Why do you zerg?

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: Arctisavange.7260


I zerg because im a commander lol. O.o

But in all seriousness- i just love leading people who follow me. Partialy cause im a attention kitten and mostly cause it makes me feel good when people get loot, karma or heavily fortified towers/keeps/castles. So pretty much i zerg cause of the people.

Also for me the commanding challenge is fun, knowing that the server i play in is often outnumbered. So figuring out how to use the pug zerg who follows me against an enemy blob that often outnumbers us 1:2 or even in some cases 1:3 and coming out as the winner is a great challenge. With some well placed siege and good choking points, those enemy blobs melt like butter, knowing that most commanders have a “push push push push” mentality and close to zero tactical thinking.

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

Well I zerg it up for a couple of reasons:
Guild offline
Want to go zerk staff ele or some wacky spec
Want to unwind at the end of the day

If people want to try and say I’m a no skill pugger who is ruining the game, well, I really dont give a kitten. I’ll do what I want with my money.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173



Because it is WvW. If I want solo play, I have PvE. If I want small group play, I have PvP. If I want large scale fights, I have WvW.

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: law.9410


I always roam but with the unbalance of this game, you can’t really blame people for zerging.

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: ProTech.8402


Tactical Zerg battles with competent commanders are the best thing in WvW. I was fortunate enough to be able to run alongside with really good guilds (open raids), and it’s really good to see your team wiping zergs twice the size.

I also like to play staff elementalist, which is not that good in any other play mode. In zerg battles, you have to position yourself correctly, control the enemy movement with fields, place water fields when the commander calls for it, and generally do good damage. I find it much more interesting than roaming.

I usually roam with guidies in a 5 man party, but it’s a bit boring. You can flip camps and sometimes even keeps, but that just PvD. Sometimes you can catch the tail of the zerg, but that is just ganking not real fights. You can run into other roaming teams, which is OK, but it’s rarely balanced, one team can be much better, or outnumber the other. So I prefer sPvP if I want small scale/balanced fights. I can understand that roaming is good for PPT, but I prefer zerging for the good fights.

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: JusticarArkiel.1564


i zerg because i command sometimes, and just want to have that urge to laugh like that madman bent on world domination………….and also because it’s relaxing to turn my brain off and watch the pretty explosions and battles that happen when the zerg hits the fan

Fix what you have before you build something new

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: Ezeriel.9574


because, unless I’m on my thief, if I don’t travel with the zerg a roamer will kill me in three seconds

The only way to play the engineer is to exploit it.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: lioka qiao.8734

lioka qiao.8734

I zerg cause I command zergs (well I’ll be getting back into it).

Zergs are the path of least resistance to rewards. Least work, least visiblity (it’s easy to blend into a crowd),most freedom (cause the group carries you), most reward. You don’t have to worry about strategy or fighting skill or builds because the zerg carries all of it for you. The strategy: strength in numbers, nothing more. That said as a cmdr I do want you to put a little more effort than that but I ultimately have no control over you.

Zergging doesn’t work too well on EOTM if a good organized guild shows up (hehe TB’s saturday night pug-grinder (you know what i’m talking about if you were on the receiving end of that)) but other than that it works out well.

Little red Lioka

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: Mindtrick.5190


OP does not bring up Zerg busting guilds and I doubt he has or will be in one. Most players are the same. Top of the game is to bust map blobs and end those people’s karma train. Settling for what the majority is doing = casual

Got Ninja?
<3 and Hugs no Hate I Just Point Out Fail.

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


OP does not bring up Zerg busting guilds and I doubt he has or will be in one. Most players are the same. Top of the game is to bust map blobs and end those people’s karma train. Settling for what the majority is doing = casual


Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: Dancing Face.4695

Dancing Face.4695

I could argue a lot but 1 word is enough: LOOT!


Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: johnnymiller.5968


You know what. Regardless of the number of enemy players we might be facing, you still need to use a bit of skill & grey matter.

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


so OP, I’m in a “zergbusting” guild. We’re one of a few guilds on my server who know how to handle( Or can play around [lots of people on my server dont have top of the line computers, so they lag to kitten when they’re around huge numbers]) map queue zergs.

We zerg because we have to counter the larger zergs that we’re facing. There’s also the AOE cap(5) which makes it beneficial to zerg. 25-30 people standing in one aoe field takes not so much damage.
anywhoooo here’s why we zerg in a nutshell: http://youtu.be/U5Qsop3PSko?t=11m34s
(29 people in teamspeak in our channel)

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: Treble.1563


I mainly havoc or solo roam to hunt enemy scouts, but zerg due to several reasons.

1. Havoc group is offline
2. Don’t feel like soloing at that moment (goes hand-in-hand with #1)
3. Don’t feel like playing Engi at that moment (my other chars aren’t built for roaming)
4. Lack of enemy solo/duo roamers (gets boring looking for a fight of less than 1v3)
5. Help server zerg out (enemy zerg way bigger, so we need more bodies)
6. Lazy and wanna watch movies/TV shows while playing
7. Need to farm some loot from Champs (usually limit this to EotM though)
8. Sometimes it’s just satisfying to jump into a huge fight with my Necro or Warrior

S U M E T A L [ Warrior ][ S/Wh + Ham ][ Zerg Shout Support ]
M O A M E T A L [ Necromancer ][ Staff + D/F ][ Power DS/Wells ]
Y U I M E T A L [ Engineer ][ 3kit P/S ][ Havoc Roam ]

(edited by Treble.1563)

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


so OP, I’m in a “zergbusting” guild. We’re one of a few guilds on my server who know how to handle( Or can play around [lots of people on my server dont have top of the line computers, so they lag to kitten when they’re around huge numbers]) map queue zergs.

We zerg because we have to counter the larger zergs that we’re facing. There’s also the AOE cap(5) which makes it beneficial to zerg. 25-30 people standing in one aoe field takes not so much damage.
anywhoooo here’s why we zerg in a nutshell: http://youtu.be/U5Qsop3PSko?t=11m34s
(29 people in teamspeak in our channel)

good commander, good zerg, good outfits, good moves but man your tunage could be way better.

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: EFWinters.5421


I level up characters in zergs, and small scale roaming has become too easy since all these sPvP noobs run their little 1v1 mesmers and thieves

Human Guardian
Fort Aspenwood

Why do you zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Alas fine sir, i know nothing about Rome. What to do, what to do.