Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


I was just curious how many of you will be buying the commander icon. I really hope that one day we don’t look at the map and see nothing but commander icons everywhere…because that would get really confusing. It’d be cool if we could nominate commanders. For instance when someone sees that a leader is doing a really good job they could click on their name and nominate them for an icon…and after so many nominations over a very long period of time they finally receive the icon. I know your thinking their friends would just nominate them…but I’m just trying to come up with a solution before we have a map filled with commanders.


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


yea commander title is just plain dumb…..were 6 weeks in and a ton of people already have them and 98% those don’t need/deserve em. I assume in 6 months 1/2 the players will have em and it will be a cluster you know what out in WvW.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Yeah….the current implementation is rather poor although people do tend to follow them around.

But having 100 Gold really isn’t the best way to qualify somebody for command.

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: Musty.3148


Yeah, the commander implementation was not good at all.

No actual functionality, Warband party, Warband options, leader chat, map chat, invites/kicks etc, etc, etc…

It’s not an actual show of leadership, just the ability to buy/make money

and iirc you can’t “turn-off” the arrow. I wouldn’t want to always have people following me around a map/know my location.

I am sure they will fix this at some point, but I’d guess that’s 6-12 months out at this point.

80 Elementalist/80 Mesmer/80 Guardian/80 Thief
Now Musty Britches since someone decided Shortbus Rider was offensive… [LoS] [NSP]

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


One year and 100 gold won’t be a big deal, so we’re definitely coming to a stage, when there’s 30 commanders on the map.
For me… Maybe it’s temporary, but I lost any interest in WvW. Zerging is repetitive and whole WvW is unrewarded.

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: Loominal.5634


how about you guys hear from the people that have “Commander” before you judge if it’s worth it? I Myself am a commander on “Kaineng” server. I’ve been on Kaineng for about 3 weeks now. Yes I paid the insaine amount for the title but it does come with some great features that none of you are mentioning. why? well because you don’t have it.. don’t use it.. and don’t know how..

So let me give you some facts.

1.) YES it is above our heads and we CAN turn it on or off in PvE and WvW
2.) It does allow for “Squad chat” by joining a commander in the field.. (Right clicking on him and going to “join squad” ) you can be a part of his squad.
3.) Being in a squad not only allows commanders to see who’s following him around but also the AMOUNT of supplies that everyone in his squad has.. so he can see if he has 100+ supplies to take a tower / keep / ect ect.. if he see’s 20 people in his squad and 20 supplies it gives them a better idea to go take a supply camp or 2.
4.) ONCE users are IN a squad (you pick a commander cause there could be more then 1) it will then get rid of the other commanders on your map, only SHOWING you the one you are following.

These can be some really useful tools. There are some more but personally I don’t have time to sit here and debate it with you. On our server “Kaineng” it works and I’ve counted about 6 Commander titles and i know personally that 5 of them are from OUR alliance on the server 3 of them are from our GUILD [WAR].

all i’m asking.. is that you get all your facts straight BEFORE you go judging things. Have a good day people..!

~Served[WAR] lvl 80 Guardian

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Would you spend 100g to have the Commander icon permanent removed from some commanders?

I sure would.

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: urtv.8791


commander should have been based on lifetime kills.only the top x number of people get to have the title

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: Naurthoron.3291


I wouldn’t spend 100g for a tome, it does not bring anything useful, just an icon and a channel… Where is targeting for multiple groups?

Co-Lead of Death and Rez [DnR]
Vizunah Square [FR] EU

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: Ifrit.7296


commander should have been based on lifetime kills.only the top x number of people get to have the title

Lifetime kills is a terrible idea. It would need to be whomever has been most active over the past ~4 weeks.

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


I was just curious how many of you will be buying the commander icon. I really hope that one day we don’t look at the map and see nothing but commander icons everywhere…because that would get really confusing. It’d be cool if we could nominate commanders. For instance when someone sees that a leader is doing a really good job they could click on their name and nominate them for an icon…and after so many nominations over a very long period of time they finally receive the icon. I know your thinking their friends would just nominate them…but I’m just trying to come up with a solution before we have a map filled with commanders.

Agreed, and already covered in my topic


Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: gosu.4128


Would you spend 100g to have the Commander icon permanent removed from some commanders?

I sure would.


commander should have been based on lifetime kills.only the top x number of people get to have the title


100g does not mean you have leadership skills.
High kill ratio also does not mean you have leadership skills.

It would need to be whomever has been most active over the past ~4 weeks.

Also nope. Frequent presence in WvW does not mean you have leadership skills.

Commanders should be voted by the population.

And even if I have 10 000g, I wouldn’t waste it on a stupid commander icon.

(edited by gosu.4128)

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: LoserPolice.2157


Commanders should be picked by guilds. Guilds are the ones that bring the organization necessary to take keeps and succeed at WvW, so it only makes sense that they should be able to spend influence and buy a commander icon for a member to increase that organization. The game is called Guild Wars, after all.

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: carabidus.6214


For me… Maybe it’s temporary, but I lost any interest in WvW. Zerging is repetitive and whole WvW is unrewarded.

This is exactly where I am right now regarding Wv3. The concept itself has incredible potential if it emphasized (and rewarded) tactics and team organization. I don’t have enough experience to offer too many specific suggestions for improvement, but one aspect that needs to be evaluated is reviving defeated players. It makes no sense that you defeat an enemy player and his guildies rezz him back into combat in seconds. Keep the downed state for characters in Wv3, but disallow rezzing in-place. Force the killed player to warp back to a waypoint and truck himself back to wherever. And if the way back is crawling with enemies, too bad. This would help control zerging to some extent.

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: fractalKinesis.8569


Would I? Yes, if I intended to be a commander. Though I have led during derelict hours before, I’m not the most confident in my ability to lead, so I am content to follow one of my server’s fine commanders.

Also I’m poor and 100g is ridic.

Xiro, High Five Warriors [HFW], Jade Quarry