Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

in WvW

Posted by: Lensar.4920


I’m not a big fan of people who whine about 2 on 1 and things of that nature, because whining about things being “unfair” never gets anyone anyplace. To complete in T1, a world needs to be able to handle both enemies at once. That’s just the nature of a 3 way battle.

Putting any of that “woe is us” BS aside, I am honestly trying to understand why it seems like it’s SBI/JQ vs BG, especially in the JQ borderlands.

I was out there fighting for BG for probably 7 hours after reset. BG started off pretty well. We had good numbers and we had some good leaders and excellent coordination and defense going on. For a while, we held AB and RedBriar, as well as the two supply camps closest to our border entrance, Redvale and Champions. JQ would assault AB and we’d go and hold them off, and then SBI would come in and roll Champions then threaten RedBriar and we’d have to respond over there to drive them back. It was tough, but everyone was having a good time and there were many exciting battles.

But then I watched as a huge SBI zerg came upon champions and started to siege RB. At the same time, JQ had portal bombed AB and destroyed our defensive siege. Eventually we lost the very upgraded RB, as well as AB. At this point, we had the whole JQ zerg attacking us from the west, and the SBI zerg attacking from the right.

Obviously, the BG force was smaller than both the JQ and the SBI zerg, so there’s really no way we could defend against both. Eventually, we had the JQ and SBI zergs clashing with each other, right in front of our border entrance. And this is how it went for the rest of the night.

A couple of times my group broke out and started running around the rest of the map, capping points and camps. While I am sure JQ and SBI were sieging each other someplace during that time, it seems clear that the major zerg of both sides were clearly focused on the RB area.

So my question is: Why are both sides drawn fight near the BG border camp on that map, when there’s clearly lots of open real estate in the other 80% of the map where they could grab camps, points, and siege the keeps of each other? I know there has to be a reason, and I don’t think it’s any form of collusion or cooperation. I don’t notice the same thing happening in the other borderlands which have the same layout, where SBI or JQ have the border entrance that we have in the JQ borderlands. So why on that map does it seem like SBI fights clockwise and JQ fights counter clockwise?

Lensar – [End] Rasnel – 80 Warrior
Ascalons Requiem – Blackgate
Public Blackgate WvW Forum: http://bit.ly/X3Bifl

Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Part of the problem is that its so much easier for the home team to push AB, since they can Treb the outer walls with impunity from garrison, whilst pushing Hills is much harder.

That leaves the initiative with the right corner side to choose whether to push north from Hills against a distracted JQ, or push Briar against a sandwiched left corner team.

It can often be an opportunistic move to reset Briars upgrades and deter you from ever pushing Lake tower since you need to re take Bay.

Your best recourse could be to abandon Bay (retake Briar if possible) and push Lake, and wait for the home team to see a chance to push Hills. Ultimately the Home team will prefer to own Hills since its so much more defensible then Bay and if they see the chance to get it they eventually will join the 2v1 vs the right corner team.

When that happens, they will eventually choose to lose Bay back to you rather then lose Hills, so ultimately you end up with Bay and Briar while they battle over Hills.

(edited by Lifewaster.5912)

Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

in WvW

Posted by: sazaw.1347


I understand your concern. But if I were SBI I would do the same. Ofc it’s not like they are not attacking JQ either. I will state my opinion here. Why JQ attack AB instead of hills? simple because we can treb AB from Garrison and easier to reach than Hills in terms of terrain. So our full force will be focusing there while defending other side. For SBI, attacking our Garrison and tower is harder than taking keep. Ofc I’m sure if JQ attack hills they will response full force and focus on us. But then again if they don’t have enough people then SBI would focus on red while holding their ground. Well that just my pure opinion on the situation.

edit: oops Lifewaster.5912 just posted earlier than me. Seems most ppl think that way

Wrath T – Asura Necro | Don Hohenheim – Norn Guard | Bellcroxx – Human Mesmer
[DKJ] – Jade Quarry

Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

As shown in this photo, your argument is invalid. JQ had trebbed a hole in the garrison from sunny, and BG had breached the watergate and eastern gate. We tried unsuccessfully to keep them both out, but they breached. When they met in the middle, there was a skirmish, then BG ported out to begin working the south inner doors, while JQ attacked northern doors. Once inside we were quickly wiped, and BG did a port back and forth maneuver until they lured JQ in enough to wipe them also, securing the garrison for their own. It sucked to lose the garrison indeed, but NO SBI cried foul play 2v1. It is what it is…a tactical and very very intelligent move by both servers, and even smarter for BG by seeing JQ keeping us busy and deciding to make a powerplay. The game is WvWvW and there is no unity. Keep your eye on the prize, and if by double teaming someone, you have a 33.33% chance of winning the base, then those odds are worth trying.

Great job this week so far BG. I’m really impressed that you finally started using your heads and not your fists. You learned a lot in the 3 weeks you were here, and you might just get dangerous very soon.


Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

in WvW

Posted by: JoseyWales.8321


As shown in this photo, your argument is invalid. JQ had trebbed a hole in the garrison from sunny, and BG had breached the watergate and eastern gate. We tried unsuccessfully to keep them both out, but they breached. When they met in the middle, there was a skirmish, then BG ported out to begin working the south inner doors, while JQ attacked northern doors. Once inside we were quickly wiped, and BG did a port back and forth maneuver until they lured JQ in enough to wipe them also, securing the garrison for their own. It sucked to lose the garrison indeed, but NO SBI cried foul play 2v1. It is what it is…a tactical and very very intelligent move by both servers, and even smarter for BG by seeing JQ keeping us busy and deciding to make a powerplay. The game is WvWvW and there is no unity. Keep your eye on the prize, and if by double teaming someone, you have a 33.33% chance of winning the base, then those odds are worth trying.

Great job this week so far BG. I’m really impressed that you finally started using your heads and not your fists. You learned a lot in the 3 weeks you were here, and you might just get dangerous very soon.

His focus for this post was JQ borderlands.. not SBI

Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

however, same song different dance. It’s all they talk about is the teaming up. my post is about all wvw in general, not just sbi/jq/bg. its all fight and undermine and kill. its a big game of chess, and sometimes you gotta sacrifice the queen.

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

in WvW

Posted by: Velron.3729


Prey on the weak. That’s all. It was a strike of opportunity. SBI is notorious for it. If they caught wind that JQ was launching an attack then it is 100% in the nature of the beast for SBI to launch an attack on RB.

To launch an attack against JQ instead would have forced their retreat from their attack on bay and this would cause the shift of JQ focus to SBI. This typically in t1 means you are going to now be the target of both other servers bc everyone does strikes of opportunity. If you’re being hit by one, expect the other to hit you elsewhere.

You have to do kitten to get the enemy to engage each other. A good way to do this is to send a small party up to the territory that is the other 2 servers and take a supply camp. Most likely both will respond to recap and a fight from both sides over the camp can occur. On JQ BL this would mean for you to send a party that takes NE supply between hills and NE tower.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

in WvW

Posted by: Yama.9376


@ OP

It is tier 1. Lets do the math.

JQ vs SB &BG
SB vs BG &JQ
BG vs SB & JQ

There are no other options. This is a hunch but whining about 2v1 in tier 1 is only going to get more attention to the fact that it makes you sad. Which makes it more fun to hit the whiny one.

Tips for teens.

Zibzab [sOLo]
The Black Devil

Zibzab SBI
Pnt N Lol at Bndwgn Zerg Server[sOLo]
Zergling Hunter [ZILF]

Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Its because you are on BG. If you were on JQ, it would feel like SBI and BG were ganging. These maps at really small and there really aren’t that many objectives. It is always going to seem like it 1 vs 2 unless you are fighting a server like ET that lost a ton of people.

Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

in WvW

Posted by: Lensar.4920


Its because you are on BG. If you were on JQ, it would feel like SBI and BG were ganging. These maps at really small and there really aren’t that many objectives. It is always going to seem like it 1 vs 2 unless you are fighting a server like ET that lost a ton of people.

I understand that it always feels like that, and Covergirl is correct that right after reset we pushed from AB into garrison and ended up getting into a huge fight with JQ in the courtyard for about 10 minutes before we were pushed back and wiped out by SBI.

But this wasn’t just a perception issue. Listen, two huge enemy zergs met and fought for hours directly outside our border keep entrance, to the point that we couldn’t even exit. JQ held the camp to our west and SBI held the camp to our right, so essentially they had us bottled up. They were clearly killing each other, and I came across smaller JQ forces trying to siege Greenvale once or twice (I assumed they eventually got rolled), but there was no denying that the majority of both enemies ended up focused around our border entrance.

I understand your concern. But if I were SBI I would do the same. Ofc it’s not like they are not attacking JQ either. I will state my opinion here. Why JQ attack AB instead of hills? simple because we can treb AB from Garrison and easier to reach than Hills in terms of terrain. So our full force will be focusing there while defending other side. For SBI, attacking our Garrison and tower is harder than taking keep. Ofc I’m sure if JQ attack hills they will response full force and focus on us. But then again if they don’t have enough people then SBI would focus on red while holding their ground. Well that just my pure opinion on the situation.

I suspected it might be something like that. If that tends to be the natural order of things, we probably need to start doing that ourselves when we’re in our borderlands.

Your best recourse could be to abandon Bay (retake Briar if possible) and push Lake, and wait for the home team to see a chance to push Hills. Ultimately the Home team will prefer to own Hills since its so much more defensible then Bay and if they see the chance to get it they eventually will join the 2v1 vs the right corner team.

When that happens, they will eventually choose to lose Bay back to you rather then lose Hills, so ultimately you end up with Bay and Briar while they battle over Hills.

That’s interesting. The trouble is that it’s hard to hold onto Bay without a steady stream of supply from Champs and RV. Unfortunately, it’s pretty hard (for BG anyways) to defend those camps so they end up getting flipped often, meaning they rarely get upgraded. But it’s something worth trying, thanks.

Lensar – [End] Rasnel – 80 Warrior
Ascalons Requiem – Blackgate
Public Blackgate WvW Forum: http://bit.ly/X3Bifl

Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

in WvW

Posted by: Delusion.9543


Probably because at the time, it WAS those two against you. But they’re not always going to work together. You were just there at the wrong time, and they both figured it’d be easier to mow you down and then try to mow each other down.

Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


@ OP in this case/this map you held the harder to defend easier to take Keep than SBI. They needed your supply to push further north so they took it.

it’s all about the opportunity and needs of th4 next goal.

T1 is more than “we just need this keep right now”. Its “we need this tower, to take that keep, to defend this Castle/Keep, to push them off that map, to draw them to this location for special fun…” It’s far more chess than checkers and always evolving.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

in WvW

Posted by: Lensar.4920


Yeah, after spending a few hours in SBI Borderlands today, it looks like the exact same thing is happening to JQ. A map imbalance of sorts, I guess.

Lensar – [End] Rasnel – 80 Warrior
Ascalons Requiem – Blackgate
Public Blackgate WvW Forum: http://bit.ly/X3Bifl

Why does it seem like SBI/JQ vs BG?

in WvW

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Playing against SBI and JQ felt a lot like 2v1 when I was there in IoJ a couple of weeks ago, definitely. I was hanging out in IoJ borderlands, and the south map was split up the middle, while we held onto the north half and fended off repeated attacks on both our Garrison and the Orb and its supply camp.

What the problem is, I think, is that SBI and JQ are very evenly matched and well versed in fighting each other, so it’s more difficult for them to push on each other; where as the newbie to the T1 isn’t as good or as experienced. It’s not that they’re deliberately targeting the newbie world, it’s just that they naturally have an easier time when attacking your bases.

When equal pressure is applied to two different areas, the weaker of the two will collapse first.