(edited by Sunspots.9861)
Which Guild is most powerful in WvW?
They just seem zergy to me, when EMP was fighting them and we had almost the same numbers with pugs we wiped them consistently.
You might wanna check the GvG versus EMP?
I doubt they’d be competitive on a euro server when they would be fighting guilds of equal strength.
You know we have spent a lot of time on Seafarer’s Rest which is apparently a EU server and we had no problems in competing there.
Actually…I have recorded several fights with AGG when you guys were on SoS still and being wiped by lesser numbers….(maybe not too less such as 20 vs 40) There are some fights of course when we did have about even, but if I was you I wouldn’t say you guys never had 30-40….you forget people still add in pugs/other guilds when they do the math and just stick it to the guild tag they see the most which was probably AGG.
Good fights though.
Yeah but thats completely different than what he was saying, im just not a fan of slandering a guild with the “that one time” story posts.
Though anything in this thread is obviously doomed to this. Due to ppl lumping in entire zergs to be 1 guild as you said, but also leaving out context and the fact that culling now makes it seem like there are less allies in a fight then might be.
It would be nice if everyone wasn’t out trying to show off their kittens… I mean, seriously, are you guys honestly arguing about who wiped who in an open field fight?
Riven – [KnT] GM – http://KnightGaming.enjin.com
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate
VOTF get my vote. Tsym would be right up there as well.
Red Guard demolished VOTF when they came over for a week to have some fun on NA servers. I have yet to see any guild nearly as coordinated as them with the same numbers..
Because winning gvg is all that matters right? Red guard are the best at what they do, but what they do is only small aspect of wvw. It’s the total package that counts. Don’t get me wrong I have nothing but respect for RG and I do consider them to be a great guild. Just not the greatest.
I agree with this. If we will talk about “best WvW guild” we need to evaluate so many aspects like how they fight, roam, attack, defend, siege placement, personal skills, etc.
In that case, it’s Strike Force. Having played against them and hating them when they were on SBI, to playing with them and loving them on JQ, I have to say SF wins hands down. I can tell you this, when they were on SBI, folks said “Crud, it’s SF. We’re screwed”. Now that they are on JQ it’s “Relax, SF inc. Problem solved”.
RG would be my vote if we were just evaluating combat prowess.
I’ve never faced HB in the clear, so I can’t evaluate them, but I’ve heard good things.
I’ve player Tsym for so long, I probably tend to overlook how good they are. Tsym is just an annoying fact of life on JQ. I bet if they went to another server, that server would get instantly much better, and you can’t say anything better than that.
VotF, when they are not sandbagging to farm badges, can do some really great things.
I guess the bottom line is there are A LOT of great guilds across all the servers. You could name about 20 and make a good case for them being most powerful.
Did you mean to really include PRX on your list?
(mayby slightly offtopic ramble )
I dunno what is this story that RG doesn’t cap stuff x).
We take in intrest in fighting with our characters, going deep into lions mouth, deep into enemy lines. What we rarely do tho is trebbing, setting up tens of siege weapons inside lord room to prepare for incomming fight. And open field siege thats a never.
This however doesn’t mean we’d never cap stuff :P because
going deep and finding the action 90% of time means pushing into keeps and towers. And half of the keep takes we do, would be impossible for average siege focused guilds. They just don’t have the pushing force to go through 6+ ACs, few ballistas, couple catapults, keep lord and same amount or more of players defending.
There is nothing much different, in actuality, in GvG and keep fights (unless it’s the skill lag type :P). Past 1.5 weeks we fully capped one or 2 zones everyday we played, sooner or later. My point is, “rg dont cap, they just open field fight” is abit wierd :P. Not like we wait south behind the windmill. Most of the times you have to cap stuff to get action in the first place, that’s how the game works.
For me personally few of the funniest moments are when you got 3 keeps in a zone and you constantly run between 3 of em defending, every outer wall down in garrison. Can’t have that without taking them first. And as a ranged nuker, personal favorite is RG wall bomb-TM, upclose and personal catapults :P.
Short on the topic:
Every RGs favorite guilds are ofc SiN and ZDs.
Things change so quickly when it comes to guilds. Its hard to rate alot of guilds in this game, because they will literally recruit anyone just to make up the numbers and I don’t particularly like this. There isn’t a guild I have faced that I have been completely impressed with in every encounter I have had with them. The only exception I can think of is ND from SOS server. When I see them I take things a little more cautiously. Even with those guys though I recall winning some 1v2 and 1v3s.
I miss Bunzy, but he left me qq All alone in T8…
Still haven’t found a decent enough replacement to kill zergs with.
Got any vids of EMP fighting SoR guilds?
I’ll Second about VcY…….its one of the best Sfr guilds and in general. I have fought many times along side with them and i can say for sure that they are pretty good(vs other namely top guilds).
A more entertaining thread would be who’s the weakest guild, you know the ones, can lose an entire homeland BL in less than an hour while others wait in Q
Can lose Bay or Cliffs by a failed defending/taking of a spawn tower with 50+ with 2:00 left on ppt timer.
A more entertaining thread would be who’s the weakest guild, you know the ones, can lose an entire homeland BL in less than an hour while others wait in Q
Can lose Bay or Cliffs by a failed defending/taking of a spawn tower with 50+ with 2:00 left on ppt timer.
That would get locked faster than you can say “ANet”
Something about attacking people and not constructive discussion, i think. :p
A more entertaining thread would be who’s the weakest guild, you know the ones, can lose an entire homeland BL in less than an hour while others wait in Q
Can lose Bay or Cliffs by a failed defending/taking of a spawn tower with 50+ with 2:00 left on ppt timer.
That would get locked faster than you can say “ANet”
Something about attacking people and not constructive discussion, i think. :p
Why would it be attacking? It could be constructive if people helped with pointers on not continuing down this same road for months on end
A more entertaining thread would be who’s the weakest guild, you know the ones, can lose an entire homeland BL in less than an hour while others wait in Q
Can lose Bay or Cliffs by a failed defending/taking of a spawn tower with 50+ with 2:00 left on ppt timer.
That would get locked faster than you can say “ANet”
Something about attacking people and not constructive discussion, i think. :pWhy would it be attacking? It could be constructive if people helped with pointers on not continuing down this same road for months on end
And you honestly think the WvW community is nice and cuddly enough to do it like this? :p
Besides, the members of said “worst” guilds will feel attacked regardless of constructive criticism, and throw a fit. And people will answer in kind…. Aaaand flamefest.
you know the ones, can lose an entire homeland BL in less than an hour while others wait in Q
Well, that would be our mainzerg :P
VOTF get my vote. Tsym would be right up there as well.
Red Guard demolished VOTF when they came over for a week to have some fun on NA servers. I have yet to see any guild nearly as coordinated as them with the same numbers..
Because winning gvg is all that matters right? Red guard are the best at what they do, but what they do is only small aspect of wvw. It’s the total package that counts. Don’t get me wrong I have nothing but respect for RG and I do consider them to be a great guild. Just not the greatest.
I agree with this. If we will talk about “best WvW guild” we need to evaluate so many aspects like how they fight, roam, attack, defend, siege placement, personal skills, etc.
In that case, it’s Strike Force. Having played against them and hating them when they were on SBI, to playing with them and loving them on JQ, I have to say SF wins hands down. I can tell you this, when they were on SBI, folks said “Crud, it’s SF. We’re screwed”. Now that they are on JQ it’s “Relax, SF inc. Problem solved”.
RG would be my vote if we were just evaluating combat prowess.
I’ve never faced HB in the clear, so I can’t evaluate them, but I’ve heard good things.
I’ve player Tsym for so long, I probably tend to overlook how good they are. Tsym is just an annoying fact of life on JQ. I bet if they went to another server, that server would get instantly much better, and you can’t say anything better than that.
VotF, when they are not sandbagging to farm badges, can do some really great things.
I guess the bottom line is there are A LOT of great guilds across all the servers. You could name about 20 and make a good case for them being most powerful.
d’awww! huggles for you! You forgot to mention our tasteful fashion sense and ability to coordinate a massive color scheme change on our armors without stopping our run between locations. Just last night we swapped from Jesus colors to a watermelon theme on a run from bay to garrison!
