Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –
Why WxP Account Bound should be a priority
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –
The arguments on why it should be done have already been discussed to death, hence why they announced they were working on it. They chose to put eotm and the tournament as top priorities, eotm probably because of the china release, and the tournament to help keep people interested in wvw during the Elder scrolls release period.
Account wxp should have been top priority because it is something every single wvw player wants, which the same cannot be said for either of the other two. Until they make the change I do feel like I’m stuck playing my highest ranked character, and wasted time on the others.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
So i made this new beefy guardian to command with in Season 2 expecting account bound ranks at the league start by the latest. In the same time I spent most of my time on my staff ele gaining ~230 ranks without boosters. Could’ve had guardstacks on my first guardian instead but now I’m stuck with 2 melee characters with no stacks. Kitten me, right?
It should be a priority for the simple sake of restoring trust at this point. (Or as a small step towards it.)
T I’m stuck playing my highest ranked character, and wasted time on the others.
u got my point mate ^^
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –
eotm probably because of the china release, and the tournament to help keep people interested in wvw during the Elder scrolls release period.
Except EotM is already a joke zerg farm and this new “tournament” season for WvW isn’t anything anyone is going to give a kitten about considering its still the same old wvw with a new title. Bugs are still there, still no account wxp, no class balancing in forever, no reason to care.
“For a few to be immortal, many must die.”
They need to release Account Bound WXP simply because they need to restore our trust in them. ..
1. A lot of players have many alternate characters. This is because they like to enjoy the game from different perspectives. Each class has a different perspective, each race too.
2. You release a system that is supposed to provide WvW progression. The system is incredibly tediously long to max out for any character. Such a system requires the player to pick a single character to max out to be competitive.
3. Players ask for this system to go account bound so they can go back to their more favorite characters and not have to start back at square 1. The system punishes them for having alts by making each character level the WXP system on its own.
4. Several other factors of WvW exist that players want fixed. Most of them are obvious bugs (the tightrope yak at the bridge, glitching through doors, getting stuck on siege while trying to build it, etc). The bugs should be easy to fix right?
5. While these bugs go unfixed we witness 20+ living story updates, at least 10 balance patches, and additions to the WvW wxp progression lines. Each line seems more overpowered than the last (oo boy arrow cart mastery ).
I’ll stop at part 5 for a moment to explain why this breaks our trust in ANET/NCSOFT. The players who only play WvW operate under the assumption that ANET has the capability to produce content and fix bugs fairly rapidly. This assumption comes from the fact that a new living story change occurs every 2 weeks WITH OUT FAIL. In addition every time a new LS patch drops it’s like an earthquake. It breaks things and has aftershock patches to fix the things it broke. WvWers get just enough patch to shut them up though. One to 3 things every other patch. Balance changes can count as WvW updates too but those are far and inbetween too.
We see ANET has the resources, why can’t they devote some more to WvW?
5b. New WvW tournament comes out! Was this to shut us up? Was it to actually try to make WvW something useful?
6. So.. after getting tired of hearing complaints about Account bound WXP and how the current system punishes alt-o-holics ANET decides to announce that they will actually do it. Account Bound WXP. This news comes in a huge long blog post with normal stock photos of Lion’s Arch thrown in. Official announcement right?
7. Between then and January we see 5 more living stories drop and a balance patch or two. All coming with aftershocks that patches usually cause.
8. January rolls along, we start asking when the WXP will drop. They give hints it will drop with Edge of The Mists (which we’re totally stoked over). Then EOTM comes, and no Account Bound WXP. Seems it got pushed back again for QA purposes.
9. Here we are, 2 months later, looking at a new WvW tournament coming up and there is no time left to patch in ABWXP. Our patience runs out and our trust that ANET will ever implement ABWXP is gone.
There we have it. I’ll continue to play the game until something better comes out. Chances of me even reporting bugs will go away though. The maintenance patch from 3/18 seems to want to restore our trust but it will take a big gesture to do it. Account Bound WXP would be that gesture. It’s been at least 5 months in the making. We know ANET has the capability to do it: they release new content every 2 weeks and still have time to fix the aftershock patches from it. If they devote some of that resource to getting WXP out it would go a long way to restoring our trust in them. That’s why Account Bound WxP should be a priority. To get us to trust that ANET will no longer neglect their only true endgame in GW2.
Hi Kresh,
Long-time no see:)
There is already a thread for WXP account bound (and a long one), possibly this is going to be merged there.
People that invested their time and money, like me, feel cheated with this situation, no matter they say there was no date for make it happen, every WWW player was thinking that will be in place before WWW season 2 starts, due the months that as passed after they state the change will be made.
Here is watt I have stated in the main thread
“To do list:
Stop buying gems (no need to gear up other chars, or buy more commander tags);
Play WWW season 2, because I have friends there and I will not let them down;
Leave the game a.s.a. WWW season 2 ends.
PS: I’m convinced now, GW2 there nothing to do with GW1.”
Cya in game “SFR never rest”
(edited by Mighty Ice Arrow.9268)
They need to release Account Bound WXP simply because they need to restore our trust in them. ..
1. A lot of players have many alternate characters. This is because they like to enjoy the game from different perspectives. Each class has a different perspective, each race too.
2. You release a system that is supposed to provide WvW progression. The system is incredibly tediously long to max out for any character. Such a system requires the player to pick a single character to max out to be competitive.
3. Players ask for this system to go account bound so they can go back to their more favorite characters and not have to start back at square 1. The system punishes them for having alts by making each character level the WXP system on its own.
4. Several other factors of WvW exist that players want fixed. Most of them are obvious bugs (the tightrope yak at the bridge, glitching through doors, getting stuck on siege while trying to build it, etc). The bugs should be easy to fix right?
