World V World only mounts

World V World only mounts

in WvW

Posted by: Thefopishdandy.5863



From the little WvW that ive done, It takes a very long time traversing the map. does anyone know of a quicker way or do you think NC would consider Mounts specifically for WvW . Speed or Style determined by rank of player

World V World only mounts

in WvW

Posted by: Marrond.1385


You don’t need mounts. You need organised Mesmer metro. Simply make few Mesmers to do chain portals and move huge zerg arround map with no time. I believe that TL did thing like this on a great scale in BWEs? Anyway it is possible it just require you to actualy organise with your people. Deal with it, it’s not solo type of game and you need to rely on each other and work together as one in order to make successfull moves in WvW. If you mean walking to each place alone half day then well… you can invest in building portals in your Keeps – it works amazing. Yeah it requires $$ but it’s worth it if you care for anything more than braindead deathmatch at WvW.

World V World only mounts

in WvW

Posted by: Isomyr.6319


Please dont add mounts, whether to spec for movement speed is currently an important choice for any WvWvW player and requires sacrifices in other areas. it is also an essential choice for anybody wanting to participate in small scale WvWvW.

Adding mounts would remove this choice, push everybody to either damage / defence builds with little to no thought given to mobility.

It would also give further incentive to just zerg it up.

Please no mounts or other movement buffs in WvWvW that do not come from a conscious character build decision.

World V World only mounts

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


No please. Not only would this further empower the zerg, but it would also lessen the amount of pvp that goes on (in a pvp zone mind you). See red, mount up and run. There they cant kill you.

As someone who played WoW from open beta, as mounts became more available and faster world pvp diminished. We don’t need less pvp in a pvp centric zone.

World V World only mounts

in WvW

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Please dont add mounts, whether to spec for movement speed is currently an important choice for any WvWvW player and requires sacrifices in other areas. it is also an essential choice for anybody wanting to participate in small scale WvWvW.

Adding mounts would remove this choice, push everybody to either damage / defence builds with little to no thought given to mobility.

It would also give further incentive to just zerg it up.

Please no mounts or other movement buffs in WvWvW that do not come from a conscious character build decision.

This. No mounts. No extra way points. This is essential to keep WvW viable.

If you want non stop action then play spvp.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

World V World only mounts

in WvW

Posted by: Trismegistos.3046


no mounts tyvm.

World V World only mounts

in WvW

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


no mounts but give every profession the same options for passive movement speed buffs.

Mesmer and Guardian get shafted compared to thief and Elementalist.

World V World only mounts

in WvW

Posted by: eladox.3457


No no no no no.
Bgs are already too small and there is no penalty for dying. This is not a deathmatch game.
Borderlands should be enlargened by a factor of 2-3 and eternal battleground by a factor of at least 4. WvW is too cluttered.

World V World only mounts

in WvW

Posted by: Ashgan.7025


no mounts but give every profession the same options for passive movement speed buffs.

Mesmer and Guardian get shafted compared to thief and Elementalist.

guardians are fine and in fact are a good way to boost several people around with a staff.