Why are Proof of Heroics soulbound??
To screw wvwers over once again. Anyway the chests you get out the rank chests are acc bound, they dont stack but you can just put in bank and get the proofs on another toon you want.
Edit: horrible typo
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Thanks for the workaround. It’s better than nothing.
Be warned though the chests being account bound is apparently a bug. They may be changed to being soul bound. There has been a large player reaction against the possibility of this happening though so it may not.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Be warned though the chests being account bound is apparently a bug. They may be changed to being soul bound. There has been a large player reaction against the possibility of this happening though so it may not.
that is true a dev wrote but lets face it we(wvw’ers) heard that before when they wanted masteries to be character bound as well but we all know how that went
because hero’s challenge completion is character bound….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Be warned though the chests being account bound is apparently a bug. They may be changed to being soul bound. There has been a large player reaction against the possibility of this happening though so it may not.
because hero’s challenge completion is character bound….
Yeah, but you don’t get the things from doing hero challenges. You get them from WvW, which is generalized gameplay, so I don’t see how that reasoning applies at all.
Why are they not a currency and just go in the wallet is beyond me !
I also hate it to be soulbound ;-).
Am I missing something?
Welcome to the “we don’t care what you think, you’re not getting paid to make the game, just pay us for it and don’t complain”, train.
To screw wvwers over once again. Anyway the chests you get out the rank chests are acc bound, they dont stack but you can just put in bank and get the proofs on another toon you want.
Edit: horrible typo
There is an even better solution.
- You open the chests because they dont stack.
- You put the soulbound Proofs Of Heroics into your bank.
- Log in into a different character and go to the Hero Points merchant.
- Buy the hero points, it takes the Proofs directly from your bank, you dont have to have it in your inventory. Despite the soulbound nonsense it still works.
OP, it’s because they thought that would be a good idea. No idea how they could think that, but then Devon thinks rewards in wvw are fine and everything is rosy in wvw…
It’s a shame that they can be so disconnected from a game mode in their own game that they thought having them soulbound (and the chests, which don’t stack…spend more on gems, now!) was in any way a good idea.
Once they hit your personal bank they become a currency you can use on all toons.
Chest and in the bank capability is probably not working as intended and my guess is that is a bug they will prioritize at some point. I know I am knocking out WvW levels fast just in case.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
ANet seems to have failed to learn from its own past.
The old Skill Points, which were character bound, had two uses. One use was for character development (unlocking skills and traits). The other use was as a currency for the Mystic Forge.
ANet eventually decided that this was confusing, so they split the functions into Hero Points, used ONLY for character development, and Spirit Shards, used ONLY as a currency. This, to me, made good sense. The HP are character bound, as they should be, while the SS are account bound and placed in the wallet.
Then they turned around and added Proofs of Heroics, which have two uses: character development and currency. They’re like the old Skill Point system, except this time they made it worse. Skill Points at least had no physical token so they didn’t take up a bag or bank slot.
Somehow the principle that character development indicators and currencies should not be combined got lost Did somebody miss a meeting or throw a memo into the circular file without reading it?
Be warned though the chests being account bound is apparently a bug. They may be changed to being soul bound. There has been a large player reaction against the possibility of this happening though so it may not.
Knowing anet and fixing bugs related to wvw its safe to say this chest will remain acc bound till next expansion.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
To screw wvwers over once again. Anyway the chests you get out the rank chests are acc bound, they dont stack but you can just put in bank and get the proofs on another toon you want.
Edit: horrible typo
There is an even better solution.
- You open the chests because they dont stack.
- You put the soulbound Proofs Of Heroics into your bank.
- Log in into a different character and go to the Hero Points merchant.
- Buy the hero points, it takes the Proofs directly from your bank, you dont have to have it in your inventory. Despite the soulbound nonsense it still works.
Was not aware of this…. Thanks….
I would rather have them character bound but have a decent amount flowing through… i don’t mind the idea of playing the character to get the proofs, but it will literally take me an eternity to unlock all the elite specs for my characters.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
To screw wvwers over once again. Anyway the chests you get out the rank chests are acc bound, they dont stack but you can just put in bank and get the proofs on another toon you want.
Edit: horrible typo
There is an even better solution.
- You open the chests because they dont stack.
- You put the soulbound Proofs Of Heroics into your bank.
- Log in into a different character and go to the Hero Points merchant.
- Buy the hero points, it takes the Proofs directly from your bank, you dont have to have it in your inventory. Despite the soulbound nonsense it still works.
Good to know, thanks. +1
Proof of Heroics should be Account Bound
Tyria, Underworld
So are there any news if they are going to make them account bound?
I have 8 chars, but play like 2-3 in WvW, what should I do with those Proofs? I can’t see my self grinding the other 5 chars and unlock their elite specs I play them rarely and situationally.
Buy Superior Siege and sell/donate it.
Tacktical Killers [TK]
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Because when they implemented that feature they were thinking on EOTM level up train.
At least we can purchase elite siege.
So are there any news if they are going to make them account bound?
I have 8 chars, but play like 2-3 in WvW, what should I do with those Proofs? I can’t see my self grinding the other 5 chars and unlock their elite specsI play them rarely and situationally.
Wxp is accountbound, so I’m usually going to 90-95% of a rank with my main and repair anything with the alt. I’m down to the last 2 classes that need their elite.
So are there any news if they are going to make them account bound?
I have 8 chars, but play like 2-3 in WvW, what should I do with those Proofs? I can’t see my self grinding the other 5 chars and unlock their elite specsI play them rarely and situationally.
Wxp is accountbound, so I’m usually going to 90-95% of a rank with my main and repair anything with the alt. I’m down to the last 2 classes that need their elite.
Good advice, unfortunately on my server there are always queues on EB where every one plays.
They should really make them account bound like WXP/badges, there is nothing funny to grind like crazy to be able to play with your skills.
Then try to be there a bit earlier sometimes – I’m sure it works.
Anet has got one big agenda that started about 2 years ago: Teach people how to play – it actually kind of worked out but they gave in and made nearly every class faceroll easy. Nonetheless they think that wvw players need to learn how to play that’s why we’re supposed to earn the elites with our alts.
ETA: And by giving the tip with the wxp it might well be that the wxp will go character bound again
ETA²: Wouldn’t be too bad though, I could create tonnes of new thieves and lure enemies into thinking I’m a freshman raider.
(edited by Jana.6831)
Anet didn’t want a shortcut around having to play in the HOT maps to get the elite specs on the character you wanted it for. I guess some player complaints went into that decision.
That said…
WvW is a great workaround for a lot of the mastery gated hero points and once you max them out you can trade in the heroics for superior siege to either sell or if you command like me use for your WvW PPT work.
Anet HATED soul bound WXP for the longest time and it took near crushing complaints on this forum to change them to account bound. It surprised very few that proofs were account bound by design and that ANet would “patch” the ability to use them on other alts. The sting was that there were clearly more important bugs to squash than fixing this perceived on their part issue.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Anet, could you please do me a favor and make Proofs of Heroics a currency that goes in your wallet that any character can use instead of making them soulbound items that take up an inventory slot? Please? Pretty please with an omnomberry on top?
Please implement this – it would be greatly appreciated.
I would love to get elite specs on my thieves, engis, rangers but they are not wanted in large scale WvW.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
i also would like this to happen. i have been slowly painstakingly, painfully, working through each of my characters (so far gained druid twice, scrapper, tempest, and herald. working on reaper now) earning their elite specs with proofs of heroics... and in my case as i play on a T8 server, i don’t even have the luxury of running with a zerg most times. most of my playtime is solo camp flipping.
the one tiny positive is that i learn more how to play each class, but the interim where i have the elite half done... is painful and boring, and compared to playing my main, even as good as i get on each class, they aren’t my main, they don’t have gear as good as my main, they don’t have the hours put in that i have on my main... so i feel weak and inadequate.
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
Proof of Heroics is Soulbound for a reason. Character progression. There was a bug when they were first introduced and has been since fixed. You’d be better off posting in the GW2 main subforum because you won’t get another answer here.
Tacktical Killers [TK]
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i know it’s soulbound for a reason. that doesn’t mean that it’s not annoying and tedious and shouldn’t be changed.
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
Proof of Heroics is Soulbound for a reason. Character progression. There was a bug when they were first introduced and has been since fixed. You’d be better off posting in the GW2 main subforum because you won’t get another answer here.
WXP is account bound, so that doesn’t make sense.
We won’t get an answer anywhere because A-net. We just like to pretend A-net are reading and discussing our posts. It’s delusional, but it helps.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
Yes it is but Proofs were specifically intended for the Elite skill of the class.
Tacktical Killers [TK]
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Proof of Heroics is Soulbound for a reason. Character progression. There was a bug when they were first introduced and has been since fixed. You’d be better off posting in the GW2 main subforum because you won’t get another answer here.
its a bad reason, just like soulbound wxp was. hopefully it takes them less time to realize it this time.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
1. I’m posting here because Proofs is a WvW item you get from playing WvW.
2. I really don’t see the problem for using Proofs you get while playing one class to get Hero Points for another class, if that’s what you choose to do. I really don’t understand why that’s an issue. If you’re worried that it exploits specialization achievements somehow, you shouldn’t…the ‘rewards’ you get from those achieves aren’t anything special…a little AP and a crappy-looking exotic. If you’re worried that it exploits unlocking elite specializations, don’t worry. It is far faster and more efficient to just get a small group on LFG and do a hero point run in the HoT maps rather than trying to use proofs to get the HoT hero points; if anything, it’ll take you much longer to unlock elite specs soley by trying to get Proofs to unlock them. If you’re worried that it somehow exploits MC, don’t worry; again, it’s faster and easier to get the hero points in Central Tyria just by getting them directly, so trying to get hero points by getting Proofs is actually going to take you longer.
3. The reason why I want Proofs to be a wallet currency that’s usable account-wide is because I’m mainly a WvW player, and it’s nice to get superior siege from the Proofs vendor; usually after a rally, I have enough Proofs for four or five pieces of superior siege (unless I buy superior trebs, which are 12 proofs). What’s not nice is when I have one or two Proofs on each of my toons, and instead of being able to pool them together to get a couple pieces of superior siege, they just sit in my toons’ inventories taking up a slot.
100% agree.
What shocked me was that they converted these items from account bound to soulbound when majority were against it >.<
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
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My recommendation to post elsewhere was for visibility. Rarely you will get any response here. Also on the other sub forum you may get more responses to keep it on top until a Mod moves it back here, lol.
Tacktical Killers [TK]
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I agree, its is very wasteful on our time when we could be WvWing instead of grinding the HoT thorn maps for mastery points over and over for each character.