Whiteside Initiative (Whiteside Ridge)

Whiteside Initiative (Whiteside Ridge)

in WvW

Posted by: Mecha kim jong il.1469

Mecha kim jong il.1469

Calling all guilds who participate in WvW on Whiteside Ridge. We want you!
Please help our server by joining the Whiteside Initiative. We plan on bringing together all guilds interested in WvW and coordinating together to help raise our server up the WvW ranks.


The more guilds we get the better. We hope that we can all then share our WvW tactics and any tips and tricks with each other, as well as sharing a public WvW Mumble server (details to be announced).

Whiteside Initiative (Whiteside Ridge)

in WvW

Posted by: Slartibart.4987


This is very interesting. I was aware of another alliance, though, called Whiteside Pact. What is your position on this other alliance? Weren’t you part of it in the recent past? Why are you trying to found a new one?

Whiteside Initiative (Whiteside Ridge)

in WvW

Posted by: Rizach.4852


Yea I like this server. It has some dedicated commanders that do alot of work in wvw.

At the moment it’s mostly numbers that is against us.

Whiteside Initiative (Whiteside Ridge)

in WvW

Posted by: Zappod.1204


There is allready an operating alliance for Wgiteside Ridge:
Wouldn’t you like to contribute on growing it?
Why fragmenting the server in thousand of alliance?