Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Gadzooks.4687


I dont mean time investments. Tons of guilds already invest a lot of time into WvW. I also dont mean guilds spending money on siege, and repair costs.

What Im specifically refering to is guilds being able to spend a type of resource (doesnt have to be gold, in fact, probably best if its not gold), into elements of WvW, to help their servers battle.

This “resource” would need to be capped, for balance issues, and to encourage guild members to frequently contribute to gaining more of it back.

Examples of guilds spending whatever resource to help out in wvw:

1. After a guild claims a keep/tower/camp, the resource could be spent to speed up the upgrades to it. If a guild wanted to dump a TON of resources into the tower they just claimed, they could get really fast upgrades, but would wipe their supply or resource out.

2. Sentry alerts. Capture a sentry point, spend a set amount of resources, and have that sentry send 1 guild alert when that sentry is destroyed.

3. Caravans: Spend a set amount of resources (per caravan, purchase while next to it), to add swiftness until the caravan reaches its destination. Spend set amount of resources to add protection to the caravan until it reaches its destination.

4. Keep/Tower alerts: Spend resources to hire an NPC messenger, that will send out a guild chat alert when your guilds claimed keep has any door or wall taken down to 50% or less life.

(wvw alert messages could be enabled or disabled for guild chat, for those guildies who dont care to see them.)

Just some examples, not must haves.
The goal here is to add a sense of purpose for guilds to become invested in having a pressence in WvW beyond that of just being one of the common groups that hangs out in a specific BL. Where the hard work of guild members (earning the resource), can be spent by the guild, to help the battle for their server.

And here is the bonus:
Which ever server wins at the end of the week:
1. Increase max resource cap by 2%. So if your server wins 10 weeks of battles, each guild has a 120% resource cap. Lose for a week, and your cap gets reset back to 100%.

2. Guilds on the winning server each week gain a set bonus of resource to start the next week at (encouraging guilds to spend resources each week to win)

3. Servers that lose each week, get a 20% bonus to earning said resource, being the underdog. Also encouraging the winning server to work a bit harder to hold their position as winner.

Now, none of this is “This is exactly how it has to be”, but its certainly a good example of how things could be done. It solves a lot of the guild involvement (besides just having guild members in WvW), as well as a purpose for winning each week (aside from bragging rights). It also doesnt make WvW any more of “its own seperate game” (which should keep Devon happy – in fact, said resource could be something earnable in wvw AND pve.), but yet further adds depth to the existing WvW system as well as the guild system.

(edited by Gadzooks.4687)

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


Do you know how to code cause I wager changes of this nature will be a huge timesink.

Go learn C++ and send your resume to Anet.

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Gadzooks.4687


Do you know how to code cause I wager changes of this nature will be a huge timesink.

Go learn C++ and send your resume to Anet.

Yes, how foolish of me, to suggest changes that require a development company, to you know, devolop something.

And fyi, I do code, for a living in fact. Im quite happy with my job. Im also quite aware of the reality that getting a job in the game industry is pretty rare due to the number of people trying to get in and the ridgid requirements to get in.

Anyway, timesinks arent bad, if the time you are investing is something that ultimately makes something better. Everything takes time. This is kind of an “er duh” thing. Looks like you are just used to the devs saying “programming is hard mmmmkay” as their excuse to why things arent progressing forward very quickly.

As Ive said in other posts, its nothing to do with how hard programming is. It has everything to do with priority. WvW is not a priority for them. Things that arent a priority, get fewer resources. Fewer resources means things taking forever, or often times, never getting worked on at all.

Still, thats not gonna stop me from suggesting a concept that I feel will enhance the depth of WvW gameplay.

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Have to admit I love the concept of all representing guild members receiving a notice in the chat window when the WvW objective they’ve claimed is under attack.

but.. sometimes they just keeping getting pinged all day and I realize how annoying that could be. Maybe make it a separate chat channel.. ‘guild distress call’ or something along those lines.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Gadzooks.4687


Have to admit I love the concept of all representing guild members receiving a notice in the chat window when the WvW objective they’ve claimed is under attack.

but.. sometimes they just keeping getting pinged all day and I realize how annoying that could be. Maybe make it a separate chat channel.. ‘guild distress call’ or something along those lines.

yup, i suggested that in my post I figured it would be a an annoyance to some, so always make sure to have the option to disable things that bother people.

