period to transfer to the winning side. What this does is reduce the number of players on the losing side and further stacking the winning side. At least put a longer lockout period specifically for WvW. This is quite ridiculous how many months will it take to introduce the paid transfers or make it specific for pve

When are you going to lock server transfers?

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


The 4th empire lives again!

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] Trf-guild.com – Now Recruiting.

When are you going to lock server transfers?

in WvW

Posted by: Nero.7964


Yes, this is a ridiculous situation that makes server rankings meaningless. If the population transfers weekittenhen the server ranking is invalid. This is why weekly battles are so unbalanced. If you lock server transfers then over several weeks the rankings will start to become more valid, battles will be more fair and more enjoyable.