5. While these bugs go unfixed we witness 20+ living story updates, at least 10 balance patches, and additions to the WvW wxp progression lines. Each line seems more overpowered than the last (oo boy arrow cart mastery).
I’ll stop at part 5 for a moment to explain why this breaks our trust in ANET/NCSOFT. The players who only play WvW operate under the assumption that ANET has the capability to produce content and fix bugs fairly rapidly. This assumption comes from the fact that a new living story change occurs every 2 weeks WITH OUT FAIL. In addition every time a new LS patch drops it’s like an earthquake. It breaks things and has aftershock patches to fix the things it broke. WvWers get just enough patch to shut them up though. One to 3 things every other patch. Balance changes can count as WvW updates too but those are far and inbetween too.
We see ANET has the resources, why can’t they devote some more to WvW?
5b. New WvW tournament comes out! Was this to shut us up? Was it to actually try to make WvW something useful?
6. So.. after getting tired of hearing complaints about Account bound WXP and how the current system punishes alt-o-holics ANET decides to announce that they will actually do it. Account Bound WXP. This news comes in a huge long blog post with normal stock photos of Lion’s Arch thrown in. Official announcement right?
7. Between then and January we see 5 more living stories drop and a balance patch or two. All coming with aftershocks that patches usually cause.
8. January rolls along, we start asking when the WXP will drop. They give hints it will drop with Edge of The Mists (which we’re totally stoked over). Then EOTM comes, and no Account Bound WXP. Seems it got pushed back again for QA purposes.
9. Here we are, 2 months later, looking at a new WvW tournament coming up and there is no time left to patch in ABWXP. Our patience runs out and our trust that ANET will ever implement ABWXP is gone.There we have it. I’ll continue to play the game until something better comes out. Chances of me even reporting bugs will go away though. The maintenance patch from 3/18 seems to want to restore our trust but it will take a big gesture to do it. Account Bound WXP would be that gesture. It’s been at least 5 months in the making. We know ANET has the capability to do it: they release new content every 2 weeks and still have time to fix the aftershock patches from it. If they devote some of that resource to getting WXP out it would go a long way to restoring our trust in them. That’s why Account Bound WxP should be a priority. To get us to trust that ANET will no longer neglect their only true endgame in GW2.
This!!! And, we know they have Account Bound WXP done, they were in the “final testing phases” when testing out EOTM.
want to restore our trust but it will take a big gesture to do it. Account Bound WXP would be that gesture.
Good = What I should think when ACWXP is released
“It’s good that ANet released it”
Finally = What I’ll actually think when ACWXP is released.
“ANet finally released it”.
The scale of WvW ridiculous… from the achievements which have been on their list for years now to WxP which is been a problem for months. Instead we get leagues which are at best tolerated by most of the community and certainly not embraced as a whole.
If ANet is going to restrict content to a character, each character should be able to earn their own rewards in a REASONABLE amount of time. WvW levels, achievements and ascended gear are all out of whack and have been since their implementation.
Simply put too many elements in this game are alt unfriendly and WxP is just one more of them. Very few players that have logged over 1000 hours in WvW are even close to maxing out WvW levels on ONE character much less 5+. Then there is ascended gear which takes laurels that are account bound thus making it nearly impossible to gear out a full set of 80s in the best gear.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
they are reading our complains, but ignoring all of it. they lock and remove topics about. yet no reaction.
Seafarer’s Rest
blah blah grindfest blah blah.. alt unfriendly…blah
Main reason why it should be done; so players can divy up their skill points amongst other classes so they actually have good reason to play them in WvW. More classes to play in WvW probably = more time spent playing Gw2. More people playing Gw2 will probably mean more $$$ in Anet’s pockets.
Not making account bound WxP can do 2 things:
1) Make players distrust the company where they may just leave the game permanently.
2) Players get bored and leave.
I hate having to log off an alt I am playing and having fun with because I need acess to ram mastery or something. I hate feeling the frustration of saving up for things which are useful, but require hundreds of ranks, when I have already earned those ranks on another toon, but will have to wait months before being there on my alt.
I must suck I play all of my alts regardless of their WXP rank. TBH there are a lot more serious issues in this game right now and some of those have been caused by the shortsighted whining of the player-base so I have a hard time feeling much sympathy for those who’ve been told something is already in the works but can’t take the wait.
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .
I must suck
I play all of my alts regardless of their WXP rank. TBH there are a lot more serious issues in this game right now and some of those have been caused by the shortsighted whining of the player-base so I have a hard time feeling much sympathy for those who’ve been told something is already in the works but can’t take the wait.
It’s not short sightedness at all by the player base. Unless all you do is join the zerg train, then the nuances of having guard leech and guard stat line buffs are HUGE with classes with a low vit. It means having the ability of easily taking on 2 to 3 more people and knowing you can take 2 or more burst hits. That is HUGE when you are roaming.
If you don’t roam and all you do is join the zerg, yeah then you won’t feel it or will feel it’s negligible. The only other thing that is more pressing to fix are the hacks going around so prevalently in WvW.
There is no other pressing matter. So many players have quit/are moving on/moved on because they don’t want to be pigeonholed playing one character or be at a significant disadvantage/hinderance to their teammates if they decide to play their alts. Also WvW accound wide xp has been annouced over 5 months ago. Backpack ascended items have been announced for nearly as long. Change in WvW achievement points have been announced even longer. Has any of these announcements made it in game? No. So you can see the frustrations that we haven’t gotten anything in WvW besides EOTM which is now slowly becoming a dead zone. Awesome stuff.
(edited by Phantasmal.5631)
A proper grouping system should be the priority… because the C&S system certainly ISN’T.