Why is WvW so empty?

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Narsil.6579


My server FC was doing so good, we were on a roll, Morale was high, we were running over other servers for the first time. We were no longer the underdogs. Then the fire nation attacked … I mean Teq patch came up. At first i qeued for Teq , spent 7 hours in Teq even more, just to beat it, eventually overflows happened. Even had to be in an overflow for an overflow at some point.

Food became scarce, we lost players along the way, but then more and more came. The never ending mass of players grew, we had to ration our meals, we had to skip lunch to be able to get into the grand event with the big numbers.

Eventually day 3 happened and i had achieved the Teq wings, I said to heck with Teq im not gonna qeue on another server or on overflow for hours just for a tease.

Returning back to WvW, thats when the cold truth set in. We had lost numbers. We had lost our once mighty PPT for 2 weeks straight dominating over other servers. Once there had been tags a plenty, now we had to shout over the map to see if a willing soul would lead our scattered pugs.

Day 4 after patch we have lost our morale, a lot of our numbers haven’t returned from Teq. We are now in last place, our once big numbers have been reduced. Roaming is a joke, facing 5+ numbers and they build siege for 1 or 3 players who keep em at bay from our precious towers or they will spawn camp us and get demolished by 4 players against a 12+ zerg.

If anyone out there from my server is reading this, come back to our Motherland and save her, we miss you </3.

[HP/MM]Mesmer / Warrior
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

2+ hour queue after reset last night in my matchup (Piken/Elona/Jade Sea). Never got in last night.

One – Piken Square

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Marsares.2053


The enjoyment has been totally taken out of WvW for me.

Whilst before it was zergs and rather open planes, at least you saw people and the excitement of solo roaming was that you never knew what was going to show up.

Now with so many places to attack/defend, zerging has somewhat been solved although you still see them. However, as a result there’s nobody to be seen in the lakes and although I’m in T1 it’s easy to roam for quite some time without seeing anyone. There are quite simply too many places to hide or that block line of sight.

The one class that seems to enjoy it are thieves… it’s just a paradise for them at the moment and I’ve never seen so many of them coming out of the woodwork.

I don’t know… I find it hard to put my finger on it but I’m really not enjoying WvW any longer and that has nothing to do with bloodlust. I think bloodlust is one of the most stupid ideas ever, but even if they’d fix that the WvW experience just feels dull.

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Lurch.9517


The one class that seems to enjoy it are thieves… it’s just a paradise for them at the moment and I’ve never seen so many of them coming out of the woodwork.

Oh noes has perma stealth thieves been fixed ??


Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: aspirine.6852


The one class that seems to enjoy it are thieves… it’s just a paradise for them at the moment and I’ve never seen so many of them coming out of the woodwork.

Oh noes has perma stealth thieves been fixed ??

I wish…………..

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


@ OP… because fair weather players + Teq. True WvW-ers don’t care about the PPT as long as there are good fights to be had. Teq may well be taking the hybrid PvE/WvW players out of WvW as well.

The one class that seems to enjoy it are thieves… it’s just a paradise for them at the moment and I’ve never seen so many of them coming out of the woodwork.

Oh noes has perma stealth thieves been fixed ??

I wish…………..

In this meta thieves are pretty kitten weak right now. I see less and less of them every week. Usually it’s just to scout/gank yaks/contest keeps/etc. then run away if anything looks at them funny.

Even in the new areas they are hardly the best to have in a fight. I also wish they would nerf perma-stealth… and changed thief from being so reliant on stealth overall. They need buffs in those areas so they can remain in the fight and not just stealth away or die… or die from conditions while trying to stealth away (which is what normally happens). They also seriously lack in group play… thieves are the least of my worries in WvW.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

(edited by Aberrant.6749)

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Heinel.6548


Bloodlust leaves a sour taste for me. I do sort of get it as a warfare simulation mechanic, but as I only do simple battles, there’s not as much fun anymore. The answer may lie in the ruins, but I went to WvW to get away from capture points. I feel like I’m getting pushed out of pvp entirely now.

“… but I hate the idea ‘It may not make sense at first’.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: aspirine.6852


@ OP… because fair weather players + Teq. True WvW-ers don’t care about the PPT as long as there are good fights to be had. Teq may well be taking the hybrid PvE/WvW players out of WvW as well.

The one class that seems to enjoy it are thieves… it’s just a paradise for them at the moment and I’ve never seen so many of them coming out of the woodwork.

Oh noes has perma stealth thieves been fixed ??

I wish…………..

In this meta thieves are pretty kitten weak right now. I see less and less of them every week. Usually it’s just to scout/gank yaks/contest keeps/etc. then run away if anything looks at them funny.

Even in the new areas they are hardly the best to have in a fight. I also wish they would nerf perma-stealth… and changed thief from being so reliant on stealth overall. They need buffs in those areas so they can remain in the fight and not just stealth away or die… or die from conditions while trying to stealth away (which is what normally happens). They also seriously lack in group play… thieves are the least of my worries in WvW.

They do not worry me, they annoy me with their cheap tactics. And I overestimate by calling it tactics. From my wvw last evening where I was fighting left and right and after the fight was over you get attacked from behind by some lame kitten thief when everything is on cooldown and health is low. There is no protection from such annoying people.

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Lurch.9517


@ OP… because fair weather players + Teq. True WvW-ers don’t care about the PPT as long as there are good fights to be had. Teq may well be taking the hybrid PvE/WvW players out of WvW as well.

The one class that seems to enjoy it are thieves… it’s just a paradise for them at the moment and I’ve never seen so many of them coming out of the woodwork.

Oh noes has perma stealth thieves been fixed ??

I wish…………..

In this meta thieves are pretty kitten weak right now. I see less and less of them every week. Usually it’s just to scout/gank yaks/contest keeps/etc. then run away if anything looks at them funny.

Even in the new areas they are hardly the best to have in a fight. I also wish they would nerf perma-stealth… and changed thief from being so reliant on stealth overall. They need buffs in those areas so they can remain in the fight and not just stealth away or die… or die from conditions while trying to stealth away (which is what normally happens). They also seriously lack in group play… thieves are the least of my worries in WvW.

Mate I was making a silly joke re his ‘never seen so many theves’ comment.


Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


They do not worry me, they annoy me with their cheap tactics. And I overestimate by calling it tactics. From my wvw last evening where I was fighting left and right and after the fight was over you get attacked from behind by some lame kitten thief when everything is on cooldown and health is low. There is no protection from such annoying people.

You’re aware of the difference between tactics and your personal sense of propriety, yes? Because attacking an enemy when it’s weak is pretty tactically sound.

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: aspirine.6852


They do not worry me, they annoy me with their cheap tactics. And I overestimate by calling it tactics. From my wvw last evening where I was fighting left and right and after the fight was over you get attacked from behind by some lame kitten thief when everything is on cooldown and health is low. There is no protection from such annoying people.

You’re aware of the difference between tactics and your personal sense of propriety, yes? Because attacking an enemy when it’s weak is pretty tactically sound.

It is, but it’s not something I enjoy or want to see when playing a game. I do this for fun, and thiefs imo are no fun at all. They are the first part of your name.

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: msalakka.4653


Before the update, I’d stay up until 3 am sometimes, even though I had to get up early, because WvW was just so addictive. I logged on the day after the update, and experienced the joys of a higher tier server having constant Superior Bloodlust, and the utter death of any kind of solo roaming. I haven’t logged on since. I realize there’s a new farmville event but PvE is just so boring in itself… Fun as a quick break from WvW, but not a replacement.

I know Devon Carver said people could still solo roam or 1v1, but I don’t think even he believes it. On the plus side, I’ve gotten to bed on time, and if they keep Bloodlust in the game I’ll save a nice wad of cash over time since I don’t have to make any Gem Store purchases. These things have a silver lining.

Gutter Rat [cry] | Gandara | Roaming nuisance
~ There is no balance team. ~

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


They do not worry me, they annoy me with their cheap tactics. And I overestimate by calling it tactics. From my wvw last evening where I was fighting left and right and after the fight was over you get attacked from behind by some lame kitten thief when everything is on cooldown and health is low. There is no protection from such annoying people.

You’re aware of the difference between tactics and your personal sense of propriety, yes? Because attacking an enemy when it’s weak is pretty tactically sound.

It is, but it’s not something I enjoy or want to see when playing a game. I do this for fun, and thiefs imo are no fun at all. They are the first part of your name.

Yet you’re in a game mode where it’s the smarter choice – doesn’t that seem strange? It will happen. Just like uneven fights will happen (more often than not, I find). You wouldn’t suddenly discover everyone cared that you weren’t prepared to duel if thieves didn’t exist, nor are other classes somehow incapable of roaming and picking off the weak – hell if I actually set that as an objective first and then looked at all my classes, I’m pretty sure I’d go with the warrior.

The idea of WvW is that you are their enemy. They’re supposed to do what they can, within the rules A-net sets, to see that you die and they win. You count towards achievements – titles even. Letting you heal (I doubt they know all your skills are on c/d) and get back into the fight is bad for their team, if not them directly. Killing you is good for their team, and them directly.

Blaming that on a class when you’re taking issue with a basic idea behind the game mode is pointless.

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Well I do not agree, but lets not make this another thief is lame topic.

The emptiness in wvw is terrible on fow, outnumbered all day, ok our opponent bt has large zergs 24/7 and I imagine their pve server is also empty or with afk people at tequatl.

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I’d say there are 4 reasons off the top of my head. Internally in GW2 there is the new Tequatl fight which is something different to do and very challenging. It’s requiring an “All Hands on Deck” approach to get it done.

The new WvW update has soured the experience for some. As you can see from some post on here, they do not like the new capture points buffs. It boost the strongest server, not helping to balance the servers. It even boost’s all the NPC’s too. I imagine trying to solo a camp with 3 stacks is going to very challenging. Which, is all you could do on an outnumbered map really, run havok. Also, you do not want to be downed while the opposing side has 3 stacks. So, you’re best off sitting in a tower with a crud ton of siege Hoping a clever thief can steal some of the points back.

Externally, there’s still the matter of school being in session now. Also, other games like GTA V came out this week. Heck, maybe even the I Phone release had the attention of a few players.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Oh, and may I add the new additions to the BL’s are a cluttered cluster F. Very dreary and morbid, taking away that open clean feeling the BL’s had. They really screwed up on the design and artistic direction of the new additions. They don’t even make sense in an architectural sense.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: InWhySee.2097


Outmanned buff on EB tonight during NA prime on TC. On a Saturday.


Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Ostra.3927


Outmanned buff on EB tonight during NA prime on TC. On a Saturday.


I got ya beat. Outmanned buff for hours in all 3 borderlands on Reset night… and the enemy only had one zerg of like 35.

Please get your priorities straight Anet.
Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


@ OP… because fair weather players + Teq. True WvW-ers don’t care about the PPT as long as there are good fights to be had. Teq may well be taking the hybrid PvE/WvW players out of WvW as well.

The one class that seems to enjoy it are thieves… it’s just a paradise for them at the moment and I’ve never seen so many of them coming out of the woodwork.

Oh noes has perma stealth thieves been fixed ??

I wish…………..

In this meta thieves are pretty kitten weak right now. I see less and less of them every week. Usually it’s just to scout/gank yaks/contest keeps/etc. then run away if anything looks at them funny.

Even in the new areas they are hardly the best to have in a fight. I also wish they would nerf perma-stealth… and changed thief from being so reliant on stealth overall. They need buffs in those areas so they can remain in the fight and not just stealth away or die… or die from conditions while trying to stealth away (which is what normally happens). They also seriously lack in group play… thieves are the least of my worries in WvW.

Mate I was making a silly joke re his ‘never seen so many theves’ comment.

I’m too used to seeing constant thief T.T all over the forums and having to defend them… despite having not plaid my thief in WvW or used it for anything other than gathering/champ farming in a long time.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


People are actively taking a strike against WvW.

The only people still playing are PvD rank farmers, and those classes that abuse the hell out of perplexity runes.

Edit: And dragonite ore farmers.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

(edited by katniss.6735)

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: White Raven.4368

White Raven.4368

Have not played WvW since last patch,and I don’t think Deso has either.Remember we were rank 3, weeks ago. Now…

7. Desolation 43 998
9. Baruch Bay 64 157
11. Abaddon’s Mouth 51 612

Desolation [LOST]Lost in Socks Guild.

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

People are actively taking a strike against WvW.

The only people still playing are PvD rank farmers, and those classes that abuse the hell out of perplexity runes.

Edit: And dragonite ore farmers.

And those who love the new Bloodlust area for the small-group PvP it offers. I love it

One – Piken Square

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Albane.3618


People are actively taking a strike against WvW.

The only people still playing are PvD rank farmers, and those classes that abuse the hell out of perplexity runes.

Edit: And dragonite ore farmers.

And those who love the new Bloodlust area for the small-group PvP it offers. I love it

Yeah, stat buffs are a great way to encourage open-field fighting. It makes the game extremely fair and balanced


Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

People are actively taking a strike against WvW.

The only people still playing are PvD rank farmers, and those classes that abuse the hell out of perplexity runes.

Edit: And dragonite ore farmers.

And those who love the new Bloodlust area for the small-group PvP it offers. I love it

Yeah, stat buffs are a great way to encourage open-field fighting. It makes the game extremely fair and balanced

I can see that they maybe upset the field when two zergs clash, but having been smashing a ton of “high-ranked” players in the bloodlust area I can say the problem within the zergs is not the stats…

One – Piken Square

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Urrid.4593


I stopped because Devon told me that was the only way they would make any changes to their live beta.

It certainly is a motivator…

Coral -Mesmer- Omnomnivore and TC’er.

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


People are actively taking a strike against WvW.

The only people still playing are PvD rank farmers, and those classes that abuse the hell out of perplexity runes.

Edit: And dragonite ore farmers.

And those who love the new Bloodlust area for the small-group PvP it offers. I love it

They are fun… until you play Vs T1 servers that have random 15+ player guild groups running through them >.<

In general though I do like the new area lol

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I think the forgone conclusion that the orb buff benefits the strongest server is a snowballing myth that people keep parroting without supporting experiences. In my current match up the orb buff is won and lost by a handful of people. Zergs aren’t taking it – they are largely ignoring it. The orb is always being capped by small teams, I’ve personally capped the orb several times with just one other person (I’m talking the current “tier 3” match) and it was the same last week (which was a more balanced match up). I’ve run into teams of three to five players who are running around capping the orb and that kind of open field, smaller scale combat is a lot of fun and it’s something that WvW needed.

It’s got nothing to do with the strongest server or the one with the most coverage, so far I’ve seen the orb decided by one thing – the server with the best/more committed small ops teams that want to take it. It’s playing a very similair role to supply camps before the patch – if you don’t have enough guildies to zerg or capture a tower you can fight over the orb and get some actual open field combat in an environment that was really well designed. I’ve seen a lot of clever use of the new environments and I’ve personally enjoyed WvW a lot more as a result of this change. It’s nice to know that even if you aren’t papering an entire borderlands, having a small presence on there holding a tower and capping the orb to help out the entire server makes spreading across multiple borderlands much more rewarding – something WvW needed badly.

I’ve seen situations where one server had 10-20 people across the whole map and the other two servers had 40-50 people each and the one with 10-20 people were the ones with the orb. I’ve seen situations where one server was karma training and papering every tower and keep across three maps and they had no orb buff, while the other two servers held their own and the strongest server’s orb. Usually I see situations where all three servers hold their own orb, or one has two. Whenever I see a server with three orbs, it’s usually because the other servers aren’t even fighting over the orb. I have seen situations where one server held all three buffs, but the honest to god truth is those situations are basically 100% PvDoor karma trains even before the orb buff existed. Those situations were never fun, it has nothing to do with the bloodlust buff.

It’s not a forgone conclusion that the bloodlust buff will be held by the strongest server with the most coverage, it’s a myth.

(edited by Shiren.9532)

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

People are actively taking a strike against WvW.

The only people still playing are PvD rank farmers, and those classes that abuse the hell out of perplexity runes.

Edit: And dragonite ore farmers.

And those who love the new Bloodlust area for the small-group PvP it offers. I love it

They are fun… until you play Vs T1 servers that have random 15+ player guild groups running through them >.<

In general though I do like the new area lol

I was in T1 (against Vizunah no less) last week and although at times the zerg or big groups ran through the area, they never stuck for long. I just avoided the big groups and got back to small group/solo fighting when they left.

I cannot thank ANet enough for excluding all kind of personal rewards from the bloodlust area. It was a brilliant move to ensure the general public will never stick there for long.

One – Piken Square

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


People are actively taking a strike against WvW.

The only people still playing are PvD rank farmers, and those classes that abuse the hell out of perplexity runes.

Edit: And dragonite ore farmers.

And those who love the new Bloodlust area for the small-group PvP it offers. I love it

They are fun… until you play Vs T1 servers that have random 15+ player guild groups running through them >.<

In general though I do like the new area lol

I was in T1 (against Vizunah no less) last week and although at times the zerg or big groups ran through the area, they never stuck for long. I just avoided the big groups and got back to small group/solo fighting when they left.

I cannot thank ANet enough for excluding all kind of personal rewards from the bloodlust area. It was a brilliant move to ensure the general public will never stick there for long.

Idk about EU, but during the day today there was a guild group from one of the NA T1 servers that stayed there for at least 2 hours lol.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

People are actively taking a strike against WvW.

The only people still playing are PvD rank farmers, and those classes that abuse the hell out of perplexity runes.

Edit: And dragonite ore farmers.

And those who love the new Bloodlust area for the small-group PvP it offers. I love it

They are fun… until you play Vs T1 servers that have random 15+ player guild groups running through them >.<

In general though I do like the new area lol

I was in T1 (against Vizunah no less) last week and although at times the zerg or big groups ran through the area, they never stuck for long. I just avoided the big groups and got back to small group/solo fighting when they left.

I cannot thank ANet enough for excluding all kind of personal rewards from the bloodlust area. It was a brilliant move to ensure the general public will never stick there for long.

Idk about EU, but during the day today there was a guild group from one of the NA T1 servers that stayed there for at least 2 hours lol.

On all three borderlands? At the same time?

One – Piken Square

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Ostra.3927


On all three borderlands? At the same time?

Nope… the other border lands only had 5-10… but the other two didnt have the numbers in those borderlands either so…

Please get your priorities straight Anet.
Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I’ve just started getting into wvw, within the last two weeks. It’s very discouraging to get on during prime time and not see a single commander on any map and nobody in TS. The few times that I have seen a commander, they tag down or leave within a few minutes. It feels like we gave up.

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


GTA5, This thing sold 13 Million Copies in one day…. This is going to have an effect on GW2.

Final Fantasy 14, Its digital download came back the same day as well…Also will an effect.

That is why population is down.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


Teq killed WvW this week.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


People are actively taking a strike against WvW.

The only people still playing are PvD rank farmers, and those classes that abuse the hell out of perplexity runes.

Edit: And dragonite ore farmers.

And those who love the new Bloodlust area for the small-group PvP it offers. I love it

Yeah, stat buffs are a great way to encourage open-field fighting. It makes the game extremely fair and balanced

I can see that they maybe upset the field when two zergs clash, but having been smashing a ton of “high-ranked” players in the bloodlust area I can say the problem within the zergs is not the stats…

aaand of course u are aware of the fact that most of the people that fight in zergs are speced for zergs and not spvp right? i have to change my build if i wanna go roaming.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Why is WvW so empty?

in WvW

Posted by: CrassBippy.4619


Rank means squat in wvw. my main was rank 35 cause all I did was small man and roam, mopped the floor of all the people who just zerg trained and farmed wxp

Bi Furious [Fist] YB