World Linking Beta
Lol mag and DR,, inc tier 1 stacking
Proof that Anet secretly loves Mags.
As a Maguuman, I for one welcome our new DR overlords.
Here are the worlds for NA:
Now: 12 Worlds – 4 Tiers
Previously: 24 Worlds – 8 Tiers
- Yak’s Bend & Anvil Rock
- Blackgate & Eredon Terrace
- Jade Quarry & Isle of Janthir
- Tarnished Coast & Kaineng
- Dragonbrand & Sanctum of Rall
- Fort Aspenwood & Borlis Pass
- Sea of Sorrows & Gate of Madness
- Maguuma & Devona’s Rest
- Stormluff Isle & Crystal Desert
- Darkhaven & Ferguson’s Crossing
- Henge of Denravi & Ehmry Bay
- Northern Shiverpeaks & Sorrow’s Furnace
Hmmm… I give props for that DR and Kaineng swap. Though the fact that the leak was real is an issue.
No surprise. I mean I was hoping but just goes to show someone is sleeping with someone…cat is out of the bag.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
Instant ridiculous queues on every map. Way to go, guys. 150+ on EB, 40-60 on the BLs. You should just revert this right now.
(edited by James Rustler.7860)
Who is going to play this anymore with queues of 150+…BAD MOVE
SoR stay away from Monkey Shinezz and you’ll be fine.
I must say, the queue are a new experience for me… I can’t say that was the part I was looking forward to the most…
Merging the servers but not uping the amount of people allowed into the servers is dumb. WvW has been up literally for litter 40 seconds and there is already 300 people waiting que. Pic related.
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.
lower tier servers. YOUR CONTRIBUTION STILL MATTERS. I know it seems like a bummer your glicko seems frozen, but you’re with the other server for 3months, kicken kitten , getting to know eachother. besides, it may result in you being matched up with your server again!
p.s. looking forward to working with the people of eredon terrace
It’s good that ANET is willing to try something new. That said, they really need to use their brains a bit more before implementing a server pair option. Let’s look at an example:
T1 or T2 server has a queue of 120+ on EB the week before the server matchmaking.
ANET logic: Let’s add more people to wait in the queue! That will be fun for everyone
Better logic: People actually want to play the game. Combine a bunch of smaller servers together to get better population balance.
I still can’t believe someone at ANET really thought that longer queues would be fun.
lower tier servers. YOUR CONTRIBUTION STILL MATTERS. I know it seems like a bummer your glicko seems frozen, but you’re with the other server for 3months, kicken kitten , getting to know eachother. besides, it may result in you being matched up with your server again
p.s. looking forward to working with the people of eredon terrace
This is the right way to promote!
Where’d all these people come from? This is great. Wonder what will happen when I log on in the morning.
Well it looked good on paper but if you can’t figure out a way to fix these queues then I’m afraid all the good will you’ve created with this most recent patch is going to fly right out the door.
It’s reset for one, and I’d rather have queues then dead game.
GJ Anet, you brought me back.
Here are the worlds for NA:
Now: 12 Worlds – 4 Tiers
Previously: 24 Worlds – 8 Tiers
- Yak’s Bend & Anvil Rock
- Blackgate & Eredon Terrace
- Jade Quarry & Isle of Janthir
- Tarnished Coast & Kaineng
- Dragonbrand & Sanctum of Rall
- Fort Aspenwood & Borlis Pass
- Sea of Sorrows & Gate of Madness
- Maguuma & Devona’s Rest
- Stormluff Isle & Crystal Desert
- Darkhaven & Ferguson’s Crossing
- Henge of Denravi & Ehmry Bay
- Northern Shiverpeaks & Sorrow’s Furnace
Hmmm… I give props for that DR and Kaineng swap. Though the fact that the leak was real is an issue.
Reason for that swap was the change in population before it was locked in I bet.
It’s just the initial rush because of this change. Queues will disappear in time.
It’s good that ANET is willing to try something new. That said, they really need to use their brains a bit more before implementing a server pair option. Let’s look at an example:
T1 or T2 server has a queue of 120+ on EB the week before the server matchmaking.
ANET logic: Let’s add more people to wait in the queue! That will be fun for everyone
Better logic: People actually want to play the game. Combine a bunch of smaller servers together to get better population balance.I still can’t believe someone at ANET really thought that longer queues would be fun.
JQ didn’t have 120 queued for EB, and EB isn’t the only map anyway. JQ hasn’t queued all 4 maps for months. They are all queued for reset now although the queue on BG and YB BLS are only 25-30
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Instant ridiculous queues on every map. Way to go, guys. 150+ on EB, 40-60 on the BLs. You should just revert this right now.
Who is going to play this anymore with queues of 150+…BAD MOVE
This was NORMAL for reset night just a couple of years ago. Get used to it. You will realize that having a queue is far better than risking no queue with imbalance.
A heretic’s voice in your head
A stargazer, releaser
47 minutes into the match (assuming 02:00Z);
BG queues are 153 in EB, 60 JQ, 77 BG, 54 YB.
Congrats? anet
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too
Its a failure from the onset for ET. How can you guest us to Blackgate a server that already has ques particularly on reset. Not a Guild let alone an individuals made it to WvW maps. It is inexcusable to continue with the Beta testing. You need to stop rethink what you are doing now. This is not a wait and see situation. If yourr plan is to discourage and “kill” the small servers then good job.
I have been playing this game since pre-release on Eredon Terrace. In effect, by the changes you made tonight, you have taken our server away.
We had a great community and loved playing on our server. Now we don’t even have a borderland. In addition, you put us in a server that has so many people that we have been told there is no chance of getting in on reset night. You didn’t even make adjustments in how many people could be on a map. You did this without any input from us, without any warning and I feel your lack of allowing people who have been paying your salaries ANY input into something this important is a really incredibly bad business model.
I invite any developer who cares about this game, your customers, and who could consider the different modes of play to come that has grown out of the different server population sizes come and join us for a discussion of Eredon Terrace’s opinion of the changes. We would welcome you on our team speak to initiate a conversation.
There are better solutions to your population issues And since the server sizes are forcibly keeping your players from playing due to server OVER population, perhaps you should have considered going smaller NOT larger.
Please feel free to contact me should you care to discuss this further.
Thank you,
WvW is unplayable right now.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
I used to play wvw in T4/5 where there wasnt a map queue on every map and you could take 20 people and not get run over by 60.
After spending 30 mins in the bls getting run over by 60+ people i left wvw, they queues are still stuipdly high in t3 and its made me not want to play wvw on my favourite night wvw rest. Thanks anet you just kill reset night for me
The queues have nothing to do with the merges (does anyone honestly believe a T8 server has enough people to cause massive queues in T1 servers?). There’s just a surge in population because of the wvw changes. Even EU servers that didn’t get linked with any other server had queues on all 4 maps on reset. Queues will go once people get bored and go back to pve.
Logged in and saw 351 users in queue total between our 4 maps, and realized that wouldn’t be playing tonight :p Makes sense, it is reset, and with all the resent changes a lot of people are back in the game testing things, and seeing how the "Server-Dates" will work out.
I am curious to see how this turns out over a bit longer time, judging things from 1-2 hours of play (or queue’s) is a disservice and a knee-jerk reaction. Coming from a server where I’ve seen a Queue exactly *once* in my years there, this was certainly a new experience. But for all practical effects, my first impression was "Okie, that was one way to disable WvW for my server..."
* Sets up a stand, and sells "[Potion of Patience]", only 100 gold for 10x ! *
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
You didnt link the biggest EU servers to another server so why did you do this with NA? Theres 7 full servers on Na as opposed to 6 on EU and 4 very high on NA vs 3 on EU.
The top 6 servers in EU so why arent at least the top 6 of NA the same? You have linked servers that cannot get into wvw for HOURS.
I suggest that you readjust NA as soon as possible leaving the top 6 servers as solo and matching the remaining ones in a balanced way.
Here are the worlds for NA:
Now: 12 Worlds – 4 Tiers
Previously: 24 Worlds – 8 Tiers
- Yak’s Bend & Anvil Rock
- Blackgate & Eredon Terrace
- Jade Quarry & Isle of Janthir
- Tarnished Coast & Kaineng
- Dragonbrand & Sanctum of Rall
- Fort Aspenwood & Borlis Pass
- Sea of Sorrows & Gate of Madness
- Maguuma & Devona’s Rest
- Stormluff Isle & Crystal Desert
- Darkhaven & Ferguson’s Crossing
- Henge of Denravi & Ehmry Bay
- Northern Shiverpeaks & Sorrow’s Furnace
….wait Black Gate and ET on the same team. Someone in ANET has a wicked sense of irony.
See you in Tyria.
(edited by Expiatus.4210)
Well this new merging WvW idea is horrible I pay to play this game and loved my WvW playtime on the lower tier servers i tried the higher tiers and did not like it so i payed to move back down to my original server and now I log on and sit in a que for 3 hours and never get to play WvW with my server none of our server from ET go into WvW reset tonight . Lets stop this beta and put it back like it was or even make it a better balance before I quit playing entirely .
Should just open alpine borderlands up with desert and have 7 maps. This que is ridiculous. Good luck getting all your guild together to play. Thanks Maguuma for their hospitality but I’d rather roam on an near empty map.
I have been playing this game since pre-release on Eredon Terrace. In effect, by the changes you made tonight, you have taken our server away.
We had a great community and loved playing on our server. Now we don’t even have a borderland. In addition, you put us in a server that has so many people that we have been told there is no chance of getting in on reset night. You didn’t even make adjustments in how many people could be on a map. You did this without any input from us, without any warning and I feel your lack of allowing people who have been paying your salaries ANY input into something this important is a really incredibly bad business model.
I invite any developer who cares about this game, your customers, and who could consider the different modes of play to come that has grown out of the different server population sizes come and join us for a discussion of Eredon Terrace’s opinion of the changes. We would welcome you on our team speak to initiate a conversation.
There are better solutions to your population issues And since the server sizes are forcibly keeping your players from playing due to server OVER population, perhaps you should have considered going smaller NOT larger.
Please feel free to contact me should you care to discuss this further.
Thank you,
I couldn’t have said it any better.
I’m really happy that I’ve paid money to be forcibly removed from the place I wanted to be and put into a place that is as unplayable as most Early-Access Survival games on Steam. Here’s the kicker, on top of that, a lot of the people on the server we’ve been assimilated into are actually quite rude. I guess if I were a masochist that hated my own existence I would praise the patch. People being condescending to me and my friends, for free!
The WvW team must be history connoisseurs, this is a pretty accurate replication of the Americans colonization west into the US, converting or ending anything in their way.
Though I hate to break it to you, I don’t want your blobs and your salt. I prefer my cozy little land back on ET. This is honestly not fair. (inb4 Infraction because of the truth) Just don’t link T1 Servers, link smaller population servers with similar servers, so there is no culture shock that ensues.
Some faceless ET dude
Should just open alpine borderlands up with desert and have 7 maps. This que is ridiculous. Good luck getting all your guild together to play. Thanks Maguuma for their hospitality but I’d rather roam on an near empty map.
No one on ET even got in tonight, let alone an entire guild. This is beyond ridiculous.
Instant ridiculous queues on every map. Way to go, guys. 150+ on EB, 40-60 on the BLs. You should just revert this right now.
Who is going to play this anymore with queues of 150+…BAD MOVE
This was NORMAL for reset night just a couple of years ago. Get used to it. You will realize that having a queue is far better than risking no queue with imbalance.
Not being able to play is not better than being able to play.
Our small ET community had gathered up to see if we could play in WvW. We expected queues, but figured at least some of us could make it to one of the borderlands. After a few hours we just gave up. How can a small server feel like it’s contributing if none of them can enter WvW?
Sure, it’s no fun when the servers are empty, but in my opinion, the top 6 servers should not have been linked with anyone. Their populations were large enough to sustain good fights and didn’t a small group added to them. Instead, the lower tiers should have been linked together. If you want huge fights but potentially long queues, go to T1 and T2, if you want smaller fights with more small-group/solo roaming go to the other tiers.
A potential alternative I can think of: have each server use their own separate queue (and maybe tweak map caps to account for it). This way, the lower servers can always join and support the bigger ones and this can encourage distribution the population (if that is an end-goal ANet is working towards). I would worry that it would lead to over-stacking servers, making the problem even worse though.
(edited by strakul.1826)
Wait, so those of us who intentionally sought out low-tier servers to avoid zergs/queues are going to be paired with the highest population servers? I paid money to transfer servers to avoid exactly that.
EDIT: I should say that I do like the overall changes to WvW, and I see the necessity of some sort of server merge/pairing. My specific concern is that for those of us on lower tier servers there is going to be a rather large change in the game experience; once that most of us will see as a negative (not to mention the reaction of the higher tier servers suddenly finding their queued BG’s full of solo roamer types from their partner server). If we wanted to be on the highest tier servers we would have transferred there.
Obviously it is too late to change the design for the first round of the beta, but perhaps a system where the lowest tier servers are rolled up together into linked servers to provide a moderately populated lower tier environment may be worth testing?
I agree 100% I was on JQ for a while got sick of the game play in a T1 server zergs & ques…
I moved back to DR where I started out & have not looked back I love low pop servers & I really have no time for ques. Also the atmosphere is like day & night when it come to T8, T7, & T6 (casual play) High tiers are more serious & tend to be a bit more toxic at times. (This is my personal view)
My main game play along with my guild is WvW if the population stays this high in WvW & to mention I waited over an hour in que I’ll be retiring my commander tag & leaving the guild wars community. I love the game as is… low pop… bugs and all. I love my DR community & my guildies but I really don’t enjoy any other area of the game not even HoT
I have been playing this game since pre-release on Eredon Terrace. In effect, by the changes you made tonight, you have taken our server away.
We had a great community and loved playing on our server. Now we don’t even have a borderland. In addition, you put us in a server that has so many people that we have been told there is no chance of getting in on reset night. You didn’t even make adjustments in how many people could be on a map. You did this without any input from us, without any warning and I feel your lack of allowing people who have been paying your salaries ANY input into something this important is a really incredibly bad business model.
I invite any developer who cares about this game, your customers, and who could consider the different modes of play to come that has grown out of the different server population sizes come and join us for a discussion of Eredon Terrace’s opinion of the changes. We would welcome you on our team speak to initiate a conversation.
There are better solutions to your population issues And since the server sizes are forcibly keeping your players from playing due to server OVER population, perhaps you should have considered going smaller NOT larger.
Please feel free to contact me should you care to discuss this further.
Thank you,
Seems the same for Kaineng. I’m not hearing of any of our guilds being able to get in past the queue.
Leader of TACO mini-roamer guild, Kaineng.
With all these queues, I guess EOTM will now be used as intended. :P
Merging the servers but not uping the amount of people allowed into the servers is dumb. WvW has been up literally for litter 40 seconds and there is already 300 people waiting que. Pic related.
I see we are on the same server match-up :-) The ques are crazy bad
I have been playing this game since pre-release on Eredon Terrace. In effect, by the changes you made tonight, you have taken our server away.
We had a great community and loved playing on our server. Now we don’t even have a borderland. In addition, you put us in a server that has so many people that we have been told there is no chance of getting in on reset night. You didn’t even make adjustments in how many people could be on a map. You did this without any input from us, without any warning and I feel your lack of allowing people who have been paying your salaries ANY input into something this important is a really incredibly bad business model.
I invite any developer who cares about this game, your customers, and who could consider the different modes of play to come that has grown out of the different server population sizes come and join us for a discussion of Eredon Terrace’s opinion of the changes. We would welcome you on our team speak to initiate a conversation.
There are better solutions to your population issues And since the server sizes are forcibly keeping your players from playing due to server OVER population, perhaps you should have considered going smaller NOT larger.
Please feel free to contact me should you care to discuss this further.
