Why turn servers into virtual guilds?

Why turn servers into virtual guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: possessed.2036


It turns guild type problems into server wide issues. We will end up with a few super servers with most others quitting.Server hopping is turning the whole idea of wvw into a ridiculous farce & servers into the “haves” & the “have not’s”. Big servers make money effortlessly whilst small servers spend their money having to constantly defend even though they have the added bonus of lower bonus stats in every area.

My dollar is worth as much as the next person that bought the game but my game experience is so out of balance with the “haves” I feel like a 3rd class citizen, all because of the server I landed in. Anet has created so much server disparity that I feel I am playing an entirely different game as rewards are not equal for completing identical content & we do not get an equal opportunity to complete said content in WvWvW.

(edited by possessed.2036)

Why turn servers into virtual guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Theres nothing you can do to stop people from moving to servers especially when those guilds are “encouraged” to move there with the promise of guild and paid transfer fees

Why turn servers into virtual guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: Caliburn.1845


Anet did not create the disparity, they just allowed people to transfer to other servers. Eventually all serious WvW players migrate to those servers seen as “serious” about WvW.

Why should anyone serious about WvW have to play with people who do not share that mindset?

It creates enormous population imbalances. But it is driven by player choice, and Anet giving the players the freedom to transfer.

There isn’t a particularly good solution to the problem, unless you want to ban server transfers entirely.

Caliburn.1845, Monsters Inc.
Darkhaven>Dragonbrand>Blackgate>Maguuma>Yaks Bend>Stormbluff Isle>Yaks Bend

Why turn servers into virtual guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


I hope those “serious” wvw guilds will move to high tiers. So that there will be only small scale on low tier servers. We just need every “serious” wvwer and guild to move from rank 10 and below to upper ranks.

Why turn servers into virtual guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


It turns guild type problems into server wide issues. We will end up with a few super servers with most others quitting.Server hopping is turning the whole idea of wvw into a ridiculous farce & servers into the “haves” & the “have not’s”. Big servers make money effortlessly whilst small servers spend their money having to constantly defend even though they have the added bonus of lower bonus stats in every area.

My dollar is worth as much as the next person that bought the game but my game experience is so out of balance with the “haves” I feel like a 3rd class citizen, all because of the server I landed in. Anet has created so much server disparity that I feel I am playing an entirely different game as rewards are not equal for completing identical content & we do not get an equal opportunity to complete said content in WvWvW.

You raise some good points but given the fact GW2 is a no monthly sub game, Anet needs to make revenue outside boxed sales to pay their employees, keep their shareholders and bosses happy alongside maintaining their hardware so the likelihood of anything happening in regards to server imbalances is slim and none (Anet wants your transfer cash so they can collect on the phat lewt).

(edited by scootshoot.6583)

Why turn servers into virtual guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: LHound.8964


Anet did not create the disparity, they just allowed people to transfer to other servers. Eventually all serious WvW players migrate to those servers seen as “serious” about WvW.

Why should anyone serious about WvW have to play with people who do not share that mindset?

It creates enormous population imbalances. But it is driven by player choice, and Anet giving the players the freedom to transfer.

There isn’t a particularly good solution to the problem, unless you want to ban server transfers entirely.

This wasn’t actually truth, was it

Let’s tell the modern history of Gw2 Wv3:

Key concept: The whole WvW concept was wrong since the beginning.

Before Gw2 was released, Guilds were massively joining in alliances to pull the most competitive play out of WvW. Huge alliances were formed (even with higher roster than the unknown server capacity, back then). Without intending guilds were actually unbalancing servers with big zergs of players and when the game was released it drove also to huge queues. Some guilds move out from the full servers and with that the first wave of band-wagoners jumped in!

Suddenly, some servers fell from good ranks into some lower tiers (i.g: Gunnar’s Hold), and because ANet didn’t control the flux of server transfers, some servers became incredibly strong, and some became incredibly weak.

Then ANet decided to lock free transfers and release paid ones . Gem server transfers however brought more questions. No1 understood why server transfers gem prices weren’t based on WvW tiers and competitiveness, and rather on the total amount of players. Tier 2 stable servers like SFR were penalized for not being classified as FULL or HIGH creating a mass inflow of players to the server. SFR was a medium capacity server with big competitiveness and then it became monstrous!

Then it was announced the Free transfers to Medium servers and the release of higher population/unbalance rewarding content like Seasons. With this, the last wave of band-wagoners jumped on board trowing their servers deeper into the hole and creating mega-servers with queues to it’s maximum!

- By doing nothing, ANet actually created the disparity!
- By creating poorly designed server transfers, Anet enhanced disparity!
- By making zerg tactics instead of zerg breaking tactics more viable, they enhanced disparity!

Everyone is to blame, but in the end, ANet has the most part of the blame, because they should have predicted this outcome!


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Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
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Why turn servers into virtual guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: Mochann.5298


It turns guild type problems into server wide issues. We will end up with a few super servers with most others quitting.Server hopping is turning the whole idea of wvw into a ridiculous farce & servers into the “haves” & the “have not’s”. Big servers make money effortlessly whilst small servers spend their money having to constantly defend even though they have the added bonus of lower bonus stats in every area.

My dollar is worth as much as the next person that bought the game but my game experience is so out of balance with the “haves” I feel like a 3rd class citizen, all because of the server I landed in. Anet has created so much server disparity that I feel I am playing an entirely different game as rewards are not equal for completing identical content & we do not get an equal opportunity to complete said content in WvWvW.

Anet didn’t create that disparity. — you did. If its such a problem why don’t you transfer servers? Stop having a victim complex and go out and do something about your problem. Nobody is gonna be a messiah to save you if you just whine all day.

What I’m seeing though is you’re whining about not population or wvw mechanics or anything, but just making money. If you just want to. As for money, stop playing wvw and do pve in dungeons, it’s far more profitable.

I’m on Eredon Terrace, the absolute bottom of the barrel server in Gw2. You know what? I’m having a blast in WvW.. It’s actually fun to play, and look ma no queues! Further, I am just 2 keeps away from finishing my season achievement. I have enough “opportunity” to complete any content I want in WvW, it seems.

The problem isn’t some perceived “class imbalance” between the haves and have nots, the problem is you and your rotten mindset that must blame something other than yourself for your problems with the game. If you just went out and did stuff and had fun, you would probably have finished whatever content it is you are trying to experience.

#ELEtism on Eredon Terrace

(edited by Mochann.5298)

Why turn servers into virtual guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: Forst.5863


Anet didn’t create that disparity. — you did. If its such a problem why don’t you transfer servers? Stop having a victim complex and go out and do something about your problem. Nobody is gonna be a messiah to save you if you just whine all day.

Dude, we didn’t create anything. Most of us chose a server at random and found our friends there, and you know, some of us have some…what’s it called, old military concept…oh, right. Loyality.
The solution to a botched system is not to make everyone who fights for their server because it’s their server to be driven out by hordes of roaming bandwagoners, you know.

Why turn servers into virtual guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: CattivoUomo.7198


Players are the ones that unbalanced WvW, but this is because they are allowed to. It is theoretically possible for the developers to spread players across WvW. My suggestion as discussed several times in the past few days is simply to:

1. allow players to designate their preferred WvW guild at the beginning of the season.
2. all players will then have their WvW achievements analyzed to come up with a ranking system such that each player is assigned a number based on those achievements.
3. 1 week before the start of the season, guild leaders would then sign their guilds up for WvW.
4. when the season starts, all the player ranks of each guild are then combined to come up with a guild rank. If GvG is ever implemented, then guild placements from GvG tournaments could also be added to the equation.
5. based on each guild’s ranking, the guilds themselves will then be as evenly distributed within WvW into 1 of 3 teams. red, blue or green. There would be anti-affinity rules which reduce the chances of the highest ranking guilds from all being placed onto the same team.
6. since the system would then be only 3 teams, there would be a need to then have multiple instances of each map such that there are multiple EBs, and multiple borderlands. i.e. EB1 thru EB10. This however gives players more opportunities to get into WvW without queuing for too long or at all.
7. Players who were not part of a guild at the time the guild leader signed up for the season would not be allowed to enter the seasons tournament, nor would players be allowed to represent any other guild while in the seasons WvW.

Having thought about this over the past couple of days, I would also suggest that perhaps WvW could be split into 2 formats. The first format is how WvW is currently, such that players that just want to go in and play server vs. server vs. server can still do that as it currently is. This would be like the WvW for casual players and for players whose guild leader didn’t sign them up for the season. The 2nd format would just be for the seasons and follow the 3 team scheme as I’m suggesting.

The benefits of this suggestion are as follows:

1. teams should end up being more balanced.
2. player transfers between servers would have zero effect on WvW seasons as they would be representing their assigned team no matter what server they are on.
3. players could transfer to other servers for PvE without having to worry about their effect in WvW which could potentially bring some balance to lower population servers.
4. players not wanting to play WvW in the season format would still be able to enter the causal WvW matchups.
5. seasons WvW queue times should be drastically reduced if not eliminated since there would be a known number of players who have been signed up at the beginning of the seasons and thus the number of maps can be adjusted to accommodate the number of players. At the very least, players might not be able to get into a full EB1 but they would have EB 2, 3, 4…etc to try to get into as well as for each other borderland.
6. players would not be able to switch their preferred WvW guild during the season therefore bandwagoners and griefers couldn’t move to different teams to affect the score in anyway.

I don’t see too many downsides myself, other than worlds and players that like blowout matches would be unhappy, meh who cares about them? Closer matches are usually more fun for most people. Another potential downside is that players might have alliances between guilds and actually find themselves not playing on the same teams. But that does also make it more interesting in my opinion. 1 season you could be playing with your guild alliances and the next you’re playing against them. Anyway, I think it’s worth exploring further.

Why turn servers into virtual guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: atheria.2837


Anet did not create the disparity, they just allowed people to transfer to other servers. Eventually all serious WvW players migrate to those servers seen as “serious” about WvW.

Why should anyone serious about WvW have to play with people who do not share that mindset?

It creates enormous population imbalances. But it is driven by player choice, and Anet giving the players the freedom to transfer.

There isn’t a particularly good solution to the problem, unless you want to ban server transfers entirely.

Not ban transfers – but make it clear that BEFORE a season starts, you get ONE server change – this ridiculous PUG nature of WvW isn’t doing a thing for longevity of the WvW as a viable “competition”.

There is a way to stop the insane transfers – Anet just needs to see it as a problem and then fix it – and I know they can.

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Why turn servers into virtual guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Anet did not create the disparity, they just allowed people to transfer to other servers. Eventually all serious WvW players migrate to those servers seen as “serious” about WvW.

Why should anyone serious about WvW have to play with people who do not share that mindset?

It creates enormous population imbalances. But it is driven by player choice, and Anet giving the players the freedom to transfer.

There isn’t a particularly good solution to the problem, unless you want to ban server transfers entirely.

ArenaNet did create the incentives for people to move around. First it was free to do so, then it was better hurry before it costs things, it still has to do with gold offers, better WXP farming, and just one season of leagues must have moved a hundred guilds around. Where’s the ingame incentive to stay on your server? Hm?

How serious can someone be about WvW if they quit their world? Especially if they did so again and again.

Gate of Madness

Why turn servers into virtual guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


Just create more maps that are adjecent to eachother to spread the load. Then you need more tactics in stead of running in one zerg. Make the maps bigger then the amount of allowed players in stead of small maps with huge amount of players(queued players)