WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Hey I’ve been thinking about the ideal map/population system to save GW2 WvW an came up with this (see attached file).

I tried to find solution to people’s most frequently mentioned issues, that of overflow system and the return of Alpine BL.

Basically all servers would be merged into 3 alliances.
There would be:
7 Neutral maps: 2 EBG and 4 EotM
6 Borderland maps: 3 Alpine BL and 3 Desert BL
1 new TDM/KotH arena
2 improved versions of Obsidian Sanctum

In total these maps would be able to sustain over 2000 players at any given time, basically the sum of the entire WvW population of 24 servers.

On any of these maps points could be accumulated to help your Alliance:
1- EotM maps would no longer exist as overflow, they would instead be an alternate version of EBG without an upgrade system. The maximum PPT score on EotM maps would be 50% of the value of an EBG map.

2- Each alliance would have 2 borderlands to protect, Desert and Alpine.
The Desert BL would be changed to be easier to travel through the Shrines and the middle event would be replaced by a gateless keep with a waypoint.

3- The new Team Deathmatch smaller map would have one keep in the middle that give a slight advantage in combat for respawn. The TDM score reset would be every hour for 250 points. Each kills would also count.

4- 10v10 and 15v15 GvGs would also be organized on the Obsidian Sanctum maps with a squad queue system and a spectator system (only 1 gvg per map at a time). A victory would be worth 50 points.

That’s what I would like to see in this game at this point, feel free to comment if possible in a constructive manner. We all want to save this game mode.


WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

in WvW

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

No… kitten idea
-Consolidate & Merge all servers
-Creat only 2 opposing factions
-& Cross fingers population sticks around

WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


No… kitten idea
-Consolidate & Merge all servers
-Creat only 2 opposing factions
-& Cross fingers population sticks around

1- That’s what I proposed, but you need enough maps to support the population, which is why I came up with a new WvW world map.

2- That makes no sense, might as well play another game. WvW is a 3-sided game.

3- Well people are leaving now, so it can’t be worse.

WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

in WvW

Posted by: Soon.5240


Unfortunately, whatever changes to come have been in the pipeline for the last 6 months and are by the same development team that gave us dumpster fire, PvE centric mess that is WvW today.

I doubt that the development team had an “ah ha” moment where they NOW finally get WvW…..

WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Unfortunately, whatever changes to come have been in the pipeline for the last 6 months and are by the same development team that gave us dumpster fire, PvE centric mess that is WvW today.

I doubt that the development team had an “ah ha” moment where they NOW finally get WvW…..

People don’t/can’t or just refuse to believe this. The people who brought you the ruins, EotM, and the Deserted BL aren’t going to suddenly make a 180 and start producing successes.

WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

in WvW

Posted by: PariahX.6970


have you guys seen all the different maps ANET has worked on but never put in game? Check out any of WoodenPotatoes Tyria3D videos like https://youtu.be/R-SYZDpDNq8 from over last summer for another trip down wasted potential lane. There are a ton of them and some even look they would work TDM/KotH arena idea.

I think the OP’s # of maps and point values for them sound about right given current populations but it would need a way to shrink or grow as active WvW population changes, maybe even within real time, a different # of maps available outside of primetime hours?

One thing I wonder about is how ANET would develop and enhance community in this kind of situation. Maybe if they made the different maps themed up to different playstyles but TBH, the best thing about WvW is all the different playstyles feeding off each other so then maybe making the rewards targeted to different community types? I don’t know, I just want to be able to find maps to play on with people of similar mind and focus as me, people I enjoy playing with and know the habits of but might not be in my guild or friends list. That is a much harder nut to crack I fear but maybe their megasever algorithm is working on it.

~Xylla~ [oG] on Ehmry Bay [PiXi]
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .

WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

in WvW

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Megaservers for WvW need to be implemented really fast.

Right now ANet is not providing the same service to all costumers because players from lower tier servers can not enjoy WvW properly, as the costumers of higher population servers do.

