Why is JQ and SoR playing dead?
I still think it’s funny when BG talks about Iron. You have your own numbers equal to Iron on EU. Not sure why you always try to call it uneven.
Iron was a problem for JQ, because we depend on our NA to help out, but with RK and HB and all those BG going overtime you could easily beat Iron.And the problem you still don’t get is that Iron is GMT+0/1 while ZDs is GMT4/+5 so, if Iron doesn’t log in 4 hours before there prime they won’t even meet ZDs.
When ZDs logs it’s late night for most Sea and that’s it.
IRON was logging in early for the 3 weeks we played them. They were playing us during Oceanic and regularly had more players on maps than our Oceanic guilds did. The reason for the “call outs” probably has something to do with the fact that IRON can almost field a map blob on their own with a few pugs/guildies mixed in. Whereas BGs EU guilds run much smaller and prefer to to run exclusively, taglessly and in a private TS channel so no rally bait follows them.
Just to point out though. I had new found respect for IRON after our matchup in leagues. I did dislike their game mentality. But they put in alot of OT, which is something that can’t be said for alot of their server.
I still can’t understand why BG has more blob than JQ or SOR because what I see in my daily play in map chat is “everyone rally at cmd” “why we have only 15 man at cmd?”
About coverage I play OCX SEA time and I see Queue only EB (long q time)and BG BL (5-10 mins q time) the other 2 BL always have no queue.
Well BG from what I have seen, doesnt have 1 giant blob running around, but they refuse to fight, even with superior numbers unless their entire force is present.
This is what I saw today, BG had 15, JQ had 15, BG waited for their 30 man zerg buddies to come help fight us, and built sup ac’s to boot. I know our 15 man zerg is so scary, you need 40-50 and superior arrow carts to beat us. Sure we built 2 sup ac’s of our own, but thats because we knew your 30 man zerg was in the area.
I know, I know, superior tactics, yada yada yada. But it shows you the faith you have in your 15 members all under one guild tag, to not be able to tackle the almost entirely milita JQ zerg, of equal size, who had trouble following the pin, by yourselves.
(edited by thefreezingvoid.8516)
Well BG from what I have seen, doesnt have 1 giant blob running around, but they refuse to fight, even with superior numbers unless their entire force is present.
This is what I saw today, BG had 15, JQ had 15, BG waited for their 30 man zerg buddies to come help fight us, and built sup ac’s to boot. I know our 15 man zerg is so scary, you need 40-50 and superior arrow carts to beat us. Sure we built 2 sup ac’s of our own, but thats because we knew your 30 man zerg was in the area.
I know, I know, superior tactics, yada yada yada. But it shows you the faith you have in your 15 members all under one guild tag, to not be able to tackle the almost entirely milita JQ zerg, of equal size, who had trouble following the pin, by yourselves.
Yes I always run first when I see zerg since I play roaming with 2-3 man in my own TS. Then I follow the enemies zerg and kill the slow players behind.
And then you know what. Many enemies start to chase after me sometimes 5-10 or sometimes more!! So I don’t know what you are talking about the outnumber. Coz my play style always put me on that situation and it is so much fun. XD
I love my thread.
I said “playing dead”, because it’s just playing. Yes, we lost. We knew it by monday. There’s no point in making it trilling for BG. BF4, here I come.
I love my thread.
I said “playing dead”, because it’s just playing. Yes, we lost. We knew it by monday. There’s no point in making it trilling for BG. BF4, here I come.
I hear ghosts is gud
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native
Why is JQ and SoR playing dead? I mean, JQ was doing well for the first few days, then I hear SoS was bought by BG. SoR didn’t cooperate after a few days. Why is this happening?
Simple. JQ was given an easy matchup. Before I explain, its worthy to take note that JQ has a massive pve pop. Now, because of the easy matchup JQ was given all these “pve kids” jumped into WvW to join the never ending karma train and get easy achievement points. Thats all WvW was on jq for the past month. 5 hr queue’s and karma train. Now in the latest matchup we’re fighting bg. When fighting bg, there is no karma train. You actually have to defend stuff!!! Not just flip sm whenever you feel like it. So, with the karma train gone, all the pve players went back to pve. We’ve lost out blob. Yes, im on JQ. The queue for eb atm is either hotjoin or 10 mins max. Contrasts to the past few weeks where its been 3 hrs minimum.
JQ blob = Pve players. Pve players karma train. BG = a need to defend stuff. Defending = no loot or karma. Pve players go back to frost forge.PS: to add salt to the injury bg has been buying/renting guilds left right and center. At one point, they bribed an sos guild so focus us. Not that im complaining, there are no rules in war.
Didn’t see SoR playing dead ? and BG do karma train too. if every pug enter to WvW, ask at map chat ’ Karma train is here ? ’ why think that BG didn’t do karma train. That is a simple phony excuse. Please Don’t tell anything if you don’t know about nothing with BG.
Why is JQ and SoR playing dead? I mean, JQ was doing well for the first few days, then I hear SoS was bought by BG. SoR didn’t cooperate after a few days. Why is this happening?
What ? BG bought SoS ? BG never play double team JQ with SoS. you saw about that ?
but I saw SoS and JQ double team BG in NA time zone. if some server bought SoS , that is JQ not BG. Dont tell anything if you don’t know anything.
BG and SoR always 2v1 JQ. i have never seen those actually fight each other in a real battle.
What is your time zone ??
SoR and JQ 2vs1 BG at NA time every day before Season. don’t know ?
and JQ and BG 2vs1 SoR when SoR is strongest at Asia time with Waha.
BG hate SoR’s play style so never do 2vs1 JQ with SoR,
Just saying we wouldn’t have given up and taken to the forums by Monday.
Nor would we.
But they put in alot of OT, which is something that can’t be said for alot of their server.
Yes because the measure of a player is that he has no life and puts a lot of OT into what is just a game.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
(edited by morrolan.9608)
We are not have not been overstacked, if anything our servers organisers have properly managed the coverage.
I’ve said it before but after that first weekend of Week 1 BG, for whatever reason, has had the most players of any server I’ve seen in the game which includes JQ at its height.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
ZD actually PMed Indo if they could move to SOR (screenshots were provided). Indo referred them to IRON who asked them not to transfer to SOR because we knew it would unbalance T1. It would have been perfect (more or less) but as it turns out one of the main IRON commanders was hospitalized, she was one of the main forces leading SOR EU so ZD now doesn’t have people to fight.
I won’t blame ZD for their transfer to BG. And I think it’s unwise for any SOR to blame ZD. It was just bad timing.
With regards to the GW2 WvW being like real war. In a tactical sense yes, it’s as close as you can get to real warfare on a computer game. BUT on a strategic level, it would be bad because winning at all cost doesn’t really work because yes the 24/7 server would win but it will also means that folks from other servers would leave the game or go back to PVE. In that scenario, everybody loses.
If I had anything to add to this thread it would be for ZD, all Guild’s really, to better scout server’s in the future. They really misjudged the populations on Bg, SoR, and JQ for their time slot.
No they didn’t misjudge. They scouted and saw IRON and SoRs other EU guilds out there playing during their primetime. But as soon as ZDs showed up, those SoR guilds ran away.
The mis-information amongst all the servers regarding ZD and coverage is so terrible. In this thread, one of your guys linked a post by a guy in ZD who was responsible for the BG move. According to the ZD guy, he asked SoR first to join us, and whoever he talked turned them away because we already had a EU population (not sure if the said person knew the size of ZD or that they would start 2 hours before our EU and certainly wouldn’t know the would be emergency situation Iron has). But it’s been speculated and the back and forth of what really happened and why is getting old. Everytime I read a match-up thread, everyone just spews crap out of their mouths. I’m not directly pointing this at you, but BG members have no idea what happened and why, I think all the other sservers should stop speculating based on what they’ve heard their guildmates said from this one guy they know back in a bronze league server on the chinese servers.
You can’t says its all coverage when blackgate ticks 350 in NA prime and JQ and SoR are both qued all maps.
I can’t speak for JQ (though if you read through this thread you can assume it’s the same), but SoR does not queue all maps during NA prime. There are maps without queues even this week when we’re facing TC & Mag. This is telling because you’d expect the fairweather PVErs to be out in force (thus creating queues) in a situation like this.
Also, you obviously don’t understand the advantage having T3 upgraded maps gives a server going into NA prime. It’s not like NA prime rolls around and suddenly JQ or SoR can instantly flip those upgraded spawn towers & then push across the map (thus reducing the PPT).
Trust me when I say we are fully aware of the advantage of T3 keeps going into NA. We had to deal with it when IRON first came to SoR. It might be similar to the issues JQ was having this week going into OCE/SEA.
As for the other comment, from what I hear SoR is going through a rebuilding period? That might have a effect on your situation, plus you lost DIE which could field a good amount of people. Also you guys came off a rather unexpected 3 bad weeks so maybe its taking some time to get the morale back up and looking to rally next week for JQ. I don’t know, I can only make assumptions since I’m not on SoR. Either way I wish the server the best of luck and hope everything is well.
DIE left because of q’s. Meaning we had too many players on during that timezone. There is no “rebuilding” here.
Hello Samhayn,
It would be bad if SOR dropped to T2. Do take a look at the scores. A lot of the hardcore wvwers are bored, especially the SEA folks.
That said, even if SOR is still in T1 or T2, I wouldn’t mind because as I told the folks in the WvW Committee and in general, most of us are here because we have fun with the community win or lose. I am not saying that the SOR WvW community is better, in fact from the folks who went BG and back to SOR, I had reports that BG has a vibrant community too. I am pretty sure that all T1 WvW have a lot of fun folks, it’s just that our strategic aims are remarkably different.
And to Zikory, to put it simply we are taking the weight of the wvw direction off a few persons/guilds because it’s simply too much. If that is called reorganizing then so be it.
One can only hope that we (SoR) slip down to tier 2. I was happy there. We played for the fights, talked less trash and just had fun.
even if we don’t slip down I hope we can just not worry about trying to “win” tier 1. Just play the game and fraps all the times the zerg runs from you
Why do people say stacked when theres a limit of how many people can be on a server queues happen when X server has 100 on the map aka 300 map total across 3 servers….and yet I know for a fact BG often has no queue times during OCE and EU, by the same virtue I’d assume JQ and SoR have no queue times at times too fair enough.
But at the pinnacle of week 1 I’m SURE that all 3 servers had queues on all four maps….BG won that week, how is it " you have more numbers " if we won week one against JQ and SoR when all 4 maps would have been capped out at the 300 members 100 per side. Think about it.
Hello Samhayn,
It would be bad if SOR dropped to T2. Do take a look at the scores. A lot of the hardcore wvwers are bored, especially the SEA folks.
That said, even if SOR is still in T1 or T2, I wouldn’t mind because as I told the folks in the WvW Committee and in general, most of us are here because we have fun with the community win or lose. I am not saying that the SOR WvW community is better, in fact from the folks who went BG and back to SOR, I had reports that BG has a vibrant community too. I am pretty sure that all T1 WvW have a lot of fun folks, it’s just that our strategic aims are remarkably different.
And to Zikory, to put it simply we are taking the weight of the wvw direction off a few persons/guilds because it’s simply too much. If that is called reorganizing then so be it.
One can only hope that we (SoR) slip down to tier 2. I was happy there. We played for the fights, talked less trash and just had fun.
even if we don’t slip down I hope we can just not worry about trying to “win” tier 1. Just play the game and fraps all the times the zerg runs from you
I think you miss understood me. Someone mentioned that a tri realm pvp game is coming out that will take players away. If that happens then I would like to go back to tier 2. As it stands right now us being in tier 2 would.not work out well because we would just be the black gate of tier 2. Not something I like. Vastly out numbering or being vastly out numbered either way not my idea of fun.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
I think you miss understood me. Someone mentioned that a tri realm pvp game is coming out that will take players away. If that happens then I would like to go back to tier 2.
Every server will be like T8 when that game comes out.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
so 5 man will be the new blob? :OOO
[edit: (actually i have no idea what i’m talkign about. BUT i would like gw2 to continue to flourish and especially thw WvW community on all servers. in an ideal world…)]
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
so 5 man will be the new blob? :OOO
[edit: (actually i have no idea what i’m talkign about. BUT i would like gw2 to continue to flourish and especially thw WvW community on all servers. in an ideal world…)]
I’m waiting for that other game (and CU beyond that) because to me anet put too little into WvW and its simply too casual. In the other game its far more central to the game as a whole and the designers have more experience with this type of game mode.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
That’s too bad a lot of SoR will be quitting for another game. This game is only getting better, especially for WvW.
Now that I had a couple of drinks, why the f*** would you let BG get away with this. Any complements to BG is weakness.
Why do people say stacked when theres a limit of how many people can be on a server queues happen when X server has 100 on the map aka 300 map total across 3 servers….and yet I know for a fact BG often has no queue times during OCE and EU, by the same virtue I’d assume JQ and SoR have no queue times at times too fair enough.
But at the pinnacle of week 1 I’m SURE that all 3 servers had queues on all four maps….BG won that week, how is it " you have more numbers " if we won week one against JQ and SoR when all 4 maps would have been capped out at the 300 members 100 per side. Think about it.
BG won because of the 2v1. Don’t get disillusioned.
That’s too bad a lot of SoR will be quitting for another game. This game is only getting better, especially for WvW.
Rofl. Ya, getting better…
Basically, it will be a race about who will be tier 2. Someone has to lose lol.
Now that I had a couple of drinks, why the f*** would you let BG get away with this. Any complements to BG is weakness.
Lucky you, the only drink I’ve had so far are the enemies tears from the passed 5 weeks :/
Hello Samhayn,
It would be bad if SOR dropped to T2. Do take a look at the scores. A lot of the hardcore wvwers are bored, especially the SEA folks.
That said, even if SOR is still in T1 or T2, I wouldn’t mind because as I told the folks in the WvW Committee and in general, most of us are here because we have fun with the community win or lose. I am not saying that the SOR WvW community is better, in fact from the folks who went BG and back to SOR, I had reports that BG has a vibrant community too. I am pretty sure that all T1 WvW have a lot of fun folks, it’s just that our strategic aims are remarkably different.
And to Zikory, to put it simply we are taking the weight of the wvw direction off a few persons/guilds because it’s simply too much. If that is called reorganizing then so be it.
One can only hope that we (SoR) slip down to tier 2. I was happy there. We played for the fights, talked less trash and just had fun.
even if we don’t slip down I hope we can just not worry about trying to “win” tier 1. Just play the game and fraps all the times the zerg runs from you
I think you miss understood me. Someone mentioned that a tri realm pvp game is coming out that will take players away. If that happens then I would like to go back to tier 2. As it stands right now us being in tier 2 would.not work out well because we would just be the black gate of tier 2. Not something I like. Vastly out numbering or being vastly out numbered either way not my idea of fun.
Yep. JQ outnumbered on every map. Isn’t great?
Too casual? Clearly not if you’re from BG and putting in 12hr shifts in WvW. More like unrewarding and too much emphasis on things that are unrelated to competition and game play. Out of the T1 triad, it seemed like only BG had remotely good time of it and mostly because they get that winning finisher. JQ gets handed a schedule where they get almost a month devoid of WvW in Weeks 2 through 4 and SoR’s season ended at Week 2.
If you do a dungeon with a BG, you’re a traitor. Just say no to BG. No BG.
Leave groups that do cof with bg members.
If SoR beat JQ in week 6 = SoR – 22, JQ – 22
If BG double team JQ with SoR to force JQ third place and Sor 1st or 2nd =
SoR 1st week 7 = 27, JQ – 23 (if JQ 2nd, its 25)
SoR 2nd week 7 = 25, JQ – 23
So Blackgate can be a king maker to decide either SoR or JQ get 2nd place if SoR can beat JQ in week 6
LOL Troll Post.
BG whined about the season match up claiming JQ was the winner…props to the tactic, SoR bought into your mantra and willingly became your kittenes to double team up on us.
Hope y’all enjoy the view at the top…cheap seats as they may be.
Totally. We are the WvW overlords. Bow down to our superior whining tactics. We did not outplay you on the field at all.
outplay? no. outspend. yes.
If you do a dungeon with a BG, you’re a traitor. Just say no to BG. No BG.
