Why Maguuma... what's in it for me???
I’m in a similar situation on Maguuma. I head a thirty man World vs World guild and have been in the position of leading quite a few groups around on Maguuma even in spite of an icon thanks to how dedicated and tight-knit our community is. If you want to win your WvW matchups by strategy and teamwork instead of (or maybe alongside, in the future) numbers, consider grabbing a transfer onto scenic Maguuma before Anet shuts them down.
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool
Maguuma love fest engage!
The couple of times I’ve rolled around on WvW has been a blast. Sad we’re getting roflstomped right now. When we get a group going that knows what it’s doing it’s quite a sight to behold. I know I was in a few fights where we went from not controlling anything to owning the entire borderlands in about an hour or two.
And thanks to all my fellow Magumma brethren for putting up with the most ineffective mesmer ever.
Maguuma community representative here:
Maguuma is not a server for everyone – it’s a server for people who want to commit to being a party of a real community.
We’re not looking for joiner-ins and we’re not looking for people who are going to be rude or belligerent to the native playerbase here. We’ve already seen several ‘winning’ servers whose communities have been wrecked by influxes of unwanted people. We don’t want to win by sacrificing our community spirit.
We’re looking for comrades and friends who will be with us through good times and bad. We have a blast together in wvw – and we want to build outwards from the solid group of very amiable and intelligent people who have crafted the coordination in our wvw scene.
Join maguuma if you’re looking for a real community server to call your home. If you feel you haven’t found that in your current server, you just may find that with us. If you’re an individual willing to put ego aside, learn and improve with us, coordinate with us, party down with us, fight overwhelming odds with us, win with us, lose with us, and build up great memories of your time in guild wars 2…come to us. Come to us and stay – because we’ll be your home in Guild Wars 2.
We’ll welcome you with open arms and raise a glass of dredge-transformation potion in your honor.
Maguuma and Dragonbrand are being completely dominated score-wise by Sea of Sorrows right now due to the huge influx of NA players that gives them 24/7 coverage across all zones (Arenanet, please please PLEASE do something about the free daily server transfers soon), but despite that, Maguuma was able to hold off several coordinated attacks and maintain the top half of our borderlands today, all due to the excellent coordination we’ve got going on. Not just because we have good commanders, mind—all the players who chose to work together, from a varied number of guilds (or no guild at all, as OPrey mentioned), were able to repel multiple assaults on our keep and garrison, even when the inner gates were breached, even when the attacking force largely comprised members of just one or two organized guilds.
We couldn’t hold things forever against the endless zerg, but I’m pretty proud of what we were able to accomplish. Once guilds stop migrating en masse and screwing up the rankings, and things finally settle down to where they should be, it should make for some exciting match-ups.
Yes, and we’re planning on that – at some point the matchups will settle down, free transfer will cease, and we will have a strong community that has weathered a very tough storm.
How do I volunteer as a spy?
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.
I support OPrey and I support this thread.
OPrey is an incredible commander, just like many of our others. All we lack right now are people to actually lead around.
What makes Maguuma special to me is how we do what we can with what we have. It’s not about winning WvW as a whole, just doing what we can, even if that small victory is defending a keep against endless waves.
Maguuma is a server that doesn’t retreat when we’re outnumbered. Instead of quitting or retreating to other servers because we’re getting outzerged, we cap out our home borderland as far as we can and absolutely murder anyone who tries to break our formation.
Our public mumble community is one of the best atmospheres and most coordinated groups I’ve seen. It’s incredible to watch a leader hop on and run a bunch of organized squads across the whole map in 30 minutes. Similarly, it’s incredible to get a chance to lead a group and watch coordinated groups quickly jump to your commands when needed.
We don’t want to grow by large alliances transferring to us that want to change the face of the server. We want people who want to integrate with our community and turn our WvW to the next level. We want people who don’t give up when outnumbered but instead go “Wow, now it takes them FOUR to 1 before they can take our towers.”
We also like to do funny character voice improv and dramatic readings of bad erotic fanfictions in mumble – if you find them bothersome just temporarily put our seasoned crew of Maguuma Comedy Players on mute for the session.
Many of our players are quite drunk during weekends when on mumble as well so bear this in mind.
(edited by Spacedad.2841)
Ive been thinking about transferring here for small scale WvW. Sounds nice
Yummee, we can’t fill all of our WvW, but we’ve had a queue in our own borderlands pretty much all day with a very active Mumble server. If you can’t see that, you’re just flat out blind. I haven’t done much PVE in awhile so I can’t speak to that, but WvW is always a blast if you’re willing to coordinate. And you clearly aren’t.
