WvW Ability Point Feedback

WvW Ability Point Feedback

in WvW

Posted by: Chemical Rush.2569

Chemical Rush.2569

I saw that Applied Strength and Applied Fortitude are being removed. I don’t like this because a lot of us WvW’ers rely on those buffs because we don’t PvE much and don’t have ascended and/or legendary items, where as the heavy PvE’ers who come into WvW do (but they traditionally didn’t have the Applied buffs). Some people do both, but a lot of us don’t.

One big inequality is that farming in PvE doesn’t require any real skill or specific armor. Some of the dungeons maybe, but for farming no. Too many people are there to carry the zerg. Anyone just needs to land a few hits on a mob and they’re home free. And there are zergs farming the starting zone, so people can start PvE farming within the first 10 levels, level a character and get better gold, karma (which can be turned into more gold or gear), and items.

It’s no more fun than running Dolyaks, but people who run Dolyaks don’t get anything, so no one does it (even though it’s supposedly important enough to get an update in the expansion). People who do pretty much anything in WvW don’t have anything to show for it, and what they do get is a lot less than people who do PvE get.

Also, why the double standard?

When new characters are leveling and go into a dungeon and die a lot, they aren’t handed free gear that will keep them alive. Or if their low damage is causing them to die out before they kill certain mobs, they aren’t handed free stuff. Nope. They’re told that they’re new, and that they need to learn how to dodge stuff, and that they shouldn’t use half level 30 armor in a level 50 dungeon. Or even the higher level dungeons, people are like “want full zerker (class) group for runs. Know how to do X dungeon or get kicked.”

So why is it okay for new people do not do good in PvE (even if it’s a gear/trait issue), but there’s bleeding hearts everywhere if they don’t do well against people who have been playing WvW for over a year with no gear, gold or anything else fancy to show for it but those (needed) stat boosts? Why reward the people who PvE a lot, but not the people who WvW a lot?

Won’t someone please think of the Dolyaks?!?!


Keep Applied Fortitude and/or Applied Strength how it is, or more gold/better crafting material for doing WvW please (to make it equal to PvE).

Also, please make Dolyaks fun.

(edited by Chemical Rush.2569)