WvW 101 Basics

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: Yummee.3170


I thought I’d share some advice for WvW beginners who just started and have no idea of what they can do to help their servers. These are what I consider as basic rules that everyone should be doing regardless of the situation whether your server is ahead or behind on the scoreboard.

1) Grab supplies. Too many times I run with pugs and only 2-3 people out of a whole group actually carry supplies. Very frustrating and close to impossible on getting any sieges built or progressing in capturing any towers/keeps without supplies.

2) Resurrect the down before resurrecting the dead. It’s faster to help someone who isn’t dead yet. Once they die, it takes you up to 5 times longer to ress them. So keep people alive and you give your server a better chance in every battle.

3) Release/Respawn instead of lying around dead to be resurrected. Too many times I see dead people waiting to get ressed during a massive team fight. I never understood why people would jeopardize their teams chances of winning by lying around dead. The only time it is acceptable to wait for a ress is when you aren’t jeopardizing your team mates life. You have to know when you can wait and when must go ahead and release/respawn. Most of the time you can make it back to battle faster than waiting to get ressed.

Feel free to add anymore basic advices.

Name: Fml Yummee
Guild: Hmong Warriors
Server: Maguuma

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


Supplies are the big one for sure.

Don’t take sups from towers/keeps that are in the upgrading process. It takes much much longer to make those more defendable when one takes sups from the internal supply points. Where possible do supply runs (we aren’t making you do noob runs, everyone does it on an active and knowledgable server). Exceptions to taking from internal supplies are in times of need such as when you need to build siege quickly for defense and when you need to use supply to repair walls and doors from income attacks.

Most importantly, if you want to keep what you’ve just taken, leave a few people behind to work on upgrades and to be spotters for incoming enemies. Be specific in calling out incs…don’t just go HUGE inc. Give your people numbers, which side is attacking you, where you are. And if being siege’d you can give an approximate number percentile on what’s left on your doors/walls to let your team know it’s urgent or whatnot.

And the most most important….don’t run into the enemy border zones…you will die a horrible death and you can’t be rezzed there. Everyday I still see people do it, even though they know about it.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: Assassinin.4963


Tips for WvW noobies:

Don’t waste money repairing blue and green items. The amount of gold you saved from the repair bill will very soon buy you exotic gears on AH. It is the exotic and legendary gears that you want to repair and NOT the junky blue and green items.

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: Bibi.6817


Finish enemy players, its really annoying to see 30 players auto attacking 1 downed guy!

[CIR] Bibi Waffles
80 Mesmer

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: Yummee.3170


Finish enemy players, its really annoying to see 30 players auto attacking 1 downed guy!

I’d have to disagree. Finishing players via auto attack is more efficient than the jumping finisher. I’ve seen 10 guys try to do finisher and the down player just counters and lives another 5 seconds. Down players can’t counter auto attacks.

The only time I do a finisher is 1v1.

Name: Fml Yummee
Guild: Hmong Warriors
Server: Maguuma

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Finish enemy players, its really annoying to see 30 players auto attacking 1 downed guy!

I’d have to disagree. Finishing players via auto attack is more efficient than the jumping finisher. I’ve seen 10 guys try to do finisher and the down player just counters and lives another 5 seconds. Down players can’t counter auto attacks.

The only time I do a finisher is 1v1.

I agree. Often it is much more profitable to attack the enemy down, rather than run into the middle of the enemy group to try and stomp.

Especially with the knockbacks, teleports and what not many classes have for downed skills.

Plus downed players are a magnet for others trying to ress providing more fun AOE.

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


The most important one: Always communicate with your team about what is going on.

And another: Always look around you if you want to survive, if you see the enemy coming you will have way better chances to survive.

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


Finish enemy players, its really annoying to see 30 players auto attacking 1 downed guy!

I’d have to disagree. Finishing players via auto attack is more efficient than the jumping finisher. I’ve seen 10 guys try to do finisher and the down player just counters and lives another 5 seconds. Down players can’t counter auto attacks.

The only time I do a finisher is 1v1.

I would have thought the most efficient way is to have 9 guys autoattacking and 1 guy trying to stomp. Especially if it’s a mistform or stability stomp.

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: xtorma.1283


Look at the map. Learn to read the map. Watch for patterns. Anticipate enemy stradegy and movement by studying the map and making corelletions. If you can figure out enemy movement by watching the map, you can be in towers when they attack, and you will rake in the badges.

IMO the map is the best spy in the game. It’s a game within a game. It can be used to counter strats and decieve enemies.

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: MiasmicMist.1420


When upgrading keeps/towers, always leave 1-2 people watching a camp, and 1-2 escorting dolyaks into the said structure being upgraded.

More often than not have I been buying waypoint (I buy a waypoint in every keep owned by my guild, already paid for 5 waypoints/wall upgrades this matchup) have I seen people simply let a dolyak walk itself in..and get sniped by 1 enemy on his own. Also, seen people grab supply to go build offensive siege where the zerg is attacking, instead of stopping at a supply camp along the way.


Commander Miasmic Spiritsong
Leader of Caedas [CDS] : caedas.enjin.com
Sanctum Of Rall

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: Wildman.9641


The side that logs in the most total /played hours for the week wins. All other rules are meaningless.

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: Yummee.3170


The side that logs in the most total /played hours for the week wins. All other rules are meaningless.

It’s only true to a certain degree. I seen too many noob zergs that fail their servers big time.

You still have to know how to play. If you have 20 people and they have no idea how to take a keep/tower, then numbers mean nothing vs 5-10 players who know what to do and where to go.

Although numbers are relevant and nice to have, it’s not always a priority on my list to have.

I prefer QUALITY players over quantity useless players.

Name: Fml Yummee
Guild: Hmong Warriors
Server: Maguuma

WvW 101 Basics

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516



Whenever you pass a friendly yack…..give it some speed

In a zerg travelling, help the zerg, equip that horn and give it a toot once other speed buffs have dropped.

Need to quickly kill an enemy…pop your speed buff…it hastens your finishing move

Each time you earn 50 silver in pvp be a good un and either buy a blue print or upgrade a keep/tower

Join a guild

Join the often free voice tool used by lots in your server

When being attacked at a keep…dont yell omg help attack at Nobbys Rest, instead, call out numbers, siege status and wall/gate percent, so you dont drag the whole zone (so 15 Sea of Sparrows have 2 cata’s up on North Wall of Garrison, Wall at 75% need help"

Someone will leave it to anyone who will expect noone to do it. Yelling will someone fix a the wall at Bazooka’s Hole will not make anything happen. Do it yourself and whisper local folks to come with you.

Yelling “Dont take supply from keeps” doesnt work. Explain taking supply slows down the upgrades, whisper the person who you saw taking it and be nice. If they are a plank name n shame them and their guild. There are on occasion valid reasons (fully upgraded, emergency siege equip for defence etc to take supplies)

Dont eat cannonballs. There is no point standing outside a heavily fortified enemy tower/keep with 20 other likeminded zombies jumping up and down killing archers when you have no siege or plan or supplies. You are basically being an idiot.

If a bridge/chockpoint is contested there are basically 3 options

1) go around
2) charge (if you have numbers)
3) Portal bomb if you have competent mezz / group

Standing on the edge of the chokepoint trying to kill enemies who then get rezz’d while being to scared to commit is basically pointless and once again, you are being an idiot.

If one piece of siege is down, build it first before dropping another piece (eg rams) to avoid having no supply left and two 80% built rams.

If you are sieging a keep that is lightly defended have guardians, fear wards, traps stopping re-inforcements getting in.

Everytime you have 0 supply you should go get some more from a supply camp.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate