Why the dislike?

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Nidhogg.2950


There is bad blood between Aurora Glade(KISS)&Gunnars Hold, rather than letting it derail the match up thread Ill explain why here.

- Moving to the highest population server in your match up and expressing you hope it will be an ‘even and fun’ week
- Claiming that a server is your ‘one true home’ then within days, doing your best to stomp that server into the ground by joining a server that really didnt need your numbers to do that. Claiming to want to teach us a lesson and bragging about going to defeat us(again, while teaming up with a server that already did so easily two weeks back)
- Despite saying how much you liked most of Gunnars, on reset, trying to flood Gunnars Hold Borderlands. To be repelled by the people you claimed couldnt fight. Only being able to take objectives when RoF and GH go to sleep.
- Leaving trolls behind to sing your praises and guild members to spy. They arent even subtle about it.

Good thing CIR/Thun are mostly playing Planetside 2, I’d never hear the end the ‘told you so’.

Gunnars wont win on points, we will just fight you for as long as you are in this bracket. On reset both Ring of Fire and Gunnars outscored and outfought you, that lasted till the small hours. We might not be able to fight in all time zones, but the servers above have better coverage and good fighters :-)

Guildleader of Vitas, Gunnars Hold

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


Planetside 2 is a lackluster freemium game.

Told you so.


Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Khylrion.2718


took you long enough Syndic

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Gahn.8150


Planetside 2 is a lackluster freemium game.

Told you so.

Lmao you got a Forum Radar

Gahn Lonewolf [TDA]
Norn Guardian

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


It’s still derailing the matchup thread, you know.

Also, /snicker

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: magicweaver.2695


I don’t normally get involved and post on the forums. I tend to stay quiet and let the mud slinging happen around me and keep my nose fairly clean. However, the obnoxious statements being flung about have started to smart against my cheeks as much as anyone else, and it is upsetting me.

First of all, this is a game. Everyone regardless of server, guild affiliation, preference of game play format (PvE, sPvP, WvW) should be playing for enjoyment above all else. If you have lost that enjoyment, maybe it is time for you to take a personally assigned timeout. I had to do this before in games, and in RL with kids and the like. If you can’t find something of enjoyment, and all you can do is throw mud and bile and hate around, then you are potentially ruining it for the other players who still find enjoyment in it. Step back, breathe, take a night, a week, a month off until you can come back with the right perspective again. Everyone every once in a while needs a respite and a recharge, maybe it’s that time for you.

Next, guilds have been moving around servers since the early days of the game. Aurora Glade lost many. We were very alive and then many very large guilds jumped to other servers when we were struggling against servers such as GH, DL, and others. The idea of a guild moving to another server on masse is nothing new. I get the feeling and the impression that you (mainly Nidhogg since he is the most vocal about it on the forums, but I am sure there are others) are upset because it has happened to you. This has been happening across the game for the longest time, which there was discussion about it from the beginning and many suggestions put forth about how to handle it. Once it happens though, none of us has any power to change it.

However, there was a choice on the part of those being vocal about it and rude, and insulting. You had the choice to 1. continue playing with dignity and do the best you could do with what you are working with (you know the addage when the world gives you lemons, make lemonade) or 2. yell and scream and whine and belly ache and moan and grumble and complain. Seems everyone has made their choice.

Aurora Glade as a server did not do this to YOU. The players on Aurora Glade are just trying our best to enjoy the game that we paid just as much money for as you did. We did not force KISS, LOE (or was it LOA) or any other guild to move to our server. No one ever held a gun to anyone and demanded them move or more so to move to our server. For once, they actually moved to instead of away. There were more than 1 reason for each player’s decision to move, and the motives of one player, one guild, etc. should not be judged against a whole server. If we did that, I would be placing blame on GH for things one player was doing, but would you be happy about that? Of course not, because it wouldn’t be fair either.

Personally I am happy that any guild has chosen to move to Aurora Glade, as it tells me one thing and one thing only – we are a viable server for playing. We all go into WvW looking for the same thing – good, fun, matchups. No one likes being zerged, but you complain Aurora Glade “always” does this, however, I know for a personal fact that we have players who go in and fight being the underdog as well, and sometimes lose and sometimes win. I know that I and a guildie will often go in duo and take camps and get jumped by 4-5 players from RoF or GH and sometimes we win, and sometimes we loose. It’s about the match at the moment, the rush, and what you do with the adrenaline at the time. I also know I have been “stealth” zerged by people from RoF and GH in match ups of 10-15 against me alone, but I wasn’t one to come complain because that is part of the WvW experience and I accept it as such.

Please maintain some dignity, and allow everyone else to do the same. You might be upset that you lost some guilds, but the way of the behavior I have to say you look like a 2-year-old throwing a temper tantrum because someone took away your blankie. I know you are and can be more mature than that – I challenge you to prove me right, not wrong.

Piken Square

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: magicweaver.2695


I will also add, in this weeks matchup, I have seen twice that Aurora Glade has been “outmanned” due to the buff. Population in WvW changes second by second, so to throw in one server’s face that they are higher population is not an effective argument. I don’t know at those times which server was “top” in population – all I know is AG was not, but we still tried and did our best where we were.

Piken Square

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Jupitus.4352


Hi magicweaver

valid points all, I I do understand that AG had been making good progress on their own, without other guilds joining … that just helped a bit. Nidd makes valid points aswell, though, and to understand the whole situation you need to have been in his shoes. GH are still dignified, and we will fight against our foes regardless of who they may be

Please don’t take one post out of context and massage it into something it isn’t aimed at being;)

[MM]Jessopia – Soft and Very Squishy – Part of Gunnars Hold Community

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: ViRuE.3612


Nid I pretty much love you and Jessopia for what you do for GH server. But for every person like you two there are 10 idiots.

I have seen first hand the trolling directed at certain guilds and individuals and in all honesty it actually makes me feel like quitting the game entirely. It seems like there are entire guilds some days in WvWvW whose sole purpose is to troll and bring the drama – and who never seem to do anything else, much less fight.

I’ve reported several people for abusive comments to others. I mean abusive, not sledging or voicing displeasure. Most of these comments I reported in game I couldn’t repeat here and if I did I would probably get a forum ban. They were that bad, some of the worst I’ve seen in 20 years of gaming and they weren’t even said in anger or the heat of the moment.

How is it good for a server when 3 or 4 people can constantly harass a guild or commander enough that the commander turns their icon off or the guild just switches borderlands? And all the while 20 others just stand there and let it happen, with maybe a couple at MOST who are prepared to confront the trollers? How can it be good for GH when a guilds members don’t want to jump in WvWvW anymore because of the actions of a minority?

In a game like GW2 it is ridiculous: there are 4 BLs, no one is forced to do anything one guild, one commander or even one co-ordinated Teamspeak decrees. And transfers are still free. Blaming individuals, guilds or commanders is frankly laughable when even at the best of times the whole WvWvW experience is like herding cats.

GH has seen far too much drama with guilds since launch. The sooner it stops the better for everyone IMHO, but I don’t think everyone on GH will agree – some just turn up for the drama.

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Is there really that much drama on GH? I mean granted it’s only this last week that I’ve really dedicated much time to WvW, but everyone I’ve spoken to or grouped up with is both friendly and just happy to have a good go with things. In fact last night I was in a group with a really fun bunch of people (about 8 of us) and we almost managed to take the garrison back in GH BL. Just a pity that AG (or more specifically KISS) have such a strong night presence and we became quickly outnumbered.

Have they really left some people to spy on GH activities? Why would anyone even bother doing that? It sounds so boring.


Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Assassinin.4963


Planetside 2 is a lackluster freemium game.

Told you so.

You can’t fault a freemium game because no one ‘forced’ or ‘tricked’ you into paying anything for it if you don’t want to, saved for your play time, unlike some supposedly f2p game that charged you $60 upfront with the pretence of delivering what they claimed to but only showed their true color in contrary just 3 months into the game.

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Planetside 2 is a lackluster freemium game.

Told you so.

You can’t fault a freemium game because no one ‘forced’ or ‘tricked’ you into paying anything for it if you don’t want to, saved for your play time, unlike some supposedly f2p game that charged you $60 upfront with the pretence of delivering what they claimed to but only showed their true color in contrary just 3 months into the game.

This was an answer to Nidhogg saying that he was lucky CIR was mostly in PS2 atm, Syndic explained him we werent, and why, nothing to do with GW2

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Steelo.4597


look all this trolling stuff is just lame excuses. if people troll there is nothing the server can do about it except report and thats walking a thin line. if you cant take trolling then get off the internet. when KISS left to ehmry, there werent words about trolling. They came back a week later and got trolled a bit? Wow the wonders.. now they take this as a excuse to make their leaving better. Fact is they leave for the same reason they left for ehmry and thats they just cant lose and they get no recognition from the server because they dont work together with the server. They kitten of good guilds like that and in the end left themselves after we kept dropping. Not after writing something about “gunnar’s not working together”, i found that the best words, the irony! There is bad blood and its because of KISS leader being a great pretender and not man enough to say they are leaving because we are losing. instead he tries to make gunnars look bad and drive off other guilds from gunnars, making shallow words about friendship while stabbing the server in the back.. just an utter kitten.

for the record im not in any guild, this is all my impression as a lone player from various forum posts and ingame chat.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

(edited by Steelo.4597)

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


look all this trolling stuff is just lame excuses. if people troll there is nothing the server can do about it except report and thats walking a thin line. if you cant take trolling then get off the internet. when KISS left to ehmry, there werent words about trolling. They came back a week later and got trolled a bit? Wow the wonders.. now they take this as a excuse to make their leaving better. Fact is they leave for the same reason they left for ehmry and thats they just cant lose and they get no recognition from the server because they dont work together with the server. They kitten of good guilds like that and in the end left themselves after we kept dropping. Not after writing something about “gunnar’s not working together”, i found that the best words, the irony! There is bad blood and its because of KISS leader being a great pretender and not man enough to say they are leaving because we are losing. instead he tries to make gunnars look bad and drive off other guilds from gunnars, making shallow words about friendship while stabbing the server in the back.. just an utter kitten.

for the record im not in any guild, this is all my impression as a lone player from various forum posts and ingame chat.

…… aaaaand breathe

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


Planetside 2 is a lackluster freemium game.

Told you so.

Indeed, awful game.

I bought an alpha squad to get into beta, played for 1 hour, and have not played since.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

Aurora Glade as a server did not do this to YOU.

Perhaps I’ve missed something but I don’t think any of the comments were aimed at the existing Aurora Glade people, just your recent immigrants.

Regarding KISS members being still on GH, yes I’ve seen them around. Work has for yet another week prevented me from playing as much as I’d like so I can’t say if they’ve been trolling or openly spying etc. I’m not really bothered if they have. The numbers difference is enough of a deciding factor in AG’s favour that if true, its unecessary and a bit sad.

I know that there has been less than subtle trolling from the KISS side on both these forums and the public parts of their own forums. I think it would be fair to say that no side is completely innocent. There has also been miscommunication, tempers have frayed and toys have been lauched from prams.

Also, custard.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Maverick.9472


with fish fingers ???

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

with fish fingers ???

AFK, Amy Pond moment…

…Ok, I’m better now.

Not been around enough this week to gather any video of the few fights I’ve been in. Highlight though was dropping a stun field right on the portal that KISS were about to exit from. Much confusion as they stepped out. Not really any other gigglesome moments to report yet

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


I hope AG jump a tier or 2, doubt your swarm fest will work when its even numbers and that seems to be the only tactic you have atm. Will be nice to see you guys get hit in the face by reality.

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: MrZigwah.2165


I will say just one thing, KISS always play late, we start in the evening and usually play through till about 2am. Saying that we can only capture things after you have logged off is such rubbish, we have been capturing/fighting the whole time we have been on. I for one have had some amazing fights against GH this week, some we won, some you won. I will tell you know KISS have done themselves proud with the quality of fighting/co-ordination i have seen this week

Also shout out to UNITY on AG, after a couple fights alongside you, you guys seem hella organised.

War Dad KISS Guardian

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Libarebane.7639


I hope AG jump a tier or 2, doubt your swarm fest will work when its even numbers and that seems to be the only tactic you have atm. Will be nice to see you guys get hit in the face by reality.

…. and what is reality? to be like you? small bitter man?
btw, its nice to fooling u zerg away from ours, over and over again

But to KISS, LOE and others:
“Don’t argue with idiots. They’ll drag you down to their level and beat you…”
and welcome!

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


I hope AG jump a tier or 2, doubt your swarm fest will work when its even numbers and that seems to be the only tactic you have atm. Will be nice to see you guys get hit in the face by reality.

…. and what is reality? to be like you? small bitter man?
btw, its nice to fooling u zerg away from ours, over and over again

But to KISS, LOE and others:
“Don’t argue with idiots. They’ll drag you down to their level and beat you…”
and welcome!

Saying your server only wins by numbers and night capping isn’t being bitter, its just stating facts. The fact AG takes pride in winning this week when its obviously not close to being an even matchup just makes it even more obvious.
And calling other people idiots when you can’t post a proper sentence makes the comment miss its mark…

Why the dislike?

in WvW

Posted by: MrZigwah.2165


I hope AG jump a tier or 2, doubt your swarm fest will work when its even numbers and that seems to be the only tactic you have atm. Will be nice to see you guys get hit in the face by reality.

…. and what is reality? to be like you? small bitter man?
btw, its nice to fooling u zerg away from ours, over and over again

But to KISS, LOE and others:
“Don’t argue with idiots. They’ll drag you down to their level and beat you…”
and welcome!

Saying your server only wins by numbers and night capping isn’t being bitter, its just stating facts. The fact AG takes pride in winning this week when its obviously not close to being an even matchup just makes it even more obvious.
And calling other people idiots when you can’t post a proper sentence makes the comment miss its mark…

Amazing how some people still sren’t used to the internet. You are stating OPINIONS, not facts. Or maybe you are right and every player on AG is just dribbling onto their keyboard whilst still rolling you. From what i have seen there is s ton of skilled players on AG. Maybe we should change the hours we play? Would that make us better players according to you?

War Dad KISS Guardian