Thank you,
Ariel.6291I couldn’t have said it any better.
I’m really happy that I’ve paid money to be forcibly removed from the place I wanted to be and put into a place that is as unplayable as most Early-Access Survival games on Steam. Here’s the kicker, on top of that, a lot of the people on the server we’ve been assimilated into are actually quite rude. I guess if I were a masochist that hated my own existence I would praise the patch. People being condescending to me and my friends, for free!
The WvW team must be history connoisseurs, this is a pretty accurate replication of the Americans colonization west into the US, converting or ending anything in their way.
Though I hate to break it to you, I don’t want your blobs and your salt. I prefer my cozy little land back on ET. This is honestly not fair. (inb4 Infraction because of the truth) Just don’t link T1 Servers, link smaller population servers with similar servers, so there is no culture shock that ensues.
Some faceless ET dude
I am Eredon Terrace
Please rethink this merger of the servers. We come from ET T8 and we loved it there no Queues, was able to play with our guilds and our community that we have built. Now for reset we didn’t even get to play WvW. We are now merged with Black gate and if I wanted to play with blackgate I would’ve paid my way there, but i didn’t and never would. The Queues were 150+ for EBG and 100 or less for the BL maps, and we all sat in queue for 3+ hours and moved to 20 in queue, all my guild logged off all of my friends from ET logged off. How is this better? What does this fix? Do you want us to quit? Why did T1 need a merge, or even T2? If your thought process was to show how other servers play WvW I don’t care or want to know. I liked to be able to get on what ever map i wanted and tag up and have my guild and friends follow and finding fights and just have plan old fun. Sitting in queue all of reset night is not fun. I welcome any DEV to our TS and talk to us and tell us how this is to better us, and how this helps you as a company. Please anet, fix this or address this issue with more thought and logic, you may be losing a lot of valuable players. Just a heads up.
I don’t see why they just didn’t do Red/Green/Blue pseudo-merges and do instances like in EotM. Sure, they would have to change how the scoring works, but in my opinion that would have worked out much better than forcing people to wait in huge queues and basically locking out lower-tier servers from even think of joining WvW tonight.
I can’t say that the queues will last forever since the novelty of the changes will wear off on people over a month or so, but still…
Thankfully my alt account didn’t spend any time in queues, it is on Borlis Pass. Being paired with FA makes for a good match – but several of our members were queued out for over an hour even after only starting to queue about 2 minutes into reset…
BEEP was on FA before we went back to Borlis Pass, the reason we left FA was to get away from the queues – now we have no where to transfer off to in order to get away from them lol…
I hope this ends up just being a reset night thing, it was a pretty fun night but really crappy that so many of the people in the guild had to just sit around in queues for over an hour just to come play with us.
Please remember, this is a beta. Changes can and will likely happen. It’s also a reset with new/better rewards. There are a good number of people coming out of the woodwork that haven’t played in months. I know my guild who has been playing pretty dang consistently had more members on and playing than ever. Some things will balance naturally, I now have faith that anet will do their very best to balance out those the rest as best they can.
Thank you for the Fun tonight Anet!
PB Officer
BEEP was on FA before we went back to Borlis Pass, the reason we left FA was to get away from the queues – now we have no where to transfer off to in order to get away from them lol…
See, that’s balance, lol.
No but seriously there where a ton of people that crawled out the woodworks yesterday. It will settle down at least to some degree – especially once nightcapping is up and running again and servers realize that even with their new pair, fighting is pointless. Besides, this is what EoTM is for. Maybe that will get fun again if people that actually want to play WvW spill over and create some decent fights instead of zombie karmatrain.
How long is this going to last and will worlds be unlinked after? If I wanted to play with this many people I would have transferred to a higher tier.
To all the people complaining about queues on reset after a big WvW shakeup, lets allow a week or two for things to settle. You can’t say reset night after the changes made will be indicative of every night and the future of things to come. Reset is ALWAYS packed at T1 end on reset. Its totally normal. The last time the lower-tier servers might have been queue’d could have been the last WvW season, or hell, 2012 launch!
There is alot of renewed interest in WvW right now. Alot of people are jumping in and checking it out again, especially with the reward changes. Lets wait a bit and let things settle.
Also, even on T1 end, not all maps are permanently overstacked. Its quite rare for ALL 4 MAPS to have a permanent 50+ queue. If you are trying to get on EB on reset right now, that is your problem. However, borderland map queues tend to have a high turnover so sit in queue, have a tea, relax, and do a fractal or something, the rewards are great!
We should be ecstatic there are queues at all. This is a GOOD problem to have for WvW!
The queues have nothing to do with the merges (does anyone honestly believe a T8 server has enough people to cause massive queues in T1 servers?). There’s just a surge in population because of the wvw changes. Even EU servers that didn’t get linked with any other server had queues on all 4 maps on reset. Queues will go once people get bored and go back to pve.
^This. There’s a lot of mad ET people here. I get it, culture shock, but it’s worth considering that BG does not get this kind of queue ever, except on RESET nights where something absolutely huge is happening that week. Something which happens once in a blue moon.
You guys got on a server known for population issues as a T1, the server which lives by the motto “always outmanned, never outgunned”. This kind of queue is because of a surge of players who were excited to see a mixup, a change in the status quo. It’s not the norm, so please don’t base your opinions as if it was. BG commonly gets ~3 maps queued on Reset, all relatively minor besides EB. And some residual queues over the course of the weekend which are nothing major. After that, you’re looking at average one map a night during the weekends, rare occasion two. Normally with the others being completely devoid of any real force.
Now you can perhaps understand why Anet was comfortable with the merge. Because the activity you saw tonight is not the norm, it’s the exception. Please keep in mind one night is not indicative of what every night will look like. And ESPECIALLY not a night like this. Have some patience, let things settle out a couple days at the least and see what happens.
Thank you everyone from ET for voicing the issues smaller-population servers are facing now. I’d just like to say that I really dislike this idea, as it means that FC has basically been eaten by DH. I’ve been on FC since I started playing the game two years ago – we have a fantastic community and we’re all really attached to our server. However, this merge brings up a variety of problems – for example, how can FC be expected to join the community of DH, and vice versa, when we’ll just be switched to merge with another server in three months? This change effectively makes FC homeless, and I’m fairly certain that our community won’t last very long being shuttled around as a back-up to other servers. This is my main problem with the world linking: it takes away our server’s sense of community.
Then there’s the issue of being thrown into a completely different game style. As a smaller server, we queue maps extremely rarely, and even then, only on EB with one or two people waiting. I enjoy being able to switch between different BLs easily, without having to worry if my whole group will make it in. We run smaller groups, which are simply not feasible with this merge. Tonight at reset, my guild ran like we normally do, with a group of about 20 and were absolutely steamrolled by any other group that we came across – this is not the experience that I, and many others on FC, look for when it comes to WvW. If I wanted to see huge zerg vs. zerg fights, I would have switched servers a lot time ago. I enjoy the smaller, even ground fights that we’ve experienced on FC; I enjoy having the opportunity to roam effectively without being run over by a blob everywhere I go. Having variety between different tiers gives everyone the opportunity to find the environment and play style that they enjoy the most. Some people have been saying that queues like this only happen on reset, but that still doesn’t change the fact that I want to be able to have fun on reset – it’s the major day of the week that our server comes together to have a good time! I don’t want to spend that time waiting in a queue.
I appreciate the effort to try new things, but I think that it’s pretty safe to say that this idea has not worked out well for low pop servers. Please reverse the changes to allow FC to be our own server again.
[DRK] Dodge Roll Kingdom
[NA] Ferguson’s Crossing
(edited by packupthesun.3801)
It’s not even all about the queues. ET’s identity in WvW is just gone. We have a few guilds who pride themselves in taking up the call, slapping on the commander tag and running the circuit. I actually made it into one of the Borderlands tonight. I did love seeing the groups running around and the battles that ensued. the horrible thing is that this is not our tight knit little community though.
Even if we had been merged with one or two of the lower tier servers, we would at least have the same styles in common to work with.
Temporary lower tier server linkings over the next few months should have been enough to gather date to see which of the low tiers needed to be merged together, without displacing the top tiers.
Once a good balance was found in WvW population and coverage , then the good matches could have been permanently merged. I wouldn’t even be as upset about possibly losing our server name to a new name as long as our way of game “life” stayed relatively the same.
It’s not the actual server that I need but the guilds and friends I have come to know and enjoy being around that is the important past. Adding another small server permanently would just add another same size pool to pull new friends from.
Tossing us into an ocean of higher skilled blob groups (and I say higher skilled due to the fact that they are accustomed to the tactics needed for a max pop WvW environment) is completely unfair as there is no room for what we bring to the tactics table based on our small server experience.
I would say it takes 3 of our guilds to put together the compositional make up of one of Blackgates regulars.
What it should have taken to start the process to gather the info for a merger was to take the bottom two servers of Tier 8, link them with the bottom server in Tier 7.
Take the top server in Tier 8 and link it with the middle server of Tier 7.
Top server of Tier 7 remains.
Theres 6 servers effectively made into 3, eliminating Tier 8.
From there you can readjust according to WvW participation per server along with your Glicko until you have some roughly balanced outcomes.
Sorry Tier 6, I am unaware of your current state, if it’s as shoddy as ours then maybe they could continue the linking up through T6 as well. 9 servers into 3 would be even easier.
But there is no reason to be shuffling anyone with the top 3-6 servers.
It’s not even all about the queues. ET’s identity in WvW is just gone. We have a few guilds who pride themselves in taking up the call, slapping on the commander tag and running the circuit. I actually made it into one of the Borderlands tonight. I did love seeing the groups running around and the battles that ensued. the horrible thing is that this is not our tight knit little community though.
Even if we had been merged with one or two of the lower tier servers, we would at least have the same styles in common to work with.
Temporary lower tier server linkings over the next few months should have been enough to gather date to see which of the low tiers needed to be merged together, without displacing the top tiers.
Once a good balance was found in WvW population and coverage , then the good matches could have been permanently merged. I wouldn’t even be as upset about possibly losing our server name to a new name as long as our way of game “life” stayed relatively the same.
It’s not the actual server that I need but the guilds and friends I have come to know and enjoy being around that is the important past. Adding another small server permanently would just add another same size pool to pull new friends from.Tossing us into an ocean of higher skilled blob groups (and I say higher skilled due to the fact that they are accustomed to the tactics needed for a max pop WvW environment) is completely unfair as there is no room for what we bring to the tactics table based on our small server experience.
I would say it takes 3 of our guilds to put together the compositional make up of one of Blackgates regulars.
What it should have taken to start the process to gather the info for a merger was to take the bottom two servers of Tier 8, link them with the bottom server in Tier 7.
Take the top server in Tier 8 and link it with the middle server of Tier 7.
Top server of Tier 7 remains.Theres 6 servers effectively made into 3, eliminating Tier 8.
From there you can readjust according to WvW participation per server along with your Glicko until you have some roughly balanced outcomes.
Sorry Tier 6, I am unaware of your current state, if it’s as shoddy as ours then maybe they could continue the linking up through T6 as well. 9 servers into 3 would be even easier.
But there is no reason to be shuffling anyone with the top 3-6 servers.
yeah i tried to play in this new environment and i agree. i cant function in this maxed out population stuff. and honestly i dont want to. i hate this. it has ruined my favorite area of the game. and if it stays like this, i wont be in WvW anymore. i just have no interest in this kind of nonsense. the first 20 minutes of team chat i saw when i finally got in after an hour of waiting was the other server trash talking my fellow commanders on EBay. these are friends of mine and it was just aweful to have to deal with this. i have made my point. i wont be playing wvw long if it stays like this. its a shame i convinced a few friends to buy the game based on WvW when this is what the developers turned it in to.
1. these changes have been announced for long enough now and all I see is kittening instantly from people who don’t seem to grasp much of WvW outside of their closed-minded POV.
2. this is what healthy game mode of a triple A mmo is like.
3. speciul snowflakes.