Why do you run?

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: msalakka.4653


I’m not surprised or disappointed when someone, who didn’t spec for roaming to begin with, decides to try and avoid the encounter. I’m a condition shatter mesmer and probably not particularly fun to fight, even if they do kill me. I rarely engage other mesmers for the same reason.

What I don’t understand, however, is this weak- kitten running away after you’ve already decided to engage. This seems to be particularly common among warriors, who come in big and bad, but once the battle’s tide doesn’t turn in their favour, they haul kitten . That’s weak and cowardly. No better than thieves in my book in that regard. If you start something, finish it, or die trying.

Gutter Rat [cry] | Gandara | Roaming nuisance
~ There is no balance team. ~

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


I’m so tired of that excuse “not spec’d for roaming.” Do you come to WvW expecting not to engage in some form of PvP, whether it be large or small scale? Sorry, not being spec’dfor roaming is not a legitimate excuse. Don’t roam if you don’t want to fight, have a secondary set with you that you can use when you’re solo (considering you can reset traits on the go there’s no reason not to) and unless you have an objective like defending an ally, tower, camp or are trying to reach your zerg, don’t be a pitiful runner. If you don’t learn how to fight when the odds are against you you’re never going to know your full potential.

How about this reason: I simply don’t want to fight. It is as legitimate as any other (including wrong specs), since this is a game, and more importantly, it is not your game. Other people are not there for your entertainment.
I run D/D valk/zerker thief and roam a lot. When I 1v1 another roamer it’s fine. It’s fine when I catch a PVT warr outside of his zerg as well. And you know what? It’s also fine if that player teleports before engaging me because he doesn’t want to give me a free lootbag.
Other players don’t owe you fair fights or the points or loot and every kill the other server doesn’t get is a contribution to your own server
(likewise, I don’t feel obligated to stay and fight a condi engi).

Another person twisting my words…
Yes it is your game, no you’re not here for my entertainment. But I’m sorry that it frustrates me when people avoid conflict in an area where PvP is supposed to occur. If I wanted to fight NPC’s all day I’d do dungeons.
I could do PvP if I wanted to fight other players, but I do not enjoy short matches and capturing points. I enjoy the strategy and time involved in WvW and skirmishes in the open field, but because so many people would rather run it becomes a bit frustrating. If people are so concerned with the consequences of dying in WvW they might want to try another aspect of the game… Because it’s ruining it for those of us who enjoy fighting other players. And if you want to tell me we’re ruining it for those of you who DON’T enjoy fighting other players, well… Lol, go back to carebear land.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

You know I thought about it and I’ll try to explain it. I do like fighting other players. That’s why I play WvW and not PvE. But there’s more to fighting other players than just 1 v 1’s.

GW2 professions are balanced around group fights and it shows in 1v1’s. Honestly I’m not very good in 1 v 1’s. I fight 1 v 1’s rarely but I would try more if it were not for a couple of things:

1. Fights are fun when they last more than a couple of seconds. But do to certain classes and builds, you can go down in a few hits. A 5 second fight is not fun. And these are mostly the classes and builds you see out roaming in WvW. I will always run from a thief. Why be a instant lootbag?

2. The downed state and stomping.

3. Bloodlust. I’m not going to give the opposing server an easy point.

(edited by Johje Holan.4607)

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Realist.5812


I could do PvP if I wanted to fight other players, but I do not enjoy short matches and capturing points. I enjoy the strategy and time involved in WvW and skirmishes in the open field, but because so many people would rather run it becomes a bit frustrating. If people are so concerned with the consequences of dying in WvW they might want to try another aspect of the game… Because it’s ruining it for those of us who enjoy fighting other players. And if you want to tell me we’re ruining it for those of you who DON’T enjoy fighting other players, well… Lol, go back to carebear land.

You sound like you main thief or PU Mesmer. If that is the case, you only have yourself to blame.

Play a class that doesn’t have unlimited get out of jail free cards, and you’ll find that more people want to fight you.

