Why did you stop WvWing?
Lop-sided fights.
Cheap ‘tactics’ like having a spy on enemy servers and sabotaging them by wasting supply or other such things.
Crap-tastic attitudes by both enemies and allies alike when things don’t go their way.
Hackers and cheaters ruining the whole experience…
On top of, like you said, doing the same thing over and over again.
Don’t get me wrong. For large scale battles, WvW is the best thing out there (my personal opinion, of course…) but, even the best of things can get old after a while.
Hopefully, the new maps with new mechanics and all that which are coming soon will help alleviate some of that and breath some fresh air into WvW.
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
got into pvp:
- more skill based
- is actual player vs player snd not player vs door
- less gear/food/buffs etc. based
- more strategical vs run in huge mob and spam 1
- small scale: actually can carry match solo to certain extend
- matches are over fast duhh
- rewards xD
could probably write essay on reasons…
[Teef] guild :>
I would like to do WvW more, but there’s hardly ever anyone on my server anymore.
I left WvW for the most part because I don’t see the fun in PvZ, aka, player vs zerg.
I don’ t see the fun in running half way across a borderline, with 99% of players I come across, stop, turn 180 degress and and start running fun.
And then when I do some people to fight it always happens to be the 80 man zerg who jump on my corpse.
Yeh man! Did you see that 80v1? We sure showed him! Ha!
Yeh….no thanks.
got into pvp:
- more skill based
- is actual player vs player snd not player vs door
- less gear/food/buffs etc. based
- more strategical vs run in huge mob and spam 1
- small scale: actually can carry match solo to certain extend
- matches are over fast duhh
- rewards xDcould probably write essay on reasons…
Yeah i think is something like that. PvP is alot more fun since its more strategy based, which is something youd expect from massive scale pvp too but the design of wvw is that of no matter how good tactics you got if you dont have more troops youll loose anyway. which is why defense should have been something more important than what it is now. if you had less players for a example you could decide to just defend and keep what youve got until more players come etc.
It’s a nice diversion, but there’s too much tedium for me.
Manually changing gear and traits is cumbersome. Attacking structures gets old fast and zerg fights bork my FPS so hard. Some can be fun, at times, but I prefer smaller scale combat where individual skill matters more than who got the most people to show up.
There’s not enough real progression either. Ranking up can be rewarding, but it pales in comparison to PvE and PvP.
- Same old same old; after you’ve run the circuit a bunch of times, it all blurs together
- Unbalanced match-ups leading to frustrating play, like, “We’ve got a 20-player zerg, they’ve got a 40 in our BL, plus another 40 on EB and 20 in their BL.”
- A further issue with unbalanced matches is being behind on the siege curve due to carrying less supply.
- WvW feels like the least rewarding option in the game other than exploring non-featured zones
- I don’t find stealth to be a fun mechanic.
- I’m no as big of a fan of large blobs of players doing things as Mike O’Brien is.
- Running long distances to get to the action.
- Stab changes, while relatively minor, did not help; not a lot of fun to make contact with the enemy, pop 10 stacks of Stab and have it gone in one step.
All that said, WvW, when there are good fights, is the most fun I’ve had in the game. It’s just that for every good fight it seems like there’s a boring one, 3 lopsided ones and 5 PvD’s.
TL:DR: Too little of what makes the mode fun, too much tedious.
It just seems too pointless. There is no real value in owning properties. Nothing to be gained and nothing to lose. It’s unscripted so in that sense it’s still better than PVE, but it’s also so routine it’s all too similar. You’re not there to wage war, you’re not there “for” anything. Just running around the map trading castles based on ppt.
Gain a castle? So what, it has no value. Time spent defending it is time spent not seeking out more ppt. Just go ahead and lose it, you’ll grab it again next time around, and it’s pretty inconsequential either way. So goes the routine.
