(edited by scootshoot.6583)
Why is JQ and SoR playing dead?
The sheer number of kitten JQers in this thread amuses me.
Why do you think SoS used to call them JQQ back in the T1 days ?
With SoR’s QQing reduced by almost 50% due to restrictions imposed from IRON top members, JQQ are back at the top.
(edited by DKNS.2135)
Love the " you bought guilds " thing….everyone that I speak to from JQ and SoR both mad at BG and non mad at BG say yea we know JQ and SoR at some point have bought guilds…and then the mad folk still act hypocritical and say yea but BG does it more and blah blah blah blah…it’s almost amusing.
What I’d love to see is more servers have far far far less disparity we need tier 1 guilds to filter throughout lower tiered servers…thats what would benefit the game the best. Each major wvw guild from tier 1 picks 1 partner from differing timezone and picks a unique server
It’ll never happen but that would make wvw so much better.
Love the " you bought guilds " thing….everyone that I speak to from JQ and SoR both mad at BG and non mad at BG say yea we know JQ and SoR at some point have bought guilds…and then the mad folk still act hypocritical and say yea but BG does it more and blah blah blah blah…it’s almost amusing.
What I’d love to see is more servers have far far far less disparity we need tier 1 guilds to filter throughout lower tiered servers…thats what would benefit the game the best. Each major wvw guild from tier 1 picks 1 partner from differing timezone and picks a unique server
It’ll never happen but that would make wvw so much better.
Agreed, it would be a great idea but would never ever happen
SoR wont fall to t2, unless more guilds jump ship. Look what they are doing against TC, and TC out coverages SoS and Mag. It would be interesting to see where FA places, are they equal with SoS and Mag? Or are they equal with TC?
In any case, I think BG is Teir 0.5 just due to not having any real coverage gaps, and I think JQ and SoR are still Teir 1.
I personally cant wait for leagues to end, and the RNG to come back with ratings to see how top silver matches with bottom gold.
it depends on how much of an appeal ESO has to exdaoc players, SoR has more then its fair share of those (me included but I’m not interested in it).
I won’t be going anywhere, I still like this game and eotm and recent class changes are something in looking forwards too.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
What I’d love to see is more servers have far far far less disparity we need tier 1 guilds to filter throughout lower tiered servers…thats what would benefit the game the best. Each major wvw guild from tier 1 picks 1 partner from differing timezone and picks a unique server
It’ll never happen but that would make wvw so much better.
Agreed, will never happen. One thing I learned from my many years of playing WoW, MMO gamers in general want phat lewts (carrots at the end of the rainbow) with the least amount of resistance and that mentality has not changed in Guild Wars 2, heh.
As been repeated in past. One of the reasons I have respect for guilds like TW back in the day was they were on JQ during the peak of that servers PPT run. They coulda sat back, rode the gravy train, chest pounded on the forums but instead they transferred to a server which at the time had zero 1st place finishes. Am sure there are other guilds and players who did same but they are few and far between.
Hello Samhayn,
It would be bad if SOR dropped to T2. Do take a look at the scores. A lot of the hardcore wvwers are bored, especially the SEA folks.
That said, even if SOR is still in T1 or T2, I wouldn’t mind because as I told the folks in the WvW Committee and in general, most of us are here because we have fun with the community win or lose. I am not saying that the SOR WvW community is better, in fact from the folks who went BG and back to SOR, I had reports that BG has a vibrant community too. I am pretty sure that all T1 WvW have a lot of fun folks, it’s just that our strategic aims are remarkably different.
And to Zikory, to put it simply we are taking the weight of the wvw direction off a few persons/guilds because it’s simply too much. If that is called reorganizing then so be it.
One can only hope that we (SoR) slip down to tier 2. I was happy there. We played for the fights, talked less trash and just had fun.
even if we don’t slip down I hope we can just not worry about trying to “win” tier 1. Just play the game and fraps all the times the zerg runs from you
I think you miss understood me. Someone mentioned that a tri realm pvp game is coming out that will take players away. If that happens then I would like to go back to tier 2. As it stands right now us being in tier 2 would.not work out well because we would just be the black gate of tier 2. Not something I like. Vastly out numbering or being vastly out numbered either way not my idea of fun.
When that other game launches the tiers in general am sure will take a huge shift in rankings as a wave of players leave for the next big thing and the servers rebalance themselves out. Won’t be surprised if Tier 8 servers move up to Tier 1 etc.
Bottomline is this, after a year WvW is getting to be the same ole, I know lots are looking for a change. It’s especially bad with the lopsided matchups, any matchup beyond JQ vs BG vs SOR in the same matchup together is a bore fest. Season 2, 3, 4 and onward is not going to change this fact.
You can consider the “we” in my comment both of us.
If you share WhiteAndMilky’s sentiment, then you don’t understand either.
Also you may not but the other numerous SoR posters made quite a few post calling out BG for not coming out, I think that was around the “RIP BG” comments.
“Numerous” is an overstatement. Regardless, it’s not like BG posters haven’t done the exact same thing. The word that comes to mind when I see posts like that from the members of any server is hubris.
Its interesting you say you would like to drop down to T2 considering your more or less blowing out that Tier this week, plus TC would move up so it would be SoS/Mag, being the big dog in a blow out is a nice change of pace.
Re-read what I wrote & point out exactly where I mentioned anything about T2. “Lower tier” encompasses more than just T2 servers.
Obviously your perspective of those 3 weeks must have been different then a majority of your SoR posters. It seemed you all were very confident along with all the BG has no chance comments.
Just like the handful of obnoxious BG posters shouldn’t be used to characterize the entire server, neither should the handful of obnoxious SoR posters be used to characterize the server. A couple of those were established forum warriors who nobody should have taken serious. I think the others were recent transfers.
It seems odd that BG had more faith in SoR then some of the SoR population…at this point is seems our sheer resolve played a bigger part then our coverage. Just saying we wouldn’t have given up and taken to the forums by Monday.
It has nothing to do with faith or resolve and everything to do with coverage. Saying otherwise downplays BGs one true advantage and perpetuates the myth that BG wins because of some greater mental resolve than all others. Again, hubris comes to mind. As I said before, the first 9 days of the season were great, but ultimately unsustainable for SoR. Not because of lack of resolve, but because of lack of coverage. Anybody who thought or claimed otherwise (regardless of server they played on) was fooling themselves.
Knights of the WhiteWolf
Will someone please kill this Boast Gate /Bribe Gate/ Buy Gate/ Bore Gate thread?
JQ Ranger
It was started by a JQ.
Just saying.
Occasionally seeing [MERC] vs [MERC] is quite amusing
That is just sad…
SoR wont fall to t2, unless more guilds jump ship.
In any case, I think BG is Teir 0.5 just due to not having any real coverage gaps, and I think JQ and SoR are still Teir 1.
I think you would be very shocked if you know the guilds considering leaving SoR after the season.
T2…. Depends on how many not NA guilds stay (not like we have tons left anyways)
Skritt Happens
If you’re not trash talking the server then explain why nearly every single post from you talks rubbish about overstacked, stackgate, blah blah ?
If you were here for longer than you were you’d know well that that talk is and has been just trolling trash talk from other servers.
BG actually lost a ton of guilds before Seasons, along with a couple during seasons and during our OCX, SEA and EU TZ’s we had NO queues whatsoever on any map, apart from EB sometimes which had a few minutes queue.
We are not have not been overstacked, if anything our servers organisers have properly managed the coverage.
ZDs coming here was a surprise to most people and we’re glad they did as it finally gave us and helped us combat the huge impact that the likes of JQ’s very good SEA guilds have had.
People claiming overstacked, stackgate etc., are trolls, hell, even some Merc moved to JQ because BG didn’t have coverage, at least that was one of the reasons given.You were also calling out and trash talking ZDs in a previous thread, for NO REASON.
If for any reason you have a problem with any guild on BG, take it to our server forums and your opinion, like anyone else’s no matter anyone’s opinion you think they have of you, will be given proper attention. Trash talking your own server and guilds on a public forum gains you little respect, so any you think you’ve lost, you brought upon yourself.I still get in on any map during EU time (apart from EB which is always filled with tons of pugs and uplevels) without any hassle, 5 min queue at most, same with SeA and OCX timezones, in seasons, in our most important week of seasons. Overstacked, sure thing…
Ever stop to think for a minute that a lot of our NA guilds especially have taken in a lot of normally PVE players to train up, skill up and get them interested in WvW. I know KnT has for one and KnT were running commanders on every single map at the same time during certain timezones.
Some of my comments also were general, not directed at you either. I’m neither angry nor annoyed, I’m calling you out on saying we’re overstacked, which you seem to do at every opportunity and which is simply not true. We just have good coverage which has been organised very well by the servers council of guilds.
Also, I’m not saying JQ has no organisation, I know they do, I played there. I’m just saying it needs to be improved. As much as I like beating JQ, I still really enjoy their competition they put up, all of us do and we want to see that continue.
Maybe BG might dip into our massive gold war chest and buy a Russian guild for JQ next time…
1) If you think every post of mine is about how overstacked Blackgate is, you’ve not been reading enough of my posts. Also you can call my posts rubbish, but it doesn’t make them so.
2) What happened before the season is irrelevant to what’s happening during the season. It is my experience that we have (nearly) always been queued, at least when there is something to fight for.
3) I don’t see why it is so difficult for you to comprehend the idea that we are overstacked. As I wrote it is my experience that we have (nearly) always been queued, at least when there is something to fight for. SoR and JQ have not. Therefore relative to JQ and SoR we are overstacked. Since it’s impossible for anyone to be more stacked than us (since we are nearly always queued) we can drop the “relative to JQ and SoR” line and simply say we are overstacked. If you do not think we are overstacked then you are also essentially saying that it is impossible for any server to be overstacked, since it is impossible to be more stacked than us. What ZDs, MERC, or whatever guild say or think or do has no impact on this.
4) 5 minutes queue is still a queue.
5) The fact that KnT have been running training programmes or having commanders on every map or whatever they’ve been doing does not change the fact that we are still nearly always queued and therefore overstacked.
6) The reasons I called out ZDs on the other thread are given in that post. I do not think it is “no reason”. If you do I conclude you are not reading my posts. I did also try to talk to them using map chat. Their responses are given in my posts.
7) I don’t care what the Blackgate WvW community thinks of me. You are not be the first person to dislike me and you won’t be the last, although you are among the few people who dislike me but still added me to friend’s.
If you don’t want me to WvW for Blackgate feel free to contribute to the get-Jeydra-out-of-Blackgate fund, which in spite of some people who pledged to “pay fully” for me to transfer and my stated willingness to leave the server, currently has a grand total of 0 copper.
See you on the battlefield.
A-Nets dedicated a large amount of their time to improving WvW,
No they haven’t, not in comparison to other areas of the game. Leagues would have taken a small amount of resources to implement.
That’s too bad a lot of SoR will be quitting for another game.
I think you’ll find it will affect every server.
Plus it won’t be only the game that shall not be named there’s another game that guilds are well aware of coming out in a similar timeframe offering a full on GvG PvP mode that I know a lot of WvW guilds are interested in.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
(edited by morrolan.9608)
3) I don’t see why it is so difficult for you to comprehend the idea that we are overstacked. As I wrote it is my experience that we have (nearly) always been queued, at least when there is something to fight for. SoR and JQ have not. Therefore relative to JQ and SoR we are overstacked. Since it’s impossible for anyone to be more stacked than us (since we are nearly always queued) we can drop the “relative to JQ and SoR” line and simply say we are overstacked. If you do not think we are overstacked then you are also essentially saying that it is impossible for any server to be overstacked, since it is impossible to be more stacked than us.