All the other aspects of the game are equal to all servers except WvW.

And charging money/gems for people to transfer to more populated servers in order to enjoy the same WvW service as high population servers it is also an abuse.

“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

in WvW

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

Xillllix.3485 Do you understand the kiss philosophies? Keep It Stupid Simple?
what ur proposing is to complex & wont work. Complexity in this game has shown only 1 thing. Failure!

We have arrived in a time were consolidating all servers into one will fix the population problem. In theory. (meaning if ppl still play WvW.)

Also, having 3 groups (servers facing each other) has proven way to problematic in many cases. Especially when it comes to group population vs weaker ones. It’s just not fun & does servers like so many stop playing in all.

No Anet need merge all & to implement just 2 factions to oppose each other like all other smart mmo’s. Other then that it fails.

(edited by Vieux P.1238)

WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


While I like the idea and have suggested something similar before, the problem with this is PPT, server stacking and player fatigue. In short, if one alliance start to steamroll all the maps due to coverage, the other two will pretty much give up.

I definetly believe that we need a variable map system. 15 static maps for the entire population is a no-go. We already know that EB generally dont fill until primetime (forget about borders lol). Having EU as an example, it gives us a maximum of 9 maps open during quiet hours – probably want to reduce that to 6 or so. On top of that, you need a max PPT cap based on current population to keep things from steamrolling even if one side cap all 6 maps. How I imagine the map setup:

EB1 (20/300 players, open) → Instance1 (desert, closed, 3h battlemap) → Instance2 (EoTM, closed, 3h battlemap)
EB2 (260/300 players, open) → Instance1 (desert, open, 210/300 players, 3h battlemap) → Instance2 (EoTM, open, 135/300 players, 3h battlemap)
EB3 (170/300 players, open) → Instance1 (desert, closed, 3h battlemap) → Instance2 (EoTM, open, 200/300 players, 3h battlemap)

EB would be open 24/7 in match while instances are EoTM style fights. All open maps can be joined. A battlemap offer score to the alliance that won, again similar to EoTM

In this scenario, EB1 is has little players, thus the extra maps remain closed. EB2 has more players, so Instance1 opened. This also had enough players to open Instance2. On EB3, there arent enough players to open Instance1 but that instance had previously been open and opened Instance2 which is still running its 3h fight (EB3 was full, Instance1 was full but has ended).

In terms of visual design, Instead of buttons saying “Eternal Battleground” imagine a wheel similar to the new mastery system – a ring of EBs with locked or open maps going out from each EB

Each server would have a “home EB” with their keep on it, just like now.

WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


All of NA WvW could easily fit in 2 or 3 tiers now. In another year, probably one with no Qs. I hate to say this is a moot argument but….

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


All of NA WvW could easily fit in 2 or 3 tiers now. In another year, probably one with no Qs. I hate to say this is a moot argument but….

Yeah that’s why I think adding the 2 sets of borderlands with a few EotM instances would make it possible to finally only have 1 merged tier.

WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


@OP: I think you proposal leave out the main power of mega-server, namely time-dependent adaptation of map-capacity to demand.

In (EU-) WvW we see a few handful people in the night and several tousand between 20:00 and 22:00. The main challange (to make it good) and opportunity I see in varying map-capacity over the day.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

in WvW

Posted by: Osu.6307


If wvw goes megaserver, I hope they go with a campaign system like ESO. The entire game is mostly a trainwreck, but campaigns were one of the few things in ESO that actually worked. I imagine the entire wvw community would now probably fit in 3 campaigns.


WvW Alliance/Megaserver System

in WvW

Posted by: Daddar.5971


Guys, the horse is already dead. It may still be twitching, but it will never get up and run again. Besides, after the epic failure of the Deserted border lands, no more money is going to be spent on this game mode. No business survives by ‘throwing good money after bad’. I’m not staying until flies feast on the carcass of this mangy beast. Feel free to stay here and beat it until the stink gets to you though.

‘Elite’ in all 9 professions. I take mediocrity seriously!