Most people aren’t interested in fighting someone who’s hiding behind an uncounterable gimmick mechanic.

Throw the crutches in the bin and see how skilled you really are.

PvP modes are the “endgame” in every MMO.
Stop failing at PvE, start fixing PvP/WvW. Thank you.

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


I will admit it! I ran just yesterday as I was heading to solo the sw camp on our BL. Just as I was entering the camp a red sea poured over the cliff and came directly at me. There must have been 25 or more of them so I turned and ran screaming for my life! I am so ashamed of myself.

Theftwind (HoD)

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Wanze.8410


I’m so tired of that excuse “not spec’d for roaming.” Do you come to WvW expecting not to engage in some form of PvP, whether it be large or small scale? Sorry, not being spec’dfor roaming is not a legitimate excuse. Don’t roam if you don’t want to fight, have a secondary set with you that you can use when you’re solo (considering you can reset traits on the go there’s no reason not to) and unless you have an objective like defending an ally, tower, camp or are trying to reach your zerg, don’t be a pitiful runner. If you don’t learn how to fight when the odds are against you you’re never going to know your full potential.

How about this reason: I simply don’t want to fight. It is as legitimate as any other (including wrong specs), since this is a game, and more importantly, it is not your game. Other people are not there for your entertainment.
I run D/D valk/zerker thief and roam a lot. When I 1v1 another roamer it’s fine. It’s fine when I catch a PVT warr outside of his zerg as well. And you know what? It’s also fine if that player teleports before engaging me because he doesn’t want to give me a free lootbag.
Other players don’t owe you fair fights or the points or loot and every kill the other server doesn’t get is a contribution to your own server
(likewise, I don’t feel obligated to stay and fight a condi engi).

Another person twisting my words…
Yes it is your game, no you’re not here for my entertainment. But I’m sorry that it frustrates me when people avoid conflict in an area where PvP is supposed to occur. If I wanted to fight NPC’s all day I’d do dungeons.
I could do PvP if I wanted to fight other players, but I do not enjoy short matches and capturing points. I enjoy the strategy and time involved in WvW and skirmishes in the open field, but because so many people would rather run it becomes a bit frustrating. If people are so concerned with the consequences of dying in WvW they might want to try another aspect of the game… Because it’s ruining it for those of us who enjoy fighting other players. And if you want to tell me we’re ruining it for those of you who DON’T enjoy fighting other players, well… Lol, go back to carebear land.

If my running frustrates you so much that you log out, even better for my server.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


it makes my heart so sad when you see someone one on one say leaving a camp and they see you….. and RUN

as the first person in this thread said.. not everyone is running some cheesy glass/condition spec. maybe they were with a guild group and needed supply. organized play calls for more than just running full zerker everything and a person in soldiers gear doesn’t stand a chance vs someone who is speccd to roam.


Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


I could do PvP if I wanted to fight other players, but I do not enjoy short matches and capturing points. I enjoy the strategy and time involved in WvW and skirmishes in the open field, but because so many people would rather run it becomes a bit frustrating. If people are so concerned with the consequences of dying in WvW they might want to try another aspect of the game… Because it’s ruining it for those of us who enjoy fighting other players. And if you want to tell me we’re ruining it for those of you who DON’T enjoy fighting other players, well… Lol, go back to carebear land.

You sound like you main thief or PU Mesmer. If that is the case, you only have yourself to blame.

Play a class that doesn’t have unlimited get out of jail free cards, and you’ll find that more people want to fight you.

Most people aren’t interested in fighting someone who’s hiding behind an uncounterable gimmick mechanic.

Throw the crutches in the bin and see how skilled you really are.