It’s too structured, limited, and artificial. I’d prefer something more free-form. Not so point-driven, and routine. Something with politics, alliances, consequences, etc. WvW, like the rest of the game, just isn’t that deep of an experience. I was excited about it in the beginning, back when guilds bothered to claim castles and so forth, before it became apparent how shallow it all was. Now it’s just “doing the rounds” for no particular reason.
It can be nice to romp around in a bit, but it otherwise just doesn’t feel important in the slightest. There’s no “cause” for me to serve and care about, and there’s no variety. Always the same maps with the same tedious routines.
Server: Tarnished Coast
I don’t WvW much because the Devs refuse to face a basic problem:
The matches need automatic, continuous strategic-level handicapping/bolstering mechanics so you can put ANY 3 servers into a match and not know the outcome 10 seconds into the WEEK.
We’re beyond stagnant match-ups. Hell, we’re a year past ossification of match-ups.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
The problems of wvw are neglected so hard it’s an unfunny joke.
I still wvw, its’ the only thing that’s kept me playing as much and as long as I have. But many of my friends have quit. Tired of the problems people have been telling anet from the beginning with no real response or change.
I never really started, though I did run around with guildies in it for a while (my first time in might have been the most fun, when I and a friend got stranded on a section of wall with those to either side destroyed, and fired down into the invaders for an epic last stand). I did my first world completion while joining in the fighting.
But by my second one I just wanted to skirt the edges and not get involved. It’s not surprising. I have never really had fun playing where other players can come attack me if they feel like it, nor do I really want to slay anyone else. The tension involved wears me out fairly quickly.
Then they introduced the seasons, and the rewards for being in a world that did really well … and I realized that while I liked the rewards (minis and weapon skins), I didn’t like them enough to spend that much time with people gunning for me. Plus by then players had learned the strategies and had a lot of shorthand commands in Map Chat that I didn’t understand. If I asked “where should I put this piece of siege I have?” I’d get no response until I finally dropped it somewhere that looked good only to be told I’d goofed up.
WvW is about as close as PvP comes to being fun for me (Dragonball more so, actually). But I’m not very competitive by nature, I don’t need to beat up other people. And I sure don’t need to have my gut clench and my neck go tight just running through a map. So I drifted away, never really hooked on it.
It just seems too pointless. There is no real value in owning properties. Nothing to be gained and nothing to lose. It’s unscripted so in that sense it’s still better than PVE, but it’s also so routine it’s all too similar. You’re not there to wage war, you’re not there “for” anything. Just running around the map trading castles based on ppt.
Gain a castle? So what, it has no value. Time spent defending it is time spent not seeking out more ppt. Just go ahead and lose it, you’ll grab it again next time around, and it’s pretty inconsequential either way. So goes the routine.
It’s too structured, limited, and artificial. I’d prefer something more free-form. Not so point-driven, and routine. Something with politics, alliances, consequences, etc. WvW, like the rest of the game, just isn’t that deep of an experience. I was excited about it in the beginning, back when guilds bothered to claim castles and so forth, before it became apparent how shallow it all was. Now it’s just “doing the rounds” for no particular reason.
It can be nice to romp around in a bit, but it otherwise just doesn’t feel important in the slightest. There’s no “cause” for me to serve and care about, and there’s no variety. Always the same maps with the same tedious routines.
We share literally the exact same concerns and thoughts. +1 to you.
There was never any point in doing WvW because whatever you gained there did not really affect your world. (Sure, there are those WvW bonus things that just nobody really cares about.)
If you look beyond that and still want to play this game mode, the biggest problem is people’s mindset. Most match-ups are over by monday or perhaps tuesday. The side that has fallen behind by then just gives up and nobody bothers entering WvW anymore until friday. (This could be related to the first point, that outside of WvW it does not matter what the score is.)
because of the lag , delay , in huge blobs…
30v30v30 seems optimal, 60vs60vs60 is a lagfest and breaks down the combat mechanics.
Because I got tired of it quick. There was little incentives to do WvW a lot. Actually you kinda fall behind from the PVE people because they amass huge stockpiles of mats and gold. Unless you get lucky with a bag in WvW and a pre drops. Skill is kinda meh even commanding gets boring after a while. The investment with little return as a commander is not worth it.
Because Zerg fights suck. There’s little strategy involved. Just a massive clusterkitten.
It needs to be completely overhauled or deleted. The upcoming changes won’t help it at all.
There needs to be useful things to do for solo players besides killing yaks.
I was never really into it that much but a few reasons why is balancing, no commanders around, takes years to run places just to get roflstomped, too much the same thing constantly.
I’ve always considered WvW as a fun past time that you do occasionally and not professionally.
RIP City of Heroes
I actually stop playing coz wvw is stale, boring and without any futer. New map will make experience fresh again atleast for some time but without any development this game mode is dead anyway.
I don’t WvW much because the Devs refuse to face a basic problem:
The matches need automatic, continuous strategic-level handicapping/bolstering mechanics so you can put ANY 3 servers into a match and not know the outcome 10 seconds into the WEEK.
We’re beyond stagnant match-ups. Hell, we’re a year past ossification of match-ups.
I’ve said this so many times my brain hurts and my fingers are numb.
If it takes several lower tier servers to go against BG, TC, FA and JQ, then the epicness of the fighting would be very interesting and dynamic.
The combinations from lower tiers to upper tiers has yet to be tried – alliances would be necessary but from what I understand that’s NOT a road that Guild Wars hasn’t been down – not that hard to do and would open up many differing matches from two on one to four or more on one.
It really comes down to this;
Server pride means more than anything for WvW – so put our “normal” rotations into the mix – in other words, let’s take my server, Yak’s Bend, right now we are in a rotation that only has Ft. Aspenwood and Sea of Sorrows – and that is a match that should continue – but add to that a very small server to ally with Yak’s Bend against Ft. Aspenwood – still the three but now you have a larger server being challenged by roughly the same number of people (not sure the active populations, but I think you can see where many of us are going with this idea).
The lower servers – however many of them are fiercely proud – can you imagine however many it takes from the lower tiers to go against FA or JQ? How much pride would be there if they won against such odds – and there would still be odds – it wouldn’t be a sure thing for either side.
Now it’s a real war instead of three disparate areas that are warring unevenly and illogically the winner always known at the beginning of each reset, week after morale destroying week.
WvW’s real potential has yet to be tapped – all servers should be able to keep their servers intact, but alliances would bring a new and far more fair mode to a very stagnant and one dimensional model.
We love WvW, but those of us who have played it 2-6 hours or more a day know that we’re losing people, not just because they are bored but because there is no challenge and the “zerg” instead of “cooperation” even on the same server is almost non-existent.
We need team building mechanics – soon.
(edited by atheria.2837)
simply, the fights got boring. the amount of “stay up all night partying with your friends wvwing” nights slowly dwindled until it felt like they never happen anymore. I still roam occasionally when i get the itch to wvw though.
Server pride means more than anything for WvW
That is how it should be, but i don’t see that. People switch servers to the winning side, entire guilds being bought by servers, etc….
Been having a lot of fun in PvP, to be honest. Also, because I absolutely can’t stand this tier.
Aaaanddd, the kiss of death.
Someone makes a thread aimed at people who stopped playing WvW and are thus less likely to look in the WvW forum. So, mods move it to the WvW forum. Way to go…
(edited by IndigoSundown.5419)
Lack of rewards (I have to leave wvw for long periods of time if I want a certain shiny even if it’s more boring), achievements, skins (+ way of getting dungeon skins without pveing aka reward tracks) and the fact that they still haven’t reintroduced PPK.
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
Lack of rewards (I have to leave wvw for long periods of time if I want a certain shiny even if it’s more boring), achievements, skins (+ way of getting dungeon skins without pveing aka reward tracks) and the fact that they still haven’t reintroduced PPK.
I think the whole game lacks actual rewards. with pvp being the most rewarding part of gw2 right now. But i agree wvw rewards are probably the worst
One word: blobs
after i found out i need to level another discipline to 500 for my ascended pistol and realized i will forever be below people with ascended gear so i gave up
Mesmer is unfun to play against and does everything better than thieves.
