Why play thief when you can play ranger

Why play thief when you can play ranger

in WvW

Posted by: nightblood.7910


D/P is more versatile, D/D has a bigger burst, there is nothing wrong with it. Also there is nothing stopping you from running both sets, yeah you’ll lose the utility of the shortbow but you’ll be very strong 1v1.

Hmm? How does D/D have a bigger burst? Or are we discussing the difference between panic strike and crit strikes?

D/D its cnd + steal → backstab.

D/P its Shadow shot (Which on crit stikes is like a 5k hit with stacks in WvW), some AA’s, blinding power + Heartseaker, → backstab. Not to mention I get to save my steal for stealing boons rather than being used as a gap closer on those who know how to fight a thief.

D/P is not restricted to panic strike, just many run it. Crit Strikes D/P can deliver the same goods as any other burst set up.

Why play thief when you can play ranger

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Because the c&d back stab is almost instant as opposed to chaining several skills together. It also leaves you with more initiative for follow up hits. I ran the signet version the other night and was kitten near 1 shotting squishy targets.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended