Hello, below is a list of topics as to why servers tend to shy away from the PPT play style and more into a Zerg/Blob/K-Train style. Feel free to add your own thoughts or comment on mine below. For a tl;dr just read the bold sections, the bullets below them explain on the point more:
Often coverage determines the winner of a match
- Unfortunately WvW is a coverage game and I think this hurts it the most. Even if when I’m on and I lead my server to hold the highest PPT for a few hours that easily get’s negated if later in the day or week my server doesn’t have people to even compete for PPT. This is a simple problem with no real good solution or I think Arena Net would be implementing it. They are always looking for ways to fix this problem.
- Maybe a solution would be to split up the server into different ‘time zones’ and each has it’s own points, population, and ladder rank. However, this would only divide servers more and make WvW ladders look super confusing.
No real reward or triumph from winning a match
- The rank system makes it so that it takes a long time to move any reasonable distance in the ladder. I’m not against this system but when you win you don’t feel immediately rewarded in this aspect
- Just getting 3 bonus chests isn’t a big reward. I think the main reason for this is because it is so easy to obtain. Maybe the reward should scale better based on how much you helped your server to win. Many players often spend 3+ hours a day each day of the week only to get rewarded with 3 bonus chests
- Other than sitting at the top of a leader-board on a website there is no real benefit to being one of the best servers. Adding something would not help the bandwagon to the top servers problem (which is now not possible with the new population out).
Active rewards while are to basic
- This is what is the easiest to change and I think would have the biggest impact to the enjoyment of WvW
- Rewards for taking objectives should be based on how many players took the objective, and how long the other server has held the objective. The more players that participate in taking a objective the less of a reward it should be down to a minimum. Rewards need to be based on difficulty. The longer a server holds and objective or the higher tier it has reached the more the reward should be. Again reward should be based on difficulty. You can even use this to remove the RI buff from objectives by making there be little or even no reward for flipping a camp before 5 min have passed. However that should only be the case if RI is to prevent people constantly flipping it for rewards.
- There is a lack of reward/game-play for scouting the enemy servers yet it’s is important for earning high PPT. Maybe add some telescope upgrade to towers/keeps that give the ability to see players farther away and ‘mark’ them. Player gets reward based on marking players and rewards can only be earned so quick so there is no exploiting. Marked players would show briefly on the map similar to how EotM works. Add a flare item(similar to how the traps work they need supply) that will mark enemies and give rewards for marking them, more for out of objective scouting.
- Tweak defending events and how you get credit for them. It seems silly to me if I’m defending a tower and I kill an attacking teams siege that I don’t get credit for defending. The only way to get credit currently is kills and repairing. A lot more goes into defending objectives and one of the most important killing siege isn’t rewarded. This makes defending fairly undesirable because if you bring people to kill of the attackers they run before they die so no credit unless you repair. Using supply to repair is normally not wanted because it’s a waste unless it stalls the other server out so your team can arrive and defend or the siege has been cleared and the tower defended already.
- Besieging an objective will only give you rewards if your server takes the objective. This one isn’t to bad because normally you server takes an objective when you have been attacking it for a while. However a crucial part of taking a larger more fortified keep requires several attacks to weaken the keep and drain it’s supply. This can take a long time and often you might have to log before your team takes it. You should get rewarded for knocking down walls and doors a bit more than the little bit of WXP.
Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]