Why does RI exist?

Why does RI exist?

in WvW

Posted by: DenimChicken.8639


I still have no clue why Arena Net thinks righteous indignation is a good thing.

As a solo/small man roamer, all it seems to do is dissuade me or the group from going to fight at a camp, or try to make it in time to defend a camp.

It turns WVW into this constant rotation from camp to camp, either taking it and leaving it (knowing no1 else can take it, so who cares about defending it) or trying to make it in time to defend a camp, but then that other server takes it, and you know it is pointless after that because of RI, so you just move on somewhere else…

Isn’t world pvp supposed to be a constant battle for objectives? This system with RI in place seems to dissuade fighting.

Like who the F would fight over a point in conquest if you knew you cant take it for 4 minutes. Maybe this is very simplistic thinking and I’m missing the bigger picture (like maybe they put this in to prevent servers from getting steam rolled..idk), but it honestly just seems to hurt WVW waaaay more than help it.

Why does RI exist?

in WvW

Posted by: XTR.9604


I disagree. I think RI should definitely be there but I also think it should be shorter. 2.5 minutes maybe, but 5 minutes I think is excessive.

If something has RI, it tells me as a roamer where my enemies might be going, then I just skip the camp and try to find who took it so that I can take them down. I only take camps, towers and keeps between fights or to try to bring fights to me.

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Why does RI exist?

in WvW

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


To prevent people from farming and trading the same objective over and over. PVE players will flood the game mode and play it for the wrong reasons, loot and wxp.

The mechanic is not perfect but I am glad it is there.

Why does RI exist?

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


It’s there for the same reason that escorting yaks gives you no real reward anymore. Because people will rig a match to farm it. Whole zergs used to just run around avoiding each other and escorying yaks

Why does RI exist?

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


When the game came out, RI wasn’t complete immunity like it is now. You could apply conditions, including vulnerability. So with vuln, a blob could burn through an RI lord in seconds. If you’re old school, you’ll remember wvw guilds stocking up on skale venoms, which stacked with oils, for free vuln and weakness procs.

Because of this, you could just ktrain the map with no downtime.

So you’d have 2 roamers cap a camp or a small group take a tower only for the blob to go undo that effort in seconds. That is why RI is the way it is now, so you at least get 5 minutes out of an objective and your work isn’t immediately undone.

Why does RI exist?

in WvW

Posted by: Hesacon.8735


With the scoring change they’re talking about of moving PPT to 5 minutes instead of 15, RI would guarantee one PPT per objective flipped. That change will make RI make a lot more sense and provide some value in defending.

Why does RI exist?

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


RI was implimented because organized k-train guilds used to objective trade on mass scale and flip things back and forth too often and farm lord bags on the same objective.

At first it wasn’t complete and you could still down the lords via conditions, but later they fixed that.

And as pointed above, 5 minutes RI will be very good to have once the ticks become 5 instead of 15 minutes.

RI is a cheesy, but unfortunately a good mechanic, it has been proven in the past that not having it is far, far worse then having it.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Why does RI exist?

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


What would be the point of solo capturing a camp and then have a zerg come in 10 seconds later and completely undo it? I guess you could undo the upgrades.

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Why does RI exist?

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

With the upcoming changes to scoring including Points Per Capture, it will be even more important.

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Why does RI exist?

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


To prevent people from farming and trading the same objective over and over. PVE players will flood the game mode and play it for the wrong reasons, loot and wxp.

The mechanic is not perfect but I am glad it is there.

So replace RI with a mechanic that prevents gaining rewards from the capture event for 5 minutes after the last flip.


Why does RI exist?

in WvW

Posted by: Supernatural Dawn.3194

Supernatural Dawn.3194

To prevent people from farming and trading the same objective over and over. PVE players will flood the game mode and play it for the wrong reasons, loot and wxp.

The mechanic is not perfect but I am glad it is there.

So replace RI with a mechanic that prevents gaining rewards from the capture event for 5 minutes after the last flip.

That’s what the players want. Less rewards.

Why does RI exist?

in WvW

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


It also gives roaming groups’ efforts some protection for a tick if timed right, which is free, guaranteed PPT safety, making the progress not worthless to a big ktrain.

I do remember the days of the necro runs before RI was changed. Marks would deal damage, too. Camps flipped so fast that pretty much nothing ever got upgraded because you’d only get maybe one yak for a camp flip as it’d re-flip again within the minute, usually.

Why does RI exist?

in WvW

Posted by: Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365


To prevent people from farming and trading the same objective over and over. PVE players will flood the game mode and play it for the wrong reasons, loot and wxp.

The mechanic is not perfect but I am glad it is there.

So replace RI with a mechanic that prevents gaining rewards from the capture event for 5 minutes after the last flip.

When there was no RI, anything you flipped could be flipped back instantly – making upgrades and siegeing completely useless. It was never about the reward.

Why does RI exist?

in WvW

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


I think camps should probably lose RI, but everything else should have it extended to 15-20 minutes. Losing a tower/keep should be heavily punished as an incentive for people to actually defend them to the death.

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