Where is the fun in WvW or SPvP?

Where is the fun in WvW or SPvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Graveside.9253


This is a great game and has potential in many areas than most games I have played; however it has many many flaws.

We all know about the exploits/cheats/hacks or what nots; however I am talking about the fun.

In WvW now, more players are reaching 80 thus leading to more geared players and overall competition right…wrong. I have yet to reach lv 80 and am being steamed rolled in WvW at lv 46, but hey I don’t feel bad…I am hearing the same coming from lv 75 players being steamed rolled by gear 80’s now.
I was having fun in doing some minor rolls of supply protection and defending but now, it seems geared players are just getting three or four together and knowning what the lower lv players are having to do is basically doing that now to crush them. It takes twice as many if not more to basically zerg them down. Where will this be in a few more months I ask? If new players come in and say hey WvW at lv 11 fun times…they will soon learn not fun times…frustration time and back to pve which over time will get boring from it being the 2nd part of this game.
Also I know you can do the spvp but it is at lv 80, I want to have some fun with some the low lv stuff like lv 20, 40, or 60 pvp lvs…I mean that is some great pvping when players are on equal footing in gear an such and using tactics to win, not this zerg fest of one side being more outgeared than others.
I have already been seeing some sides bored out their kitten because the same players are just camping the puzzle zone area, why? Nothing better to do and they know mostly small solo players with go in there with the occassional small group…what better why to pvp.
In the end this game will do well with a player base, because it is F2P.

Where is the fun in WvW or SPvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


well you can do sPvP at any tmie if you really want an equal footing.

Personally I like WvW roaming, keep it interesting and always try and take on more than you can handle. everyone likes something different but my enjoyment comes from trying to take on 3v1 + encounters, win or lose thats where my enjoyment comes from. if you are undergeared, I’d higly recommend using some of your badges to purchase siege equipment, you’d be surprised how effective a well placed ballista or arrow cart can be.

being a mid level character if you see someone with a * indicating 80 and level completion i’d be finding tactics to take these people down, thats the challenge fighting someone beyond your statistical power and winning. (if not as I said get into sPvP)

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

Where is the fun in WvW or SPvP?

in WvW

Posted by: LaronX.8079


Atm everything is kind of balance around somehow working in sPvP every other mode got dumped in order to achieve this until all bugs are fixed.
The major reasons for this are A) that A-net really really want Gw2 to become an e-sports title. Gw1 was kind of a e-sports title but never became like tournament level for big Lan events. They want to change that because that brings money ( look at Riot and LoL)
B) The game probably still didn’t pay for itself. While over 2 mio sold copies are awesome it is about 110mio dollars. That sounds like a lot but the game has been in development for the last 8 years. Gw1 maybe paide some of the costs but surly not much. So they still look at a big pile of money they have to pay back.
C) NCsoft. They are a big publisher and want the game out. It does not bring them any kind of benefit to wait for A-nets when its done philosophy. They want a running game that brings money anything else is secondary for a publisher( of course no one would ever say that and both sides would rather use lame excesses why the game is bugged at its very base of its coding).
And lastly D) A-net smacked them self with the amount of bug that are still in the game. They lost costumers that won’t spent money on gems and they lost the trust of the players in matters of new content ( I won’t finish the story of any future update until I get form someone that it is bug free and my rewards at the end are not bugged as well). People don’t forget some stuff like that that fast.

The only thing that is in A-nets side is that the game is truly awesome and will reach legendary status once every bug is fixed and the game is balanced. But until then people will rage and QQ about the work the testing team didn’t do ( and don’t tell me they can’t check everything. The main story should always be checked. It is the core of the PvE game play. You don’t leave something like that unchecked and hope that it works).

I can’t tell you why things are like they are atm. But we can’t do much about it. A-net needs to deliver it they want GW2 to to better then SW:TOR. But they can’t give out any statement other then we are working on it because we players are pretty pick about promises. If a publisher tells use he is working on something we want it the very next patch or we get cranky.

I kind of lost the topic in-between , but the base line of what I wanted to say is: Lot of bugs atm in the game and A-net wants a Spvp focused game until everything is fixed the other stuff won’t get as much love.


Where is the fun in WvW or SPvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Even with my L26 I don’t do much damage in WvW, but I certainly do not get steamrolled unless I end up against a thief and my energy is down for dodge.

I’m usually having a blast in WvW even with a L26 character.

Where is the fun in WvW or SPvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Jamais vu.5284

Jamais vu.5284

That sounds like a lot but the game has been in development for the last 8 years.

8 years ago Guild Wars 1 wasn’t even in beta.