Hoping those two get gutted with nerfs
after 3 years of gaem people still can’t count.
GvG ded and pug zergs are crap.
PvP is better if you want fun evenly matched small scaled fights without running around forever.
Best NA rallybot on EU
after i found out i need to level another discipline to 500 for my ascended pistol and realized i will forever be below people with ascended gear so i gave up
Do like me, get exotics and gank those with ascended gears/legendaries. Not so hard tbf.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
i quit for like 8 months because the heavy meta was pretty bad and i was tired of veilbotting. I mained a mes and after confusion nerf hit the fun sorta dissapeared with the heavy meta. i mad a necro and did enjoy it but still the heavy meta was getting really boring!
when i heard of specializations it made me come back…not sure if im going to like the new weird map that comes with it though. i think ill avoid the circus map and try to queue for eb.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Been having a lot of fun in PvP, to be honest. Also, because I absolutely can’t stand this tier.
Interesting. This tier is what brought me back to playing more.
I’m not on your server but in T3 NA and I had stopped playing for awhile because of the lopsided nature of the matches we were getting. And the lack of people playing.
But T3 came together and now its pretty fun again. Fairly even. A decent amount of people playing at various times. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
If you’ve been on the same Server since launch or, since you’ve had the game, you will sadly realize how pointless it is to ‘fight’ for your server.
The main thing is to have a good experience with your Guild and then whatever else there is left to WvW; like roaming or following a pug zerg.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
I didn’t get anything for it. Being a new player there’s lots of things I’d like, dyes, fancy looking gear, materials, etc. I got very little in WvW. The only time I did get great rewards was when we basically karma trained and took large chunks of ground and EoTM does it better. It’s boring karma training., but I get stuff! It just became if I actually want to progress and get things I want, WvW was not the answer. WvW is something to do when I have all my shinies already.
Aaaanddd, the kiss of death.
Someone makes a thread aimed at people who stopped playing WvW and are thus less likely to look in the WvW forum. So, mods move it to the WvW forum. Way to go…
from the General
I think that’s better and attracts more of the right people than having it in the general forum where people who have played it for two hours are reading.
If you’d asked me 1,5 years ago why I quit wvw, you would have gotten “because of stealth”, “because of no commander around” and the usual stuff. As I didn’t know wvw back then, but I’ve been there a few times, so essentially I quit.
If I were to quit wvw now, you would’ve get "because no scaling of objectives and being able to destroy all defensive siege within a tower with a single AC from outside – so it’s impossible to hold a tower against 50 (which is the usual size of “zergs” nowadays)" “Because of double teaming (which is natural, but frustrating nonetheless, I don’t blame anyone for that)” and “because of lags/bugs”.
I didn’t get anything for it. Being a new player there’s lots of things I’d like, dyes, fancy looking gear, materials, etc. I got very little in WvW. The only time I did get great rewards was when we basically karma trained and took large chunks of ground and EoTM does it better. It’s boring karma training., but I get stuff! It just became if I actually want to progress and get things I want, WvW was not the answer. WvW is something to do when I have all my shinies already.
cause u want rewards only. The problem of WvW is definetly not low rewarding system, it’s fine actually.
Your overall mentality doesn’t fit to wvw as it is, or as players want it to be. You will never be happy with it.
Because of the recent guard buff being taken away. I won’t go into details I’ve already posted in that forum.
2 guilds got in a disagreement left the server and destroyed the wvw population
I stopped playing because my wvw has been a waste land for 2 years !
plz do something about empty wvw servers
or the insanely high cost for server transfer
(edited by caveman.5840)
WvW is too carebear in GW2. No pvp armor to work for, rank is useless, no relic, no server pride.
I am probably gonna stop trying to WvW very soon, least till the new borderlands come out.
ZvZ never really appealed to me much, even as a necromancer. I know I’d be wanted for my wells but honestly, it’s just so boring running with a Zerg.
Roaming I am not having much fun, as 99% of it is just thieves who’re are looking for easy kills, and they all have the same exact build, weapon and play style. Dagger/pistol with shortbow, hide in shadows, shadowstep, shadow refuge, and infiltrator’s signet. The fight is usually decided by if I can CC them long enough so they can’t run away. If I cant, they just reset and come back with full initiative.
I don’t find any point in upgrading anything because I know the enemy night zerg is just going to come through and take everything after I spend the time and effort to upgrade it.
There Arent really any true rewards for defending, as compared to attacking. Just time, energy and expense. And the bonuses you get from WvW in PvE are negligible at best.
Did not stop. This is the last thing I enjoy in GW2 that actually keeps me with the game (and the server pride that some say nonexistent).
(edited by Gaab.4257)
I got bored of running through the same two maps every time I played. EoTM wasn’t worth playing in since it’s creation, more so when it became a karma train. Now the only time I go into WvW, its to my Borderland map to use the crafting stations.
1. Population imbalance.
2. timezone population imbalance.
3. PPT – karmatrain boredom
4. Stale meta
5. No new maps, environments.
6. Rewards not worth effort.
7. Overall entire game boredom, not just WvW.
Apart from all the reasons mentioned (low rewards, no fights, blobbing, …) I got a few server specified reasons why i stopped playing wvw. Note that I play(ed) on a t8 server.
1. Alt accounts and transfers from t1-2 that bring over their rules. “We need to do it like that because Server X does it too”.
2. Commanders with big ego, most of them are ktrain commanders that cant even read map chat.
3. A guild that transferred to a t2 server because they were too good for the server that came back after 6 weeks, with ofcourse server X’s rules and still feeling too good. And now thinking they are the reason why the server is doing “good”.
4. Winning the matchup because the server only plays, read pvd, between 3 am (gmt +2) and 8 am. While we lose the other 19 hours. The other servers we fight kinda gave up fight us because of that reason.
5) People thinking we can get to t7 (100 rating difference) but we cant even get a positive rating.
And people that modify my opinion on the server specified forums because i disagree with their Server X rules.
2. Commanders with big ego, most of them are ktrain commanders that cant even read map chat.
My husband quit WvW for this reason alone, and stopped playing GW2 all together. After they hounded him to get into TS he got to listen to one command insult and complain about individual players, generally female players. Another who just talked about how “blazed” he was all the time. And third who could mysteriously hit siege that others couldn’t. It’s the major reason I chose a different server, but I’m sure most servers have similar issues.
honestly, after they announced what they have planned for the new WvW and auto update stuff.. I stopped WvWing. I was looking forward to the new BLs and WvW. but with the auto upgrade keep system.. something about me just got sick of WvW, and i haven’t played in days.. leaning more towards sPvP now.
- No rewards for ppting except 1-3 silver and 300 karma…wow.
- No rewards for winning and position u take at the end of week.
- No support from Anet for Roamers
- No support from Anet for GvGers
- No support from Anet for PPTers
- No new WvW content in last 3 years except WvW lvls( EoTM NOPE it is pve map now)
- No WvW tournaments for last 8 months( pvp get 1 every 3 months
- Ktrains with pve commanders
- Lowering spots for WvW
- Lags, dcs, bugs etc.
- Hackers / Cheaters
- Verbal abusing players every single time for not playing ppt or some other reason
Yeah quite a lot of reasons to quit WvW already and I’m still amazed how many ppl play this gamemode and is happy even while being on the margins of community and Anet’s list of priorities – I think that it is like this: pve, pve, pve, pve, pvp, pve, pve, pve, pve, pvp, pve, pve, pve, wvw( some minor change like 4 colors of comm tag, but still something), pve, pve, pve, pve, pvp…
I stopped for about a year and since 5 months am back and still wvwing. While the loot is total crap it’s still fun to do and i would not know any other game that has the same combat and gameplay.