Why events rewards for defending but not attacking?

Why events rewards for defending but not attacking?

in WvW

Posted by: Dgtlreaper.4109


I don’t understand the current way events are set up to hand out rewards in W3. If you are defending a tower or keep and a group attacks a timer of 3 minutes starts for an event to defend said tower. If the attacking group is kept out for that 3 minutes you get a success reward. If the attacking group gets in you get a failure reward.

On the flip side though if you attack a tower you don’t get a timer of 3 min that gives you a failure reward if you don’t get in, the only time you get a reward is if you actually take the tower. If the battle goes on for 15 mins and the attacking group still doesn’t fails the defenders have been rewarded 5 times and the attackers have gotten nothing.

To add to this are the Orb buffs and the Outmanned buffs. If your server ends up controlling most or all of the maps and gets all the orbs they become stronger. On top of already having a defensive position which is better position to be in you have boosted stats. Now the other servers get disheartened and people stop playing so they get outnumbered and get the outmanned buff. This adds to your exp, karma, and gold gain. Yay!!! The outnumbered, outbuffed servers now have incentive that if they take a tower they get more rewards for doing it. But taking that tower still might take them 15 to 21 min because of the position the controlling server is in. So the defending/controlling team gets rewarded 5 to 7 times to defend the tower.

Unless the outmanned buff rewards 500% more on rewards it still doesn’t make up the difference. And that’s only if the attacking team is able to actually take the tower. Otherwise they get nothing, so having buffs that multiply rewards of 0 by 500% still gets you 0. On top of that if you die you get a repair bill.

This just adds insult to injury really. If you are outmanned and your incentive is to get more rewards from events you are still better off to go back in PvE to do events to get those same rewards at a regular basis with less chance of being killed and even if you fail the event you still get rewards.

TLDR; Don’t get rewarded for attacking and failing but do for defending. Once one server gets control of a map the losing servers leave and the outmanned buff does nothing to incentivise going back in to retake points.

(edited by Dgtlreaper.4109)

Why events rewards for defending but not attacking?

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


This is to give incentives for defending instead of just taking it and running off and retake it later.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Why events rewards for defending but not attacking?

in WvW

Posted by: purplestone.8364


Yes there is already people that dont want to defend because the reward for attacking is far greater than defending currently anyway. Plus you already get an incredible reward for attacking if you succeed, in which 80% of the time you will anyway so why should attackers get even more of a reward?

Why events rewards for defending but not attacking?

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

You haven’t look at the reward for actually taking a keep?

You have to defend for an awfully long time to come even close to the reward for taking a place.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Why events rewards for defending but not attacking?

in WvW

Posted by: Dgtlreaper.4109


So the way the current rewards system is set up you get rewarded a large amount for succeeding but nothing for failing. This just promotes zerging. If you aren’t 100% sure you can take a tower you don’t attack it. If the rewards for attacking and succedding were reduced and you got them for failing as well you have a reason to try to take a tower with team of less people and would spread people out.

Currently unless you are running with a zerg group you won’t attempt to attack a tower, so those defending the tower are also not getting rewards because no one will attack it either unless it’s a zerg. A group of 5 defending a tower against a zerg isn’t going to work, so a defending zerg team has to come in to defend the tower if they want to keep it. Instead of have several battles going on through out mulitple areas of the map this system promotes 2 or 3 zerg teams running around the map.

My opinion is that zergs should be less frequent and meant only to form when really long drawn out battles occur, not each time swords appear next to a tower. It would also promote distraction attacks. No one is going to want to be on the distraction attack team on one tower they know will fail so that the defending zerg comes to them while the attacking zerg heads to a different area and succeeds.

Why events rewards for defending but not attacking?

in WvW

Posted by: Dgtlreaper.4109


Also want to add that I prefer to actually defend, but not when there are only 2 or 3 other people at the tower and a zerg attack comes rolling in. If you know they are going to take it you defend until a wall or gate is down to about 5% then drop out of combat and port away. No reason to stay and die and take a repair bill hit when you can’t stop them. Since the repair bill will be more than the rewards for Defending event completion.