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
Everyone who nominated a guild so far is wrong. RG, IRON, MOS, and all the others, who are they? Best guild ever is forsaken gamers (FG). Throughout these forums you can find posts by Dalure pointing out their countless victories over all opponents while often being outnumbered 2 – 1. Its rare these days to find a guild brave enough to fight them in the open field. They are gods and we treat them as such. Hail to the kings, hail to FG.
Haha……always good to have people on your own server with humor;) i like that about Deso. I think all guilds wiped eachother a few times…some more then others…..FG still improving themself as a whole…learning from many good guilds out there (RG/KAZ/VOTF/OSC) the thing is adapt and dont be too stubborn to change where it is needed, but many know this allready….Just proud of what we accomplish as a guild
PS: hope to cross the path of ZD’s someday
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
(edited by Dalure.4691)
Depends what you expect from a guild in WvW imo.
Points, gvg, tactics or coverage?Lot of good guilds mentiond already but i see a lot of US server people on this topic. Believe me, you US guys dont have any idea how many organised guilds we have in EU.
Just a few who arent named here often : OPT, KAZ, GH , Aegis, WL (only VZ guild that doesnt run ) Zd and many more.
I fought PRX ( i really dont want to disrespect you) a couple of times but they where not a top 3 guild on SFR imo.
And my all time favorite Judge, to bad you guys left deso.
We dont have any qeues anymore Osciat :P
wtf…..didnt know they left:P
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
From who I have fought and actually remember from the names listed here and not listing guilds from my server (SoR). I don’t care about how well they siege, fight open field, take objectives, or small man. I am just referring to the impact they have on me when I fight them and because of this some of the ranking is due to the numbers they field.
VOTF gets the nod here because their numbers combined with how nasty they are in closed quarters makes them tough to crack. Open field where you can crack the blob and actually move out of the way, not so tough.
HB is better all around than VOTF, but not as tough to crack in closed quarters. It was close between them and VOTF. Maybe its because the pugs/randoms with them don’t seem as organized. Strategically across all facets of the game, they are much better at playing chess though.
SF is third behind these two. Not so much because they are not as good, it just seems to me that they don’t always fire on all cylinders. It is hit or miss with them. When they are on their game (or have the right people on line) they are a fun fight.
TSYM/PRX – Great at rolling randoms and lesser numbers with the sheer amount of people they have and/or randoms they gather around themselves. Unfortunately, they haven’t been able to adapt to organized opposition and as a result can’t handle even half their numbers when fighting against some of better guilds. Hopefully this will change over time, as I would like to think that this is maybe due to recent growth.
With that said, I want to fight RG and Zd to see how we stack up against you. You will never get better at something unless you challenge yourself, and you are supposed to be some of the best.
A more entertaining thread would be who’s the weakest guild, you know the ones, can lose an entire homeland BL in less than an hour while others wait in Q
Can lose Bay or Cliffs by a failed defending/taking of a spawn tower with 50+ with 2:00 left on ppt timer.
My guild was killed by a Sentry.
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]
A more entertaining thread would be who’s the weakest guild, you know the ones, can lose an entire homeland BL in less than an hour while others wait in Q
Can lose Bay or Cliffs by a failed defending/taking of a spawn tower with 50+ with 2:00 left on ppt timer.
my guild [KF] Kill Frenzy for sure !
We are more likely to kill eachother than enemies.
We are likely to drop relics.
We drive over cliffs and die like lemmings.
i could go on for hours…
Camping a keep near you since 2001 !
(edited by muylaetrix.2096)
Everyone who nominated a guild so far is wrong. RG, IRON, MOS, and all the others, who are they? Best guild ever is forsaken gamers (FG). Throughout these forums you can find posts by Dalure pointing out their countless victories over all opponents while often being outnumbered 2 – 1. Its rare these days to find a guild brave enough to fight them in the open field. They are gods and we treat them as such. Hail to the kings, hail to FG.
Haha……always good to have people on your own server with humor;) i like that about Deso. I think all guilds wiped eachother a few times…some more then others…..FG still improving themself as a whole…learning from many good guilds out there (RG/KAZ/VOTF/OSC) the thing is adapt and dont be too stubborn to change where it is needed, but many know this allready….Just proud of what we accomplish as a guild
PS: hope to cross the path of ZD’s someday
i swear FG even beat half the guilds on deso despite being on the same server, simply cos they could!
A more entertaining thread would be who’s the weakest guild, you know the ones, can lose an entire homeland BL in less than an hour while others wait in Q
Can lose Bay or Cliffs by a failed defending/taking of a spawn tower with 50+ with 2:00 left on ppt timer.
That would get locked faster than you can say “ANet”
Something about attacking people and not constructive discussion, i think. :p
not if you are only allowed to nominate your own guild or keep your pie-hole shut :p
Camping a keep near you since 2001 !
my guild [KF] Kill Frenzy for sure !
2 deers wiped our guild meeting on EB.
Everyone who nominated a guild so far is wrong. RG, IRON, MOS, and all the others, who are they? Best guild ever is forsaken gamers (FG). Throughout these forums you can find posts by Dalure pointing out their countless victories over all opponents while often being outnumbered 2 – 1. Its rare these days to find a guild brave enough to fight them in the open field. They are gods and we treat them as such. Hail to the kings, hail to FG.
Haha……always good to have people on your own server with humor;) i like that about Deso. I think all guilds wiped eachother a few times…some more then others…..FG still improving themself as a whole…learning from many good guilds out there (RG/KAZ/VOTF/OSC) the thing is adapt and dont be too stubborn to change where it is needed, but many know this allready….Just proud of what we accomplish as a guild
PS: hope to cross the path of ZD’s someday
i swear FG even beat half the guilds on deso despite being on the same server, simply cos they could!
Just believe in yourself hahaha……i must say Ogro from KAZ…that dude just won’t die….my whole guild 30 against Ogro…he just wiped us …wtf mate
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Some guild videos of 25v25s:
EMP v TSYM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n43H28yWnkI
EMP v HB: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjvRRI9u9oU
EMP v VoTF: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYNNGpC5fe8
When it comes down to the wire, it’s hard to measure a guilds aptitude with so many variables in context. Defending, pushing, etc. I would agree VoTF has superb field mechanics, yet we excel mostly on defensive objectives and tend to succeed in countering when we have one on hand.
HB is a very well rounded guild and are very defensive out on the field.
TSYM in my opinion is a very well rounded large sized guild and the tides can change drastically depending on what numbers they can field.
I’ve seen many guilds either wipe or get wiped in so many scenarios. All these guilds are up to par with some of the best competition because they have qualities that distinguish them from the rest.
GvG’s are fun to see how guilds stack up with even numbers, but lets remember this is WvW not GvG gw1.
It’s a whole entire game mode.
Red Guard makes a very strong case for itself in its videos, and it’s hard to argue with the number of guilds that have built a pain train based on those videos.
The one with the most active thieves and mesmers in it?
WvW is not about open field battles, it is not about wiping zergs. WvW is about holding locations as long as possible to maintain a high PPT and having the highest score at the end of the week.
Still so much talk about Red Guard, so tell me again how much PPT have they ever contributed to their server? WvW has been and forever will be about the score at the end of the week. This thread being about the most powerful guild in WvW means who actually brings the most PPT at the end of the week to the server they are on.
PRX has a very long track record of taking points and keeping them. EMP as well has a great track record of holding locations against the odds and maintaining a good PPT on their map. SF on JQ, War Machine on Kaineng, RET on FA, TW on SoR, PiNK on TC, FoE on SoS(now BG), and HB on BG. These guilds do what it takes to maintain their server’s holdings and fight for the best possible outcome at the end of the week.
My guild has a thing we like to call “non-value added fights” where if something we are doing will have really no effect on the flow of the map or a negative one then we don’t engage in it or we just give up and move on to a more “value added” location/fight.
WvW is about the PPT when you are online and playing, that is what the game mode revolves around. Trying to put in “non-value added” things like GvG and some open field encounters as important in WvW is just silly.
You want good guilds we come face Vizunah on our server.
the server consist of WL FM CPC CDD FY META and so on, the strength to servers is that the commander can lead each team there is not a criticism because we have a well established structure.
Dsl I do not speak English well.
WvW is not about open field battles, it is not about wiping zergs. WvW is about holding locations as long as possible to maintain a high PPT and having the highest score at the end of the week.
Still so much talk about Red Guard, so tell me again how much PPT have they ever contributed to their server? WvW has been and forever will be about the score at the end of the week. This thread being about the most powerful guild in WvW means who actually brings the most PPT at the end of the week to the server they are on.
PRX has a very long track record of taking points and keeping them. EMP as well has a great track record of holding locations against the odds and maintaining a good PPT on their map. SF on JQ, War Machine on Kaineng, RET on FA, TW on SoR, PiNK on TC, FoE on SoS(now BG), and HB on BG. These guilds do what it takes to maintain their server’s holdings and fight for the best possible outcome at the end of the week.
My guild has a thing we like to call “non-value added fights” where if something we are doing will have really no effect on the flow of the map or a negative one then we don’t engage in it or we just give up and move on to a more “value added” location/fight.
WvW is about the PPT when you are online and playing, that is what the game mode revolves around. Trying to put in “non-value added” things like GvG and some open field encounters as important in WvW is just silly.
It is incredible how delusional you are. Allow me to point you towards this:
(mayby slightly offtopic ramble
I dunno what is this story that RG doesn’t cap stuff x).
We take in intrest in fighting with our characters, going deep into lions mouth, deep into enemy lines. What we rarely do tho is trebbing, setting up tens of siege weapons inside lord room to prepare for incomming fight. And open field siege thats a never.This however doesn’t mean we’d never cap stuff :P because
going deep and finding the action 90% of time means pushing into keeps and towers. And half of the keep takes we do, would be impossible for average siege focused guilds. They just don’t have the pushing force to go through 6+ ACs, few ballistas, couple catapults, keep lord and same amount or more of players defending.There is nothing much different, in actuality, in GvG and keep fights (unless it’s the skill lag type :P). Past 1.5 weeks we fully capped one or 2 zones everyday we played, sooner or later. My point is, “rg dont cap, they just open field fight” is abit wierd :P. Not like we wait south behind the windmill
. Most of the times you have to cap stuff to get action in the first place, that’s how the game works.
For me personally few of the funniest moments are when you got 3 keeps in a zone and you constantly run between 3 of em defending, every outer wall down in garrison. Can’t have that without taking them first. And as a ranged nuker, personal favorite is RG wall bomb-TM, upclose and personal catapults :P.
Short on the topic:
Every RGs favorite guilds are ofc SiN and ZDs.
tl;dr: We cap everything, it’s the best way to get good fights.
Basically in pure power level measurements, I think kitten is the strongest guild currently in existence. We routinely train ourselves to reach the super saiyan state. On the average prime time feast, we’re going SSJ3 or higher.
I would really love to see a NA vs EU battle. One day maybe ANet will “cross the streams” with WvW and allow for it. I am sure everyone would love to fight some new servers in their respective tiers.
Also Red Guard come back to NA and this time not be on JQ so we can wipe you
For me it’s RG, ZDs, KAZ – EU side at least, all of those guys are good and from what I see play the game in the right spirit – KAZ’s videos are better though.
Though I would have loved to have seen EC (Explicit Content) still together and see how they would have measured up – still my favourite WWW videos to date. Pretty sure they would have been a shoe-in for a top 3 spot. Sadly it won’t happen.
#1. VoTF by far is NA #1 guild in open field. No one else comes close.
#2. EMP, TW, Choo, SF, HB
#3. Foo, Tsym (maybe, bit sloppy) WM, FoE, PrX (maybe, Attrition)
#4. Fire, agg, merc
This all comes down to what you think is powerfull in WvW. You can be powerfull in many aspects of WvW for example…Defence, offence,both ect.
Just out of the Tier1 servers.
The best defencive guild is AoS. I have ran with them several times and they always do what they can with they numbers they have and manage to defend.
As for offencive in Tier1, I would say its really close between SF and Choo.
Granted there are probably guilds out there that are better but im just listing my opinons for the best guilds in Tier 1.
Phoenixes Reborn [PR] Commander
“Never give up till the last man is down!”
#1. VoTF by far is NA #1 guild in open field. No one else comes close.
#2. EMP, TW, Choo, SF, HB
#3. Foo, Tsym (maybe, bit sloppy) WM, FoE, PrX (maybe, Attrition)
#4. Fire, agg, merc
VotF #1 open field when I have seen them repeatedly wiped by a couple of the guilds you ranked below them? Interesting.
Best Guild Tier 1: VoTF Imho they bring it every day and you can learn so much just fighting them even if you wipe.
Best Defensive Guild: TW When they want to defend something it’s a very tough nut to crack
One of the best guild’s I’ve run with is HzH they will lead a group or assist they have no qualms doing anything you ask them to do and they will get the job done regardless of the difficulty.
For me it’s RG, ZDs, KAZ – EU side at least, all of those guys are good and from what I see play the game in the right spirit – KAZ’s videos are better though.
Though I would have loved to have seen EC (Explicit Content) still together and see how they would have measured up – still my favourite WWW videos to date. Pretty sure they would have been a shoe-in for a top 3 spot. Sadly it won’t happen.
The good EC players are in RG anyway.
#1. VoTF by far is NA #1 guild in open field. No one else comes close.
#2. EMP, TW, Choo, SF, HB
#3. Foo, Tsym (maybe, bit sloppy) WM, FoE, PrX (maybe, Attrition)
#4. Fire, agg, merc
VotF #1 open field when I have seen them repeatedly wiped by a couple of the guilds you ranked below them? Interesting.
I’d certainly like examples of that claim.
I nominate
[WM] for Kaineng
[HB] and [Thai] for Black Gate
[PiNK] for Tarnished Coast
[WaR] for Maguuma
Their number and skill are well rounded. Maybe one is better than another, but only by a little depending on the weather…
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Thats my top 2.
Thanks to whoever said RET was in the mix on FA.
If videos influence people,
p.s I used LoTd and RG to base my squads off of, so thanks to both of you.
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.
Someone said this in Teamspeak last night. They said it “toungue in cheek”, but in all honesty I agree. The most powerful of all is the Pug.
I nominate:
[HPV], [SIDS], [EKG], [PEA], [CBC], [CMP], [BMP], [CAD], [DOA], [GERD], [ADD], [ADHD], [EPS], [SIADH], [DKA] [Hx], [Dx], [Sx], [WBCs], [RBCs]
I nominate:
[HPV], [SIDS], [EKG], [PEA], [CBC], [CMP], [BMP], [CAD], [DOA], [GERD], [ADD], [ADHD], [EPS], [SIADH], [DKA] [Hx], [Dx], [Sx], [WBCs], [RBCs]
A more entertaining thread would be who’s the weakest guild, you know the ones, can lose an entire homeland BL in less than an hour while others wait in Q
Can lose Bay or Cliffs by a failed defending/taking of a spawn tower with 50+ with 2:00 left on ppt timer.
That’d be a long list. Most guilds are just two or three loudmouth players telling everyone else what to do. I mean, think about it. Leading a guild doesn’t require any sort of qualifications… they don’t give guilds out as rewards for being the best.
I’m surprised at how many good guilds there are considering how easy it is to start one…
I’d start naming bad guilds, but somehow I think it might get me a slap on the wrist.
Za Drots and sIN for me.
I would have to agree on WM being among the top guilds. Jang, regardless of your opinion of him, runs a tight ship. When WM rolls, they move almost as one. Some of our other guilds (RE, TBA, CO, etc.) are looking to WM for tactics and such. Regarding HB, their big skill seems to be ambushing other zergs, though they also take and hold points. It would be nice to see a WM vs HB fight.
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)
Based on what I’ve seen, I’d probably nominate VoTF (Vengeance of the Fallen) and Red Guard as the two best open field guilds I have ever seen, on both sides of them. Nothing like getting slammed by one of those guilds on the open field.
Here are some video samples.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer