World Populations (particularly Kaineng)

World Populations (particularly Kaineng)

in WvW

Posted by: Davlamin.6297


There are a few worlds that are having some severe low population issues. It is causing problems for WvW and for simply doing events. Most of the time I have been in Kaineng, I have been doing most of the events by myself.
I was kinda surprised to hear that other worlds have queue times to get into wvw. I think that there should be some incentive for redistributing people to lower populated servers. Perhaps a gold reward? It would also be nice if people can move their guilds too. I’m sure that that is a big reason why people are not moving.
I hope more eloquent people speak up for the lower populated servers. Doing events by ourselves and never being able to stand up to anyone in wvw isn’t fun.

World Populations (particularly Kaineng)

in WvW

Posted by: Gavello.2813


Low Population isn’t stopping Eredon Terrace which has a similar population……

Just depends on the amount of WvWer’s you have on the server.


World Populations (particularly Kaineng)

in WvW

Posted by: Mug.9403


Uh… ET doesn’t even remotely compare to Kaineng or DR. (not in world or WvW… “Low”, “Medium”, “High”, are not linear at all… High probably has 10x + the people as medium, and medium probably 2x the people as low)

I wrote some things that would get people there:

Make the underdog viable

You will most likely want to transfer off, and I do not say that without thought or recklessly…

World Populations (particularly Kaineng)

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


ET had AA transfer to them, and a lot of dedicated WvWers. ET’s wvw population is many times greater than Kaineng or Devona’s Rest. Plus you guys are getting more hoppers as you worked your way up the ladder.

No big alliance wants to throw away their influence to change to Kaineng or Devona’s Rest because they care a lot more about their influence and social networks they setup than they do about being able to play WvW without a queue.

I will say that ET and Kaineng and Devona’s Rest have similar PvE problems at the moment. We have more bots at any given moment on the cursed shore than actual players.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

World Populations (particularly Kaineng)

in WvW

Posted by: Aimeryan.1247


Ruins of Surmia have the same issue. Not sure where you can see the server populations but there is never enough people to actually do the Grenth DE. Trying to get the karma vendor at Gates of Arah for a good few days now, logging in most of the day and evening to see that nothing has changed.

We also seem to have a fair bit less number of players compared to other servers when zerg meets zerg in WvW. I actually think more specialised small groups using guerilla warfare would be more fun and effective than the zerg but sadly there are no significant guilds on the server either so organising this is hopeless.

Really think they need to start merging servers to be honest.

World Populations (particularly Kaineng)

in WvW

Posted by: Davlamin.6297


I like what Mug has written. It does offer a nice solution to balancing wvw. However, I’d like to also fix the PvE problem.

Personally, I think an incentive would work great to move people to lower populated worlds and stay there. I don’t want people to move to any lower populated server and then move back. Mug’s “snowball effect” would still be a problem if they moved back.

Do y’all have ideas on how to provide an incentive for people to move to a lower populated without major issues?

World Populations (particularly Kaineng)

in WvW

Posted by: Mog.1589


There already is an incentive to transferring to a lower pop server. It’s called reduced queue times.

All A.Net needs to do is turn off free transfers to High/Full servers and only allow free transfers to Low/Medium pop servers. Simple solution which I think they will do once they fix the guild influence issue and get guesting in.

[LGN] Legion For We Are Many – a Blackgate guild

World Populations (particularly Kaineng)

in WvW

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


There already is an incentive to transferring to a lower pop server. It’s called reduced queue times.

Decreased queue times are not enough to make up for the loss of upgrades, influence, and members who do not wish to leave the server.

There is also the problem of people preferring to sit in queue for four hours and win than instantly enter wvw and lose.

Basically, as things stand now, the damage is already done and most low pop servers will never leave the bottom third of the rankings. As free transfers continue population will continue to trickle upwards towards winning servers further cementing the tier disparity.

It will also be difficult for Anet to solve this population problem, if they even care enough to. Incentives to out weigh ‘winning’ and the other costs I mentioned above will have to be so large that they will alienate high population server players.

So really in the end, Anet wrecked wvw for half the servers, can’t fix it, the end. Better just bite the bullet and transfer to a high pop server unless you like swimming in the sea of mediocrity that the bottom 6 or 9 servers are.

World Populations (particularly Kaineng)

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Except we’re having way more fun in WvW and losing than you guys are having in a 4 hours long queue and winning.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia