Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Jahn.7019


Regardless of population, why can’t we have a game so that every server is competitive and is able to fight against each other?

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Rawr.5930


People want to “win” and will pay for it.

Meega Kweesta

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: eekzie.5640


People want to “win” and will pay for it.

I think what he was getting to was more like, make the playing field more even.

Right now, the majority of the ranking is based off how active a server is in WvW. Rather than how skilled they are.

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


Unfortunately the game was not designed in such a way. And it will never be that way short of a complete and total overhaul of WvW as a game mode.

Beast mode

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Also at the current state of server Laggs and Crashes, can you Imagine the Chaos if it were ever to be?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


NA servers should get points from a 8-10 hour window and EU servers should get points in a 8-10 hour window. When they finally get Asian servers, open a 8-10 hour window for them. All off-hour fighting should be pooled into off-hour servers. How ever many can be supported (maybe 3-6) You can represent a NA server, EU server and then an off-hour server. This ensure no one can ever not wvw. They just represent different servers based on what time they play. NA and EU servers are not screwed by off hour capping. Off-hour fighters are pooled into a smaller player area and can actually fight someone and not pvdoor.

Next, you could adjust population caps based on tier. Tier one gets the normal cap. Tier 8 however gets a smaller cap so the smaller server just isn’t completely out-zerged. These caps can be adjusted based on population history. Lets say three servers are paired together. One server that normally fields two maps is paired with two servers that can barely field one map. Lower the cap to the average of the three servers population history. The big server still has a slight advantage, but it should be closer. Anet could easily experiment to find the best fit.

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


They need to even the playing field for xfers. Right now an xfer to a t6-7 server costs almost as much as to a t3 who wants to pay to play on a losing team? Give them some incentive and stop being so greedy anet it’s killing your game.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Right now, the majority of the ranking is based off how active a server is in WvW. Rather than how skilled they are.

How would you evaluate a server’s skill level?

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Right now, the majority of the ranking is based off how active a server is in WvW. Rather than how skilled they are.

How would you evaluate a server’s skill level?

Points divided by amount of people?

Either way I think it’s a terrible idea. I’m happy to let T1 players revel in their zergdom.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Aeros.2046


This thread implies that a Tier 5 Server is “losing” to a Tier 1 server. This is not true at all. Quite a few low ranked and mid ranked servers win every week. They get the same weekly bonuses a Tier 1 server gets too. And many of them don’t want to rise up in the tiers, because then they run the risk of turning into a Tier 1 server.

Trust me, none of us in the middle of pack want that. Then we would have the skill lag and long ques people on Tier 1 servers are constantly complaining about. Trust me when I say we have abokittenely zero desire to either play your servers, or be like your servers. That just would not be any fun at all


Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Jewel.1457


we would never ever get 24 competitive servers becasue, quite simply there is not enough players to do that..there could be around 10 I think though.

I think choosing a server for both WvW and PvE has been the problem from the begining as it makes it much harder to balance the population actually engaging in WvW

Gamey Blog: Healing the Masses - with the soul of thine enemy
Eriena of JQ-warrior forever

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: multivira.7925


we would never ever get 24 competitive servers becasue, quite simply there is not enough players to do that..there could be around 10 I think though.

I think choosing a server for both WvW and PvE has been the problem from the begining as it makes it much harder to balance the population actually engaging in WvW

Spread the WvW population equally over all the servers and they’re all competitive, not sure how they can’t all be ‘competitive’. Actually accomplishing that might be impossible, but it has nothing to do with not having enough players.

Twirling – Pie Eating Guardian – MM – Gunnar’s Hold

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


What they can do is the points you gain is connected to how many players is playing and then also do so a paper building give less then a fully upgraded building, same for taking/defending a building.

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


NA servers should get points from a 8-10 hour window and EU servers should get points in a 8-10 hour window. When they finally get Asian servers, open a 8-10 hour window for them. All off-hour fighting should be pooled into off-hour servers.

What an incredibly bad and poorly thought out suggestion. Or… do you actually think everyone that lives in your timezone works the same hours you do?


Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Conner.4702


Why there isn’t a 24/7 system is simply due to the fact that they separated the servers into US and EU. It was a stupid move from a WvW point of view as WvW was promoted as a 24/7 battlefield, but that only works if people from many different timezones play on the same server.

It will also never be changed and as such WvW will never ever succeed as a whole. Either they are unwilling or incapable is moot.

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: PariahX.6970


EU/NA split definitely hurts any chances of having more then 9 or so balanced worlds with decent competition across timezones. The problem is we all wanted to PvE with our friends and locals back before guesting was working so we have places like SoS were all the aussies went to hang out that threw a monkey-wrench into WvW balance.

We have never tried to set up PvE communities in this game that were timezone based instead of WvW centric and we never got into the habit of questing heavily for our PvE content which sort of keeps everything out of whack on the WvW side. At this point there is no good solution outside of those that are player based which means we have to make conscious choices not to expect (or demand) 24/7 action across worlds and spread ourselves back out but I only see the opposite happening so yeah . . . best of luck there.

~Xylla~ [oG] on Ehmry Bay [PiXi]
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


NA servers should get points from a 8-10 hour window and EU servers should get points in a 8-10 hour window. When they finally get Asian servers, open a 8-10 hour window for them. All off-hour fighting should be pooled into off-hour servers.

What an incredibly bad and poorly thought out suggestion. Or… do you actually think everyone that lives in your timezone works the same hours you do?

This is why I said you can represent 3 different servers at once. I guess it could also be one server just split the ranking into three time-zones. During NA prime, you are fighting other NA servers of equal rank. During EU prime, same thing. During Asian prime it switches again. At the end of the week, server’s will be rated in their time-zones. If you have a strong NA, you move up in that slot, if your EU sucks, you move down in that slot, and so on. I like the idea of being about to represent different servers because some servers are drastically different in different timezones. You can pick servers that are the same to your liking. If you like small combat, pick those type servers. If you like zergs, pick servers that have strong showings in each of the three timezones.

Of course, they would have to figure out how to save siege weapons during the offhours. That shouldn’t be to hard.

The whole idea that 10% of the wvw population can get 90% of the overall score for week when most people aren’t playing is an incredibly bad and poorly thought out suggestion.

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Simple. Reduce map pop size to 60 players per team per map.

The resultant queues will either force stacked servers to spread out to other lower tiered less populated servers in order to play, or people will quit.

Lag is reduced, queues reduced, servers become more competitive instead of top heavy …

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


Simple. Reduce map pop size to 60 players per team per map.

The resultant queues will either force stacked servers to spread out to other lower tiered less populated servers in order to play, or people will quit.

Lag is reduced, queues reduced, servers become more competitive instead of top heavy …

“or people will quit”

At least you got a small part of that post right …

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Obscure One.4357

Obscure One.4357

Simple. Reduce map pop size to 60 players per team per map.

The resultant queues will either force stacked servers to spread out to other lower tiered less populated servers in order to play, or people will quit.

Lag is reduced, queues reduced, servers become more competitive instead of top heavy …

“or people will quit”

At least you got a small part of that post right …

Queue Wars 2? No thanks. Not that it matters anyhow, I’m just having fun with it and getting my moneys worth out of Guild Wars 2 until I quit it for something more PvP centric in its design, development, and business models. Probably ESO for a bit, though I have low expectations for it, but ultimately Destiny is my next prospective digital home.

Circumventing profanity filters one kitten at a time.

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


NA servers should get points from a 8-10 hour window and EU servers should get points in a 8-10 hour window. When they finally get Asian servers, open a 8-10 hour window for them. All off-hour fighting should be pooled into off-hour servers.

What an incredibly bad and poorly thought out suggestion. Or… do you actually think everyone that lives in your timezone works the same hours you do?

This is why I said you can represent 3 different servers at once. I guess it could also be one server just split the ranking into three time-zones. During NA prime, you are fighting other NA servers of equal rank. During EU prime, same thing. During Asian prime it switches again. At the end of the week, server’s will be rated in their time-zones. If you have a strong NA, you move up in that slot, if your EU sucks, you move down in that slot, and so on. I like the idea of being about to represent different servers because some servers are drastically different in different timezones. You can pick servers that are the same to your liking. If you like small combat, pick those type servers. If you like zergs, pick servers that have strong showings in each of the three timezones.

So you want to take a really bad idea and add layers of complications on top of that. Lovely.


Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Npac.3476


Funny none of you point out you cant fill 24 servers b/c the game has been in population decline for months leaving bottom tiers emptier and emptier?

Lol this community is so utterly blind is comical.

Zelrin- 80 Thief
Founder of PAXA

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Obscure One.4357

Obscure One.4357

Funny none of you point out you cant fill 24 servers b/c the game has been in population decline for months leaving bottom tiers emptier and emptier?

Lol this community is so utterly blind is comical.

ANet Response: “There’s no population decline. Have you checked out our living story? It’s got loads of new content!”

Circumventing profanity filters one kitten at a time.

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

NA servers should get points from a 8-10 hour window and EU servers should get points in a 8-10 hour window. When they finally get Asian servers, open a 8-10 hour window for them. All off-hour fighting should be pooled into off-hour servers.

What an incredibly bad and poorly thought out suggestion. Or… do you actually think everyone that lives in your timezone works the same hours you do?

This is why I said you can represent 3 different servers at once. I guess it could also be one server just split the ranking into three time-zones. During NA prime, you are fighting other NA servers of equal rank. During EU prime, same thing. During Asian prime it switches again. At the end of the week, server’s will be rated in their time-zones. If you have a strong NA, you move up in that slot, if your EU sucks, you move down in that slot, and so on. I like the idea of being about to represent different servers because some servers are drastically different in different timezones. You can pick servers that are the same to your liking. If you like small combat, pick those type servers. If you like zergs, pick servers that have strong showings in each of the three timezones.

So you want to take a really bad idea and add layers of complications on top of that. Lovely.

I think its a good idea. It solves one of the biggest complaints in WvW – and one of the reasons for server stacking.

When you have relatively equal numbers, regardless of what that exact number is, WvW is so much fun.

When there is a large difference in population, WvW is less fun for all involved – whether you’re the large pop team or the small pop team, it is less fun.

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


So you want to take a really bad idea and add layers of complications on top of that. Lovely.

I think its a good idea. It solves one of the biggest complaints in WvW – and one of the reasons for server stacking.

When you have relatively equal numbers, regardless of what that exact number is, WvW is so much fun.

When there is a large difference in population, WvW is less fun for all involved – whether you’re the large pop team or the small pop team, it is less fun.

Solves them? It creates dramatically more problems by not allowing people working in non-prime time zones for their server to actually represent their server. I’m on Jade Quarry. I identify myself with JQ in game. Why should I be forced to represent some foreign server that I’m not even on because I had a change in schedule? That’s absolutely ridiculous. Without that identity you’d also be opening up “foreign” servers (those not our home server) to trolling by people forced to fight on them that don’t give a pile of flung monkey poo about them. I’m certainly not going to make any significant efforts to help a server win that I don’t care about… they’ll be nothing more than WxP farm locations at best. Why report an enemy group about to hit a tower when I can wait for them to flip it and join the group taking it back? T3? Who cares… it’s not my server.

Believe me, this idea would be the death of WvW as we know it.


Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

So you want to take a really bad idea and add layers of complications on top of that. Lovely.

I think its a good idea. It solves one of the biggest complaints in WvW – and one of the reasons for server stacking.

When you have relatively equal numbers, regardless of what that exact number is, WvW is so much fun.

When there is a large difference in population, WvW is less fun for all involved – whether you’re the large pop team or the small pop team, it is less fun.

Solves them? It creates dramatically more problems by not allowing people working in non-prime time zones for their server to actually represent their server. I’m on Jade Quarry. I identify myself with JQ in game. Why should I be forced to represent some foreign server that I’m not even on because I had a change in schedule? That’s absolutely ridiculous. Without that identity you’d also be opening up “foreign” servers (those not our home server) to trolling by people forced to fight on them that don’t give a pile of flung monkey poo about them. I’m certainly not going to make any significant efforts to help a server win that I don’t care about… they’ll be nothing more than WxP farm locations at best. Why report an enemy group about to hit a tower when I can wait for them to flip it and join the group taking it back? T3? Who cares… it’s not my server.

Believe me, this idea would be the death of WvW as we know it.

Ok, I read it too fast and mis-read what they were saying.

What I interpreted them as saying (and what I think would be a good idea) is that a person’s server would have three separate scores and three separate matches. A NA match, an Asian/Oceanic match, an EU match. And each “timeframe” would have their own ranking thus the opponents for these matches would be determined separatly.

This way each timeframe is matched up against opponenets of similar rating and you wouldn’t have blowouts because one server has a higher population during a particular timeframe.

Now for you on JQ that wouldn’t mean much probably. But for most servers, it would mean the world – much, much, much better matches and much more fun in WvW.