WvW Achievements

WvW Achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Hymnosi.5928



WvW achievements have some extremely long term goals attached to them. 250,000 kills, 1,000,000 yaks killed, etcera. My question is, were the titles initially supposed to be multiple tiered?

For instance, you have Ultimate Besieger, was the original intention to have a title for each tier? So, you would have Exceptional Besieger, Besieger, Novice Besieger, etcera.

Just wondering.

Hymnosi – Lv80 Engineer
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass

WvW Achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Bananasmile.4126


Should be…based on my computation…it will take me years to achieve an Ultimate title. Not talking about 1 or 2 years…talking about 5 or 6 or more years LOL! That’s a loooong time. I think these Ultimate titles are great, couple of years down the road, we’d see people with these titles and just respect them, it’s something to aim for in the super long term…but there should be progression.

Strikethree, Kinetix (Ki)
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)