WvW Badges

WvW Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Natural.7013


Can someone please explain to me how badges work in WvW. As a guardian it can be a pain to get them during fights as it is on top of the fact that you can’t always loot them.

However, I’ve had many situations where I’ve literally solo’d someone and got 0 for it. Are badges just random in general??

WvW Badges

in WvW

Posted by: sCor.8069


Whenever you kill someone (kill assist also count) you get a chance for a badge of honor to drop. That can be either 2 badges or one. You can also get badges for killing NPC’s of hostile factions, although the chance for a badge to drop is much lower.

WvW Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Yeah – random drops. I often get strange spikes instead, or loot bags or other loot instead of badges.