Why is there no way to report griefers?
You can report them by sending a mail directly to ArenaNet.
The main reason as to why it is not present in-game is most likely due to the fact that reports most likely only take snap-shots which would make it more or less impossible to prove that someone is griefing (unless they keep doing it when a GM is investigating).
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
It should be possible to datamine things like how many siege blueprints dropped and where. Siege already remembers it’s owner. It’s not about it being impossible, it’s about it requiring people’s time to check (same thing in the corporate world, I guess).
It doesn’t affect profits how botters and gold sellers do. That’s the reason we don’t see in game GMs taking action on these things.
If I want to take a golem for a nice evening drive than God kitten ed it I will.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Waste of time. ANet doesn’t care unless it’s about $$ for the gemstore.
Just like those invul/fly/zoomhack programs used by people. You can report all you like but ANet doesn’t care. Just today there was a Silver Knight openly hacking towers and under the stairs at Hills lordsroom just laughing at us as he killed the npc’s; being completely invulnerable and instabuilding siege whenever he felt like it.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Taking golems for a spin or defense is ok, but visiting during the tournament from another server and jumping golems off cliffs – not exactly sporting or fun.
You can report using every possible method until you’re blue in the face. But they will never act.
Try it, then add the griefer to your friends list, you’ll see.
(edited by Lord Kuru.3685)
Botting they say but don’t think they have any GM.
Wasted all our supply to zero.
That griefer has been on my server for the past 3mths, we used every tool to report him.
What else can we do to stop him? Nothing at all. We can only watch on…………………………………
Wasted all our supply to zero.
That griefer has been on my server for the past 3mths, we used every tool to report him.
What else can we do to stop him? Nothing at all. We can only watch on…………………………………
It looks like a very well attempt at sieging garrison. What is wrong here? If or when your opposing servers breach, man the ballistas.
Wasted all our supply to zero.
That griefer has been on my server for the past 3mths, we used every tool to report him.
What else can we do to stop him? Nothing at all. We can only watch on…………………………………
It looks like a very well attempt at sieging garrison. What is wrong here? If or when your opposing servers breach, man the ballistas.
Would be great if the opposing server were coming from that direction but alas they were hitting us on the other side of garr
You think it is griefing or trolling …others think it is funny. Just depends on your perspective or opinion. Anet gives a lot of leeway to griefers/trolls. Especially since many things that Anet have put in the game are in my opinion trolling and griefing. they get a good laugh out of it. So again …perspective.
You think it is griefing or trolling …others think it is funny. Just depends on your perspective or opinion. Anet gives a lot of leeway to griefers/trolls. Especially since many things that Anet have put in the game are in my opinion trolling and griefing. they get a good laugh out of it. So again …perspective.
Perspective you say? I wonder in which game the “fun” one person has trolling, would make up for the anger of all the other players trolled.
The problem is the insufficient report system. I don’t even think that those “reports” are ever reviewed, even if multiple reports of the same kind are filed in in short time.
A few ballistas are nothing compared to what these guys did on abaddon´s mouth EU.
You think it is griefing or trolling …others think it is funny. Just depends on your perspective or opinion. Anet gives a lot of leeway to griefers/trolls. Especially since many things that Anet have put in the game are in my opinion trolling and griefing. they get a good laugh out of it. So again …perspective.
Perspective you say? I wonder in which game the “fun” one person has trolling, would make up for the anger of all the other players trolled.
The problem is the insufficient report system. I don’t even think that those “reports” are ever reviewed, even if multiple reports of the same kind are filed in in short time.
I think you have misread what I said …likely because I didn’t make myself clear.
Personally, I can’t stand griefing and/or trolling. I have no say in the matter though.
More importantly, what does Anet consider griefing/trolling? I would say except for the worst examples, in general, Anet supports it (I could list many examples of why I believe this). So an insufficient report system? Quite likely. That’s why I used the word ‘perspective’. What you or I might consider trolling/griefing is irrelevant to what Anet’s opinion on the subject is. They are much more open minded to the concept.
this “trollin” is also the way a few players on new accounts can ruin others servers game play by draining everything and its happening a lot.
but its no surprise anet can’t put 1+1 together most of the time and that is why there is nothing competitive that can be said about gw2.
Three months of building ballistas? That’s dedication. I save all my ballistas for gvgs.