When the WvW achievements come out

When the WvW achievements come out

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Imagine the QQ on the forums and the accusations that will be hurled at WvW and Arena net when the achievements for wvw are rolled out, you remember the QQ about the Kite in the EB JP of people complaining about getting killed in a pvp zone getting to that kite? imagine that in wvw but while trying to fulfill the achivements, it will be an absolute spam fest, imagine them trying to flip a keep then getting wiped constantly, my kitteh the QQ after that

When the WvW achievements come out

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Imagine the QQ on the forums and the accusations that will be hurled at WvW and Arena net when the achievements for wvw are rolled out, you remember the QQ about the Kite in the EB JP of people complaining about getting killed in a pvp zone getting to that kite? imagine that in wvw but while trying to fulfill the achivements, it will be an absolute spam fest, imagine them trying to flip a keep then getting wiped constantly, my kitteh the QQ after that

I’m guessing a lot depends on how these achievements will be classified. If they’re put under the WvW grouping (and with WvW rewards like finishers) it’s very possible PvE’ers won’t even bother with them.

However, if they put the achievements under a more general category, those achievement-addicted PvE’ers may come on in droves. Their tears shall be delicious.

When the WvW achievements come out

in WvW

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


If the wve achievements are in the living story tab and all the pve only people come out that will be a fun fun time for the rest of us.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!