Wow seriously?
It’s pretty ridiculous that the PvP players get a pass on this crap but we are stuck with it. It was impossible to watch for tells in combat because so many animations were bugging out. The joke is fine for when people log on but you need to give an opt out button for WvW.
Completely screwed dueling. I cannot see a windup coming thanks to the reset of the animation effects.
I just came back after a few months and this is a nice reminder as to why I left.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
(edited by Straegen.2938)
Kitten, its like people think the world is ending.
Its one day, allow some people their fun. Thanks.
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
Yeah I could have done without it. Which is good because I needed a break from playing anyway. Been playing too much as it is. Thank you Anet for forcing a break for me.
(And I do really mean this in the most sincere way, I really need to not play this game for a day.)
(edited by nightblood.7910)
Kitten, its like people think the world is ending.
Its one day, allow some people their fun. Thanks.
Not all of us find stuff like this fun. Alot find it extremely aggravating and distracting. It should be optional. A simple toggle switch so those that enjoy this crap can have it, and those of us that hate it dont have to deal with it isnt too much to ask for. You’d think they would have learned after last year with the bobbleheads. Its extremely distracting in combat. I’d like to have the option to disable it. Why should i have to just not play for a day just so some people can have fun? why is their fun any more important than mine?
Its only 1 day enjoy the prank :P
Just the WvW
Its only 1 day
enjoy the prank :P
What if i followed you around all day long, poking you in the back of the head or screaming in your ear constantly, just for one day though? It’s only for 1 day though so it shouldn’t matter right? Doesn’t matter if its only 1 day. Its annoying and those of us that don’t want to deal with it shouldn’t be forced to. it should be OPTIONAL!
Lol seriously guys one day out of the entire year chill out its just a bit of fun have a laugh with the joke n be more laid back. Turn off your ingame sounds if its that bad there are more important things to get so stressed about.
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
Not one to complain but the “April Fools” prank is not enjoyable. It messes with character movement and its caused a bunch of bugs and glitches while I’ve been in WvW, not to mention if they had time to implement this slock why is more not being done with the horrible skill lag in PvP and WvW? I enjoy this game but this is getting ridiculous.
Its only 1 day
enjoy the prank :P
What if i followed you around all day long, poking you in the back of the head or screaming in your ear constantly, just for one day though? It’s only for 1 day though so it shouldn’t matter right? Doesn’t matter if its only 1 day. Its annoying and those of us that don’t want to deal with it shouldn’t be forced to. it should be OPTIONAL!
None of what is happening in game is even remotely close to anything you are suggesting. Unreasonable hyperbole, doesn’t really aid your argument in my opinion.
Kitten, its like people think the world is ending.
Its one day, allow some people their fun. Thanks.
Not all of us find stuff like this fun. Alot find it extremely aggravating and distracting. It should be optional. A simple toggle switch so those that enjoy this crap can have it, and those of us that hate it dont have to deal with it isnt too much to ask for. You’d think they would have learned after last year with the bobbleheads. Its extremely distracting in combat. I’d like to have the option to disable it. Why should i have to just not play for a day just so some people can have fun? why is their fun any more important than mine?
You seem to be missing the point.
Its ONE day of your life. Its a day of fun and pranks. Pranks that not everyone find funny. But so what? I am not a person for these things either, but hell its not difficult to just allow them their fun.
Stop being such a sourkitten.
As coglin said, taking the situation out of context isn’t helping your already hopeless case.
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
They should bring back the orbs for a day so the fly hackers can role play
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
The April fool’s junk is bad enough as it. Now I discover it’s also plagued WvW.
Bad move Anet. How am I supposed to enjoy WvW with this crap?
PvP players, as probably noted to death, were not plagued with this mess.
What’s really bad?
Is the fact that they dropped it into the MIDDLE of a huge fight in WvW on EB on my server… and then the servers rebooted and kicked us ALL out.
Someone somewhere does NOT know how to tell time or warn that a point-grabbing problem is about to happen.
It wasn’t funny and it wasn’t even cool.
What’s even worse? The bug that holds arms in permanent bow firing position is very much like the position they put us into today.
Not funny and not productive.
They should bring back the orbs for a day so the fly hackers can role play
Hey, since they are ignoring all types of hacking, why not?