I transferred to Maguuma today just to see what it was like in a more coordinated server (used to be on Borlis Pass and have been quite fed up with how uncoordinated people seem to be) and everything you’ve said has spoken true from what I have observed. I hopped in WvW today for a few hours on the Maguuma borderlands, and it was a blast. I loved how coordinated it was, and there was a great sense of community. Also having an active mumble server to log into and listen for direction was a very nice change.
I have not spent much time in PvE yet (I learned to avoid most of it after running into bots everywhere…) I’m pretty sure it gets pretty “ghost town” like on every server. I ran through most maps once to complete them and haven’t gone back since, unless it’s a hotspot for dragon events or Cursed Shore (but even then, my experience in Cursed Shore on Borlis was nothing but bots, save a few actual players).
Welcome to Maguuma, glad you had a good time!
You are full of horse crap. I’m on maguuma and it’s the the crappiest server yet when you talk about WvW. No one participates. It’s always out numbered by the opposing servers.
Quit trying to sell crap that doesn’t exist.
PVE is even worse. It’s like ghost town. No one reads, no one responds, no one chats. The only chats u find are gold spammers. And the only players active are gold botting farmers who run 3-4 bots that run through waypoints like a train. Ridiculous.
I’m on Maguuma, and to see this thread, is a freaking joke.
Good one.
Feel free to join Maguuma. But you’ll laugh even harder than me when you walk into a ghost town.
First of all, we don’t have a very big population; we’re lucky to have a queue for two borderlands at prime time. As such, what happens most of the time is that you have a big group in one borderlands, with maybe some smaller strike teams in other zones. It’s just more effective that way, unfortunately. If you’re not where everybody else is, then yeah, it’s gonna seem a little empty.
Are you joining the Mumble server and chatting and coordinating with everybody else? It’s the easiest way to see and hear where everybody is, but I’ve seen a few players stubbornly refuse to join the rest of the community, for whatever silly reason. They’re missing out. Don’t be like them.
PvE content, I dunno. I don’t do that much anymore now that I’m 80. But this is the WvW forum, and it’s a recruitment thread for WvW. Why are you bringing up PvE here?
If you were expecting to just hop into any WvW map and instantly find a ton of people yelling where to go and what to do, well, that’s not the situation we’re in, and it’s kind of why this recruitment thread exists. Sorry we can’t all be Henge, pre–TA dissolution.
The bottom line is that the community we do have is very active and likes to work together. A few weeks back we fought Dragonbrand and got spanked pretty badly, but I just had a friend transfer from there over to Maguuma because he said that, despite doing well overall, there wasn’t much of a sense of community, and he’s a lot happier here now.
If you really feel that Maguuma is a ghost town, take five minutes to download and install Mumble and get the server info from somebody in /team. If you’re on during US prime time hours, and especially if one of our commanders is on (they don’t all have commander icons yet, but you’ll get to know them very quickly), then I’m confident you’ll find yourself proven wrong.
I’m seriously considering swapping over from Fort Aspenwood after playing against you guys last week. You sure seemed to get things done when you set your mind to it. I was waiting for days to get into Etheron Hills to finish map completion. I wasn’t around for Ramelot but now all the random flame rams I saw make a lot of sense, and I find it hilarious.
I have a friend who plays who is unable to make the transfer now, but I might just save up some gold to buy him a transfer if they aren’t free when he comes back.
Pyromancers [PYRO]
You are full of horse crap. I’m on maguuma and it’s the the crappiest server yet when you talk about WvW. No one participates. It’s always out numbered by the opposing servers.
Quit trying to sell crap that doesn’t exist.
PVE is even worse. It’s like ghost town. No one reads, no one responds, no one chats. The only chats u find are gold spammers. And the only players active are gold botting farmers who run 3-4 bots that run through waypoints like a train. Ridiculous.
I’m on Maguuma, and to see this thread, is a freaking joke.
Good one.
Feel free to join Maguuma. But you’ll laugh even harder than me when you walk into a ghost town.
Two points.
First of all – Who are you? I don’t recognize you from our wvw sessions, or our mumble chat roster. It is not difficult to see who is regulars in there. You made no remark about our commanders or our tactics, so it is evident to me that you do not participate in the core of our wvw community, and therefore are not fit to be a representative of the server.
Second of all – This is a thread in the wvw section of the official guild wars 2 forums. Which means it is a thread meant for wvw recruitment and wvw activity. Our prime focus is wvw community and wvw play. Complaining about pve is irrelevant to the purpose of this thread.
I don’t know what you mean to accomplish by badmouthing the wvw recruitment efforts of your own server since you apparently don’t have much of an interest in wvw judging from your post. If you want to come and see how lively things are, join wvw in mumble some time. Leave the ego and attitude at the door though or you will be muted and/or banned from voice chat very quickly otherwise. Have a nice day!
(edited by Spacedad.2841)
Guild Wars 2 player and poster Yummee.3170 does not understand how propaganda works and is quite possibly a troll.
If you close your eyes and can’t hear OPrey’s smooth and sexy voice, Rocode calling people literally Hitler, or JerkJesus trying to smite the unbelievers among throngs of drunk people in mumble, you probably haven’t WvWvWvWvWvWvWed properly in Maguuma. Hell, this server is basically one giant guild at this point. The only purpose behind individual guilds at this point is to have several different channels to spam for more people.
The fact that he didn’t mention any of our commanders by name in his post (and this is a pretty significant part of our server) or any of the other pertinent details regarding our recent wvwing efforts demonstrates to me that he is clueless and just babbling about things he knows nothing about. If he wants to have his mind changed he is welcome to participate in our mumble voice chat during our regular wvw sessions and see for himself just how great our commanders are. They are the glue that holds us together.
It’s worth mentioning that we’re always looking for more commanders. All you have to do is get on voice chat, and if there’s no organization, just do it yourself. People will listen to whoever’s giving orders as long as they’re calm and confident.
We have plenty of people who have taken the reigns and have done a fantastic job, while nobody actually knows who this guy is. That is how Check McPrivilege got his start in commanding. Maguuma doesn’t care who you are, as long as you’re a chill bro.
Well, we care if you’re a blithering idiot, I guess.
Remember the Alamo!
This. is. PANGLOSS. <kicks SoS Invader into bottomless pit>
Oh I’m pretty sure those pits have bottoms. That would explain all the bags that popped up at my feet after we bubbled to push sos invaders off a cliff.
I get a chuckle out of this every time I read it.
Just to add my experience to the fray:
I have played solo all the way to 80, on Maguuma the whole time. I started WvW just last week, hopped into mumble right away, and was instantly hooked. No one cares who you are, or what you’ve done, but if you relay pertinent information, commanders listen.
I’ve been in plenty of guilds back in WoW and it’s easy to pick out the strong communities. Maguuma WvW is definitely going to last and be successful when the wrinkles of the system are worked out.
My thief’s name is Scarnah, by the way. I probably won’t do a lot of WvW this week since I just hit 80 and want to get a decent amount of exotics for next week’s match.
But I REALLY enjoy killing goons, It’d be hard for me to give that up if i switched servers.
But I REALLY enjoy killing goons, It’d be hard for me to give that up if i switched servers.
I dream about killing Goons evry now and then to and im in Maguuma… Espacially Jerkjerk….
Maguuma WvW is in 1 word Cordinated..
atleast if ure in mumble if you arent well dont expect most to listen to you…
Server: Maguuma Guild: (iRez)
Night-Morning-Midday Crew WvW
So basically all the posts and talk about what a wonderful community Maguuma is only holds true if you’re in Goon’s mumble, following Goon’s orders and being a good little “pubbie”?
So basically all the posts and talk about what a wonderful community Maguuma is only holds true if you’re in Goon’s mumble, following Goon’s orders and being a good little “pubbie”?
The OP is not a Goon, but is one of the most respected commanders on the server. When he talks, people listen. Nice try though.
Do not forget the founding of Ramelot!
Become an Asuran multi-tool thief
(edited by DANGRYdan.8392)
So basically all the posts and talk about what a wonderful community Maguuma is only holds true if you’re in Goon’s mumble, following Goon’s orders and being a good little “pubbie”?
Its not Goons mumble its public maguuma Mumble. As far as i know theres mostly non Goon Commanders actuly leading. Part of beeing a goon is u cant lead it seems
Server: Maguuma Guild: (iRez)
Night-Morning-Midday Crew WvW
So basically all the posts and talk about what a wonderful community Maguuma is only holds true if you’re in Goon’s mumble, following Goon’s orders and being a good little “pubbie”?
Its not Goons mumble its public maguuma Mumble. As far as i know theres mostly non Goon Commanders actuly leading. Part of beeing a goon is u cant lead it seems
The public mumble was created to foster communication, and expand Maguuma’s ability to organize.
Part of being a Goon is solidarity as well.
Become an Asuran multi-tool thief
So basically all the posts and talk about what a wonderful community Maguuma is only holds true if you’re in Goon’s mumble, following Goon’s orders and being a good little “pubbie”?
Nobody said or implied this.
Two WvWers walk into a bar. One is from Maguuma, and one is from SoS. The Bartender asks them what they want to drink.
The Maguuma man says “Give me a beer. Today has been hard. We fight endless battle against endless enemies. We know not fear, we shall not falter, and we don’t know when to quit. It wears us down, but not out. Tomorrow we pick up our swords again to fight the endless fight, and leave our mark on this world. Real victory is in the legacy you leave behind, not the land that soaks up that blood.”
The SoS man says “Give me a wine cooler. Strawberry.”
Need more be said? Come have a beer with Maguuma, and enjoy victory and legend being built. Don’t be the guy holding the wine cooler.
The Pangolins Den [PANG]
Permanent Maguuma resident here. Everything Oprey said is true. Our coordination and community on maguuma rivals most servers, and even most guilds that ive seen. You dont have to be a goon, or be super geared, or be in the “clique” to to participate. Everyone is welcome, and everyone plays together on an even playing field. We fight hard, we fight smart, and we never give up, just ask SoS and FA. Our public mumble has banded 100’s of random people together into 1 friendly community. If your looking for a place to WvW with no queue times, amazing leadership and a superior community, come to maguuma!!! We welcome you!
Good group of people. Nobody is a communist on this server. I enjoyed playing with all of these guys. Sadly, GW2 gets old for meafter a while and truly lacks the end game content that other MMO’s have. If you want to play with a good group of people than this is the place. You have to get on comms though to truly experience the community.
Maguuma smells like prunes. I prefer plums so I do not play on Maguuma, but if you like prunes, then Maguuma is the place for you.
“I smell like pomegranate.”
I love the Maguuma attitude, loads of fun to play with on the battlegrounds. Lots of fun people, good outlooks all around. Wish I were more useful, but such is my roll, upping our downed fighters and trying my best to keep em guarded and healed.
Scarnah? You sound familiar, not sure why though. Oh well, good times!
What is the mumble info. so we can see what you guys are all about?
What is the mumble info. so we can see what you guys are all about?
Join the server and join us to participate in wvw play and you will be invited.
ah Maguuma! The Land of goonamo and alamo keeps. The place where numbers from enemy servers get rolled over by dancing, cheering and a lot of beating that causes them to spend a LOT of money in siege. Ah, so nice.
Thoros Myr – Level 80 Guardian
hahah…nice thread…started so well, then the inevitable degeneration into sh.. er mud slinging… ah well….all servers have idiots (I’m from SoS and I am almost certain I’m one of them
, the number of times I saw these smart Maguuma invaders run out individually and attack a group of 5 or 6 of the enemy was just ludicrous….half the time the ‘defenders’ barely even slowed down, other than to look around for the ‘real’ attack. “That was a feint right? just trying to distract us from the real attack? wasn’t it? >shrug<”
I’m not knocking all of Maguuma. I’m making the point that it is very easy to come up with examples of how uselss/hopeless/stupid another server is based on a few examples.
For a supposedly ‘nice’ server, the amount of er, mud slinging that I see from your community advocates is most enlightening. Perhaps if you intend to sell yourselves as a great, fun community you could show us by following your self-professed principles of not being rude or belligerent in turn.
No one (least of all myself) is trying to knock Maguuma as a server. In fact, many of us (as evidenced by multiple people saying this in various threads) have great respect for Maguuma and for your tactical and strategic abilities and for your general courtesy. Its noticeable. SpaceDad has told us that he is in Sales – as such I would have expected to read his posts and think to myself something like “wow, Maguuma sounds great! I might go check them out” as opposed to “hmm…some nice stuff in there, but, the delivery could use a little diplomacy/work”. Perhaps you are more interested in creating a flame-thread to drum up more business???
I always chuckle when somebody makes a “I’m not <insert something>, but…” post. For somebody that isn’t trying to knock Mag, you sure made a long post about things you don’t like about Mag.
Future reference; if you start a conversation with “I’m not a racist but…”, you are in fact a racist. Just a heads up.
I’m currently in Dragonbrand and Maguuma is full of campers in the jumping puzzle. Seriously, I remember playing Darkhaven and most of em were nice enough not to gang up on people in the jumping puzzle. Whenever I go to the jumping puzzle with a group we never attack solo’ers.
The last time we were in WvW with Dragonbrand was with Tarnished Coast I think. Tarnished Coast and Maguuma mostly ignored each other but Dragonbrand caused a lot of trouble. So I think you guys are the pot and we are the kettle! I’ve certainly never seen people on Mumble waste time on something like that, though. We’re really advocating that side of the community, but sadly there are a few people who actively resist it and some that just ignore it out of laziness or whatever other personal reasons.
The serverwide mumble is incredible. I came to Maguuma as my brother was playing here; we’re both DAoC vets with lots of RvR under our belt but no big guild affiliations in GW2, so I was mostly by myself. I’ve been able to make friends with tons of new people and join an awesome guild, iRez, full of PvP afficionados and impromptu commanders that have risen up through their dedication to WvW.
Last Sunday I had my first chance to command our server, and I got to watch us turn a 100% green home borderland into a map where we owned two keeps and were slamming and demoralizing a queuing opponent that’s had us hideously outnumbered the entire week. I would have never had an opportunity like this on any other server I imagine; guild politics and unnecessary hierarchies would undoubtedly get in the way. Instead, I gave commands that make sense, and an extremely coordinated hive mind grouped up and followed them. I’ve never seen such a synergy in a server population before — our commanders order and our troops listen because we’re all the same bunch. You don’t need a blue icon to get people to follow you on our server; you just have to prove that you’re dedicated to the WvW community and you can make smart decisions.
I’m currently in Dragonbrand and Maguuma is full of campers in the jumping puzzle. Seriously, I remember playing Darkhaven and most of em were nice enough not to gang up on people in the jumping puzzle. Whenever I go to the jumping puzzle with a group we never attack solo’ers.
Maguuma is a server will happily farm any and all jump puzzlers until the end of days.
I’m currently in Dragonbrand and Maguuma is full of campers in the jumping puzzle. Seriously, I remember playing Darkhaven and most of em were nice enough not to gang up on people in the jumping puzzle. Whenever I go to the jumping puzzle with a group we never attack solo’ers.
You got us. In our quest to rend Towers, Keeps, and Supply Depots from the enemy, we have neglected to read Emily Post’s book on Jumping Puzzle etiquette.
Bitwise X – Zombit X – Minibit – Bowbit – Mesbit
I think the Jumping Puzzle post raises an interesting point about the style of Maguuma and most of the SA Goon population (I’m not a goon so apologies if I’m off point a bit here goons!) — We’re the kind of people that don’t just play the main ‘game’ part of the game. Part of the game to us is trolling and demoralizing you in jumping puzzles; part of the game is posting propaganda on forums to fill up our servers to make our WvW better; part of the game is trolling and demoralizing other servers in the forums so we get a better psychological edge in WvW.
If you like that style of play and you like a good dose of metagame with your game, Maguuma is a perfect server for you.
I’m currently in Dragonbrand and Maguuma is full of campers in the jumping puzzle. Seriously, I remember playing Darkhaven and most of em were nice enough not to gang up on people in the jumping puzzle. Whenever I go to the jumping puzzle with a group we never attack solo’ers.
Maguuma is a server will happily farm any and all jump puzzlers until the end of days.
Right after we kill Grub
I am an oceanic player living in Japan, and I was a bit worried at first about finding people to play with, but after hopping on WvWvW, I can say these are a good group of people. Its not a massive zerg like SoS, but I like that. In general good team work and good times on mumble. Of course we have some derps running around who aren’t in mumble and ruin certain plans, but it’s still good fun.
The PvE community in the middle of the night (us time) isn’t huge, but there always seem to be enough on the map to complete the large Des and take down the dragons. Instead of it being a massive zerg, quick-tag-everything-before-it-dies! fest, you actually have to work for it.
Maguuma nutcase here.
We’ve been fighting hard for the past two weeks with overwhelming numbers tearing up the landscape. It’s awesome.
Maguumans had to adapt, change, organize and accept the harsh battle environment. It’s teaching us so much.
I don’t like leading, but with the crazy odds, even I led a few guerilla war parties. I discovered that I like sneaking a crew of 5 team members and disrupting supply lines, flip camps, set up ambush areas and run for holy hell when a zerg finds us.
~~~ “Wow”, you say, “Tell me more!” ~~~
SoS has so many players on a map that we are forced to be sneaky, study the landscape, predict enemy zerg directions and evaluate if we can hit-and-run soft targets. If the map is too hot, we go murder a worm or centaur or kill enemy jump puzzlers.
~~~ “Go on…” ~~~
When we receive calls for help, we rush to the site and provide support work such as watching the backs of our tower smashers so they’re not nuked from behind. If we have the right skills, we follow the walls and AOE enemy siege or Scorpion Wire keep defenders.
~~~ “That’s fantastic! Is there anything else you do?” ~~~
We might run to an enemy keep or garrison and ping the door/walls/NPC’s so cross-swords appear and prevent the enemy from using the keep waypoint. This also draws and distracts the enemy away from critical ops. We then yell “run away run away” like scared little girls while our comrades take a keep.
TL;DR: Come join us on Maguuma and play WvW on expert level.