Who transferred before leagues?
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer
no. I am not cheap or shallow. Never will be.
What is this “transfer” you speak of?
Fort Aspenwood
I have 2 accounts – EU and NA. My main (EU) – I didn’t transfer. NA account – I transfered before the season from SoS to Kaineng to reduce lag from insane blobbing and cos I have inner WvW masochist in me that enjoys playing on outnumbered servers.
I will transfer again (NA), not sure when but from time to time I just want to spice things up.
transferred from FoW to AM. Mostly because WvW didn’t really existed on FoW (except for roaming). When people transferred to Vabbi, not even that was possible.
On AM, people actually defend keeps/towers and there is room for zerging, smallscale and roaming.
I will definitely stay.
Transferred from EU to NA due to the total lack of coverage during my prime time in world vs world.
Transferred away from BP to HoD. I miss BP but would only go back if all the drama and backbiting has died down.
I would also consider a switch to Mag if the price comes down since our guild is a small skirmish guild and Mag is centered around our style of fighting. We wanted to go there originally but nobody in our group wanted to shell out a ton of gold/money to get there.
I will probably just stay put since HoD is a nice enough server. It is way too disorganized for my liking but that probably comes from so many independent guilds transferring here.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
I transferred from Darkhaven to Eredon Terrace because I was homesick…
If I get bored of ET again I might go to IoJ or just quit GW2 already. (Or I could go GoM and do a friend a favor…)
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
I transferred before leagues! I went from BP to HOD. The rest of my guild transferred to Mag but I didn’t feel like paying out of pocket to transfer or fork over the gold. Also BP was seeming to lose momentum in the WvW community at the time. I heard that the HOD WvW community was pretty active and I decided to see for myself and it was free!
I transferred from Darkhaven to Eredon Terrace because I was homesick…
If I get bored of ET again I might go to IoJ or just quit GW2 already. (Or I could go GoM and do a friend a favor…)
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
[PR] transferred before seasons to IoJ.
Phoenixes Reborn [PR] Commander
“Never give up till the last man is down!”
I transferred from Darkhaven to Eredon Terrace because I was homesick…
If I get bored of ET again I might go to IoJ or just quit GW2 already. (Or I could go GoM and do a friend a favor…)
It appeases the Queen.
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
…went to NSP (from SoR), then to SoS (after a week). Not played in the tourney much though… so minimal impact. Got bored of it after the second week anyhow.
I went from (Bit long ago by now, not sure if S2 was announced) SBI to Mag due to the game feeling like a chore/job.
I’ve been very content with the type of people on the server and wont be transferring anytime soon.
Been on TC since Day 1. I stay here for the RP and generally fun PvE atmosphere. The fact that we’re also a strong WvW server is just a bonus.
Left BP and went to TC. There are some “Borlis Noobs” who I miss but I don’t ever see myself going back to BP since I play late PST and its pretty much a ghost town around that time.
Transferred from SoS to DR. Most fun I’ve had in WvW in over a year and many great matchups. I’m not going to transfer again, but with players getting hacked left and right, and the China release consuming what little dev resources we got, I can’t say I’m inclined to keep playing or rationally believe things will get better in the future.
I went from Blacktide to Gandara (yeh wagondara, etc etc) with most of my guild largely because Blacktide was being overrun by Polish players who filled the chat with, well, Polish. WvW was basically dead and against anyone else other than Vabbi or Underworld, BT was basically a punching bag. Again simply because the commanders only commanded in Polish which drove away all of the non polish players. Good to see they’re doing half decently this season.
Really wanted to get more into wvw while on Gandara, but the primetime queues and the sizes of the blob fights meant lag fests that didn’t motivate me to play. I guess once the season is over things will quiet down and I’ll get back into it some more.
I transferred to TC (from JQ) in January 2013, so well before even season one. I’m very tempted to transfer again because I’ve lost so much respect for the TC WvW community due to the win trading and some of the guilds we attracted before the current season. I’m just not sure where to go. I only RP lightly but I do like being on the RP server.
Been JQ since week one of game no plans to transfer now or well ever love the community.
Being in BP since the beginning, and will stay here until this idiotic world system WvW is over. Hope anytime soon.
I transferred to gandara and plan on staying here. The server isn’t as community oriented as my previous one, but I like that. I came to EU for a guild oriented server.
New bunker meta sux
What is this “transfer” you speak of?
The very many who left FA for less trolly pastures.
I transferred before leagues! I went from BP to HOD. The rest of my guild transferred to Mag but I didn’t feel like paying out of pocket to transfer or fork over the gold. Also BP was seeming to lose momentum in the WvW community at the time. I heard that the HOD WvW community was pretty active and I decided to see for myself and it was free!
Sad to see your tagline… aimlessly?
HoD is better in some ways, and the same in others.
I still love it, even though the bloom is off the rose – some need to learn how to be kinder.
What is this “transfer” you speak of?
The very many who left FA for less trolly pastures.
Not including the large proportion of those who left FA for GvG, of course.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Aaaaaaaaaaaand I predict a possible thread lock.
Even though it’s not about the matchup at all
Aaaaaaaaaaaand I predict a possible thread lock.
Even though it’s not about the matchup at all
And you came here just to say that?
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Atheria went to a server that ended up getting FA’s most troll guild, a guild that prides themselves on being trolls: TUNE. Guess s/he’s bitter about it. At least s/he can’t blame FA for Bags.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
(edited by Chaba.5410)
Non! Quelle idée absurde…
My server is way too awesome, winners of season 1, true underdog heroes of season 2,… We get around.
(edited by Lydell.8713)