Lmfao, I play a Ranger. You’ve got nothing.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


I’m so tired of that excuse “not spec’d for roaming.” Do you come to WvW expecting not to engage in some form of PvP, whether it be large or small scale? Sorry, not being spec’dfor roaming is not a legitimate excuse. Don’t roam if you don’t want to fight, have a secondary set with you that you can use when you’re solo (considering you can reset traits on the go there’s no reason not to) and unless you have an objective like defending an ally, tower, camp or are trying to reach your zerg, don’t be a pitiful runner. If you don’t learn how to fight when the odds are against you you’re never going to know your full potential.

How about this reason: I simply don’t want to fight. It is as legitimate as any other (including wrong specs), since this is a game, and more importantly, it is not your game. Other people are not there for your entertainment.
I run D/D valk/zerker thief and roam a lot. When I 1v1 another roamer it’s fine. It’s fine when I catch a PVT warr outside of his zerg as well. And you know what? It’s also fine if that player teleports before engaging me because he doesn’t want to give me a free lootbag.
Other players don’t owe you fair fights or the points or loot and every kill the other server doesn’t get is a contribution to your own server
(likewise, I don’t feel obligated to stay and fight a condi engi).

Another person twisting my words…
Yes it is your game, no you’re not here for my entertainment. But I’m sorry that it frustrates me when people avoid conflict in an area where PvP is supposed to occur. If I wanted to fight NPC’s all day I’d do dungeons.
I could do PvP if I wanted to fight other players, but I do not enjoy short matches and capturing points. I enjoy the strategy and time involved in WvW and skirmishes in the open field, but because so many people would rather run it becomes a bit frustrating. If people are so concerned with the consequences of dying in WvW they might want to try another aspect of the game… Because it’s ruining it for those of us who enjoy fighting other players. And if you want to tell me we’re ruining it for those of you who DON’T enjoy fighting other players, well… Lol, go back to carebear land.

If my running frustrates you so much that you log out, even better for my server.

I don’t log out, start threads or party people who run. I shake my head and feel upset that I can’t enjoy myself getting in to random skirmishes because people are running in a place where they should be fighting. It’s upsetting but it’s not going to cause me the same kind of trauma it causes people who are too afraid (or have better things to do, apparently) to fight.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


Honestly the OP sounds like someone who’s actually hoping that they can somehow guilt people into fighting 1v1s for hopefully some free kills.

Whether I fight or not is no concern of yours. Wanze is right. I kind of hope you cry so hard ’cuz people are running from you that you log out and make it easier for my side to win in the GROUP ARENA that is WvW.

Oh, and above you say that we’re not here for your entertainment, but then state you “feel upset I can’t enjoy myself” because people run. Which is it? Aaaand I can guarantee I feel no “trauma” for playing my game how I wish to play it. If I felt such horrible emotions playing a game I think I would need psychiatric help, or at least to put it down and step away from the computer and go outside for some fresh air and reality.

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Sreoom.3690


I run for cardio…plus I’m a Ranger.

“The Leaf on Wind”
JQ Ranger

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


Truthfully however I do not mind runners. Normally just emoting /laugh will shame them enough to return and fight. What I hate are the lame ALT F4’ers that just cannot bear to be stomped, especially those that initiate the fight and then lose it. I was in the process of taking out a sentry point a couple days back with my Ranger when I was jumped by a hammer warrior. After downing him he immediately AlT F4’d out to avoid the stomp. If you have the nerve to attack someone then by all means take it like a man and don’t wimp out when you lose.

Theftwind (HoD)

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


^ Heh. I sometimes do the opposite if people are trying to gank me. One time 3 guild players downed me a short distance before I managed to flee into a Tower. But, being an Ele, I simply hit Mist Form and ran inside, then bandaged myself. I then ran up to the walls where they were still hanging around outside. They /laughed and /beckoned at me, but I just /disagreed and /danced on the walls in response. Then I mapped back to the Citadel. :P

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Amurond.4590


Roll ranger, hardly anyone will run away from you.

If only this were true.

Admittedly, it’s a good initial draw card, but sticking around is another thing.

~ The Server I Play On Is Better Than The Server You Play On ~
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Amurond.4590


On topic (a topic that has been done to death a 1000 times), I will repeat what I said in another thread…

Who cares if people run who didn’t wish to fight me in the first place. What a stupid thing to get mad over. You seem to have drawn up some silly notion that if someone is in WvW THEY MUST WANT TO 1V1!!!!11 People play WvW for all sorts of reasons. As frustrating at it can be, there are plenty who play to be zergbaby baddies that /laugh when they defeat you 3v1 (and get downed in the process) but run for the hills if you catch them by themselves. It’s just the way it is.

What is deserving of ridicule is those who initiate a fight and then run (which happens a LOT and let’s be honest, 9/10 times it’s a warrior) when they realise they’re going to lose. Those folk make themselves target #1 for the rest of the night and deserve all grieving they receive.

~ The Server I Play On Is Better Than The Server You Play On ~
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


Why would I stick around to fight someone built for roaming, on my group based necro? Thieves, play a cheesy stealth class with cheesy builds and expect people not to run away from them lol. Hell most of the roaming these days is taking on 2-3 guys at a time, you just don’t know it until you get into the fight. If I want roaming 1v1 fights I just go to spvp.

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Pure Heart.1456

Pure Heart.1456

And yes, I can kill thieves, because only bad players can’t handle stealth.

Plenty of people say they can kill thieves, but never say how.

Whether you can or not depends on;
the thief
the thief’s build
the thief’s skill
your class
your build
your skill

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Dave.2536


So…see class with high mobility trying to 1v1…

Realize he’s going to run if you get the upper hand…

Realize it’s not a fight you can win because either he stomps you or he runs away…

Run away preemptively…applying the same logic you’ve used here

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

(edited by Moderator)

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


So…see class with high mobility trying to 1v1…

Realize he’s going to run if you get the upper hand…

Realize it’s not a fight you can win because either he stomps you or he runs away…

Run away preemptively…applying the same logic you’ve used here

His question still is though, even according to your reasoning that follows the line of thinking that it is not smart to persist in a fight that can not be won.

(edited by Moderator)

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Dave.2536


The OP brought up issues of fun and honor, all of which have nothing to do with (and often run counter to) practicality. Because of this, the value of practicality is something that has to be introduced again.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

(edited by Moderator)

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Nalia Ironstar.5470

Nalia Ironstar.5470

Me bash you face. You die. Me strong.

Warrior mentality… 60% of the time, it wins all the time. For the rest of us, fight smart, not hard, and pick your battles.

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Flyphish.6398


If you don’t know how to handle yourself solo, you are not any good in a group and are getting carried or using superior numbers to have success (or you just run all night).

You don’t have to be “traited for roaming”. Obviously some builds are tailored for group play, but a bad is a bad and they usually run.

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


Well, I never said he was stupid. His question still is though, even according to your reasoning that follows the line of thinking that it is not smart to persist in a fight that can not be won.

The context of this thread absolves the question of all stupidity. The OP brought up issues of fun and honor, all of which have nothing to do with (and often run counter to) practicality. Because of this, the value of practicality is something that has to be introduced again.

No, it doesn’t, it is part of the game and how it is played, and therefore the context within which the OP is posted. People make their in-game decision independently from the frame set by the OP. Decisions being based on practicality is a given within the game, not something that has to be introduced.

Regardless, that question is stupid because it already answered itself. It basically reads “why do people run away when the fight is not in their favor?” when it’s obvious people run away because the fight is not going in their favor, and they anticipate the fight will not end in their favor.

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


If you don’t know how to handle yourself solo, you are not any good in a group and are getting carried or using superior numbers to have success (or you just run all night).

You don’t have to be “traited for roaming”. Obviously some builds are tailored for group play, but a bad is a bad and they usually run.

Yes, continue to think like that, your adversary will make a like.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Dave.2536


If you don’t know how to handle yourself solo, you are not any good in a group and are getting carried or using superior numbers to have success (or you just run all night).

