Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Not the way I did this time. I will absolutely not go out of my way to do it. If it happens, that’s fine. If it doesn’t, that’s fine too. There’s a good chance that I will take a break and finish some other games instead of season two, as I did not care for season one.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: Myst Dawnbringer.9138

Myst Dawnbringer.9138

Not an extreme WvW here but I worked pretty hard to finish this achievement. I did not really believe I could finish it until I did about 3 days before the end. It took me a little over 2 weeks of pretty constant play to finish about 8-12 hours a day.

But I liked the Mini Yak. But if the rewards are going to be the same. No I don’t think I would do it again. I expected at least one nice piece of something, one ascended weapon or armor piece. Maybe in the higher worlds they got better stuff but we did come in 3rd. The crafting Items were nice. But besides that I got 4 golds and and a bunch of greens. Now since the ascended stuff anything exotic or below is just salvage fodder or vendor trash.

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: Sobiech.9613


It was grindy but I’ve done things in games considered more so (not necessarily in GW2). I’d do the season 2 meta but the sentries and yaks need to be toned down numerically.

Reine Tovar [HoTR] – Mesmer
Aerika [HoTR] – Necromancer

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: ShiningMassXAcc.4735


Yes, if they said exactly what the rewards were beforehand just like the do for PVE LS arcs (and stuck by what they said)

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: TheGrimm.5624


Just in game 5 weeks and have arrived here from a PvP/WvW game that is closing. Started WvW right before the season began. Found it a little odd to be rewarded for things I was going to do anyway. Now that the seaon is over not much changes, the other servers have stuff they shouldn’t, that needs to change. Taking those things back from them and preventing them from having them in the first place is the reward, course could be that was the goal in the other game and I am biased but. … 2 cents.

Season 1 to a new comer was more about bragging rights. If you make it about Elite rewards and gear, you will have mass transfers to servers before the start of a new season which will also in the long term create a gap between server balance.

Hats off to the winners, makes them more interesting targets in the upcoming fights. Good hunting!


De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: Solstice.1097


answer YES because I play WvW.

so if in 7 weeks I have to take 30 minutes of my time to do the 4 jumping puzzles real quick to get the loot I will.

everything else just happens naturally in playing wvw. the sentries, dolyaks, merc camps, ruins were too much, but hey I didn’t even do them and still got the meta so no problem.

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: nirvana.8245


I would get the achievements regardless of whether I went for them or not. The only thing I would have to go out of my way for is the JPs. The BL JPs take around 2 minutes. OS takes around 10 minutes or 2 minutes if your lucky enough to arrive with a mesmer porting. So yeah, for what I got from the chest for an extra 8-16 minutes of my time I would definitely go for the achievements next season.

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: Deep Sleep.4568

Deep Sleep.4568

i probly will passivly but there is no way ill be as hardcore just to rank better. no 4 hour gaurd dutty in the tower no scouting to find enemy zerg, and deffinitly no hanging around ruines to keep blood lust

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


No. I will not put in extra effort to complete the achievements if the rewards are the same as they were for season one. Going around in circles taking the ruins? Trying to get “x” number of sentry caps? Doing the JPS? I did what I had to do to complete the season 1 achievement and then focused on the real WvW. As it was I got the key at the start of the second week and never once stepped foot in EB during the whole 7 weeks of the season.

Face it taking ruins and sentries gives you the chance at nothing whereas killing the enemy at least gives you the chance at a loot bag. Sad thing is when the season was over the wife and I took the time to go and do the “Nightmares Within” Living story set of achievements as we had not touched them during the 7 weeks of the season. We finished that in 2 days and got more from that then we did from those 7 weeks.

Theftwind (HoD)

(edited by Theftwind.8976)

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: Bawi.9541


just like season 1; no. there’s some achievements in the meta i’d have to do that are so little fun, that no amount of rewards could make me do it.
but i guess there’s loads of people whose standards are lower. they’d go as far as to transfer servers for 3 green items and a few skill points xD
GJ anet. on so many levels. honestly

Ele / Guardian

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

No I will not be participating in more seasonal achievements. I wasn’t one of those poeple who wasted server spots and time trying to grind out the achieves, I was trying to win the season, and I got nothing to show for it. I’m not even close to finishing the achieve because I didn’t spend time grinding away on sentries, merc camps, ect. I go to wvw to play wvw not grind out achieves. I think the season thing was a nice idea, I think the achieves-on a long term basis- would be a good idea, but I think the addition of both at once was a bad move.

~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


Meh. If Anet make it possible to just play and still get the reward – fine. But they won’t of course.

Some people claim to have done the achies ‘passively’. i.e. just in the normal course of play – I call foul. There’s no way anyone could have got the mercenary one’s without deliberately grinding them. Simply being in EB instead of a borderland is grind to most regular players.
Alternative would be to have done the JPs – enough said.

I shamefully admit to have ground out those necessary tasks, all of them except the JPs. I tried not to waste supply or make unnecessary siege or rush ahead of everyone else to try to get to the dolly first but it was hard and sometimes I felt guilty that I wasn’t doing something more useful than waiting around for the Hyleks to pop.

I’m glad it’s over.

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


yes i will as i did with first season achievements too, didnt aimed for them but gained them with normal wvw play ( apart from the JP/ruins ones )

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Would you complete Season 2 achievements?

in WvW

Posted by: Suniahk.7268


I would say no.

I enjoy playing WvW. I really do. But I’m a casual player. I don’t have the luxury of playing WvW 4 – 8 hours a day to get the achievements in a week. And often times, the only progress I made towards the achievements was made because I ran with a zerg. Could I solo a supply camp to grind one more point towards an achievement? Sure. Is it a lot more fun to play with other people, guildmates or no? You bet it is. And playing maybe an hour or two every few days during non-peak times makes doing so extremely difficult.

TL;DR: Tying WvW participation to achievements is a quick way to make non-hardcore players shy away from WvW. Or, at the very least, make them feel shafted.