World Rankings as of 10/5

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Habib Loew.6239

Habib Loew.6239

Gameplay Programmer


Here are the world rankings as of the end of the 9/29 00:00 UTC to 10/6 00:00 UTC matchup.


ArenaNet Gameplay Programmer

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Habib Loew.6239


Habib Loew.6239

Gameplay Programmer

Here are the results as raw text for those of you using them on websites, etc.:

Name Rank Delta Rating Delta Deviation Volatility
Henge of Denravi 1 0 2139.487 -3.537 196.388 0.969
Jade Quarry 2 1 2085.029 41.021 197.145 0.971
Eredon Terrace 3 1 2027.236 39.637 205.82 0.973
Stormbluff Isle 4 -2 2011.719 -35.714 194.363 0.969
Isle of Janthir 5 0 1786.07 7.875 197.26 0.97
Blackgate 6 2 1743.089 49.651 192.673 0.971
Crystal Desert 7 -1 1690.733 -45.73 199.915 0.973
Dragonbrand 8 -1 1687.043 -40.129 195.482 0.971
Tarnished Coast 9 2 1666.646 96.312 191.598 0.974
Sea of Sorrows 10 0 1595.67 0.101 191.894 0.968
Maguuma 11 3 1587.102 139.361 192.691 0.979
Fort Aspenwood 12 -3 1586.597 -11.611 194.594 0.969
Yak’s Bend 13 0 1457.452 -71.957 193.38 0.974
Sanctum of Rall 14 3 1449.646 78.437 190.841 0.971
Northern Shiverpeaks 15 4 1440.231 105.522 207.212 0.986
Gate of Madness 16 -4 1436.989 -96.345 191.637 0.973
Ehmry Bay 17 -2 1363.606 -69.045 193.984 0.972
Sorrow’s Furnace 18 -2 1340.206 -48.253 190.801 0.969
Darkhaven 19 -1 1336.879 -30.3 191.127 0.969
Anvil Rock 20 0 1129.947 -39.867 201.759 0.978
Ferguson’s Crossing 21 1 1085.325 63.302 223.228 0.978
Borlis Pass 22 -1 1061.163 -64.62 208.581 0.977
Devona’s Rest 23 0 654.809 -68.877 211.564 0.976
Kaineng 24 0 631.153 15.263 221.084 0.976

Name Rank Delta Rating Delta Deviation Volatility
Vizunah Square FR 1 0 2072.236 14.06 204.729 0.972
Far Shiverpeaks 2 0 1884.769 -1.941 197.626 0.969
Riverside DE 3 0 1854.658 -11.918 198.315 0.969
Arborstone FR 4 2 1847.79 144.93 192.929 0.981
Elona Reach DE 5 2 1794.193 98.412 190.852 0.973
Augury Rock FR 6 -1 1690.918 -32.422 192.184 0.968
Desolation 7 -3 1688.912 -115.888 194.941 0.976
Seafarer’s Rest 8 2 1677.895 47.171 190.441 0.969
Kodash DE 9 -1 1646.664 -27.389 190.599 0.967
Aurora Glade 10 3 1641.794 78.984 190.601 0.971
Blacktide 11 0 1631.726 5.739 190.221 0.966
Gunnar’s Hold 12 -3 1590.644 -71.523 191.311 0.97
Gandara 13 3 1557.526 12.234 193.869 0.968
Baruch Bay SP 14 -2 1554.792 -53.024 190.558 0.968
Fort Ranik FR 15 -1 1536.396 -14.812 190.589 0.967
Jade Sea FR 16 -1 1484.671 -64.86 191.326 0.975
Ring of Fire 17 3 1455.14 102.203 192.382 0.974
Underworld 18 -1 1429.923 -16.101 192.559 0.969
Abaddon’s Mouth DE 19 -1 1418.271 4.247 193.775 0.97
Piken Square 20 1 1322.07 19.127 192.494 0.968
Miller’s Sound DE 21 2 1299.155 92.668 192.961 0.974
Vabbi 22 -3 1236.665 -121.163 192.382 0.977
Drakkar Lake DE 23 2 1222.095 88.186 207.59 0.976
Whiteside Ridge 24 -2 1179.482 -75.948 193.669 0.972
Dzagonur DE 25 -1 1129.986 -17.423 194.712 0.976
Ruins of Surmia 26 0 885.46 -30.012 200.423 0.975
Fissure of Woe 27 0 766.273 -54.658 205.182 0.974

ArenaNet Gameplay Programmer

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Cimmric.7623


Great stuff! Thank you for working on this!

Kaineng for the win…
Proud member of CNB

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: FourthVariety.5463


Same top tier match in Europe third week in a row. It is starting to get boring, because everybody knows each other’s behavioral characteristics and time tables. Week2 was a clone of week1, and week 3 certainly is not looking any different.

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Gibbonici.9437


Bit disappointing to lose two places due to having no night crew but there’s not much you can do about that.

Whiteside Ridge [JG] [PiP]
Yetas – Human Ranger
Ramonn Yetas – Human Rifle Warrior

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: norman.7026


140 point increase! Nice work, Maguuma.

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: hyttemaier.7950


I once won in chess, cause my opponent was sleeping

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


kitten… so close to d1.. :/
Next week VS on our sight !

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

So VS and FS will be paired forever …
Seriously guys this is becoming more then annoying .
Don’t you think people are already bored enough to always play in the same rotation and knowing one week before how this will end ?
You need to revise your score system imho .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Problem is, against which would you make FS ?
They no match all the other serv, except VS… so if you want easy win with no challenge, yes let’s move FS out of the d1…. :/

When you play game like daoc or warhammer online, you play during few year against the same guys, it pretty funny to see ppl crying for change after 1 month..

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

Oh thank you Mr. Nostradamus to show me how things will go in future .
Also comparing warhammer to this game …
GW2 and WAR are two different things , you are not playing versus people of your own server .
I’m not sure FS would easy win versus other servers in lower brackets anyway since the night capping population in here is very few and there are lowest servers that can cover night time better IMHO .
If you never try you’ll never know it .
Also isn’t VS easy winning every rotation ?
What about for one single time FS , maybe , wins a rotation ?
Is this going to be so bad or you’ll just give one less frustrating WvW week to people playing on that server?
inbefore the "this is a war " " you just QQ" " organize better or stop whining" arguments.

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


organize better or stop whining" arguments.

Pretty fun to see you say that when you"r nevertheless able to make “operation Borodino” vs VS and win…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


tbh, they should switch how it works with the tiers… Should have 6 worlds in each tier.. and 1/2 week matches then swap so that you change 1 server from each match and then again after 1/2 weeks.. I agree it gets very boring with same opponents..

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: DeeJayTC.5487


You can find the current Rankings in a somewhat better form here:

However one thing that comes to my mind…how predictable are the matchings?
Taken from the last matches..noone looses more than roughly 130 points and noone wins more than that..average winning and loosing is roughly 60 points.

So if i take that roughly 60 points win/loose i could predict how the next matches MIGHT be….
anyone interested in that?

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Conner.4702


And here I thought a win-loss record would determine who would face who. Instead you get a weird points system that in the end will pretty much stalemate the rankings with very little deviation. It’s already doing so with a third week of VS, FS and RS. If you are going to keep this system at least switch around which colour people represent.

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: DeeJayTC.5487


well….servers are so close together (besides 1st and 2nd) that there´s still a high possibility for a switch.

At least places 3-7 can switch with very litle changes

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Twinbros.5372


Judging from the maps looks like CD and Dragonbrand already have a truce. To all TC I say we focus CD to ensure they never make it to the number 1 spot. If they dont want to focus the realm in 1st spot then we should ensure they never see it either.

Tarnished Coast. 80 Elementalist , 80 Ranger, 80 Mesmer, 80 Guardian

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Sondergaard.8469


There’s an easy solution if you’re tired of your server being paired against the same people all the time. Transfers are still free. Move to another server that needs the help.

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Krag.6210


I can’t wait to play against two french servers next week week.
Seriously, Far Shiverpeaks, Riverside and Elone reach are the real top3 servers and deserve to play in the same pool.
Put the french baddies together (as they’re aren’t top3 worthy) before everyone gets bored of wvwvw.

I like losing, but only when I could have won.

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

French server moving up the ladder, German servers moving down.

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


Seriously, Far Shiverpeaks, Riverside and Elone reach are the real top3 servers and deserve to play in the same pool.

And on what basis do you calculate that ? Riverside is getting crushed by VS 3 weeks in a row.

Vizunah Square [FR]

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: DaysOfNIght.5928


Unless Riverside improve i doubt they will be in EU T1 next week. My money is on Arborstone, but who knows.

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: DeeJayTC.5487


taken from the average win/loss ratio i´ve taken from my database….

IF the servers achieve similar results this week as last week….first tier parings will likely be the the point differences are too high.

For EU
– Riverside and Arborstone might switch places
– It´s highly likely that Augury Rock and Desolation change their tiers..(Desolation up and Augury down)

For NA
– Stormbluff and Eredon could change.
– Maybe Blackgate could move one tier lower…

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: vento.7913


Desolation will hardly improve its ranks. Not well organized and apparently lost many of it WvW players and its slowly changing into a PVE server.

Personally the worst thing in WvW right now are free transfers and orbs.
It makes server rankings meaningless as WvW players keep jumping from server to server. Orbs on the other side are simply hacked and exploit constantly favoring the hackers and the servers they are playing on (nothing against the servers itself as they can jump from server to server freely).

WvW is “end game” for me but unfortunately its loosing its appeal more and more.

Mad Vento – Norn Warrior – squishy lvl 80
Desolation since Beta

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


Bah never I knew I was on #1 server, anyway this ranking reflects really good with players on the server.

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Ananda.8241


If you are interested, here’s a simple php script that I made to calculate how the score will change, given the data at the first post and the score (actually, the ratio of the scores are sufficient). No guarantee that it is accurate or bug free.

I was curious how much my server (SBI) needs to win in order to gain points (which turns out to be: if we win by less than 10% more than the combined score of our enemies, we will actually lose points and may not be able to get back to t1)

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: DeeJayTC.5487


Well, my page is done in ..but that helps at least a bit.

This was something i wanted to do…. let people enter the “current” scores and try to predict the outcome

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Selo.1250



FS is getting crappier and crappier, many good pvp players have quit or only go to one bordermap.

Yet, i dont think VZ is number 1, or number 2 for that matter. Most of their points they get during the night. When theres even numbers, VZ almost never have the highest points.
Its only now when noone from FS or River go there becouse the gap is to big, that VZ gets a little more points.

VZ is basicly only fighting the PvErs that are there to fight the giant grub, people that think their experts but are proven wrong 1 minute later, and people that are blindly hitting a fully upgraded SM crammed with sieges and 40 players defending it during the day now.

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


Edit: Wait, so are these from the previous match up then and not this week? So confusing when they post these in the middle of a new match up. OK numbers make sense then….

(edited by Moderator)

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Lymain.6723


Outside of the servers with full coverage, I wish they’d match servers based on playtimes. My server (TC) has a strong NA presense, a weaker Euro presence, and a practically non-existent Oceanic presence. Since this system only takes total score into account, we end up matched up against servers like SoS and DB, which have pretty much the exact opposite playtimes (especially SoS). Even though the scores may end up fairly close in those matches, they’re not really competitive at all.

[AS] Tarnished Coast

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Lubrication.8734


Sweet looks like Yak’s will have SoR and NSP again next week! Having agreat match atm, look forward to it again next week!

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Kagros.8270


Sweet looks like Yak’s will have SoR and NSP again next week! Having agreat match atm, look forward to it again next week!

Yeah! I’m so glad I moved from Eredon Terrace to Northern Shiverpeaks. I want ET wiped out and meet them on the field someday >:O But I love whats going on between Yaks and SoR and NSP, very good fighting c:

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Well, it’s seems i’m a little presumptuous when i said next week it’s PA vs VS and FS….
So Elona up in D1 next, gg to them, great fight, and go kick the * of VS for us

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: ExcEsc.8426


Any updates for this week?

Rhaenys Suenaga [EXI] – Exitializ, Guardian

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: elderan.2638


Where are the new rankings?

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


They haven’t rendered yet. :X

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Sui.2586


That, or they logged out and are still in queue ;-)

Generation Gaming
Isle of Janthir

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Lativado.2308


They don’t love wvw anymore … no new rankings ever!

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541

Not bad for Seafarer’s Rest to reach tier 2 being the only Medium populated server & not having a dedicated night crew

Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Torra.9805


How about a listing of Server population that WvW? because all this shows mostly is who has the larger zerg on for more hours. Very rarely is it balanaced to have really good back and forth matches. most of the time it is all about one server completly dominating the other two server to the point no one plays WvW for the remainder of the week.

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: LoneCrow.6912


GOM there you go -4 delta .. guilds leaving for other servers .. rest of us stuck here to basically not be able to play anymore.

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Archaeneoso.8461


Why is this thread still tagged/live? Shouldnt it just be the 19th one?