Where is the WvWvW Reset?
ya, we have our entire maguuma server sitting here waiting….
Did Anet forget about this?
Maybe Patch gone wrong? We are sitting here too :/
RoF is waiting too
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
-.- maybe 14 day matches? would be great to know
If the reset dont comes in 10 min, i will sleep right in front of my PC…
[void] No Content
Gunnars Hold
they better speed things up, would be a shame if there would still be servers going up and down in ranking
The 1 guy in charge of the entire WvW part of the game is busy with his other duties.
He will squeeze in a few seconds to hit the reset later. Be patient.
A game that’s 100% WvW
Come on Anet wake up. We have hundreds of people on each server waiting to get in. please hit the button for the reset or tell us there is going to be a delay.
We enjoyed the enormous content update for WvW and now we want to go play thank you kindly
(edited by Ireniicus.2167)
Waiting in front of a portal is really exciting. This game is awsome!
omg pls at least an answer like – omg we freaked it up with the patch and reset is in about 20 hours would be nice
They can’t be asleep, its barely evening in the US
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Perhaps they’re pushing WvW reset back to coordinate it with the Lost Shores event… Who knows? xD
Blackgate | Knîghtmare [KnM] | Knights of the Temple [KnT] | Attuned [Att]
Well, I am stuck at work so now I get to be slightly less jealous.
Perhaps they’re pushing WvW reset back to coordinate it with the Lost Shores event… Who knows? xD
If they are they should tell us
What the hell is happening anet? If there is a delay please tell us.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
If there is a delay please tell us.
Yes. That.
Tarnished Coast
Come on anet…. Lets press that little green button!
I have flame rams to build in fields….
Foo Guild – www.fooguild.com
-.- come on at least a little notification
Thanks for the heads-up on the delay… I could have done another round of fractals
Meanwhile, in the depts of A-Nexon:
“Hold on… This fractal thing.. Gosh, it is so buggy, wait, we will get to you… hummmm now why is our gear treadmill misbehaving? WvW? Oh we will get to you in a moment. Humm now this should go over here? Guh!”
the reset is suppose to start around 5pm pst – its not even 5 you anxious groupies see ya on the battlefield. I think DH gets mag’s again <3
cmon ANEt YB and TC are waiting to join forces against FA to consummate our marriage
the reset is suppose to start around 5pm pst – its not even 5 you anxious groupies
see ya on the battlefield. I think DH gets mag’s again <3
no its 7 pm est or 4pm pst…read the notice at the top of the forum about world vs world rollover time
the reset is suppose to start around 5pm pst – its not even 5 you anxious groupies
see ya on the battlefield. I think DH gets mag’s again <3
They said here:
that it would adjust an hour for DST. Apparently, they were mistaken.
That which yields is not always weak.
Mag is the only server anxious to do WvW every week. PvE/events = yuck.
should have reset about 30min ago, it would be nice if they would let us know whats going on. A simple “hey we moved our WvW reset and hour ahead, back to its normal time” would have been sufficient
Bad news guys. WvW has gone to 2 week matches.
Bad news guys. WvW has gone to 2 week matches.
Liar !
Seriously anet we have no problems with delays if you tell us.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
and we had planned a word compitition for words built with flame rams
Anet doesn’t care about WvW anymore – they are just hoping we forget about it.
Oh yeah they forgot to tell us, it’s 2 week matches now. Have fun!
A game that’s 100% WvW
Someone is sitting in their office saying “I can’t help but feel like we forgot something…”
The disrespect with which ANet treats it’s customers with is astonishing…I anticipated this game, I played the hell out of it in beta, but since release, they have shown nothing but disdain for us. How in the world can they not be bothered to tell us the reset has been delayed, the time changed, or the rounds changed to 2 weeks? It’s disgusting.
sPvP Build – WvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube
How can I be expected to press alt f4 before deathblow if there are no deathblows to almost kill me!
Foo Guild – www.fooguild.com
i hope they reset it soon maybe there having problems with the new patch and lost shores.still not fair for all us Wv3 guys
ANet, we have 40 people waiting for server reset in our voice com. What is the deal?
Grawls Gone Wild (GGW)
Soo, any announcement from ANET about the reset?
A delay isn’ t the problem. Telling us absolutely nothing is a HUGE kittening problem.
i hope they reset it soon maybe there having problems with the new patch and lost shores.still not fair for all us Wv3 guys
sPvP Build – WvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube
Due to the Affordable Healthcare Act, Arenanet had to cut their WvW guy to 28 hours. He’s already gone home. Be back Monday.
A game that’s 100% WvW
Any info please?
yeah it seems like they forgot about all of us like come on anet give us somthing we are all rdy for reset and have alot of ppl waiting GODS has over 100 ppl waiting doing nothing… this is very unfair to us all
If you needed any more confirmation that WvW is far down the list of ArenaNet concerns, this is it.
This is a joke. Could you please give us an update, ArenaNet? Some of us enjoy the reset PvP a lot.
Any information from Arena Net would be appreciated….
anet seriously.. you stole more than 1hour of my life now!
is it so difficult to give us notification?
I would love to flame you so hard now. But then i gonna get banned
and i can not insult you anymore.
Shame on you, this is disgusting
I think WvW might be falling down Anet’s priority list.
Reminds me of something else that is falling?
52-wk Low
(That’s today! Today is a new low!)
Probably most played part of your game and not a single response in 1 hour complete joke. Get it reset already…
if carlsberg played Guardian.