I’m only commenting on this because the rest is of no consequence to me. I have no opinion of you and as long as your not belligerently insulting the Blackgate community (which I haven’t seen you do so) your opinion is your own and your right to have.
As for the word “overstacked” which is find interesting. If you’re looking at current population of the servers then you are right, compared to others we are more “stacked” then everyone else at the moment. Now to look at the game mode and how anet has implemented it. It’s a 24 hour battle over 7 days, meaning the best a server can be would be to queue all 4 maps 24/7. Blackgate is close to that and closer than JQ/SoR. Now being “overstacked” is irrelevant because there are set caps on how many people can be in WvW, meaning once you hit that cap, you’re full and can’t “stack” past that. The amount of extra people makes no difference as they can’t join the fight.
With all that, is Blackgate truly at fault for attempting to reach this cap? The game mode is setup to push for this type of coverage. So I would say other servers are under populated.
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
It’s pretty clear what Anet has to do in order to avoid bs from this season. Firstly, don’t do seasons at all. Secondly, no rewards what’s so ever. Thirdly, don’t publish the kitten schedule. Forthly, freeze all server transfers. Fifty, stop all player to player gold and item trading. This will ensure that WvW will get the proper and respectful fights.
The real problem is the business model Anet has employed. Bots have abused it, TP speculators have abused it, and now regular WvW are abusing it.
Don’t be so naive… a large chunk of why the league was even created was specifically to increase income from server transfers.
With all that, is Blackgate truly at fault for attempting to reach this cap? The game mode is setup to push for this type of coverage. So I would say other servers are under populated.
No, Blackgate is not at fault for attempting to reach this cap. Therefore the word ‘overstacked’ has no negative connotation, at least not in the way I’m using it. It’s incredible how people seem to react to that word, though.
@Jeydra. I dunno either you’re just pretend to be BG or not but it doesnt matter. What matter is that BG aint overstacked on purpose. We lost SUPR,TKG,MERC, and many more at the first week of the league. Losing MERC is one of the huge blow to us, as Tarkus said, they’re one of the main BG Oceanic core that operate during that timezone while ND got hacked. Arguebly we lost more than 200 oceanic ppl and around 40 wvw actives from MERC leaving alone. The approach of ZDs is just one guild with 20-30 active wvwer compared to many Oceanics/SEA that we lost. At that time, if you’re one of the BG leader, you wouldnt bother to decline ZDs anyway because you already lost so much without any gain at that time.
SoR lost because IRON main cmd is being hospitalized thus their playtime is reduced dramatically. Plus losing two weeks in a role really put SoR in a bad spot in league thus most of SoR’s main cmd just gave up their dedication while BG is still strong. SoR has population to compete but it’s just those circumstance prevent them to be as dedicated as BG who’s on winning stroke
JQ lost to BG because their SEA just failed to capitalize at their strongest timezone. In SEA, JQ has been outnumber BG by margins. They have tons of 30 ppl guild zerg like FOO,ATM,WvW,GGYY,GE,MERC while BG only have LP,ND,TKD,MERC. On many occasion we (LP), faced two full zerg (50 each) while we only have a few 30. The only thing that able to help us withstand those outnumbered zerg is that NA/Oceanic successfully hold T3 keeps for us so that we can stand behind the wall. Many many uphill battles during SEA we faced but we prevailed. Two days of failing to capitalize during SEA made the score far apart thus they just gave up in the end. They even have EU population like Sg and ToFu NoaH but what they lack is the strong leadership. The numbers aint that much less compared to BG who has HB/RK/COIN. It’s just they lack NA’s early support and dedication to turn things.
Basicly that’s sum up things. If you want to blame, blame the score board and the league arrangement that deduce people’s dedication.
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4
(edited by Tajz.9826)
+1 Nirvii, nailed it.
Another thing that was a major blessing to Blackgate was daylight savings. Daylight savings was only 1 or 2 weeks after MERC left BG, which closed the coverage gap between America and Oceania by 2 hours. This helped Blackgate massively and it nullified Jade Quarry’s advantage it has in it’s heavy populated Oceanic and SEA zones.
Blackgators were well aware of this right after MERC transfered off, and many American commanders and guilds vowed and planned to stay up extra late to cover our coverage weaknesses.
Jade Quarry should still have been dominating in SEA, but they didn’t. As soon as the matchup became hard for Jade Quarry, their population player base faded away. It was Tuesday night in Australia and the guilds on Jade Quarry had already given up.
There is not much fighting spirit and there never really has been on Jade Quarry. Jade Quarry had the coverage to beat Blackgate, they were full of queues for many weeks prior to week 5. JQ only has itself to blame.
(edited by Cirus.5748)
Two things.
1) BG not being overstacked on purpose doesn’t change the fact that BG is overstacked.
2) I’m not blaming anyone that BG is overstacked.
No idea why you guys keep writing such long posts with paragraph after paragraph of irrelevant information. MERC leaving, IRON commander getting hospitalized, JQ having 6 WvW guilds to BG’s 4 during SEA time, what do all these things matter? We are still fully queued almost all the time. Hence we are still overstacked. No, JQ doesn’t outnumber BG during SEA timezone because we are nearly always fully queued, and hence JQ are at best on equal terms with BG. If we weren’t fully queued during SEA timezone we would have a coverage weakness and conceivably may not be overstacked, but we are fully queued during SEA timezone.
Can’t believe it’s so hard to grasp this simple concept.
Two things.
1) BG not being overstacked on purpose doesn’t change the fact that BG is overstacked.
2) I’m not blaming anyone that BG is overstacked.No idea why you guys keep writing such long posts with paragraph after paragraph of irrelevant information. MERC leaving, IRON commander getting hospitalized, JQ having 6 WvW guilds to BG’s 4 during SEA time, what do all these things matter? We are still fully queued almost all the time. Hence we are still overstacked. No, JQ doesn’t outnumber BG during SEA timezone because we are nearly always fully queued, and hence JQ are at best on equal terms with BG. If we weren’t fully queued during SEA timezone we would have a coverage weakness and conceivably may not be overstacked, but we are fully queued during SEA timezone.
Can’t believe it’s so hard to grasp this simple concept.
Blackgate, Jade Quarry and Sanctum of Rall are over stacked in comparison to tier 2 servers.
Tarnished Coast is over stacked in comparison to Sea of Sorrows and Maguuma
Sea of Sorrows is over stacked in comparison to tier 3 servers.
Blackgate is not over stacked compared to Jade Quarry, or Sanctum of Rall when league started. Everyone tipped Jade Quarry to win, Sanctum of Rall second and Blackgate third.
Jade Quarry had the coverage to match, but they were out played and stopped showing up to fight. Turning the end result into an avalanche.
Are you able to grasp this simple concept? Mr Blackgate player who transferred 2 weeks ago from Sea of Sorrows (your actions are a little hypocritical to your argument?)
(edited by Cirus.5748)
Two things.
1) BG not being overstacked on purpose doesn’t change the fact that BG is overstacked.
2) I’m not blaming anyone that BG is overstacked.
No idea why you guys keep writing such long posts with paragraph after paragraph of irrelevant information. MERC leaving, IRON commander getting hospitalized, JQ having 6 WvW guilds to BG’s 4 during SEA time, what do all these things matter? We are still fully queued almost all the time. Hence we are still overstacked. No, JQ doesn’t outnumber BG during SEA timezone because we are nearly always fully queued, and hence JQ are at best on equal terms with BG. If we weren’t fully queued during SEA timezone we would have a coverage weakness and conceivably may not be overstacked, but we are fully queued during SEA timezone.
Can’t believe it’s so hard to grasp this simple concept.
“Fully queued” BG SEA is fully queued on weekend mostly yes i agreed. But if you play hard enough during SEA time, there are days that we only queued 2 maps and the rest free queue or 5min queue. JQ also queued 4 maps during SEA so what’s the point? They only get no queue when the score far apart and their PUG gave up.
Bottom line in term of shear wvw guild numbers: [Not counting NA’s overtime/morale factor/PUGs]
Oceanic – JQ>BG, SoR=>BG (When MERC/TKG/SUPR left)
EU – BG>JQ, BG=SoR (When IRON still operate)
I’m not talk about NA because it’s the main timezone of the game so every server get almost equal ground.
Seriously get your fact right. If you’re going to have a say about SEA, please play in that timezone more before saying something you dont know about. I play SEA almost everyday so i knew the actual number on map/ts of ours. And please dont even compare the queue on the karma train days.
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4
(edited by Tajz.9826)
Easy solution to the “guild buying controversy”: you get the reward from the server you were on at the time the season started.
Easy solution to the “guild buying controversy”: you get the reward from the server you were on at the time the season started.
It is at the moment Zanshin. If you start on BG during week1 you will get BG’s reward evenif you moved somewhere else after week1. Also applied to same if you transfer to BG on week2, you wont get BG reward at the end.
And in fact there is no “guild buying” things. It’s merely about support team to move with some fund. Whether some servers support more than others are up to each server. JQ/SoR/BG/Everyone had “support” people to move to their servers before. It’s just the lame excuse of some trolls that accused other servers of buying some guilds but didnt really look into the mirror that their own servers also doing the same.
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4
(edited by Tajz.9826)
Blackgate, Jade Quarry and Sanctum of Rall are over stacked in comparison to tier 2 servers.
Tarnished Coast is over stacked in comparison to Sea of Sorrows and Maguuma
Sea of Sorrows is over stacked in comparison to tier 3 servers.
Blackgate is not over stacked compared to Jade Quarry, or Sanctum of Rall when league started. Everyone tipped Jade Quarry to win, Sanctum of Rall second and Blackgate third.
Jade Quarry had the coverage to match, but they were out played and stopped showing up to fight. Turning the end result into an avalanche.
Are you able to grasp this simple concept? Mr Blackgate player who transferred 2 weeks ago from Sea of Sorrows (your actions are a little hypocritical to your argument?)
You are correct that BG / SoR / JQ are overstacked relative to TC, TC is overstacked relative to SoS and Maguuma, etc. But it is impossible for any server to be more overstacked than BG, and therefore BG is the most overstacked of overstacked servers. BG may not have been overstacked relative to SoR and JQ when league started, which doesn’t change the fact that BG is overstacked relative to SoR and JQ now.
Also JQ did not have the coverage to match. The WP in Bay on JQ BL was built when JQ did not have enough players on the map to attack it. JQ clearly has a coverage weakness; BG does not.
Did you really think I transferred in order to make BG even more overstacked? Your name-calling does not make your argument any better.
Bottom line in term of shear wvw guild numbers: [Not counting NA’s overtime/morale factor/PUGs]
Oceanic – JQ>BG, SoR=>BG (When MERC/TKG/SUPR left)
EU – BG>JQ, BG=SoR (When IRON still operate)
I’m not talk about NA because it’s the main timezone of the game so every server get almost equal ground.
… and? WvW is not made only of WvW guilds.
Also I happen to play SEA timezone. Are you claiming that SEA timezone is not nearly always queued when there is something to fight for? That runs completely contrary to my experience. There are days when we are only queued on two of the four maps because there’s nothing happening on the other two maps (it’s fully owned by BG, there is no enemy zerg to fight, it is more favourable to let the other team cap stuff on the map because we have nothing else to do, etc). You say that you know the numbers on TS, but not everyone who plays WvW logs on to TS. The fact is the maps in which things are happening (JQ BL / EB in this case) are queued. That means there is that certain number of players on it. The fact that there aren’t that many players on TS does not matter.
JQ were also queued during SEA timezone because SEA timezone obviously wasn’t their weak timezone. They stopped playing after the weak timezone caused the strong timezones to lose morale. That’s what I wrote earlier in the thread. Did you read it?
… and? WvW is not made only of WvW guilds.
Can’t believe you said this and you still can’t understand the queue disparity between servers.
Posted by: Jeydra.4386 in 9/27 – JQ / FA / SoS
“I’m close to giving up on my server … they don’t want to play, they just want to karma train. Even when the number of players we have isn’t that much less than JQ zerg, such that we can do something like hold Overlook and actually make some progress on the map, even with FA within 3k points for #2 with some 4+ hours still to play for, they would rather just play ring-around-the-roses with JQ and keep trading towers.
SoS “will fight as hard or harder over the next two weeks as we fought the last two”? More like SoS will just give up. If it weren’t for the transfer fee I’d probably already have switched servers."
This sums up why you moved.
When that other game launches the tiers in general am sure will take a huge shift in rankings as a wave of players leave for the next big thing and the servers rebalance themselves out. Won’t be surprised if Tier 8 servers move up to Tier 1 etc.
There’s no doubt in my mind that there will be a disruption when that other game launches, but I don’t expect it to last long. Unless there are some major changes I don’t think folks will find that the grass is actually as green as they thought it was.
Knights of the WhiteWolf
You can’t over stack a server.
There are 4 maps. The goal is to get enough people to fill those maps. Blackgate did that better than the rest. It isn’t like we can put more people on the map than the other servers. People calling blackgate overstacked are just using it as a way to smear that server. You shouldn’t be such a sore looser.
As a daily OCX SEA player I can say in week 2-3-4-5 BG has no queue in Red and Blue BL in my time. The queue on EB was not too long too. I finished mercenary achievements around week 3 by doing EB for a few hours everyday. (play some at Red or Blue BL while queue for EB)
From my point of view as a pug I think BG has a bit more than SoR in OCX and has less force than JQ in OCX. (I always have to defend the JQ’s push when I play in my time)
So I don’t think BG is overstacked in my timezone.
i cant see anything else but overstcked overstacked overstacked overstacked overstacked over and over.
maybe i read too much Jeydra’s post
With all that, is Blackgate truly at fault for attempting to reach this cap? The game mode is setup to push for this type of coverage. So I would say other servers are under populated.
No, Blackgate is not at fault for attempting to reach this cap. Therefore the word ‘overstacked’ has no negative connotation, at least not in the way I’m using it. It’s incredible how people seem to react to that word, though.
I think the problem maybe the word overstacked does have a negative connotation, if you were using the words queued map and unqueued maps to describe a server then maybe if you said that BG had the most map queues of all the servers then it would be correct and less people would have issue with what you are saying. It would be the same to say you bandwagoned to BG rather than transferred, their meanings are similar but one has a more negative connotation than the other.
What I think you are failing to recognise is that people are trying to tell you those map queues were not a normal occurrence on BG and that people were trying harder for longer in comparison to other servers which also had queues, they are not denying that the are queues but the experience for why the queues are occuring will be different for people based off their current knowledge of the server
Part of WvW queues are what some call fairweather players, it is those players that play when the server is winning, but these same players do not come out if their server is losing. If all servers had 24/7 queues at the start of leagues then 1 server began to win and another server began to lose then the fairweather effect will cause one server to lose their 24/7 coverage while the other server retains it. Much of what you see atm is this effect which is getting multiplied due to achievements and league rewards also encouraging PvE players into WvW (I hope you guys enjoyed what you found and continue to play WvW after leagues finish)
While you continue to not want to join the WvW forum and not be informed of what is occurring on your server these types of discussions will continue to occur and people will continue to try to explain why you are in error
I hope you do decide to join the forums as there are videos of some of the fun we have and other discussions about class builds and game meta even ways we can try and help to balance out the servers, and it will help your server mates get to know and understand you better
The only thing that truly matters is if people are having fun, it is a game after all
I’m on SoR, and it seems a bit different to me than a month or two ago. Granted, I do not play during the NA time slot (mostly SEA/OCX/EU, depending on what time is allowed to me), but at least the WvW portion of the community seems like it is slowly going toxic.
