Why isn't there a cross-realm chat channel?
Probably because a lot of the people who’d post in it wouldn’t be quite so civil and anet doesn’t really want two servers to gang up on another though it happens anyways. There is a way to talk with individual players via joining their party or blocking em then adding to friends list but that’s the only way to do so to my knowledge.
Ok, you’re probably right.
Oh, did not know about joining a party with someone from another realm.
They were actually considering implementing this at launch. In fact for the first beta event with WvW both map chat and team chat was global to all 3 servers. Originally map chat was supposed to be cross server and team just for you individual server (like in sPvP) however they scraped the idea most likely because of the suggestion above.
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]
Given that people are anonymous in wvw to enemies, this was most likely intended behavior.
That, and we don’t even have an intra-server chat either; which would actually be useful.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
How about you drop by the forums at gw2wvw.net and experience the toxic brainless kitten trash talk parade going on there. That’s what a cross-realm chat would be reduced to. No thanks.
~ There is no balance team. ~
Given that people are anonymous in wvw to enemies, this was most likely intended behavior.
That, and we don’t even have an intra-server chat either; which would actually be useful.
-pauses and looks at forums specialist tag-
Hey…..where chu get dat lol?
This just cause much flameing
If you’ve ever received a salty whisper from someone who didn’t like that you killed them, or decided you’re a hacker because they don’t know as much about the game as they think they do, imagine that x 200.
No ones trash talked me in WvW for months. Did they close the loophole or something?
No ones trash talked me in WvW for months. Did they close the loophole or something?
Right click on their portrait and click block.
Go to block list right click on their account name and click (send message?)
Right click on their name and click unblock (don’t be one of those people that sends messages while having blocked or invis)
Go to private chat log and send message to the player.
Please be civil and respectful. I get about 50/50 nice to nasty message ratio. If it gets too toxic anet will likely close it.
Tarnished Coast.
Because snowflakes would get their feelings hurt.
But i would play a LOT more if map and say were global we have it in spvp none have killed themselves over it the most annoying ones are the ones at you’re own team.
So yea i know anet will never do it but just my 2 cent.
Why? The same reason why there isnt a WvW Matchups subforum any more.