Willing to share WvW details?
About the auto looting:
- it could be an option activated in the menu: if you want to pick the loot yourself – pick it, if you want it to go to your inventory automaticly then just select it and voila
- approaching “inventory full” thingy – the inventory icon could start blinking or turn orange or something when you have, lets say 5 slots left only so that player knows about it before it actually gets full – red icon
At a badge drop rate of 700ish since release, nearly only playing WvW with my 80 main, it would take MANY YEARS to acquire enough badges to buy 1 set of WvW exotics. WvW rewards are just rubbish, costs are far too high, food, repairs, omg seige, etc. yet I hear people claiming ridiculous numbers like they earned the same number of badges in a day that I’ve earned in what 6months?
Maybe engineers also got a hidden cooldown added to their bag drops? I loot all that appear, they just almost never drop.
A friend of mine was able to deck his char in full invaders gear (probably not trinkets). I myself have gotten ~900 badges in total. Granted most of them are from jumping puzzles (first 500 anyway, for gift of battle. Next 400+ are mostly from wvw kills), still, there’s no reason to not get enough badges. And I doubt anyone gets 700 badges/day. I’d believe if someone gets 100-300 a day though. You get at least 150+ badges a day just doing all jumping puzzles on all 5 lvl 80 chars. Then you get ~100-200 going around with a good commander/skirmishing.
Waypoints are currently the most powerful upgrade in the game but there are a few issues.
They are only inactive when the defense quest is active, are you guys planning on disabling them slightly longer than the defense quest to allow attackers to keep the defenders from spawning there just as the defense quest lapses?
For example under the current system I can count down on voip the defense quest and spawn in everyone right as it hits zero and before attackers can reflag the keep.
This is definitely a bug. I’ll see about leaving the rally points disabled for a few extra seconds after the event has completed. That way it just stays disabled if the event starts back up.
Just to calm nerves I wanted to bring this up again.
This is something that we would like to adjust, but doing so could remove one of the larger advantages of having the waypoint upgrade. With my mentioned adjustment it would also mean that one player would be able to lock down a location indefinitely. Changes to how this system works will need to be thoroughly designed and tested and as such will require time. I would not expect to see changes to how this works soon.
The best solution is to put in a “badge” cost to WvW waypoints, AND move the upgrade to one of the last, if not the last upgrade you can get.
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
The number of badges you get a day will depend on your class, tier, group, and timezone.
It’s not very difficult to get 250 in 3-4 hours.
wow this is the sort of communication people love
thank you Mike!
I think it was Colin who stated in an earlier interview (during development) that people should never have to leave WvW if they don’t want to. Do you feel that you’ve met this goal so far (or was it a misinterpretation on my part)?
You’re welcome! Things have been really busy around here since we shipped, and that’s a big reason why we haven’t had a chance to communicate nearly as much as we’d like to, so we’re trying to make an effort to change that. We want to talk to you just as much as you want us to tell you stuff
As far as being able to play just in WvW and never have to leave if they don’t want to, that most definitely is our goal, and I think we’ve done a fairly good job at that so far. We do need to make sure ascended gear is obtainable in WvW, but other than that I think we’ve mostly made it so you never have to leave WvW if you just want to play there forever. Feel free to point out why I’m wrong about that
At a badge drop rate of 700ish since release, nearly only playing WvW with my 80 main, it would take MANY YEARS to acquire enough badges to buy 1 set of WvW exotics. WvW rewards are just rubbish, costs are far too high, food, repairs, omg seige, etc. yet I hear people claiming ridiculous numbers like they earned the same number of badges in a day that I’ve earned in what 6months?
Maybe engineers also got a hidden cooldown added to their bag drops? I loot all that appear, they just almost never drop.
This is what im stocking atm. Spent as much as this for Sup sieges and my legendaries tho.
And im playing mesmer. I guess some necros can make 150+/hour with the new drop rate. If they dont make badges more usefull i guess i ll just thow them for more sieges. My inv already is full of them tho and i’m mad at people who dont refresh them :/
I dont even pick up bags anymore.
(edited by playandchill.3908)
About the auto looting:
- it could be an option activated in the menu: if you want to pick the loot yourself – pick it, if you want it to go to your inventory automaticly then just select it and voila
This would be so great, I would be so excited if it was on the 26th update, but unfortunately, I know that it won’t be, still old picking up
Hey Mike/ArenaNet,
Can you go in to how Dolyak points work? It seems a random 1-4 points per Dolyak kill/delivery.
Is it truly random or is it decided by something we are not seeing on the backend?
I’m fairly sure that you gain more points the closer the Dolyak is to its destination when it’s killed. Let’s see what they say.
This question really got skipped over WAY too easily. Is there anyone from ArenaNet who would be so kind as to give us even a tiny bit of information on this subject?
There are at least 3 major theories floating around about this, but testing in WvW is completely unreliable; last night I watched the points tick up by 26 at the EXACT moment a Yak died. Of course, I don’t believe that a Yak is worth 26 points under any circumstance as that would be completely game breaking, but it’s just an example of how unreliable this sort of testing is. It does feel like we’re playing blindfolded without this information, as we’re playing a competitive game for points, but without even knowing how many points we get for several of the objectives in WvW. Dolyaks (Supply Caravans) are currently the most mysterious and frustrating.
Whatever happened to this thread? Still quite a few unanswered questions here…
Was pointed at this topic about numbers in wvw per map. Anet says they cannot be more specific, but I seriously doubt that. That does not sound very professional.“we dont know”.
it’s not that they “cannot” it’s that they “will not.” they have said many times that it is their policy not to release specific numbers.
[TSFR] – Jade Quarry
“it is their policy not to release specific numbers”
Yep, it surely is their policy not to say anything cause they do not have a clue :p
Just read a 11 month old post in which people complain the queue is bugged, the teams are not equal on the map, even when there is a queue everywhere, people who get in queue after another player get in before that player…
They then said teams should be equal on the map, in case of queues, that it should be a first in first out… That whatever the bug – if it was a bug, couldn’t be reproduced on their side…
Almost a year after, the queue is still broken..
They have no idea how their queues are working, They have no ideas how many can be on a map…
Post in french dating back to February, in which the exact same problems are mentioned:
Pretty sure the english forums have plenty of posts like that one…
The q is not broken. Anet has said that it is not a linear q. It works as designed
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
The q is not broken. Anet has said that it is not a linear q. It works as designed
Both Devon Carver and Mike Ferguson have admitted its bugged.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
The q is not broken. Anet has said that it is not a linear q. It works as designed
Both Devon Carver and Mike Ferguson have admitted its bugged.
And it is, that must be one of the reasons they will not share population information. People of my server are currently in que for our BL and the other server have more people than us. It just makes no sense.
People of my server are currently in que for our BL and the other server have more people than us. It just makes no sense.
What makes the less sense is when there is a queue, and we get on the map to see that we have the inferio buff…
Not funny