Its only 1 day
enjoy the prank :P
What if i followed you around all day long, poking you in the back of the head or screaming in your ear constantly, just for one day though? It’s only for 1 day though so it shouldn’t matter right? Doesn’t matter if its only 1 day. Its annoying and those of us that don’t want to deal with it shouldn’t be forced to. it should be OPTIONAL!
Just spend this whole day on forum. Problem solved.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
So many white knights here defending this. I don’t find it enjoyable. It makes the game unplayable for me. I’m simply asking for an option to turn it off for myself. How does that take away from the people that do find it fun? I have to sit through something i dont enjoy or just not play at all so other people can have fun? sounds fair. I really dont think having the option to turn these things off for myself is too much to ask for.
So many white knights here defending this. I don’t find it enjoyable. It makes the game unplayable for me. I’m simply asking for an option to turn it off for myself. How does that take away from the people that do find it fun? I have to sit through something i dont enjoy or just not play at all so other people can have fun? sounds fair. I really dont think having the option to turn these things off for myself is too much to ask for.
I like the airplane noises my character make when running around. If that harms your delicate sensibilities, that I enjoy the sound effects and the spirit of the holiday, that is your problem. You should probably share your opinion constructively, without attacking and name calling folks for enjoying the spirit of the fun. (Ooooh, white knights, what an original and witty insult. Is that even an insult? does that make those with opposing opinions of a white knight a troll? Don’t knights slay trolls?)
So many white knights here defending this. I don’t find it enjoyable. It makes the game unplayable for me. I’m simply asking for an option to turn it off for myself. How does that take away from the people that do find it fun? I have to sit through something i dont enjoy or just not play at all so other people can have fun? sounds fair. I really dont think having the option to turn these things off for myself is too much to ask for.
I’d understand your concerns if it was like this 364 days a year but it is only 1. And way less annoying then last years april fool.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
So many white knights here defending this. I don’t find it enjoyable. It makes the game unplayable for me. I’m simply asking for an option to turn it off for myself. How does that take away from the people that do find it fun? I have to sit through something i dont enjoy or just not play at all so other people can have fun? sounds fair. I really dont think having the option to turn these things off for myself is too much to ask for.
I like the airplane noises my character make when running around. If that harms your delicate sensibilities, that I enjoy the sound effects and the spirit of the holiday, that is your problem. You should probably share your opinion constructively, without attacking and name calling folks for enjoying the spirit of the fun. (Ooooh, white knights, what an original and witty insult. Is that even an insult? does that make those with opposing opinions of a white knight a troll? Don’t knights slay trolls?)
And no one is saying you shouldn’t be able to enjoy it. We just want the option to turn it off from our end so we don’t have to see it.
I’m a roamer, when I’m in small scale, or 1vX fights I need to be able to see wind up animations to win outnumbered fights.
They understood the joke ruins combat, that’s why PvP got a pass. By forcing it on WvW players they are once again showing that WvW isn’t important like their precious esport.
It’s only 1 day that you don’t control your character. I wonder how many more days i won’t be controlling my character? This is a joke on the customers. I hope Anet is as understanding when we play a joke on them.
Wasn’t April fools a Children thingy??
No offense to people who like it.
But Why did they Exclude PvP, and not WvW(there Large Scale PvP Format).
Player vsPLayer =Player vs Player.
The number of people who attent to it at the same time shouldn’t make a difference.
And Anet seems to be haveing way to much time on there hands to make this instead of fixing the BUGS, that are ingame for months and months and months on end.
So Quit FOOLING around and go fix your game.
Ps. Why don’t they Hold a POLL to see if people still wanne have April Fool Joke.
If more then 50% doesn’t then Remove it from the yearly rotation.
Wasn’t April fools a Children thingy??
No offense to people who like it.But Why did they Exclude PvP, and not WvW(there Large Scale PvP Format).
Player vsPLayer =Player vs Player.
The number of people who attent to it at the same time shouldn’t make a difference.And Anet seems to be haveing way to much time on there hands to make this instead of fixing the BUGS, that are ingame for months and months and months on end.
So Quit FOOLING around and go fix your game.Ps. Why don’t they Hold a POLL to see if people still wanne have April Fool Joke.
If more then 50% doesn’t then Remove it from the yearly rotation.
