The Soloblade
Will there be beta testing of the new map?
The Soloblade
The GA states that there will be open beta test for the new expansion.
That’s pretty nice, I just wonder if it will be like the sneak event for 1 week, or if you have to do what some games do and have it be a completely seperate deal (sometimes even have to make a new character)
I would hope it is like the sneak attack, as that would be the most entertaining, but I’m not Anet so I don’t know
The GA states that there will be open beta test for the new expansion.
Sry can you link me to it? Cause I can’t seem to find it ><. I guess now we just wait for more news on how the beta test will be conducted, whether it will be like how the eotm test was done.
The Soloblade
At the bottom:
We’ll be revealing more details as we grow closer to the beta events and launch of Heart of Thorns.