Which server to join? >_<
In terms of pvp and pve it doesnt matter all that much what server you choose as they are part of the megaserver system so you play with people from all servers. In terms of wvw it depends on what you want to do and what your playstyle is. You are not locked permanently into a server, you can leave anytime for a gem fee. And dont judge a server by its name, its irrelevant.
this might help you
it shows you the server leaderboards
The higher up the tiers the more competitive and active it is in wvw, every server has elitists and such but that doesnt mean they dont have a nice and helpful community as well.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
So, these days, a server really only matters for WvW. All the other stuff? Basically independent of servers. You can do PvE (both open-world and instanced content) and SPvP with anyone.
I want a server that does WVW, but not a bunch of elitists who are going to tell me what build to play!
This is really more based on which guild(s) you join than which server. Groups most likely to dictate builds are “GvG”/“fight” guilds who run a strict team setup. That’s because the goal of the guild is to field a consistent force, kinda like a sports team with very specific positions. There are many WvW guilds, even hardcore ones, who won’t really demand anything beyond “Don’t be a rallybot.”
After choosing, if you found you just don’t fit a server for wvw – you can transfer for free by deleting all your characters and starting over…. Not a big deal to “erase” 20 or so levels….
A little suggestion for you: dont touch wvw until you are lvl 80. If you want to do something like it go to edge of the myst.
And if you use your own random builds you will die, loose and you will hate wvw. First try the meta and if you become familiar with the system start to try new things
Just the WvW
A lot of good advice here to listen to if you’re just picking a server, also mentioning if you’re EU or NA is usually a good idea, you may find someone gets in contact and will show you the ropes.
As others have said the only thing that server dictates is your WvW experience and so that’s the crucial part of picking. I would echo the advise of waiting till your level 80 before going into WvW and also say in map chat you are new and ask if anyone is willing to help you.
If you could give us a rough idea of when you will play people will be able to advise best, for example if you mainly play prime time and don’t want to wait to play on some maps, maybe T1-2 are not for you. If you play at say 3am because you have nocturnal patterns then T1 or T2 might be the best place to start so you never run into the “no-one on” situation that happens in T8 at those times.
I’ll also assume your primary language is English from the way you type but there are servers with a different default language in EU which can be nice if English is not your primary language or you speak another more fluently.
I’d stay away from IOJ, there is no real cooperative spirit in WVW. Huge collection of EGOs in a small playground too.
Wise idea: Selecting your server before leveling could save you gems. For a feel of WvW try Thursday – most weekly matches are already decided by then and people care less about uplevels.
Based on your criteria I recommend WvW Tier 3-4 server such as Stormbluff Isle. Feel free to contact me with any specific questions.
Deux Ex [XX] on Stormbluff Isle
(edited by Grimwar.3789)