Another thing they could do to keep the “spam” down, would be to make it so that alerts couldnt happen more than once every 5 minutes. That way if a door was taken down to 50%, got repaired to 60%, then taken down again, it wouldnt send out a 2nd alert.

The concept is just to give the guild a quick heads up, a “look here”. Not a play by play announcement of whats going on.

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Given the amount of money that we profit from WvW, I would say that many things should be purchased with some type of WvW currency. Because we are already so far behind the PVE’ers in terms of cash-flow it is ridiculous. WvW is still a huge gold sink for people that buy upgrades, etc.

Mag Server Leader

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Creaky.8596


Do you know how to code cause I wager changes of this nature will be a huge timesink..

A huge timesink is paying developers to make temporary content and then purging it from the game a month later. Which is worse?

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Do you know how to code cause I wager changes of this nature will be a huge timesink..

A huge timesink is paying developers to make temporary content and then purging it from the game a month later. Which is worse?

Random thought, when they had that vote for the NPC patch a while back…Did they have to program two sets of scenarios in case either won? I did not keep up with it too much, but if so talk about a huge timesink…Program one whole scenario knowing it wasn’t going to possibly even be implemented.

Mag Server Leader

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Awesome ideas! Too bad they’ll never happen.

We’ve been asking for guild commanders for a year already. Nada happened.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370


WvW Coordinator

We have had discussions about this type of thing and it certainly holds promise. It’s a long-term goal of ours to make guilds have a much more visible and impactful presence on the field of battle. I can’t say how that will play out eventually, nor when.

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Natronix.9827


+1 to OP. Great ideas

Commander Nachonix

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: rchu.8945


Do you know how to code cause I wager changes of this nature will be a huge timesink.

Go learn C++ and send your resume to Anet.

you are probably right that anyone that just learned C++ can work at Anet as a game programmer, lol.

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


Do you know how to code cause I wager changes of this nature will be a huge timesink.

Go learn C++ and send your resume to Anet.

Yes, how foolish of me, to suggest changes that require a development company, to you know, devolop something.

Perfect answer. That type of opinions are so annoying, it’s like some players do NOT want ArenaNet developers .. develop.

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Esqi.8496


That is a really good idea. Take note Devs.

[TKG] Flake

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: allindal.8406


The scale of the buying power of the currency doesn’t really make sense. Guilds would probably just save up enough to speed up stronghold upgrades and let the other stuff fall by the way side.

“2. Sentry alerts. Capture a sentry point, spend a set amount of resources, and have that sentry send 1 guild alert when that sentry is destroyed.”

I hate the idea of more game spam. I use the map feature every 10-20 seconds anyway.

“3. Caravans: Spend a set amount of resources (per caravan, purchase while next to it), to add swiftness until the caravan reaches its destination. Spend set amount of resources to add protection to the caravan until it reaches its destination.”

You can do that last part, it’s called supply. If you want swiftness, just buff ’em.

“4. Keep/Tower alerts: Spend resources to hire an NPC messenger, that will send out a guild chat alert when your guilds claimed keep has any door or wall taken down to 50% or less life.”

Again, more game spam. I don’t need to know at 4 am that a few JQ are ramming down greenlake. I love wvw, but sometimes I just don’t give a hoot.

If you want more options, IMO, add more things to spend supply on. All those “mini” upgrades you want, 2 supply each. IE, perma-speed buff just one caravan, 2 supply.(or what ever amount)

Yes, I do feel that this end game content is becoming boring, then I remember that it’s all I did for two weeks in a row and realize it’s my fault. But seriously, having been #1 in tier 1 for a while and being #2 in tier 1 this week, I realized that the rewards for slaving over wvw just aren’t that tangible. I like competition, but sometimes I catch myself thinking, " I just spend 4 hours taking hills and in another few hours, while no one is on the map, it’s going to get rammed down by some pugs.

I would care if the rewards of wvw justified the time spent over each little detail, each camp, each yak supply. But that can’t work, taking SM during NA primetime takes hours and is, IMO, worth a huge reward. But flipping it at 8 am isn’t really THAT hard. Rewards would need to scale to the number of players on the map, which is hard to do.

The other thing I hate is playing the same line-up every week. I haven’t a clue how much variation other tiers get, but I’ve been facing JQ and SoR forever. If being in T1 only comes with bragging rights, then it’s time for a changed system. Maybe the servers get bracketed in groups of 6 and they are randomly assigned line-ups, to make 2 1v1v1’s . I don’t know, something different.

PVT Elementalist/Warrior/ Guardian

(edited by allindal.8406)

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Aytrix.4059


Many of the guilds who would have invested the most into WvW have already moved on from the game. Anet needs to realize that the “hardcore” WvW guilds are the core of the WvW community and if they want to make WvW as good as it can be, they need to listen to those players/guilds and work with them to implement the changes they suggest.

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: jul.7602


Simple, but great ideas. I specifically like mechanic #1, quicker upgrades on towers would make them less tedious to upgrade.

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Crazysky.8369



Good Good, keep going about this with guilds.
All best guilds of Vizunah Square are going to leave GW2 for an other most wanted game. Why ?

Because it’s made FOR the community, to allow people to show how awesome they are. Because it worht it.

You can tell me there is monthly fee, yeah but for most invested guilds it will be free !
So you just gonna loose the eSport part of GW2 and keep the money from Casual gamer as me.

But the game will be over then. GW2 will be dead for eSports and then we will go on. It’s sad for a game who claimed “we want to be a game for esport” …

Vizunah Square Commander
Founder of Vizunah.net & TS PVE : ts.vizunah.net

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


Do you know how to code cause I wager changes of this nature will be a huge timesink.

Go learn C++ and send your resume to Anet.

Yes, how foolish of me, to suggest changes that require a development company, to you know, devolop something.

Perfect answer. That type of opinions are so annoying, it’s like some players do NOT want ArenaNet developers .. develop.

Am just being realistic. Wholesale changes to this part of the game is not gonna happen 1 year into release, particularly in a Free 2 Play model when Anet has already hit their sales peak in terms of retail boxes / digital download sales.

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Tribio.8531


We have had discussions about this type of thing

it certainly holds promise

It’s a long-term goal of ours to

I can’t say how that will play out eventually, nor when.

Devon being Devon again..

The Hatreidis family: Freya / Nina / Demonica / Athena / Faith / Arya / Angie / Sansa
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


We have had discussions about this type of thing

it certainly holds promise

It’s a long-term goal of ours to

I can’t say how that will play out eventually, nor when.

Devon being Devon again..

Devon would make a great politician, that’s for sure.

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Markof.1879


if i may i’d like to bump on this post to share with you my thoughts about guild investments as the beggining of it made me think a lot about that.

since this post is on guild investment into WvW i’ll focus on that but will also extend it a little to the other two aspects of the game sPvP and PVE.

so lets biggin:

What about seeing guilds as meta players ? lets give them achivement points in each of the 3 aspects of the game that they will earn throu the actions of their guild members in those particular fields (quite like the guild points we have now and without replacing them).

lets call those points honnor points for WvW, fame points for PVE and Glory points for sPvP, each time a guild member earn achivement points or guild points into one of those aspects of the game he also earn specific points for the guild.

that was the base, now what to do with those points?
1st lets bring in guild ranking just as we have it for players
2nd …. since those points are going to be used to meter guilds we cant use them so what about bringing in guild resources, one for each aspect once again?

lets say support for WvW, adventure for PVE and renown for sPvP.
guild will be abel to spend those ressources earned with the specific achivement points on the field coresponding to it; tie part of what they can buy to the actual guild “level” but keep part of it free of guild evolution to let small guild invest too.

what could guild buy or better spend their ressources on ? lets focus here on WvW,
the suggestions of the Op are a good start, then we can also think about….
- tagging sentry and spend ressources to improve them just like other flagged points on th map
- make guild pay in ressources to be allowed to tag something (like a rent) for keeps , towers, camp and sentry
- make a guild earn points while she tag something
(tagging a tower will earn your guild honnor points but will cost support points)
- open extra upgrades, either those upgrades are going to be available to buy by anyone once opened or opening them is also buying them
(those extra upgrades could be more guards the extra ones wearing the guild armor, extra weapon slots, extra deffences like moat or spear pits in front of doors, stronger guards, crafting places, etc…..)
- specific buffs like new bannersor tower linked buffs
- new specific siege weapons or siege weapon upgrades (weels, burning shots, wall ram, etc….)

infact you can do whatever you want from that point on since you have the roots to do just that.

Will we ever see: Guilds investing in wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


I like these ideas.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister