WvW Achievements
What more do you need? Every aspect of WvW already has an achievement tied to it. What would new achievements look like? Die 250k times?
1) YOLOIST – You solo yolo’d orange swords (cause noone else would) 50 times! Here’s a legendary!
2) YOLOIST Prerequisite: 8 SECONDS – During yolo engagements, you survived atleast 8 seconds 10 times. Here’s a title!
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Many of the achievements are very far apart relative to their sPvP counterparts.
There are no achievements for:
- operating siege (knock out x pieces of siege with a balista, destroy 10 walls, etc.).
- destroying enemy siege
- flipping sentries
- flipping ruins/monuments
- kill enemies using [insert class]
- earning points, either by capturing an objective or killing another player
- supporting other players (x boons shared, y amount healed)
- earning wvw ranks
Many of these are 1:1 to sPvP achievements.
+1 to this. Not super high priority IMO, but WvW achievements could definitely use another look.
I agree that the wvw reward track could use some tweaking, but nowhere near as much as the OP claims is needed. That list was absurd, imo.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
Didn’t there used to be an achieve for sentry cap? Or Am I remebering wrong?
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Didn’t there used to be an achieve for sentry cap? Or Am I remebering wrong?
Not sure. I do remember getting a lot of aps in wvw a year or two ago. That doesn’t really exist anymore. But I do like the idea of the reward track.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
From personal experience, it seems that alot of the existing acheivements kind of fell by the wayside when they lowered the requirements. One could argue that some shouldn’t have been lowered so much. But, since they were, new achievements to reignite things that that we each did (for mostly selfish reasons) but still overall helped our servers, such as yak-scorting, isn’t a bad idea to peak more intrest.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
From personal experience, it seems that alot of the existing acheivements kind of fell by the wayside when they lowered the requirements. One could argue that some shouldn’t have been lowered so much. But, since they were, new achievements to reignite things that that we each did (for mostly selfish reasons) but still overall helped our servers, such as yak-scorting, isn’t a bad idea to peak more intrest.
Yea, there was a time when you got aps in wvw like crazy. It was nice, but I am somewhat happy with the current system in wvw, with maybe a few more tweaks. It will be interesting to see what the points adjustment that Anet has been talking about for wvw will be like when it goes active.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
th onlyachievement that needs another look is this ridiculous one that ANet kept at 250000 player kills, just not to peep off some kill farmers that farmed this title with a cheap method in a zerg fightign an other willing helpful enemy zerg to speed up the killing progress to obtain very quickly daily thousands of kills ..
When they changed the WvW tittles to make them all realistic, they should have fixed that achievement to and reduced the required amount of Player kilsl from this ridiculous 250000 kills down to a realitic and more sane 25000 Kills, which is alos still really ALOT, but still reachable over some years of playing WvW.
I’m no hardcore WvW playr for example, ive to go to work, so this reduces already my play time to just 1/3rd of the day and ive just after those 3 years the game exists so far hardly 14k kills so far only..if I would keep my pace lik this constantly, it would take me roughly 5 years or so to reach these 25k kills, if I dont do such cheap kill farming methods like most of the people that run around with this achievement did…
if nobody would have done thi,s I doubt it hard, that we seriously would still have a single player in this game who would have this title at all.
I doubt it that there is a single player in the whole GW2, which has done 250000 player wvw kils so far just from simple normal playing WvW
If there would exist one, that would basically mean that this player would nhave needed to kill every single day so far without break 203 kills every freaking single day in theory without doing ever anything else than playing WvW and constantly killing people in the game
Might be fun to have some WvW achievements tied into Guild challenges. That could engage the GvG community more or even duelists. Trigger a certain challenge like “Killing X players within 30 minutes” or something. Stay alive for X minutes while active on a borderland. No money spent on repairs during your time in a borderland. I mean we could get creative, even have a community contest for it and the winner gets some nice swag.
Most people I know don’t play towards achievements. But to me anything that gets people interested in the game mode is positive. Yakslapper is about the only one I ever tried to get and before it just seemed out of reach. The thing is I still want them to be hard and take a long amount of time to perform.
Tarnished Coast: Bringing the Butter to you (no pants allowed)