Leave groups that do cof with bg members.That wouldn’t benefit anyone. BG not only excels in WvW, but they also seem to do really well in PvE.
First server to beat Teq.
First server to win Leagues Season 1.
Don’t matter what you preach. I’m practicing what I say.
I’m going to make life as hard as I can to every BG that comes across me. Everyone should do the same. Bribery should not go unpunished.
(edited by Sam Gem.1246)
LOL Troll Post.
BG whined about the season match up claiming JQ was the winner…props to the tactic, SoR bought into your mantra and willingly became your kittenes to double team up on us.
Hope y’all enjoy the view at the top…cheap seats as they may be.
Totally. We are the WvW overlords. Bow down to our superior whining tactics. We did not outplay you on the field at all.
outplay? no. outspend. yes.
I assume you have records of the amounts paid by all servers to back up your claim? Looking forward to your post.
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
If you do a dungeon with a BG, you’re a traitor. Just say no to BG. No BG.
Leave groups that do cof with bg members.That wouldn’t benefit anyone. BG not only excels in WvW, but they also seem to do really well in PvE.
First server to beat Teq.
First server to win Leagues Season 1.
GGDon’t matter what you preach. I’m practicing what I say.
Well alright… Hope you aren’t too SoRe about not coming 1st place in leagues, it was anyones game from Week 1 – Week 7. Just a matter of how bad you wanted it!
If you do a dungeon with a BG, you’re a traitor. Just say no to BG. No BG.
Leave groups that do cof with bg members.
lol, thats got to be one of the most childish things I’ve seen on these forums
(edited by Tarkus.4109)
Hello Gilgamesh,
I think you’re mistaken. Sam is not from SOR.
If you do a dungeon with a BG, you’re a traitor. Just say no to BG. No BG.
Leave groups that do cof with bg members.That wouldn’t benefit anyone. BG not only excels in WvW, but they also seem to do really well in PvE.
First server to beat Teq.
First server to win Leagues Season 1.
GGDon’t matter what you preach. I’m practicing what I say.
Well alright… Hope you aren’t too SoRe about not coming 1st place in leagues, it was anyones game from Week 1 – Week 7. Just a matter of how bad you wanted it!
If you do a dungeon with a BG, you’re a traitor. Just say no to BG. No BG.
Leave groups that do cof with bg members.lol, thats got to be one of the most childish things I’ve seen on these forums and I’ve seen a lot of childish kitten.
Coming from Tarkus, that’s saying something.
Though I do appreciate MERC coming out to fight night after night. Occasionally seeing [MERC] vs [MERC] is quite amusing
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
If you do a dungeon with a BG, you’re a traitor. Just say no to BG. No BG.
Leave groups that do cof with bg members.lol, thats got to be one of the most childish things I’ve seen on these forums and I’ve seen a lot of childish kitten.
Coming from Tarkus, that’s saying something.
Though I do appreciate MERC coming out to fight night after night
That’s the last time I follow tarkus… Well done. Just pin down for all our sakes. I mean, you’ve already accepted a bribe… What more can be said.
(edited by Sam Gem.1246)
Hello Sam,
I understand what you are saying. I mean it’ll be bad for SOR WvW folks outside NA prime. As there won’t be much folks to fight.
Hello Samhayn,
It would be bad if SOR dropped to T2. Do take a look at the scores. A lot of the hardcore wvwers are bored, especially the SEA folks.
That said, even if SOR is still in T1 or T2, I wouldn’t mind because as I told the folks in the WvW Committee and in general, most of us are here because we have fun with the community win or lose. I am not saying that the SOR WvW community is better, in fact from the folks who went BG and back to SOR, I had reports that BG has a vibrant community too. I am pretty sure that all T1 WvW have a lot of fun folks, it’s just that our strategic aims are remarkably different.
And to Zikory, to put it simply we are taking the weight of the wvw direction off a few persons/guilds because it’s simply too much. If that is called reorganizing then so be it.
One can only hope that we (SoR) slip down to tier 2. I was happy there. We played for the fights, talked less trash and just had fun.
even if we don’t slip down I hope we can just not worry about trying to “win” tier 1. Just play the game and fraps all the times the zerg runs from you
I think you miss understood me. Someone mentioned that a tri realm pvp game is coming out that will take players away. If that happens then I would like to go back to tier 2. As it stands right now us being in tier 2 would.not work out well because we would just be the black gate of tier 2. Not something I like. Vastly out numbering or being vastly out numbered either way not my idea of fun.
I think this Sam bloke got mad that he wasn’t able to PVDoor to victory anymore.
Hope you got all your splinters out from your previous T2 matchups.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
Trust me, working to cover our coverage gaps is something we’re always aiming to do. The main issue is that EU guilds, for the most part, don’t like to move to where they feel they will be expected to hold a time zone themselves. They want to run in their untagged deathball and do what they want. I have no problem with this, and encourage it, but then you still have to convince people you don’t expect them to be a PPT blob who sits behind ACs all day. The problem there becomes because you can’t get anyone to ‘pioneer’ so to speak, you of course have trouble attracting others. But hey, you know what, for the most part (and all during our recent winning streaks) we’ve done it without massive EU coverage. If it happens in the future, it does. If not, we’ll deal with it and cope the way we have been. Roll with the punches.
I do not want SoR to fall to T2, nor do I think this would even be possible unless guilds started jumping ship. The matches are always lopsided when we’re not all together, because we’ve tailored our coverage to only work if we’re all together, like a puzzle. I don’t know about you guys, but I am tired of fighting anyone else.
I’ve had some epic fights this week, regardless of what the score says. We’ve fought hard in the time zones we can actually cover, and that’s really all we can do. DEM GARRISON FIGHTS!
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]
If you do a dungeon with a BG, you’re a traitor. Just say no to BG. No BG.
Leave groups that do cof with bg members.lol, thats got to be one of the most childish things I’ve seen on these forums and I’ve seen a lot of childish kitten.
Coming from Tarkus, that’s saying something.
Though I do appreciate MERC coming out to fight night after night
That’s the last time I follow tarkus… Well done. Just pin down for all our sakes. I mean, you’ve already accepted a bribe… What more can be said.
Sorry, but what?
tl;dr – BG won and some disagree with that. Hilarity ensues.
LOL Troll Post.
BG whined about the season match up claiming JQ was the winner…props to the tactic, SoR bought into your mantra and willingly became your kittenes to double team up on us.
Hope y’all enjoy the view at the top…cheap seats as they may be.
Totally. We are the WvW overlords. Bow down to our superior whining tactics. We did not outplay you on the field at all.
outplay? no. outspend. yes.
Lol bribegate!
If you do a dungeon with a BG, you’re a traitor. Just say no to BG. No BG.
Leave groups that do cof with bg members.lol, thats got to be one of the most childish things I’ve seen on these forums
One of my dungeon buddies is from GoF. Great guy!
Guild Master
#BribeGate defeats #JadedQuarry
Now we all need to go to bread
Am I doing it right?
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
If you do a dungeon with a BG, you’re a traitor. Just say no to BG. No BG.
Leave groups that do cof with bg members.
Oh noes! not CoF!!
I think he thinks that if JQ doesn’t help BG do CoF, then we won’t be able to afford more guilds?
Why should anyone do PvE at all? Come on, if you want to do pve go and play wow or something like that.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
So Blackgate can be a king maker to decide either SoR or JQ get 2nd place if SoR can beat JQ in week 6
Yeah I wouldn’t be happy with us doing that tbh. We knew what was awaiting us in Week 7 if we didn’t win this week so I don’t think we’d (BG) be happy playing a kingmaker for or against any other server either.
I don’t think we’ll come out as strong (stronk!?) in week 7, just take is relatively easy not doing all calls but we won’t roll over for anyone either.
SoR wont fall to t2, unless more guilds jump ship. Look what they are doing against TC, and TC out coverages SoS and Mag. It would be interesting to see where FA places, are they equal with SoS and Mag? Or are they equal with TC?
In any case, I think BG is Teir 0.5 just due to not having any real coverage gaps, and I think JQ and SoR are still Teir 1.
I personally cant wait for leagues to end, and the RNG to come back with ratings to see how top silver matches with bottom gold.