Why all the complaints against Northern Shiverpeaks!?
If I may just give another side to this issue: I come from a guild of friends who live in an entirely different timezone from you guys (Asia) And we actually came to NSP because we heard that the server had a big community from similar timezones as ours, so we didn’t have to play in barren wastelands and deserted maps.
I believe “nightcapping” shouldn’t be an issue in wvwvw. In the first place, it was designed to run 24/7. And it would be unfair for us if something such as “nightcapping” is looked down upon, because for us it’s the normal time we can wvw. While we agree that the number of people online and defending at a given point in time is a major factor with regard to actually being able to capture territory, we disagree with the line of thinking that ‘nightcapping’ is unfair, because for a lot of people, your ‘late night’ is our ‘early afternoon’. While it -is- true that people do stay up late (or, in our case, we woke up extra early to make it to the reset-time battle) to take keeps, for others, it’s simply a matter of when it’s most convenient for us to be online. We didn’t stay out of the fights, waiting until we could steal everything from you while you slept. We fought while you guys did, held our own even when we were fighting both FC at the garrison and AR at the bottom part of the map. It wasn’t our fault that we had a more diverse population (or simply more people, but other people have touched on this). And besides, as the other NSP people have said, it wasn’t our fault that we could find more people who were willing to stay up late, people who were willing to commit to wvw enough and are dedicated enough to play up ’til early morning just to secure our positions.
Still, hopefully soon we can move on to more ‘even’ matchups so there will be less of this in the future. If we move on to higher brackets and get demolished there, then okay. But from what I’ve seen from our side, our top guilds have the organization necessary for us to at least put up a fight, and I bet many from our side are willing to follow. Who knows, maybe someday (and maybe soon), we can fight again, on more ‘even’ ground.
TL;DR: Asians play this game too.
Icyie.9341 you can argue about night capping all you want. the servers with a large night team but poor day team will always say it is fair and that WvW is a 24/7 game. While the servers without night teams get sick of taking half the map only to lose it all when they sleep.
I have no issues with ‘night cappers’, if you want to beat on the gates and fight npcs, you have the right to play during your peak time.
But when Anvil Rock has half the map it is very clear that you are, as you put it, in an ‘even’ bracket.
See you in a few weeks time NSP.
I seem to be missing the point here: We have a poor day team? We were holding our own against simultaneous attacks. And we’re unfair because we have a capability that you don’t? Because we could stay up for just a bit more, and you couldn’t? Setting a good rotation for your WvW duties throughout the clock is part of the whole fight. Nobody’s stopping you from recruiting people from other timezones. If and when we do see you again, then it’s your job to find a way to neutralize our “advantage”, instead of complaining about nightcappers on the forums.
You say you have no issues with nightcappers but the only point you seem to be implying is that it’s unfair we can organize night teams.
Nice orbs you got there.
And like I said, you can auto attack gates and fight npcs all you want, I have no issues with that. But don’t talk like you are outplaying us in anyway.
Icyie.9341 you can argue about night capping all you want. the servers with a large night team but poor day team will always say it is fair and that WvW is a 24/7 game. While the servers without night teams get sick of taking half the map only to lose it all when they sleep.
I have no issues with ‘night cappers’, if you want to beat on the gates and fight npcs, you have the right to play during your peak time.
But when Anvil Rock has half the map it is very clear that you are, as you put it, in an ‘even’ bracket.
See you in a few weeks time NSP.
I can’t tell if trolling.. or just ignorant.
Guild Leader of Fat Insecure Neurotic Emotional[FINE]
Resident of Maguuma
Icyie.9341 you can argue about night capping all you want. the servers with a large night team but poor day team will always say it is fair and that WvW is a 24/7 game. While the servers without night teams get sick of taking half the map only to lose it all when they sleep.
I have no issues with ‘night cappers’, if you want to beat on the gates and fight npcs, you have the right to play during your peak time.
But when Anvil Rock has half the map it is very clear that you are, as you put it, in an ‘even’ bracket.
See you in a few weeks time NSP.
I can’t tell if trolling.. or just ignorant.
Both. He likes to talk big and trash a lot.
Nice orbs you got there.
And like I said, you can auto attack gates and fight npcs all you want, I have no issues with that. But don’t talk like you are outplaying us in anyway.
You do realize we’ve given up on WvW and are all doing dungeons right now don’t you? We’re waiting til reset, but if you need this kitten stroke and a big old pat on the back. We’re more than happy to provide it for you.
Good job sir, we are happy you have accomplished something as in getting 2 orbs finally after 5 days. You should totally Kitty Catttttttttt talk us after being down the entire week and calling us bad. You sir are the worst kind of player I have ever seen post on this forum. If your guild leader ever reads this, I hope they wise up and kick you because I for one have lost respect for ANV.
Good day
(Edit: I just want to clarify that I never troll or harass on a forum, but this guy absolutely disgusts me)
Guild Leader of Fat Insecure Neurotic Emotional[FINE]
Resident of Maguuma
If your guild leader ever reads this, I hope they wise up and kick you because I for one have lost respect for ANV.
I’m sorry about one lone guild member. And I may not be in the right for saying this – as I am also only a member of ANV, but to ‘condemn’ a whole guild due to one individual doesn’t seem right.
As you saw in the orb hacking incident thread we had going – we didn’t ‘condemn’ a whole server due to ONE individual.
Sorry all. Looking back I have been a bit of an kitten. Reading some posts about how we need to use rams better and get a ‘night team’ and they kinda pitch a nerve, and after all the internet is here to talk kitten right?
But it is not right for me to come here and take this frustration out on people on the forums.
It has been a long week full of a lot of very ‘unfun’ moments and I don’t think just having more players can be very fun for your guilds who, like all guilds, are here to have fun and become better and get into the epic large scale fights.
Scumbag steel is sorry for his trash talk. Good luck to NSP next week I hope you get a good match up, I hope we get the same.
Sam, You put into words exactly how I feel about NSP. You went from being a top tier server to his cause your top alliance left. You’re all great players, and I have seen a decline in your numbers during the past few days. That being said, I have also had some hugefights with TBH and FINE over the past 2 days, so I know you’re not all taking a break Actually, as I post this, I think you’re attempting to take your orb back.
All in all, great matchup, great fights, great opponents. Best of luck next week to you all! Now to recruit more guilds into our alliance…
Sam, You put into words exactly how I feel about NSP. You went from being a top tier server to his cause your top alliance left. You’re all great players, and I have seen a decline in your numbers during the past few days. That being said, I have also had some hugefights with TBH and FINE over the past 2 days, so I know you’re not all taking a break
Actually, as I post this, I think you’re attempting to take your orb back.
There are still a few FINE members out an about, but the majority of the guild has been running dungeons to get finalized on their gear sets and make some money while we can. Appreciate the compliments and it’s been fun fighting against you as well. I hope one day our servers clash again and can have some more great fights.
I did not mean that I had lost respect for every member in ANV, just that it’s name was being tarnished. I am sorry I was a bit rash and I wish you all good luck in the upcoming weeks.
Guild Leader of Fat Insecure Neurotic Emotional[FINE]
Resident of Maguuma
Exactly. People do that everywhere. Just yesterday I got ambushed by 3 dudes and when I died, they started “/me”-ing various things like “spits on body” and “teabags body” and stuff.
To me, tactics like teaming up on one person, or camping around corners in Halo with a sword, or camping hallways in CoD, or any of those kinda cheapkitten tactics, should never be followed up with “suck it, you got owned”-type gestures.
To be fair it usually takes about 3 of them to kill anyone so it probably felt like an
1.Something that has been achieved successfully.
2.The successful achievement of a task
As seen below sometimes even 3 is not enough
WvW Officer of PvP Inc.
“There is no shame in finishing second… When it was to me” -Bahatsu
Exactly. People do that everywhere. Just yesterday I got ambushed by 3 dudes and when I died, they started “/me”-ing various things like “spits on body” and “teabags body” and stuff.
To me, tactics like teaming up on one person, or camping around corners in Halo with a sword, or camping hallways in CoD, or any of those kinda cheapkitten tactics, should never be followed up with “suck it, you got owned”-type gestures.
To be fair it usually takes about 3 of them to kill anyone so it probably felt like an
1.Something that has been achieved successfully.
2.The successful achievement of a taskAs seen below sometimes even 3 is not enough
The graphics in that SS are so bad. :P
Yup playing from laptop at work gotta crank it down low to keep FPS at 30.
WvW Officer of PvP Inc.
“There is no shame in finishing second… When it was to me” -Bahatsu
@Bahatsu had a fight against two NSP at a supply yesterday. Difference is that they had the NPC’s but they were both up arrow. Killed the NPC guards first because they were more dangerous. Killing up arrows with your guards help isn’t even a chore. Got to say been having some good fights that weren’t horribly as out matched as the 3 FC folks in that pic are
To the two NSP that I went up against last night in your borderlands supply, good fight and valiant defense.
PS I only bow after a fight, trying to keep things classy
I kind of felt bad last night for the opposing worlds.
(from NS)
We were getting rushed hard, and Our lord at garrisons was invulned, I think it was a bug.
Their army worked so hard to run in to a wall at the end.
I think it was a bug, if not, well that must havekitten people off.
Any way i have no idea about this other stuff you guys are talking about.
I do my job and do it well, kill supply caravans. hahaha