It’s likely in part the stress of the season, and the loss of several guilds, but I’ve seen some nastiness in map chat, and even a small amount in TS. I’ve had a couple run-ins with some less than savory individuals over stupid things, but that’s likely just as common on any server.
I’ve considered transferring, but once you go T1, nothing else really compares. I started on FA from day 1, stayed there a month, and came here. That pretty much leaves BG and JQ, and I’m not going to bandwagon to a winning server if I ever transfer.
I’m hoping things get better, and will wait and see for now.
This was recently linked in our server forum
What they’re saying there about BG is what people are saying about SoR now. SoR will bounce back, I’m pretty confident of it. BG lost a lot more then than what SoR has lost now. If we can do it, SoR certainly can do it too. Especially with their strong core guilds.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
This was recently linked in our server forum
What they’re saying there about BG is what people are saying about SoR now. SoR will bounce back, I’m pretty confident of it. BG lost a lot more then than what SoR has lost now. If we can do it, SoR certainly can do it too. Especially with their strong core guilds.
I agree with you, but I’m hesitant about the parallel. SoR may not be losing as much as BG did back then, but the game and WvW was relatively new-ish.
Now other things are competing for people’s time, the holidays, beta’s, PS4, new releases etc. and attrition happens quite a bit more, and that’s not mentioning within GW2 itself with PvX guilds and players going to the new fractals next week.
It’ll bounce back, but this consolidation of population to the larger or winning servers isn’t healthy for the game in the long run.
Electrique – 80 Engineer/Gaiscioch/Sanctum of Rall
This Jeydra guy, a couple of us have him on friends and have been watching how much he logs in, I mean, given how much he/she has to say about BG, must be a player who plays a lot.
At most, at the very most, over the last few weeks, he/she has logged on 3 times and played for less than 30 minutes each time.
Clearly, the only reason he/she transferred to BG was to somehow give some weight behind the PVF nonsense.
Trolls be trolling…
Spending all those gems though just to troll, bit pathetic.
Dang dude you just went scooby doo on that guy. Well played.
Also I think the main issue is not that SoR or JQ were playing dead, but that there was a 7 week long 24/7 competition. We were all fielding well in week 1.
You can’t over stack a server.
There are 4 maps. The goal is to get enough people to fill those maps. Blackgate did that better than the rest. It isn’t like we can put more people on the map than the other servers. People calling blackgate overstacked are just using it as a way to smear that server. You shouldn’t be such a sore looser.
Hmm yet BG in the past have tried to smear other servers for recruiting.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Get well soon JQ! Best Wishes!
RIP SoR 2013. Never Forget.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native
Can’t blame Boast Gate for…well boasting. They grew the largest server to dominate WvW…great job guys! you proved that the current WvW model is lacking.
JQ Ranger
I sense a lot of bitterness.
OP’s troll bait was amazing. I didn’t realize how srs T1 was about their PPT.
Hi Doug,
Can you name any or all of the guilds Blackgate “bought” and the amounts paid? Also can you clarify your definition of “bought” under this context so we can keep things clear. Looking forward to your insight on the matter.
Why do you get so offended when, in terms of playing to win, it was the soundest strategy to win the league?
Because, ofcourse, it undermines all the effort everyone put in.
New bunker meta sux
You can’t “overstack” a server, what you can do and appears to have been done is create a huge population disparity in a system (wvw) where the only deciding factor is numbers and coverage, which with a huge population disparity is the probable outcome. This is equally the fault of the manipulation of the population and poor game design. The likely outcome of this is there will be a mass migration to which ever server wins and result in their on going win season after season due to poorly thought out game design and essentially resulting in that server being a 100% karma train rather than a competitive one.