You don’t have to be “traited for roaming”. Obviously some builds are tailored for group play, but a bad is a bad and they usually run.

That is totally wrong in many ways.
So a player speced for group play is a bad? thats why organized groups play mostly zerk right?

Dude no way.

A guardian whose boons go to 5 targets is totally balanced for when it’s 1v1 and there’s nobody to share those boons with.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: ZackCC.3965


people avoid conflict in an area where PvP is supposed to occur.

Wrong. This is WvW. Point of it is to do objectives which will increase your PPT. Yes, the pvp aspect is there but it’s not the point. If a fight will not reward your server then it’s pointless.

Pick your fights. for example there is no point for 10 man group to face 30 man group. It will only do harm to your team.

Same if you know you wont win a 1v1 fight. It’s better to avoid it.

If people are so concerned with the consequences of dying in WvW they might want to try another aspect of the game….

By avoiding death you could reach another camp and flip it for more points. There is no point to die, wp and run back which would take far more time(depending of course where you are on the map).

Because it’s ruining it for those of us who enjoy fighting other players.

There is a mode for that. It’s called sPvP. You can and will have fights in wvw but it also has so many more objectives which you can do.

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


Zack is dead on right. The OP is doing his thing in the wrong place. If you get your kicks from PvP and want to play where people won’t run….uh……play sPvP. If you’re the ’leet you seem to think you are, go tPvP. Oh and have fun.

Right now you’re playing in a game mode where PvP is not the objective of most players.

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


I run for cardio…plus I’m a Ranger.

Then you also have to run the dog once in while

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: gartz.7013


when I’m facing another thief and it really does just turn into a stealth battle,(i use S/d d/p) its just an annoying waiting game. i usually burst someone down quick enough to refuge and when that happens I’m over it. because then it turns into who hits who first in stealth and gets the upper hand. i consider when people do that i won. i move on and find something else

solo cheese engi/ex teef

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Murdoc.4251


Truthfully however I do not mind runners. Normally just emoting /laugh will shame them enough to return and fight. What I hate are the lame ALT F4’ers that just cannot bear to be stomped, especially those that initiate the fight and then lose it. I was in the process of taking out a sentry point a couple days back with my Ranger when I was jumped by a hammer warrior. After downing him he immediately AlT F4’d out to avoid the stomp. If you have the nerve to attack someone then by all means take it like a man and don’t wimp out when you lose.

^^ This. It’s like a double a victory though, when you can beat someone so bad that they ALT F4 in a hissy fit. It always seems to be someone who instigated a fight that does it, rarely have I ever started a battle that ended in an ALT F4.

Having said that, I have accidentally quit the game when trying to run. Too many ESC to clear target that brings up the game menu and out of habit I click to exit the game instead of just closing the window. That’ll make you feel pretty dumb.

[HDS] – Gate of Madness
Murdoc Jones – Brock Jones – Murdoch Jones – Jaedmara Jones
Warrior – Guardian – Ranger – Necro

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Treble.1563


If I’m on my Engi, which is built for roaming, I will stay and fight 1vs1 up to maybe 1vs3 if I’m feeling lucky.

But if I’m on my Warrior, specced for shout healing and zerg support, and hits like a wet noodle but has tons of CC and stability, I will run. Sometimes I’ll troll and wait for the assaulter to catch up and let him chase me because I know he can’t kill me, and I’ll lead him right into my zerg.

S U M E T A L [ Warrior ][ S/Wh + Ham ][ Zerg Shout Support ]
M O A M E T A L [ Necromancer ][ Staff + D/F ][ Power DS/Wells ]
Y U I M E T A L [ Engineer ][ 3kit P/S ][ Havoc Roam ]

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Having said that, I have accidentally quit the game when trying to run. Too many ESC to clear target that brings up the game menu and out of habit I click to exit the game instead of just closing the window. That’ll make you feel pretty dumb.

Worse when your push-to-talk button is Alt and you go to swap pets on your ranger…

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

hrm… i’m not spec’d to run.

just sucks when:
- i get jumped by 3-4 people after taking a camp & everything is on cool down
- i’m running back to my group & get hit up for a duel and i’m running a zerg instead of my usual roaming build (these dont typically go too well unless its a theif or mes)

but yea, i’m slow as winter molasses so sword sword mesmers w/ out speed / traveler runes can catch me, plus yea… its more fun to kill things, and i usually win (amazing what happens when you’re spec’d right).

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Justine.6351


I found the only way I can roam effectively is a norn warrior condi/shout build.

Wanna know the number one runner from me? Thieves.
About 1/3 actually make it though cause I just finish them off with snow leopard, “fear me” out of their stealth refuge, or just simply pindown/arcing shot.

Wanna know the number one profession I have to snow leopard away from? Mesmers cause 1/3 of the time a thief will try ganking me during that “1v1”

There are 4 types of roamers
Runner/not condi or gank
Rock Throwers/not condi,gank or runner

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


If you don’t know how to handle yourself solo, you are not any good in a group and are getting carried or using superior numbers to have success (or you just run all night).

You don’t have to be “traited for roaming”. Obviously some builds are tailored for group play, but a bad is a bad and they usually run.

You could have all the skill in the world it’s still going to come down to gear and specs. A power well necro has a much less chance of beating a roamer built for soloing than say a condi necro also built to solo.

Go to spvp if you really want even solo or small fights, because there’s nowhere to run in there, and everyone builds their specs for solo fights not massive group fights like wvw.

The real baddies are the ones needing to play thieves hiding behind stealth to take someone out in wvw.

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Wanze.8410


I’m so tired of that excuse “not spec’d for roaming.” Do you come to WvW expecting not to engage in some form of PvP, whether it be large or small scale? Sorry, not being spec’dfor roaming is not a legitimate excuse. Don’t roam if you don’t want to fight, have a secondary set with you that you can use when you’re solo (considering you can reset traits on the go there’s no reason not to) and unless you have an objective like defending an ally, tower, camp or are trying to reach your zerg, don’t be a pitiful runner. If you don’t learn how to fight when the odds are against you you’re never going to know your full potential.

How about this reason: I simply don’t want to fight. It is as legitimate as any other (including wrong specs), since this is a game, and more importantly, it is not your game. Other people are not there for your entertainment.
I run D/D valk/zerker thief and roam a lot. When I 1v1 another roamer it’s fine. It’s fine when I catch a PVT warr outside of his zerg as well. And you know what? It’s also fine if that player teleports before engaging me because he doesn’t want to give me a free lootbag.
Other players don’t owe you fair fights or the points or loot and every kill the other server doesn’t get is a contribution to your own server
(likewise, I don’t feel obligated to stay and fight a condi engi).

Another person twisting my words…
Yes it is your game, no you’re not here for my entertainment. But I’m sorry that it frustrates me when people avoid conflict in an area where PvP is supposed to occur. If I wanted to fight NPC’s all day I’d do dungeons.
I could do PvP if I wanted to fight other players, but I do not enjoy short matches and capturing points. I enjoy the strategy and time involved in WvW and skirmishes in the open field, but because so many people would rather run it becomes a bit frustrating. If people are so concerned with the consequences of dying in WvW they might want to try another aspect of the game… Because it’s ruining it for those of us who enjoy fighting other players. And if you want to tell me we’re ruining it for those of you who DON’T enjoy fighting other players, well… Lol, go back to carebear land.

If my running frustrates you so much that you log out, even better for my server.

I don’t log out, start threads or party people who run. I shake my head and feel upset that I can’t enjoy myself getting in to random skirmishes because people are running in a place where they should be fighting. It’s upsetting but it’s not going to cause me the same kind of trauma it causes people who are too afraid (or have better things to do, apparently) to fight.

What kind of trauma would that be?

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.