There isn’t even a need for the poll. They can make it optional, the same way the bobble head one is now optional. Some people enjoy it and there isn’t any reason to take that away from them. In fact I encourage every player I’m fighting to use it so you will be at a disadvantage in the fight.
Enjoy this day! Relax and have fun people \o
Flipping your camps since 2014 :3
Enjoy this day! Relax and have fun people \o
How can I enjoy the day when I make crappy airplane noises and can’t roam because I can’t tell what skills the enemy is using..
While i agree its just a prank, it needs to stay out of any part of the game that is competitive because it does adversely affect game play. Seriously, half of your survivability in WvW depends on you seeing telegraphs properly.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
This is soooo stupid, you cant see any of the skills the enemy uses, THX ANET. How about fixing the network lag instead of making the game unplayable.
Once again, esports, esports, esports. PvP gets specially attention, WvW gets no attention and no respect…
Hey, look on the bright side. If you guys hang around here crying about it long enough, it’ll be gone by the time you log back in.
Really? It is only for one day. If u don’t like it, then let GW2 be for a day and enjoy real life. Screw ur partner(s), get out, drink a glass of wine while you make fun of bad movies with friends, read the book you always wanted to read, but couldn’t get around to do so, or do smth else. There are so many more options
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Really? It is only for one day. If u don’t like it, then let GW2 be for a day and enjoy real life. Screw ur partner(s), get out, drink a glass of wine while you make fun of bad movies with friends, read the book you always wanted to read, but couldn’t get around to do so, or do smth else. There are so many more options
While i understand the sentiment, fact is for some of us we used logging in to something like WvW for an hour or so as a means of unwinding at the end of the day since that might be all we have time for/ability to do and now that isn’t an option.
I dunno, seems more like Anet has excelled at finding new ways to turn people off from playing their game than encouraging it.
I’ll probably just log in to get my daily prezzie and run in a circle for 5 minutes then log out just so i can say I saw it, but thats about it. So much for de-stressing tonight…
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
I noticed ‘Hyperbole’ being used multiple times to flame users who complained about this prank.
Does the over use of ‘Hyperbole’ make it ‘Hyper-hyperbole’.
Just musing.
I’m glad A-net put this in WvW. WvW is not a serious game mode. It’s the least balanced mode and more of a numbers/coverage game than anything else. It’s fine with me to have this sillyness there for one day out of the year
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
i also love the joke of arenanet this year lol xD. specially the airplane blob noises, its like SPAM 1 !!!! XD
Actually it looks more like two days if they don’t switch it back soon. But whatever. All I know there was a huge population drop in WvW in general yesterday on my server.
But I am sure it was just a coincidence.
Kitten, its like people think the world is ending.
Its one day, allow some people their fun. Thanks.
See I’m all for April’s Fools pranks (if done right, that is), and while some people certainly overreact, it’s still hell of a dumb thing they pulled there. I do not consider it ‘fun’, at least not after the first minute. From there onwards it is annoying (highly annoying), and that’s about it. It has no place in WvW, and even in PvE there should at least be a way to get rid off it entirely after that first minute of fun when heading into the potential hours of annoyance.
I appreciate they put some effort into it, but I guess we should also tell them if the result of their work sucks, no?
And there is only one thing we say to Death: ‘Not today’.
See I’m all for April’s Fools pranks (if done right, that is), and while some people certainly overreact, it’s still hell of a dumb thing they pulled there. I do not consider it ‘fun’, at least not after the first minute. From there onwards it is annoying (highly annoying), and that’s about it. It has no place in WvW, and even in PvE there should at least be a way to get rid off it entirely after that first minute of fun when heading into the potential hours of annoyance.
I appreciate they put some effort into it, but I guess we should also tell them if the result of their work sucks, no?
Put some effort into making it, true… Then put zero effort into actually testing it.
Anyone in their right mind would instantly see that the effect should have limited to certain areas, such as the city zones or something. That would have been enough to avoid this whole debacle. It should never have been a game wide thing. Even with the way they did it, it doesnt make sense that PvP was excluded, but WvW was not.
Another thing that just shows Anet doesnt care one bit about WvW. They dont consider it PvP, its that bad. To them its just PvE?
This is also ignoring the fact that the only game mode that the “prank” really break is WvW.
(edited by Dawdler.8521)
My only issue was the lack of contrast with the Sepia. Since I’m colorblind, it started to make my eyes hurt. Thankfully, I could turn that off by turning off post-processing.
The only other issues I had with it was that Mesmer clones weren’t sticking out their arms. That wasn’t helpful in PvP.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
There are two sides I can see, it was fun, but at the same time it does stick in my back as this is a “change” that affects my character. It feels altered as if Im not in controll on what I have been working on. Call me crazy but it is what it is. I feel it would’ve been better off if it was just a timed buff that would go away after an hour, instead of having to go through this the whole day.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
So many white knights here defending this. I don’t find it enjoyable. It makes the game unplayable for me. I’m simply asking for an option to turn it off for myself. How does that take away from the people that do find it fun? I have to sit through something i dont enjoy or just not play at all so other people can have fun? sounds fair. I really dont think having the option to turn these things off for myself is too much to ask for.
I like the airplane noises my character make when running around. If that harms your delicate sensibilities, that I enjoy the sound effects and the spirit of the holiday, that is your problem. You should probably share your opinion constructively, without attacking and name calling folks for enjoying the spirit of the fun. (Ooooh, white knights, what an original and witty insult. Is that even an insult? does that make those with opposing opinions of a white knight a troll? Don’t knights slay trolls?)
And no one is saying you shouldn’t be able to enjoy it. We just want the option to turn it off from our end so we don’t have to see it.
I’m a roamer, when I’m in small scale, or 1vX fights I need to be able to see wind up animations to win outnumbered fights.
They understood the joke ruins combat, that’s why PvP got a pass. By forcing it on WvW players they are once again showing that WvW isn’t important like their precious esport.
There is no point upon picking on people who enjoyed it. Think, if it messed you up, how many others had you fought that also were messed up? Also, maybe you could have just partied with a few people and got away from your norm for 1 day. And I agree with what DancingMonkey said, there was no need for the name calling and calling everyone’s posts out that enjoyed it. That was extremely childish. You have your opinions, we have ours. I personally was neutral, I didn’t care for it nor did I enjoy it. It was there, I worked with it and ignored it. I understand, the animations were screwed up, that must have sucked, but guess what. Today, it’s completely OKAY. (:
So many white knights here defending this. I don’t find it enjoyable. It makes the game unplayable for me. I’m simply asking for an option to turn it off for myself. How does that take away from the people that do find it fun? I have to sit through something i dont enjoy or just not play at all so other people can have fun? sounds fair. I really dont think having the option to turn these things off for myself is too much to ask for.
I like the airplane noises my character make when running around. If that harms your delicate sensibilities, that I enjoy the sound effects and the spirit of the holiday, that is your problem. You should probably share your opinion constructively, without attacking and name calling folks for enjoying the spirit of the fun. (Ooooh, white knights, what an original and witty insult. Is that even an insult? does that make those with opposing opinions of a white knight a troll? Don’t knights slay trolls?)
And no one is saying you shouldn’t be able to enjoy it. We just want the option to turn it off from our end so we don’t have to see it.
I’m a roamer, when I’m in small scale, or 1vX fights I need to be able to see wind up animations to win outnumbered fights.
They understood the joke ruins combat, that’s why PvP got a pass. By forcing it on WvW players they are once again showing that WvW isn’t important like their precious esport.
There is no point upon picking on people who enjoyed it. Think, if it messed you up, how many others had you fought that also were messed up? Also, maybe you could have just partied with a few people and got away from your norm for 1 day. And I agree with what DancingMonkey said, there was no need for the name calling and calling everyone’s posts out that enjoyed it. That was extremely childish. You have your opinions, we have ours. I personally was neutral, I didn’t care for it nor did I enjoy it. It was there, I worked with it and ignored it. I understand, the animations were screwed up, that must have sucked, but guess what. Today, it’s completely OKAY. (:
What the hell are you even talking about? Who did I pick on and where was I name calling? I said players that want to have it can have it and those that didn’t should have had the option to turn it off.
I don’t see how anyone can have a problem with giving players (especially players that enjoy small scale combat) the choice to turn off something that has a terrible affect on combat.
I solved the issue pretty easily.. What I did was :
Not play for the day, as well as my GF and daughter.